
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  


  • access mode settings (transactions) 1
  • alternative environments, support 1
  • applets, using SQLJ 1
  • arrays
    • as iterator columns 1
    • VARRAYs 1
  • assignment statements (SET) 1
  • assumptions, environment 1
  • AuditorInstaller
    • command-line examples 1
    • customizer for debugging 1
    • invoking 1
    • options 1
    • runtime output 1
  • auditors in profiles for debugging 1
  • auto-commit
    • modifying in existing connection 1
    • specifying in new connection 1


  • backup option (customizer harness) 1
  • backward compatibility
    • Oracle SQLJ, general 1
    • to Oracle8i 1
  • batch updates
    • batchable and compatible statements 1
    • batching incompatible statements 1
    • batch limit 1
    • canceling a batch 1
    • cautions 1
    • enabling and disabling 1
    • error conditions during execution 1
    • explicit and implicit batch execution 1
    • overview 1
    • update counts 1
    • using implicit execution contexts 1
    • with respect to recursive call-ins 1
  • BetterDate (custom Java class) 1
  • BFILEs
    • as stored function results 1
    • BFILE support 1
  • BigDecimal
    • support 1
  • binary portability of profiles 1
  • bind-by-identifier option (sqlj -bind-by-identifier) 1
  • BLOB support 1
  • BOOLEAN type (PL/SQL) 1


  • cache option (sqlj -cache) 1
  • caching online checker results 1
  • caching statements 1
  • calling stored functions 1
  • calling stored procedures 1
  • calls to runtime, generated 1
  • CALL syntax for stored procedures 1
  • case-sensitive SQL UDT names 1
  • cause/action output for errors 1
  • character encoding
    • command line example 1
    • for messages 1
    • for source 1
    • overview 1
    • setting at runtime 1
    • using native2ascii 1
  • CHAR comparisons, blank padding 1, 2
  • checker option (SQLCheckerCustomizer) 1
  • checkfilename option (sqlj -checkfilename) 1
  • check source name against. public class 1
  • checksource option (sqlj -checksource) 1
  • check sources, expand resolution search 1
  • classpath and path 1
  • classpath option (sqlj -classpath) 1
  • clauses, SQLJ executable statements 1
  • CLOB support 1
  • close() method (DefaultContext) 1
  • close() method (ExecutionContext) 1
  • close() method (Oracle class) 1, 2
  • code generation
    • general information 1
    • Oracle-specific vs. ISO standard 1
    • translator -codegen option 1
  • codegen option (SQLJ -codegen) 1
  • code layers in profiles 1
  • collections
    • about custom Java classes 1
    • creating collection types 1
    • data types 1
    • fundamentals 1
    • ORAData specifications 1
    • overview of collection support 1
    • strongly typed 1
    • weak types, restrictions 1
    • weak types, support 1
  • column definitions (types/sizes)
    • general information 1
    • Oracle customizer optcols option 1
    • SQLJ -optcols option 1
  • command line (translator)
    • echoing without executing 1
    • example 1
    • overview 1
    • syntax and arguments 1
  • commit
    • automatic vs. manual 1
    • effect on iterators and result sets 1
    • manual 1
    • modifying auto-commit in existing connection 1
    • specifying auto-commit in new connection 1
  • compat(ibility) option (Oracle customizer) 1
  • compilation
    • compiling in two passes 1
    • during translation 1
    • enabling/disabling 1
  • compile option (sqlj -compile) 1
  • compiler
    • classpath option 1
    • options through SQLJ 1
    • option support for javac 1
    • related options 1
    • required behavior 1
    • specifying name 1
  • compiler encoding support option (sqlj) 1
  • compiler executable option (sqlj) 1
  • compiler message output pipe option (sqlj) 1
  • compiler output file option (sqlj -compiler...) 1
  • components option (sqlj -components) 1
  • configuration and installation verification 1
  • connect() method (Oracle class) 1
  • connection context
    • concepts 1
    • declaring and using 1
    • example 1
    • implementation and functionality 1
    • logistics 1
    • semantics-checking 1
  • connection contexts 1
    • close connection 1
    • concepts 1
    • converting from JDBC connection 1
    • converting to JDBC connection 1
    • declarations 1
    • declaration with IMPLEMENTS clause 1
    • declaring connection context class 1
    • from SQLJ data sources 1, 2
    • get default connection 1
    • get execution context 1
    • get JDBC connection 1
    • implementation and functionality 1
    • instantiating connection object 1
    • methods 1
    • multiple connections, example 1
    • relation to execution contexts 1
    • semantics-checking 1
    • set default connection 1
    • specifying connection for statement 1
    • specifying for executable statement 1
  • connections
    • closing 1
    • closing shared connections with JDBC 1
    • from SQLJ data sources 1, 2
    • JDBC transaction methods 1
    • modifying auto-commit 1
    • multiple, using declared connect contexts 1
    • Oracle class to connect 1
    • set up 1
    • shared connections with JDBC 1
    • single or multiple using default context 1
    • specifying auto-commit 1
    • translator options 1
    • verify 1
  • connect string
    • for OCI driver 1
    • for Thin driver 1
    • server-side internal driver 1
    • server-side Thin driver 1
    • SIDs deprecated 1
    • use of database service names 1
  • context expressions
    • evaluation at runtime 1
    • overview 1
  • context option (customizer harness) 1
  • converting .ser profiles to .class 1
  • C prefix (sqlj -C-x) 1
  • CURSOR syntax (nested tables) 1
  • customization
    • converting .ser profiles to .class 1
    • creation and registration 1
    • customizer harness connection options 1
    • customizer harness general options 1
    • customizer harness options overview 1
    • defining column types/sizes 1
    • defining parameter sizes 1
    • during translation 1
    • enabling/disabling 1
    • error and status messages 1
    • force customization 1
    • jar file usage 1
    • more about customization 1
    • options 1
    • options to invoke special customizers 1
    • Oracle customizer options 1
    • overview/syntax of customizer-specific options 1
    • parameter default sizes 1
    • related SQLJ options 1
    • show SQL transformations 1
    • statement cache size 1
    • steps in process 1
    • summary of Oracle features used 1
    • version compatibility 1
  • customizer 1
  • customizer harness
    • connection options 1
    • general options 1
    • invoke special customizers 1
    • options overview 1
    • overview 1
  • customizer option (customizer harness) 1
  • customizers
    • choosing 1
    • option to choose customizer 1
    • overview 1
    • passing options through SQLJ 1
    • specifying default 1
  • custom Java classes
    • about custom Java classes 1
    • compiling 1
    • reading and writing data 1
    • requirements 1
    • sample class 1
    • strongly typed, definition 1
    • support for object methods 1
    • using to serialize object 1
    • weakly typed, definition 1


  • database connection, verify 1
  • database URL
    • default prefix for online checking 1
    • SIDs deprecated 1
    • use of database service names 1
  • data source support
    • associating a connection 1
    • associating a default context 1
    • auto-commit mode 1
    • general overview 1
    • requirements 1
    • SQLJ data source classes 1
    • SQLJ data source interfaces 1
    • SQLJ-specific data sources 1
  • DBMS_LOB package 1
  • debugging
    • AuditorInstaller command-line examples 1
    • AuditorInstaller customizer 1
    • AuditorInstaller options 1
    • AuditorInstaller runtime output 1
    • debug option, customizer harness 1
    • in JDeveloper 1
    • invoking AuditorInstaller 1
    • line-mapping, SQLJ source to class 1
    • line-mapping, SQLJ source to class for jdb 1
  • debug option (customizer harness) 1
  • declarations
    • connection context declarations 1
    • IMPLEMENTS clause 1
    • iterator declarations 1
    • overview 1
    • WITH clause 1
  • default connection
    • setting with Oracle.connect() 1
    • setting with setDefaultContext() 1
  • DefaultContext class
    • close() method parameters 1
    • constructors 1
    • key methods 1
    • use for single or multiple connections 1
  • default customizer option (sqlj) 1
  • default properties files (translator) 1
  • default semantics-checker 1
  • default URL prefix option (sqlj) 1
  • defining column types/sizes 1
  • defining parameter sizes 1
  • demo applications (SQLJ), availability 1
  • depth option (AuditorInstaller) 1
  • digests option, jar (customizer harness) 1
  • directory
    • for generated .class and .ser 1
    • for generated .java 1
  • dir option (sqlj -dir) 1
  • dirty reads 1
  • DMS support
    • command-line options for DMS 1, 2
    • examples 1
    • overview of DMS support 1
    • runtime commands for DMS 1
    • sensors and metrics 1
    • SQLJ DMS properties files 1
  • d option (sqlj -d) 1
  • driver option (customizer harness) 1
  • driver registration option (sqlj -driver) 1
  • Dynamic Monitoring Service, SQLJ support 1
  • dynamic SQL
    • defined 1
    • in JDBC code 1
    • in PL/SQL code 1
  • dynamic SQL support in SQLJ
    • examples 1
    • introduction 1
    • meta bind expressions 1
    • runtime behavior 1
    • translation-time behavior 1


  • echoing command line without executing 1
  • echo option, without execution 1
  • encoding
    • character encoding for messages 1
    • character encoding for source 1
    • command line example 1
    • do not pass option to compiler 1
    • overview of character encoding 1
    • setting at runtime 1
    • using native2ascii 1
  • encoding option, source files (sqlj -encoding) 1
  • environment assumptions and requirements 1
  • environments--scenarios and limitations 1
  • environment variable, translator options 1
  • errors
    • character encoding for messages 1
    • customization messages 1
    • messages, codes, and SQL states 1
    • outputting cause and action 1
    • runtime categories 1
    • translator error, warning, info messages 1
  • exceptions
    • exception-handling requirements 1
    • processing 1
    • set up exception-handling 1
    • using SQLException subclasses 1
  • executable statements
    • examples 1
    • overview 1
    • rules 1
    • specifying connection/execution contexts 1
    • SQLJ clauses 1
    • using PL/SQL blocks 1
  • execution contexts
    • cancellation method 1
    • close() method 1
    • control methods 1
    • creating and specifying 1
    • method usage, example 1
    • overview 1
    • relation to connection contexts 1
    • relation to multithreading 1
    • savepoint methods 1
    • specifying for executable statement 1
    • status methods 1
    • synchronization 1
    • update-batching methods 1
  • exemplar schema 1
  • exit codes, translator 1
  • explain option (sqlj -explain) 1
  • extending iterator classes 1
  • extensions
    • overview 1
    • performance extensions 1
    • summary of features used 1
    • type extensions 1


  • FETCH CURRENT syntax (iterators) 1
  • file name requirements and restrictions 1
  • fixedchar option (Oracle customizer) 1
  • fixedchar option (SQLJ -fixedchar) 1
  • flags for special processing 1
  • force option (Oracle customizer) 1
  • function calls, stored 1


  • getConnection() method (Oracle class) 1
  • globalization support
    • character encoding, language support 1
    • outside of SQLJ 1
    • overview 1
    • related data types 1
    • related Java types 1
    • related SQLJ and Java settings 1
    • support for Unicode characters 1


  • help option (customizer harness) 1
  • help options (sqlj -help-xxxx) 1
  • hints in code, parameter sizes 1
  • host expressions
    • basic syntax 1
    • bind by identifier 1
    • evaluation at runtime 1
    • examples 1
    • examples of evaluation at runtime 1
    • iterators and result sets as host variables 1
    • overview 1
    • restrictions 1
    • selecting a nested table 1
    • supported types for JDBC 2.0 1
    • type support for Oracle8i 1
    • type support summary 1
  • host variables 1


  • IDE SQLJ integration 1
  • IMPLEMENTS clause
    • in connection context declarations 1
    • in iterator declarations 1
    • syntax 1
  • importing required classes 1
  • informational messages, translator 1
  • input to translator 1
  • installation and configuration verification 1
  • instrumenting class file (linemap) 1
  • instrument option (sqlj -instrument) 1
  • interoperability with JDBC
    • connection contexts and connections 1
    • iterators and result sets 1
  • isolation level settings (transactions) 1
  • iterators
    • accessing named iterators 1
    • accessing positional iterators 1
    • array columns 1
    • as host variables 1
    • as iterator columns (nested) 1
    • as stored function returns 1
    • commit/rollback effect 1
    • concepts 1
    • converting from result sets 1
    • converting to result sets 1
    • declarations 1
    • declaring named iterators 1
    • declaring positional iterators 1
    • declaring with IMPLEMENTS clause 1
    • extending 1
    • general steps in using 1
    • instantiating/populating named iterators 1
    • instantiating/populating positional iterators 1
    • iterator class functionality 1
    • named vs. positional 1
    • nested iterators for nested tables 1
    • overview 1
    • positional iterators, using next() 1
    • result set iterators (strongly typed) 1
    • result set iterators (weakly typed) 1, 2
    • scrollable 1
    • scrollable result set iterators 1
    • selecting objects and references 1
    • set up named iterator (example) 1
    • subclassing 1
    • using named iterators 1
    • using positional iterators 1
    • using weakly typed iterators 1
    • with serialized objects 1


  • jar file digests option, customization 1
  • jar files for profiles 1
  • JavaBeans for SQLJ connections 1
  • Java bind expressions (dynamic SQL) 1
  • javac compatibility 1
  • Java properties, getProperty() 1
  • Java VM
    • classpath option 1
    • options through SQLJ 1
    • specifying name 1
  • JDBC 2.0
    • support for LOB types 1
    • support for weakly typed Struct, Ref, Array 1
    • types supported 1
  • JDBC connection methods (transactions) 1
  • JDBC driver registration option (sqlj -driver) 1
  • JDBC drivers
    • Oracle drivers 1
    • select/register for customization 1
    • select/register for runtime 1
    • select for translation 1
    • verify 1
  • JDBC interoperability
    • connection contexts and connections 1
    • iterators and result sets 1
  • JDBC vs. SQLJ, sample application 1
  • jdblinemap option (sqlj -jdblinemap) 1
  • JDeveloper
    • debugging with 1
    • SQLJ integration 1
  • JDK
    • supported versions 1
  • JNDI
    • name of default data source 1
    • use for data sources, connections 1
  • J prefix (sqlj -J-x) 1




  • language support (globalization support) 1
  • linemap option (sqlj -linemap) 1
  • line-mapping
    • SQLJ source to class file 1
    • SQLJ source to class for jdb 1
  • loadjava
    • compatibility options, SQLJ 1
  • LOBs
    • as iterator columns 1
    • as stored function results 1
    • FETCH INTO LOB host variables 1
    • SELECT INTO LOB host variables 1
    • support (oracle.sql and DBMS_LOB) 1
  • locale
    • command line example 1
    • for messages 1
    • setting at runtime 1
  • log option (AuditorInstaller) 1


  • message pipe, compiler 1
  • meta bind expressions (dynamic SQL) 1
  • method support for objects 1
  • middle-tier considerations 1
  • multithreading
    • in SQLJ, overview 1
    • relation to execution contexts 1
    • sample application 1


  • named iterators
    • accessing 1
    • declaring 1
    • instantiating and populating 1
    • scrollable 1
    • using 1
  • name of compiler 1
  • name of Java VM 1
  • naming requirements and restrictions
    • file names 1
    • local variables, classes (Java namespace) 1
    • SQLJ namespace 1
    • SQL namespace 1
  • native2ascii for encoding 1
  • NcharAsciiStream class (globalization support) 1
  • NCHAR class (globalization support) 1
  • NcharUnicodeStream class (globalization support) 1
  • NCLOB class (globalization support) 1
  • nested iterators 1
  • nested tables
    • accessing 1
    • inserting in SQLJ 1
    • manipulating 1
    • selecting into host expression 1
    • types 1
    • using nested iterator 1
  • non-repeatable reads 1
  • n option (sqlj -n) (echo without execution) 1
  • NString class 1
  • NString class (globalization support) 1
  • null-handling
    • examples 1
    • wrapper classes for null-handling 1


  • object references
    • selecting into iterators 1
    • strongly typed in SQLJ 1
    • updating in SQLJ 1
    • weak types, restrictions 1
    • weak types, support 1
  • objects
    • about custom Java classes 1
    • creating object types 1
    • data types 1
    • fundamentals 1
    • inserting in SQLJ 1
    • method support 1
    • ORAData specifications 1
    • overview of object support 1
    • selecting into iterators 1
    • serializing (overview) 1
    • serializing RAW and BLOB columns 1
    • serializing with custom Java class 1
    • SQLData specifications 1
    • strongly typed in SQLJ 1
    • updating a reference in SQLJ 1
    • updating in SQLJ 1
    • weak types, restrictions 1
    • weak types, support 1
  • OCI driver (JDBC) 1
  • offline checking
    • default checker, Oracle checkers 1
    • specifying checker 1
  • offline option (sqlj -offline) 1
  • offline parsing
    • sqlj -parse option 1
    • steps involved 1
    • vs. online checking 1
  • online checking
    • caching results 1
    • default checker, Oracle checkers 1
    • enabling, setting user schema 1
    • registering drivers 1
    • setting default URL prefix 1
    • setting password 1
    • setting URL 1
    • specifying checker 1
    • vs. offline parsing 1
  • online option (sqlj -online) 1
  • opaque types 1
  • optcols option (Oracle customizer) 1
  • optcols option (SQLJ -optcols) 1
  • optimizer, SQL 1
  • options (translator)
    • command line only 1
    • flags for special processing 1
    • for connections 1
    • for customization 1
    • for javac compatibility 1
    • for loadjava compatibility 1
    • for output files and directories 1
    • for reporting and line-mapping 1
    • for semantics-checking, offline parsing 1
    • for VM and compiler 1
    • help 1
    • order of precedence 1
    • overview 1
    • prefixes for passing options 1
    • summary list 1
    • support for alternative environments 1
  • options for customizer harness
    • connection options 1
    • general options 1
    • invoke special customizers 1
    • overview 1
  • options for Oracle customizer 1
  • optparamdefaults option (Oracle customizer) 1
  • optparamdefaults option (SQLJ -optparamdefaults) 1
  • optparams option (Oracle customizer) 1
  • optparams option (SQLJ -optparams) 1
  • oracle.sql package 1
  • OracleChecker default checker 1
  • Oracle class
    • close() method parameters 1
    • connect() method 1
    • for DefaultContext instances 1
    • getConnection() method 1
  • Oracle customizer
    • blank padding for CHAR comparisons 1
    • define column types/sizes 1
    • define parameter sizes 1
    • force customization 1
    • options 1
    • set default parameter sizes 1
    • show SQL transformation 1
    • statement cache size 1
    • summary of Oracle features used 1
    • version compatibility 1
  • Oracle extensions
    • overview 1
    • performance extensions 1
    • summary of features used 1
    • type extensions 1
  • Oracle optimizer 1
  • Oracle-specific code generation
    • advantages and disadvantages 1
    • coding considerations, limitations 1
    • environment requirements 1
    • introduction 1, 2
    • translator/customizer usage changes 1
  • Oracle system identifiers (SIDs) in connect strings, deprecated 1
  • ORAData
    • additional uses 1
    • specifications 1
  • output directory
    • for generated .class and .ser 1
    • for generated .java 1
  • output file and directory options (translator) 1
  • output file for compiler 1
  • output from translator 1
  • output pipe, compiler messages 1
  • Overview of SQLJ 1


  • parameter definitions (sizes)
    • general information 1
    • Oracle customizer optparamdefaults option 1
    • Oracle customizer optparams option 1
    • SQLJ -optparamdefaults option 1
    • SQLJ -optparams option 1
  • parse option (sqlj -parse) 1
  • passes, two-pass compiling 1
  • passes option (sqlj -passes) 1
  • passing options to other executables 1
  • password option (customizer harness) 1
  • password option for checking (sqlj) 1
  • path and classpath 1
  • performance enhancements 1
  • performance monitoring, DMS support 1
  • phantom reads 1
  • pipe, compiler output messages 1
  • PL/SQL
    • blocks in executable statements 1
    • BOOLEAN type 1
    • RECORD type 1
    • TABLE type 1
  • plan baselines 1
    • command-line options 1
    • generated Java file 1
    • generated log file 1
    • generated SQL file 1
    • property file options 1
  • positional iterators
    • accessing 1
    • declaring 1
    • instantiating and populating 1
    • navigation with next() 1
    • scrollable 1
    • using 1
  • positioned delete 1
  • positioned update 1
  • P prefix (sqlj -P-x) 1
  • prefetching rows 1
  • prefixes
    • to pass options to customizer 1
    • to pass options to Java compiler 1
    • to pass options to Java VM 1
  • prefix option (AuditorInstaller) 1
  • print option (customizer harness) 1
  • procedure calls, stored 1
  • profile customization (see customization) 1
  • profile-keys 1
  • profile-keys class 1, 2
  • profile option (sqlj -profile) 1
  • profiles
    • auditors for debugging 1
    • binary portability 1
    • code layers 1
    • creation during code generation 1
    • debug option 1
    • functionality at runtime 1
    • generated profiles 1
    • more about profiles 1
    • overview 1
    • print option 1
    • sample profile entry 1
    • use of jar files 1
    • verify option 1
  • properties, Java, getProperty() 1
  • properties files, SQLJ DMS 1
  • properties files (translator)
    • default properties files 1
    • overview 1
    • setting input file 1
    • syntax 1
  • props option (sqlj -props) 1
  • public class name / source name check 1


  • READ COMMITTED transactions 1
  • READ ONLY transactions 1
  • READ UNCOMMITTED transactions 1
  • READ WRITE transactions 1
  • RECORD type (PL/SQL) 1
    • about REF CURSOR types 1
    • example 1
    • SQLJ support 1
  • registering column types/sizes 1
  • registering parameter sizes 1
  • register JDBC drivers
    • for runtime 1
    • for translation 1
  • REPEATABLE READ transactions 1
  • reporting options (translator) 1
  • requirements, environment 1
  • result expressions
    • evaluation at runtime 1
    • overview 1
  • result set iterators (strongly typed)
    • Overview 1
  • result set iterators (weakly typed)
    • general information 1
    • Overview 1
    • scrollable 1
  • ResultSetIterator type 1
  • result sets
    • as host variables 1
    • as iterator columns 1
    • as stored function returns 1
    • commit/rollback effect 1
    • converting from iterators 1
    • converting to iterators 1
  • returnability (cursor states, WITH clause) 1
  • rollback
    • effect on iterators and result sets 1
    • manual 1
    • with savepoint 1
    • as stored function results 1
    • FETCH INTO ROWID host variable 1
    • SELECT INTO ROWID host variable 1
    • support 1
  • row prefetching 1
  • runtime
    • categories of errors 1
    • debugging output (AuditorInstaller) 1
    • functionality 1
    • functionality of profiles 1
    • generated calls to runtime 1
    • globalization support 1
    • JDBC driver selection and registration 1
    • overview 1, 2
    • packages 1
    • set up connection 1
    • steps in runtime processing 1
    • test 1


  • sample applications
    • JDBC vs. SQLJ 1
    • multiple connection contexts 1
    • multiple-row query (named iterator) 1
    • multithreading 1
    • single-row query (SELECT INTO) 1
  • sample classes
    • custom Java class (BetterDate) 1
    • SerializableDatum class 1
  • savepoints
    • ExecutionContext savepoint methods 1
    • ISO syntax 1
    • Oracle syntax 1
    • savepoint statements 1
  • scrollable iterators
    • declaring 1
    • scrollable named iterators 1
    • scrollable positional iterators 1
    • sensitivity 1
    • the scrollable interface 1
  • ScrollableResultSetIterator type 1
  • SELECT INTO statements
    • error conditions 1
    • examples 1, 2
    • syntax 1
  • semantics-checking
    • caching online results 1
    • default checker, Oracle checkers 1
    • enabling online, setting user schema 1
    • invoking SQLCheckerCustomizer 1
    • of profiles, via customizer harness 1
    • options 1
    • registering drivers 1
    • setting default URL prefix 1
    • setting password 1
    • setting URL 1
    • specifying offline checker 1
    • specifying online checker 1
    • SQLCheckerCustomizer options 1
    • steps involved 1
  • ser2class option (sqlj -ser2class) 1
  • SERIALIZABLE transactions 1
  • serialized objects
    • as host variables 1
    • in iterator columns 1
    • overview 1
    • SerializableDatum class (sample) 1
    • through custom Java class 1
    • to RAW and BLOB columns 1
  • ser profiles (.ser)
    • converting to .class 1
    • generated profiles 1
  • server-side internal driver (JDBC) 1
  • server-side Thin driver (JDBC) 1
  • SET (assignment) statements 1
  • setFormOfUse method 1
  • SET TRANSACTION syntax 1
  • setup of SQLJ, testing 1
  • showReturns option (AuditorInstaller) 1
  • showSQL option (Oracle customizer) 1
  • showThreads option (AuditorInstaller) 1
  • SIDs in connect strings, deprecated 1
  • source check for type resolution 1
  • source file line-mapping
    • for jdb 1
    • general 1
  • source files encoding option 1
  • source name / public class name check 1
  • SQLCheckerCustomizer
    • for semantics-checking of profiles 1
    • invoking 1
    • options 1
  • SQLData
    • specifications 1
  • SQLException subclasses, using 1
  • SQLJ_OPTIONS environment variable 1
  • SqljConnBean for simple connection 1
  • SqljConnCacheBean for connection caching 1
  • sqljutl package 1
  • SQLJ vs. JDBC, sample application 1
  • SQL optimizer 1
  • SQL replacement code (dynamic SQL) 1
  • SQL states (for errors) 1
  • statement caching 1
  • static SQL, defined 1
  • status messages
    • for customization 1
    • for translation 1
    • translator, enabling/disabling 1
  • status option (sqlj -status) 1
  • stmtcache option (Oracle customizer) 1
  • stored function calls 1
  • stored outlines 1
    • configuration files 1
    • generation parameters 1
    • options 1
  • stored procedure calls 1
  • streams
    • as function return values 1
    • as output parameters 1
    • classes and methods 1
    • examples 1
    • general use in SQLJ 1
    • precautions 1
    • retrieving data 1
    • sending data to database 1
    • supporting classes 1
  • strongly typed collections 1
  • strongly typed custom Java classes 1
  • strongly typed objects and references 1
  • subclassing iterator classes 1
  • summary option (Oracle customizer) 1
  • Sun JDK
    • supported versions 1
  • support for global transactions 1
  • support for pluggable databases 1
  • synchronization of execution contexts 1
  • syntax
    • translator command line 1
    • translator properties files 1
  • system identifiers (SIDs) in connect strings, deprecated 1


  • TABLE syntax (nested tables) 1, 2
  • TABLE type (PL/SQL) 1
  • Thin driver (JDBC) 1
  • transactions
    • access mode settings 1
    • advanced transaction control 1
    • automatic commit vs. manual commit 1
    • basic transaction control 1
    • isolation level settings 1
    • JDBC Connection methods 1
    • manual commit and rollback 1
    • modifying auto-commit 1
    • overview 1
    • savepoints for rollbacks 1
    • specifying auto-commit 1
  • translator
    • basic translation steps 1
    • code generation 1
    • compilation 1
    • customization 1
    • error, warning, info messages 1
    • exit codes 1
    • globalization support 1
    • input and output 1
    • internal operations 1
    • Java and SQLJ code-parsing, syntax-checking 1
    • overview 1, 2
    • SQL semantics-checking and offline parsing 1
    • status messages 1
    • support for alternative environments 1
    • test 1
  • type extensions 1
  • type resolution, expand search 1
  • types supported
    • for JDBC 2.0 1
    • for Oracle8i 1
    • summary of types 1


  • uninstall option (AuditorInstaller) 1
  • update batching
    • batchable and compatible statements 1
    • batching incompatible statements 1
    • batch limit 1
    • canceling a batch 1
    • cautions 1
    • enabling and disabling 1
    • error conditions during execution 1
    • explicit and implicit batch execution 1
    • overview 1
    • update counts 1
    • using implicit execution contexts 1
    • with respect to recursive call-ins 1
  • URL, database
    • default prefix for online checking 1
    • SIDs deprecated 1
    • use of database service names 1
  • url option (customizer harness) 1
  • url option for checking (sqlj -url) 1
  • user-defined types 1
  • user option (customizer harness) 1
  • user option for checking (sqlj -user) 1


  • VALUES syntax for stored functions 1
    • inserting a row 1
    • selecting into host expression 1
    • VARRAY types 1
  • verbose option (customizer harness) 1
  • verify option (customizer harness) 1
  • version compatibility (Oracle customizer) 1
  • version number options (sqlj -version-xxxx) 1
  • VM
    • classpath option 1
    • options through SQLJ 1
    • specifying name 1
  • vm option (sqlj -vm) 1


  • warning messages, translator 1
  • warnings, translator, enabling/disabling 1
  • warn option (SQLCheckerCustomizer) 1
  • warn option (sqlj -warn) 1
  • weakly typed custom Java classes 1
  • weakly typed iterators 1
  • weak object/collection types
    • restrictions 1
    • support 1
  • WHERE CURRENT OF clause 1
  • Windows, SQLJ development in 1
  • WITH clause syntax 1
  • wrapper classes for null-handling 1