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Oracle® Database XStream Java API Reference
12c Release 2 (12.2)

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AbstractLCR - Class in oracle.streams
The AbstractLCR class provides an abstract implementation of the LCR interface.
AbstractLCR() - Constructor for class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
attach(OracleConnection, String, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
Attaches to an inbound server.
attach(OracleConnection, String, String, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
Attaches to an inbound server.
attach(OracleConnection, String, byte[], int) - Static method in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
Attaches to outbound server.
attach(OracleConnection, String, byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
Attaches to outbound server.
ATTACH_APP_CONTAINER_MODE - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
This attach mode captures application container statements.
ATTACH_EXTENDED_ID_MODE - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
This attach mode returns transaction ID using extended format, "pdb_id.nn.nn.nn".
ATTRIBUTE_ROOT_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.LCR
The name of the root container in a consolidated database.
ATTRIBUTE_ROW_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.LCR
The rowid of the row changed in a row LCR.
ATTRIBUTE_SERIAL_NUM - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.LCR
The serial number of the session that performed the change captured in the LCR.
ATTRIBUTE_SESSION_NUM - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.LCR
The identifier of the session that performed the change captured in the LCR.
ATTRIBUTE_THREAD_NUM - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.LCR
The thread number of the instance in which the change captured in the LCR was performed.
ATTRIBUTE_TX_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.LCR
The name of the transaction that includes the LCR.
ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.LCR
The name of the current user who performed the change captured in the LCR.


BINARY_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
BINARY_FLOAT - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
BLOB - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue


CHAR - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
ChunkColumnValue - Interface in oracle.streams
The ChunkColumnValue interface encapsulates the information about a LOB, LONG, or XMLTYPE column in a RowLCR.
CLOB - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
ColumnValue - Interface in oracle.streams
The ColumnValue interface encapsulates the information about a column in a RowLCR.
COMMIT - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
convertSCNToPosition(NUMBER) - Static method in class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility
Converts the given SCN to a XStream position.
convertSCNToPosition(NUMBER, int) - Static method in class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility
Converts the given SCN to a XStream position.
createChunk() - Method in interface oracle.streams.XStreamLCRCallbackHandler
The callback method for constructing chunk data that is sent to an XStream inbound server.
createLCR() - Method in interface oracle.streams.XStreamLCRCallbackHandler
The callback method for creating an LCR and sending it to an XStream inbound server.


DATE - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
DDLLCR - Interface in oracle.streams
The DDLLCR interface encapsulates the information about a DDL LCR.
DEFAULT_BATCH_INTERVAL - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
XStreamIn default batch interval value for batch processing
DEFAULT_BATCH_INTERVAL - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
XStreamOut default acknowledge interval value for batch processing
DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
XStreamOut default timeout value for idle processing
DEFAULT_MODE - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
XStreamIn default mode
DEFAULT_MODE - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
XStreamOut default mode
DefaultChunkColumnValue - Class in oracle.streams
The DefaultChunkColumnValue class provides an Oracle default implementation of the ChunkColumnValue interface.
DefaultChunkColumnValue(String, Datum, int) - Constructor for class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Constructs a DefaultChunkColumnValue object with the column information.
DefaultChunkColumnValue(String, Datum, int, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Constructs a DefaultChunkColumnValue object with the column information.
DefaultColumnValue - Class in oracle.streams
The DefaultColumnValue class provides an Oracle default implementation of ColumnValue interface.
DefaultColumnValue(String, Datum, int) - Constructor for class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Constructs a DefaultColumnValue object with columnName, columnData, and columnDataType.
When columnData is NULL, a valid columnDataType is expected.
DefaultColumnValue(String, Datum) - Constructor for class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Constructs a DefaultColumnValue object with columnName and columnData.
This constructor can be used when columnData is not null.
DefaultDDLLCR - Class in oracle.streams
The DefaultDDLLCR class provides an Oracle default implementation of the DDLLCR interface.
DefaultDDLLCR() - Constructor for class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Constructs a DDLLCR object with NULL values
DefaultDDLLCR(String, String, String, String, String, byte[], byte[], DATE) - Constructor for class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Constructs a DDLLCR object with given LCR parameters
DefaultRowLCR - Class in oracle.streams
The DefaultRowLCR class provides an Oracle default implementation of the RowLCR interface.
DefaultRowLCR(String, String, String, String, String, byte[], byte[], DATE) - Constructor for class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Constructs a RowLCR object with given LCR parameters.
DefaultRowLCR() - Constructor for class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Constructs a RowLCR object with NULL values.
DELETE - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
detach(int) - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
Detaches from an inbound server.
detach(int) - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
Detaches from outbound server.


EXECUTING - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
XStreamIn batch processing status EXECUTING, which indicates the the batch is in progress
EXECUTING - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
XStreamOut batch processing status EXECUTING, which indicates the the batch is in progress


FINISHED - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
XStreamIn batch processing status FINISHED, which is the default status
FINISHED - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
XStreamOut batch processing status FINISHED, which is the default status
flush(int) - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
Flushes the network.


getAttribute(Object) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the attribute by specifying the attribute name.
getAttribute(Object) - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Gets the attribute by specifying the attribute name.
getAttributeName(int) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the attribute name in the LCR attributes list by position.
getAttributesList() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the list of attribute name and value pairs in the LCR.
getAttributeValue(int) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the attribute value in the LCR attributes list by position.
getBaseTableName() - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Gets the base table name.
getBaseTableName() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Gets the base table name.
getBaseTableOwner() - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Gets the base table owner.
getBaseTableOwner() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Gets the base table owner.
getBatchStatus() - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
Gets batch status.
getBinds() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Gets the bind values that bind the SQL statement generated using getStatement().
getCharSetId() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Gets the chunk character set ID.
getCharsetId() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
Gets the column character set identifier (ID).
getCharSetId() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Gets the chunk character set identifier (ID) for an XMLTYPE chunk
The character set ID indicates the character set used to interpret the XMLTYPE chunk data.
getCharsetId() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Gets the column character set identifier (ID).
getChunkOffset() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Gets the chunk operation offset.
getChunkOffset() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Gets the chunk operation offset.
getChunkOperationSize() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Gets the chunk operation size.
getChunkOperationSize() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Gets the chunk operation size.
getChunkType() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Gets the chunk type.
getChunkType() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Gets the chunk type.
getColumnData() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
Gets the column data.
getColumnData() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Gets the column data.
getColumnDataType() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
Gets the column data type as defined in this interface.
getColumnDataType() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Gets the column data type as defined in ColumnValue interface.
getColumnName() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
Gets the column name.
getColumnName() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Gets the column name.
getCommandType() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the LCR command type executed in the DML or DDL statement.
getCommandType() - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Gets the LCR command type executed in the DML or DDL statement.
getCommitSCN() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the LCR commit system change number (SCN) in the format of oracle.sql.NUMBER.
getCommitSCNFromPosition(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility
Gets the commit system change number (SCN) from a position.
getCurrentSchema() - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Gets the current schema name.
getCurrentSchema() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Gets the current schema name.
getDateFormat() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Gets the date format of a row LCR.
getDDLText() - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Gets the DDL statement text.
getDDLText() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Gets the DDL statement text.
getEditionName() - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Gets the edition name.
getEditionName() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Gets the edition name.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception oracle.streams.StreamsException
Gets the Oracle-specific error code.
getFetchLowWatermark() - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
Gets fetch low watermark.
getLastPosition() - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
Gets last position.
getLogonUser() - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Gets the logon user name.
getLogonUser() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Gets the logon user name.
getMessageTrackingLabel() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the message tracking label of the LCR.
getNewValues() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Gets the list of new column values in a row LCR.
getNewValues() - Method in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
Gets the list of new column values in a row LCR.
getNumAttributes() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the total number of attributes in the LCR.
getObjectName() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the name of the object that is changed by the LCR.
getObjectName() - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Gets the name of the object that is changed by the LCR.
getObjectOwner() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the owner of the object that is changed by the LCR.
getObjectOwner() - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Gets the owner of the object that is changed by the LCR.
getObjectType() - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Gets the object type.
getObjectType() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Gets the object type.
getOldestPosition() - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
Gets the oldest position.
getOldValues() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Gets the list of old column values in a row LCR.
getOldValues() - Method in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
Gets the list of old column values in a row LCR.
getPosition() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the position of the current LCR.
getPosition() - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Gets the position of the current LCR.
getProcessedLowWatermark() - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
Gets the processed low watermark.
getRootName() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the root name of the LCR.
getSCN() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the SCN of the current LCR in the format of oracle.sql.NUMBER.
getSCNFromPosition(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility
Gets the SCN from a position.
getSourceDatabaseName() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the global name of the source database.
getSourceDatabaseName() - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Gets the global name of the source database.
getSourceTime() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the time when the LCR was created.
getSourceTime() - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Gets the time when the LCR was created.
getStatement(boolean) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Generates a SQL statement from the row LCR.
getTag() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the tag for the LCR.
getTag() - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Gets the tag for the LCR.
getTDEFlag() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
Gets the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) flag.
getTDEFlag() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Gets the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) flag.
getTimeStampFormat() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Gets the timestamp format.
getTransactionId() - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Gets the transaction identifier of the LCR.
getTransactionId() - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Gets the transaction identifier of the LCR.
getWhereClause(boolean) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Gets a WHERE clause for the change that is encapsulated in the row LCR.
getWhereClauseBinds() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Gets the bind array to be used with the WHERE clause generated by getWhereClause().


hasChunkData() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Indicates whether this LCR contains chunk data for LOB, LONG, or XMLTYPE columns.
hasChunkData() - Method in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
Indicates whether this LCR contains chunk data for LOB, LONG, or XMLTYPE columns.
hasIDKeyColumnsOnly() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Indicates whether the LCR only has identification key columns.


INSERT - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
INTERVALDS - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
INTERVALYM - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
is32kData() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
Indicates whether the column is an extended size column (maximum size of 32767 bytes).
is32kData() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Indicates whether the column is an extended size column (maximum size of 32767 bytes).
isEmptyChunk() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Indicates whether the chunk is empty.
isEmptyChunk() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Indicates whether the chunk is empty.
isEndOfRow() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Indicates whether the chunk is the end of the entire row change.
isEndOfRow() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Indicates whether the chunk is the end of the entire row change.
isLastChunk() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Indicates whether the chunk is the last one for the column.
isLastChunk() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Indicates whether the chunk is the last one for the column.
isSequenceLCR() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Indicates whether the LCR is a sequence LCR, which is generated by accessing NEXTVAL of an Oracle sequence.
isXMLDiff() - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Indicates whether the XMLType chunk is an XMLDiff.
isXMLDiff() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Indicates whether the chunk is an XMLDiff.


LCR - Interface in oracle.streams
The LCR interface encapsulates information about the logical change record (LCR).
LOB_ERASE - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
LOB_TRIM - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
LOB_WRITE - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
LONG - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
LONGRAW - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue


MAX_POS_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility


NCLOB - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
NEW_COLUMN_ONLY_MODE - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
This column list mode allows users to receive LCRs with only new columns in the new value list.
NUMBER - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue


oracle.streams - package oracle.streams


POS_LENGTH_V1 - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility
POS_LENGTH_V2 - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility
POS_VERSION_V1 - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility
POS_VERSION_V2 - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility
processChunk(ChunkColumnValue) - Method in interface oracle.streams.XStreamLCRCallbackHandler
The callback method for processing chunk data received from an XStream outbound server for an LCR received through the processLCR callback method.
processLCR(LCR) - Method in interface oracle.streams.XStreamLCRCallbackHandler
The callback method for processing an LCR recevied from an XStream outbound server.


RAW - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
receiveChunk(int) - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
Receives chunk data in non-callback mode.
receiveLCR(int) - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
Receives one LCR in non-callback mode.
receiveLCRCallback(XStreamLCRCallbackHandler, int) - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
Receives a stream of LCRs in callback mode.
RowLCR - Interface in oracle.streams
The RowLCR interface encapsulates the information about a row logical change record (LCR).


SCN_START_V1 - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility
SCN_START_V2 - Static variable in class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility
sendChunk(ChunkColumnValue, int) - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
Sends chunk data in non-callback mode.
sendLCR(LCR, int) - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
Sends one LCR in non-callback mode.
sendLCRCallback(XStreamLCRCallbackHandler, int) - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamIn
Sends a stream of LCRs in callback mode.
set32kData(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
Sets the extended size column flag (maximum size of 32767 bytes).
set32kData(boolean) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Sets the extended size column flag (maximum size of 32767 bytes).
setAttribute(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Sets attribute by providing the name and value pair; the name is used as the hash key.
setAttribute(Object, Object) - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Sets attribute by providing the name and value pair; the name is used as the hash key.
setBaseTableName(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Sets the base table name.
setBaseTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Sets the base table name.
setBaseTableOwner(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Sets the base table owner.
setBaseTableOwner(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Sets the base table owner.
setCharSetId(int) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Sets the character set ID for an XMLTYPE chunk.
setCharsetId(int) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
Sets the Oracle character set ID for the column.
setCharSetId(int) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Sets the character set ID for an XMLTYPE chunk.
setCharsetId(int) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Sets the Oracle character set ID for the column.
setChunkDataFlag(boolean) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Sets the chunkDataFlag.
setChunkDataFlag(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
Sets the chunkDataFlag.
setChunkOffset(BigInteger) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Sets the chunk operation offset.
setChunkOffset(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Sets the chunk operation offset.
setChunkOperationSize(BigInteger) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Sets the chunk operation size.
setChunkOperationSize(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Sets the chunk operation size.
setChunkType(int) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Sets the chunk type.
setChunkType(int) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Sets the chunk type.
setColumnData(Datum, int) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
Sets the column data.
setColumnData(Datum) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Sets the column data for a ChunkColumnValue.
setColumnData(Datum, int) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Sets the column data.
setColumnData(Datum, int) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Sets the column data.
setColumnName(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
Sets the column name.
setColumnName(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Sets the column name.
setCommandType(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Sets the command type in the LCR.
setCommandType(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Sets the command type in the LCR.
setCurrentSchema(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Sets the current schema.
setCurrentSchema(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Sets the current schema.
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Sets the date format that is used to convert a DATE value to a String value.
setDDLText(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Sets the DDL statement text.
setDDLText(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Sets the DDL statement text.
setEditionName(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Sets the edition name.
setEditionName(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Sets the edition name.
setEmptyChunk(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Sets the empty chunk flag.
setEmptyChunk(boolean) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Sets the empty chunk flag.
setEndOfRow(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Sets the endOfRow chunk flag.
setEndOfRow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Sets the endOfRow chunk flag.
setIDKeyColumnsOnly(boolean) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Sets whether or not this LCR only has identification key columns.
setLastChunk(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Sets the last chunk flag.
setLastChunk(boolean) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Sets the last chunk flag.
setLogonUser(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Sets the logon user name.
setLogonUser(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Sets the logon user name.
setMessageTrackingLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Sets the message tracking label of the LCR.
setNewValues(ColumnValue[]) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Sets the new column values list for a RowLCR.
setNewValues(ColumnValue[]) - Method in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
Sets the new column values list for a row LCR.
setObjectName(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Sets the name of the object that is changed by the LCR.
setObjectName(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Sets the name of the object that is changed by the LCR.
setObjectOwner(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Sets the owner of the object that is changed by the LCR .
setObjectOwner(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Sets the owner of the object that is changed by the LCR .
setObjectType(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.DDLLCR
Sets the object type.
setObjectType(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultDDLLCR
Sets the object type.
setOldValues(ColumnValue[]) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Sets the old column values list for a row LCR.
setOldValues(ColumnValue[]) - Method in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR
Sets the old column values list for a row LCR.
setPosition(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Sets the position in the LCR.
setPosition(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Sets the position in the LCR.
setProcessedLowWatermark(byte[], int) - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
Sets processed low watermark.
setProcessedLowWatermark(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class oracle.streams.XStreamOut
Sets processed low watermark.
setRootName(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Sets the root name of the LCR.
setSequenceLCRFlag(boolean) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Sets the sequence LCR flag.
setSourceDatabaseName(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Sets the source database name of the object that is changed by the LCR.
setSourceDatabaseName(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Sets the source database name of the object that is changed by the LCR.
setSourceTime(DATE) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Sets the source timestamp when the LCR was created.
setSourceTime(DATE) - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Sets the source timestamp when the LCR was created.
setTag(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Sets the LCR tag information.
setTag(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Sets the tag for the LCR.
setTDEFlag(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
Sets the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) flag.
setTDEFlag(boolean) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
Sets the TDE flag.
setTimeStampFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR
Sets the timestamp format that is used to convert a TIMESTAMP value to a String value
setTransactionId(String) - Method in class oracle.streams.AbstractLCR
Sets the transaction identifier for the LCR.
setTransactionId(String) - Method in interface oracle.streams.LCR
Sets the transaction identifier for the LCR.
setXMLDiff(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
Sets the XMLDiff flag.
setXMLDiff(boolean) - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
Sets the XMLDiff flag.
StreamsException - Exception in oracle.streams
The StreamsException class provides information about Oracle Streams errors.
StreamsException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.streams.StreamsException
Constructs a StreamsException object with message only.
StreamsException(String, int) - Constructor for exception oracle.streams.StreamsException
Constructs a StreamsException object with message and error code.
StreamsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.streams.StreamsException
Constructs a StreamsException object with message and cause.


TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
TIMESTAMPLTZ - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
TIMESTAMPTZ - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ColumnValue
toString() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultChunkColumnValue
toString() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultColumnValue
toString() - Method in class oracle.streams.DefaultRowLCR


UPDATE - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.RowLCR


XMLTYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.streams.ChunkColumnValue
XStreamIn - Class in oracle.streams
The XStreamIn class provides APIs for using Oracle XStream In.
XStreamLCRCallbackHandler - Interface in oracle.streams
The XStreamLCRCallbackHandler interface enables clients to receive LCRs and chunk data from an XStream outbound server or send LCRs and chunk data to an XStream inbound server using a callback mechanism.
XStreamOut - Class in oracle.streams
The XStreamOut class provides APIs for using Oracle XStream Out.
XStreamUtility - Class in oracle.streams
The XStreamUtility class provides utility methods for using XStream APIs.
XStreamUtility() - Constructor for class oracle.streams.XStreamUtility
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Oracle® Database XStream Java API Reference
12c Release 2 (12.2)


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