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Oracle Spatial and Graph Property Graph
Java API Reference for Oracle Database
Release 18c E87805-02

Oracle Spatial and Graph Property Graph Java API Reference
Features Packages 
Package Description
This package contains the common logic that is shared by all the backend databases including Oracle Database, Oracle NoSQL Database, and Apache HBase.
This package contains the logic for converting CSV files into graph files in Oracle Flat-file format.
This package contains the logic for handling text search and text indexing.
This package contains the logic for handling text search and text indexing using Apache Lucene.
This package contains the logic for handling text search and text indexing using SolrCloud.
Database Specific Packages 
Package Description
This package contains the logic specific to the property graph support on Oracle Database.
This package contains the logic specific to the text indexing and text search using Apache Lucene for property graph support on Oracle Database.
This package contains the logic specific to the text indexing and text search using Oracle Text for property graph support on Oracle Database.
This package contains the logic specific to the text indexing and text search using SolrCloud for property graph support on Oracle Database.
This package contains logic for translating PGQL queries to equivalent SQL queries.
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Oracle Spatial and Graph Property Graph
Java API Reference for Oracle Database
Release 18c E87805-02

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