15 Oracle Database Vault Realm APIs

The DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package enables you to configure Oracle Database Vault realms.

Only users who have been granted the DV_OWNER or DV_ADMIN role can use these procedures. For constants that you can use with these procedures, see Table 21-1 for more information.

15.1 ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Procedure

The ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure authorizes a user or role to access a realm as an owner or a participant. In a multitenant environment, you can authenticate both common and local realms.

For detailed information about realm authorization, see About Realm Authorization.

Optionally, you can specify a rule set that must be checked before allowing the authorization to be enabled.


 realm_name    IN VARCHAR2, 
 grantee       IN VARCHAR2, 
 rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, 
 auth_options  IN NUMBER
 auth_scope    IN NUMBER DEFAULT); 


Table 15-1 ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM Parameters

Parameter Description


Realm name.

To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View.


User or role name to authorize as an owner or a participant.

To find the existing users and roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_USERS and DBA_ROLES views, described in Oracle Database Reference.

To find the authorization of a particular user or role, query the DVA_DV_REALM_AUTH view, described in DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View.

To find existing secure application roles used in privilege management, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view. Both are described in Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views.


Optional. The rule set to check during runtime. The realm authorization is enabled only if the rule set evaluates to TRUE.

To find the available rule sets, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view, described in DBA_DV_RULE_SET_RULE View.


Optional. Specify one of the following options to authorize the realm:

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_PARTICIPANT: Participant. This account or role provides system or direct privileges to access, manipulate, and create objects protected by the realm, provided these rights have been granted using the standard Oracle Database privilege grant process. (Default)

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER: Owner. This account or role has the same authorization as the realm participant, plus the authorization to grant or revoke realm-secured roles and privileges on realm-protected objects.

The audit_options parameter applies to traditional auditing only. If you have enabled unified auditing, then create a unified audit policy instead of using audit_options.

See About Realm Authorization for more information on participants and owners.


For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows:

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) to authorize the realm locally in the current PDB

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) to authorize the realm in the application root


The following example authorizes user SYSADM as a participant in the Performance Statistics Realm. Because the default is to authorize the user as a participant, the auth_options parameter can be omitted.

  realm_name  => 'Performance Statistics Realm', 
  grantee     => 'SYSADM'); 

This example sets user SYSADM as the owner of the Performance Statistics Realm.

  realm_name   => 'Performance Statistics Realm', 
  grantee      => 'SYSADM', 
  auth_options => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER);

The next example triggers the Check Conf Access rule set before allowing user SYSADM to act as the owner of the Performance Statistics Realm.

  realm_name    => 'Performance Statistics Realm', 
  grantee       => 'SYSADM', 
  rule_set_name => 'Check Conf Access',
  auth_options  => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER);

This example shows how to commonly grant the common user C##HR_ADMIN access to the common realm HR Statistics Realm. The user running this procedure must be in the CDB root, and the rule set must be a common rule set residing in the application root.

  realm_name    => 'HR Statistics Realm', 
  grantee       => 'C##HR_ADMIN', 
  rule_set_name => 'Check Access',
  auth_options  => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER,
 auth_scope    => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON);

This example shows how to locally grant the common user C##HR_CLERK access to the common realm HR Statistics Realm. The user running this procedure must be in the same PDB in which the authorization applies. To find the existing PDBs query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view. The rule set must be a local rule set.

  realm_name    => 'HR Statistics Realm', 
  grantee       => 'C##HR_CLERK', 
  rule_set_name => 'Check Access',
  auth_options  => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER,
  auth_scope    => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL);

15.2 ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM Procedure

The ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM procedure registers a set of objects for realm protection.


  realm_name   IN VARCHAR2, 
  object_owner IN VARCHAR2, 
  object_name  IN VARCHAR2, 
  object_type  IN VARCHAR2); 


Table 15-2 ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM Parameters

Parameter Description


Realm name.

To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view.


The owner of the object that is being added to the realm. If you add a role to a realm, the object owner of the role is shown as % (for all), because roles do not have owners.

To find the available users, query the DBA_USERS view.

To find the authorization of a particular user or role, query the DVA_DV_REALM_AUTH view.


Object name. (The wildcard % is allowed.) You can also use the DBMS_MACUTL.G_ALL_OBJECT constant.

To find the available objects, query the ALL_OBJECTS view.

To find objects that are secured by existing realms, query the DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT view.


Object type, such as TABLE, INDEX, or ROLE. (The wildcard % is allowed.)

You can also use the DBMS_MACUTL.G_ALL_OBJECT constant.


  realm_name    => 'HR Apps',
  object_owner  => '%',
  object_name   => 'HR_SELECT_ROLE',
  object_type   => 'ROLE');

15.3 CREATE_REALM Procedure

The CREATE_REALM procedure creates a realm. In a multitenant environment, you can create both common and local realms.

After you create the realm, use the following procedures to complete the realm definition:

  • ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM procedure registers one or more objects for the realm.

  • ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM procedure authorizes users or roles for the realm.


 realm_name    IN VARCHAR2, 
 description   IN VARCHAR2, 
 enabled       IN VARCHAR2, 
 audit_options IN NUMBER,
 realm_type    IN NUMBER DEFAULT,
 realm_scope   IN NUMBER DEFAULT
 pl_sql_stack  IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT); 


Table 15-3 CREATE_REALM Parameters

Parameter Description


Realm name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case.

To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View.


Description of the purpose of the realm, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case.


Specify one of the following options to set the status of the realm:

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ to enable realm checking (default)

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable all realm checking, including the capture of violations in the simulation log

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log


Specify one of the following options to audit the realm:

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_OFF: Disables auditing for the realm (default)

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL: Creates an audit record when a realm violation occurs (for example, when an unauthorized user tries to modify an object that is protected by the realm)

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record for authorized activities on objects protected by the realm

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record for both authorized and unauthorized activities on objects protected by the realm

The audit_options parameter applies to traditional auditing only. If you have enabled unified auditing, then create a unified audit policy instead of using audit_options.


Specify one of the following options:

  • 0: Disables mandatory realm checking.

  • 1: Enables mandatory realm checking for realm objects. Only realm owners or realm participants will have access to objects in a realm. Object owners and object-privileged users who are not realm owners or participants will have no access.

See also Mandatory Realms to Restrict User Access to Objects within a Realm for more information about mandatory realms.


For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows:

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the realm must be local in the current PDB.

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the realm must be in the application root. This setting duplicates the realm in all of the associated PDBs.

If you create the common realm in an application root and want it visible to the associated PDBs, then you must synchronize the application. For example:



When simulation mode is enabled, specifies whether to record the PL/SQL stack for failed operations. Enter TRUE to record the PL/SQL stack, FALSE to not record. The default is FALSE.


The following example shows how to create a realm that is enabled, has auditing set to track both failed and successful access, uses mandatory realm checking, and records the PL/SQL stack.

  realm_name     => 'HR Apps',
  description    => 'Realm to protect the HR schema',
  enabled        => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES,
  audit_options  => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_OFF,
  realm_type     => 1,
  pl_sql_stack   => TRUE);

This example shows how to create a variation of the preceding example, but as a common realm located in the application root. The user who creates this realm must be a common user and must execute the procedure in the application root.

  realm_name     => 'HR Apps',
  description    => 'Realm to protect the HR schema',
  enabled        => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES,
  audit_options  => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_OFF,
  realm_type     => 1,
  realm_scope    => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON);

This example shows how to create a local version of the preceding example. The user who creates this realm must be in the PDB in which the realm will reside. To find existing PDBs, query the DBA_PDBS data dictionary view.

  realm_name     => 'HR Apps',
  description    => 'Realm to protect the HR schema',
  enabled        => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES,
  audit_options  => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_OFF,
  realm_type     => 1,
  realm_scope    => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL);

See Also:

Example 21-1


The DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM procedure removes the authorization of a user or role to access a realm.


 realm_name    IN VARCHAR2,
 grantee       IN VARCHAR2,
 auth_scope    IN NUMBER DEFAULT);  


Table 15-4 DELETE_AUTH_FROM_REALM Parameters

Parameter Description


Realm name.

To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View


User or role name.

To find the authorization of a particular user or role, query the DVA_DV_REALM_AUTH view, described in DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View.


For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows:

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the realm was authorized locally in the current PDB

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2 if the realm was authorized in the application root


 realm_name     => 'HR Apps',
 grantee        => 'PSMITH',
 auth_scope     => DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL);


The DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM procedure removes a set of objects from realm protection.


  realm_name   IN VARCHAR2, 
  object_owner IN VARCHAR2, 
  object_name  IN VARCHAR2, 
  object_type  IN VARCHAR2);


Table 15-5 DELETE_OBJECT_FROM_REALM Parameters

Parameter Description


Realm name.

To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View.


The owner of the object that was added to the realm.

To find the available users, query the DBA_USERS view, described in Oracle Database Reference.


Object name. (The wildcard % is allowed. See "Object Name" under About Realm-Secured Objects for exceptions to the wildcard %.) You can also use the DBMS_MACUTL.G_ALL_OBJECT constant.

To find objects that are secured by existing realms, query the DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT view, described in DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT View.


Object type, such as TABLE, INDEX, or ROLE. (The wildcard % is allowed. See "Object Types" under About Realm-Secured Objects for exceptions to the wildcard %.)

You can also use the DBMS_MACUTL.G_ALL_OBJECT constant.


  realm_name   => 'Performance Statistics Realm', 
  object_owner => 'SYS', 
  object_name  => 'GATHER_SYSTEM_STATISTICS', 
  object_type  => 'ROLE'); 

15.6 DELETE_REALM Procedure

The DELETE_REALM procedure deletes a realm, including its related configuration information that specifies who is authorized and what objects are protected.

This procedure does not delete the actual database objects or users.

To find users who are authorized for the realm, query the DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH view. To find the objects that are protected by the realm, query the DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT view. These views are described in Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views.


  realm_name IN VARCHAR2); 


Table 15-6 DELETE_REALM Parameter

Parameter Description


Realm name.

To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View.


EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_REALM('Performance Statistics Realm'); 


The DELETE_REALM_CASCADE procedure deletes a realm, including its related Database Vault configuration information that specifies who is authorized and the objects that are protected.

The DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH view lists who is authorized in the realm and the DBA_DV_REALM_OBJECT view lists the protected objects.

It does not delete the actual database objects or users. This procedure works the same as the DELETE_REALM procedure. (In previous releases, these procedures were different, but now they are the same. Both are retained for earlier compatibility.) To find a listing of the realm-related objects, query the DBA_DV_REALM view. To find its authorizations, query DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH. Both are described under Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views.


  realm_name IN VARCHAR2); 


Table 15-7 DELETE_REALM_CASCADE Parameter

Parameter Description


Realm name.

To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View.


EXEC DBMS_MACADM.DELETE_REALM_CASCADE('Performance Statistics Realm'); 

15.8 RENAME_REALM Procedure

The RENAME_REALM procedure renames a realm; the name change takes effect everywhere the realm is used.


 realm_name  IN VARCHAR2, 
 new_name    IN VARCHAR2); 


Table 15-8 RENAME_REALM Parameters

Parameter Description


Current realm name.

To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View.


New realm name, up to 128 characters in mixed-case.


  realm_name => 'Performance Statistics Realm', 
  new_name   => 'Sector 2 Performance Statistics Realm');

15.9 UPDATE_REALM Procedure

The UPDATE_REALM procedure updates a realm.

To find information about the current settings for a realm, query the DVSYS.DV$REALM view, described in DVSYS.DV$REALM View.


 realm_name    IN VARCHAR2, 
 description   IN VARCHAR2, 
 enabled       IN VARCHAR2, 
 audit_options IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
 pl_sql_stack  IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL); 


Table 15-9 UPDATE_REALM Parameters

Parameter Description


Realm name.

To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View.


Description of the purpose of the realm, up to 1024 characters in mixed-case.


Specify one of the following options to set the status of the realm:
  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES or ‘y’ to enable realm checking

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_NO or ‘n’ to disable all realm checking, including the capture of violations in the simulation log

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SIMULATION or ‘s’ to enable SQL statements to execute but capture violations in the simulation log

The default for enabled is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_REALM data dictionary view.


Specify one of the following options to audit the realm:

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_OFF: Disables auditing for the realm

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL: Creates an audit record when a realm violation occurs (for example, when an unauthorized user tries to modify an object that is protected by the realm

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record for authorized activities on objects protected by the realm.

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_FAIL + DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Creates an audit record for both authorized and unauthorized activities on objects protected by the realm

The default for audit_options is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_REALM data dictionary view.

The audit_options parameter applies to traditional auditing only. If you have enabled unified auditing, then create a unified audit policy instead of using audit_options.


If you do not specify the realm_type parameter, then Oracle Database Vault does not update the current realm_type setting.

Specify one of the following options:

  • 0: Sets the realm to be a regular realm, which does not have mandatory realm checking.

  • 1: Enables mandatory realm checking for realm objects. Only realm owners or realm participants will have access to objects in a realm. Object owners and object-privileged users who are not realm owners or participants will have no access.

See also Mandatory Realms to Restrict User Access to Objects within a Realm for more information about mandatory realms.


When simulation mode is enabled, indicates whether the PL/SQL stack has been recorded for failed operations. TRUE indicates that the PL/SQL stack has been recorded; FALSE indicates that the PL/SQL stack has not been recorded.


  realm_name    => 'Sector 2 Performance Statistics Realm', 
  description   => 'Realm to measure performance for Sector 2 applications', 
  enabled       => DBMS_MACUTL.G_YES, 
  realm_type    => 1);

15.10 UPDATE_REALM_AUTH Procedure

The UPDATE_REALM_AUTH procedure updates the authorization of a user or role to access a realm.


 realm_name    IN VARCHAR2, 
 grantee       IN VARCHAR2, 
 rule_set_name IN VARCHAR2, 
 auth_options  IN NUMBER,
 auth_scope    IN NUMBER DEFAULT); 


Table 15-10 UPDATE_REALM_AUTH Parameters

Parameter Description


Realm name.

To find the existing realms in the current database instance, query the DBA_DV_REALM view, described in DBA_DV_REALM View.


User or role name.

To find the available users and roles in the current database instance, query the DBA_USERS and DBA_ROLES views, described in Oracle Database Reference.

To find the authorization of a particular user or role, query the DVA_DV_REALM_AUTH view, described in DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH View.

To find existing secure application roles used in privilege management, query the DBA_DV_ROLE view, described in DBA_DV_ROLE View.


Optional. A rule set to check during runtime. The realm authorization is enabled only if the rule set evaluates to TRUE.

To find the available rule sets, query the DBA_DV_RULE_SET view. To find rules that are associated with the rule sets, query the DBA_DB_RULE_SET_RULE view. Both are described in Oracle Database Vault Data Dictionary Views.


Optional. Specify one of the following options to authorize the realm:

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_PARTICIPANT: Participant. This account or role provides system or direct privileges to access, manipulate, and create objects protected by the realm, provided these rights have been granted using the standard Oracle Database privilege grant process.

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER: Owner. This account or role has the same authorization as the realm participant, plus the authorization to grant or revoke realm-secured roles and privileges on realm-protected objects. A realm can have multiple owners.

The default for auth_options value is the previously set value, which you can find by querying the DBA_DV_REALM_AUTH data dictionary view.

The audit_options parameter applies to traditional auditing only. If you have enabled unified auditing, then create a unified audit policy instead of using audit_options.


For a multitenant environment, determines how to execute this procedure. The default is local. Options are as follows:

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_LOCAL (or 1) if the realm is authorized locally in the current PDB

  • DBMS_MACUTL.G_SCOPE_COMMON (or 2) if the realm is authorized in the application root


  realm_name    => 'Sector 2 Performance Statistics Realm', 
  grantee       => 'SYSADM', 
  rule_set_name => 'Check Conf Access', 
  auth_options  => DBMS_MACUTL.G_REALM_AUTH_OWNER);