11 SDO_GEOR_IP Package Reference

The SDO_GEOR_IP package contains subprograms (functions and procedures) for performing image processing operations on GeoRaster objects. This chapter presents reference information, with one or more examples, for each subprogram.

Many examples in this chapter refer to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.

All SDO_GEOR_IP subprograms can work on GeoRaster objects defined in schemas other than the current connection schema.

11.1 SDO_GEOR_IP.dodge


     inGeoRaster        IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     gridsize           IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     samplingFactor     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     means              IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL,
     standardDeviations IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL,
     storageParam       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     outGeoraster       IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);  


     inGeoRaster        IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     gridsize           IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     samplingFactor     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     refGeoraster       IN SDO_GEORASTER,
     standardDeviations IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL,
     storageParam       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
     outGeoraster       IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);  


Apply a dodging algorithm on the input GeoRaster object to color balance the image.



The SDO_GEORASTER object to be processed.


The size of each grid in x and y direction, respectively. It is an array of one or two numbers. If only one number is specified, then it is for both x and y direction.


Sampling factor, used to control the calculation of the statistics, in the format'samplingFactor=n', with the denominator n in 1/(n*n) representing the number of cells skipped in both row and column dimensions in computing the statistics. For example, if samplingFactor is 4, one-sixteenth of the cells are sampled; but if samplingFactor is 1, all cells are sampled. The higher the value, the less accurate the statistics are likely to be, but the more quickly they will be computed. If not specified (null), the default is 1.

samplingFactor cannot be greater than or equal to one-half (0.5) of gridSize.


The target mean values for each output bands. If only one value is specified, it is applied to all the output bands; otherwise, it must have the same number of values as the number bands of the output GeoRaster object. If null, it is calculated as the average mean value over all the grids.


The target standard deviation values for each output bands. If only one value is specified, it is applied to all the output bands; otherwise, it must have the same number of values as the number of bands of the output GeoRaster object. If null, it is calculated as the average standard deviation over all the grids.


The reference GeoRaster object.  The output of the dodging result will adapt to the statistics of the reference GeoRaster object.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The output SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, the procedure performs an internal commit while the process is running. Therefore, you cannot roll back the results of this procedure. If an error occurs (even if it is raised by the Oracle parallel server), you must delete the resulting output GeoRaster object explicitly in order to roll back the operation.

Usage Notes

This dodging operation uses an adaptive image enhancement method to make the image tone more balanced, that is, the darker area becomes brighter and the bright area becomes darker. The statistics for the grid defined by the gridsize parameter are collected on the fly and adjusted to the target mean and standard deviation values. The grid size should be smaller than the imbalanced area in order to remove the imbalance. Adjust the gridSize parameter to achieve the best result.

The input GeoRaster image must have a cellDepth value of 8BIT_U. Any celldepth value in the storage parameters is ignored. The cell depth of the outGeoRaster object is always 8BIT_U.

Color map in the input GeoRaster object is not supported.

The output GeoRaster object has no pyramid or mask.


The following example creates a GeoRaster object that is the result of dodging on the input GeoRaster object. The desired mean and standard deviation are set as 125 and 80, respectively. The grid size is 512 on x and y direction. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  sdo_geor_ip.dodge(gr1, sdo_number_array(512, 512), ‘samplingFactor=3’, sdo_number_array(125), sdo_number_array(80), null, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

The following example creates a GeoRaster object that is the result of dodging on the input GeoRaster object based on the reference GeoRaster object. Parallel processing is enabled with parallel degree of 4. The grid size is 512 on x and y direction. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

gr1 sdo_georaster;
gr2 sdo_georaster;
refgr sdo_georaster;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster) VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
     RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;
  SELECT georaster INTO refgr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1;
  sdo_geor_ip.dodge(gr1, sdo_number_array(512, 512), ‘samplingFactor=3’, refgr, null,
                    gr2, 'parallel=4');
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

11.2 SDO_GEOR_IP.equalize


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2,
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER, 
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT BLOB,
     outArea      OUT SDO_GEOMETRY,
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2,
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT BLOB,
     outArea      OUT SDO_GEOMETRY,
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


Process the input GeoRaster object by using histogram equalization method. The processed image is stored in the output GeoRaster object or in a BLOB.



The SDO_GEORASTER object to be equalized.


A number specifying the pyramid level to be equalized in the source GeoRaster object. If null, the default is 0.


Crop area definition. If cropArea is of type SDO_GEOMETRY, use the layerNumbers parameter to specify one or more layer numbers; if cropArea is of type SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, use the bandNumbers parameter to specify one or more band numbers.

If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object is used as the crop area; see also the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The output SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, the procedure performs an internal commit while the process is running. Therefore, you cannot roll back the results of this procedure. If an error occurs (even if it is raised by the Oracle parallel server), you must delete the resulting output GeoRaster object explicitly in order to roll back the operation.


BLOB to hold the output of the processing result. It must exist or have been initialized before the operation.


An SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.


An SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object identifying the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the output window in the cell space.

Usage Notes

The input GeoRaster object must have histogram generated for each output band.

The equalization is performed based on the histograms stored in the metadata of the input GeoRaster object.

Color map stored in the input GeoRaster object is not supported.

The output GeoRaster object has no pyramid or mask.

The cell depth of the output GeoRaster object is always 8BIT_U.

If the cropArea parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the cropArea parameter geometry and the model space are different, the cropArea parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

If the cropArea parameter specifies a geodetic MBR, it cannot cross the date line meridian


The following example creates a GeoRaster object that has each input band equalized based on the histogram stored in the metadata. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_number_array := null;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  sdo_geor_ip.equalize(gr1, cropArea, null, null, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

The following example performs the image equalization based on the histogram stored in the metadata; the output is in a temporary BLOB. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  out_lob BLOB;
  cropArea sdo_number_array := null;
  outArea sdo_geometry;
  outWindow sdo_number_array;
  dbms_lob.create_temporary(out_lob, TRUE);
  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  sdo_geor_ip.equalize(gr1, cropArea, null, null, out_lob, outArea, outWindow);
  if outWindow is not null then
     dbms_output.put_line('output window: (' || outWindow(1) || ',' ||
                           outWindow(2) || ',' || outWindow(3) || ',' || outWindow(4) || ')');
  end if;

11.3 SDO_GEOR_IP.filter


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     filterParam  IN VARCHAR2,
     filterKernel IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2, 
     filterParam  IN VARCHAR2,
     filterKernel IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     filterParam  IN VARCHAR2,
     filterKernel IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT BLOB,
     outArea      OUT SDO_GEOMETRY,
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2, 
     filterParam  IN VARCHAR2,
     filterKernel IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT BLOB,
     outArea      OUT SDO_GEOMETRY,
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


Applies the convolution filter on the input GeoRaster object. The processed image is stored in the output GeoRaster object or in a BLOB.



The SDO_GEORASTER object for the filter operation.


A number specifying the pyramid level for the filter operation in the source GeoRaster object. If null, the default is 0.


Crop area definition. If cropArea is of type SDO_GEOMETRY, use the layerNumbers parameter to specify one or more layer numbers; if cropArea is of type SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, use the bandNumbers parameter to specify one or more band numbers.

If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object is used as the crop area; see also the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


The type of the filter to be applied on the input GeoRaster. It is in the format ‘filterType=value where value can be one of the following: LPF (low-pass filter, the default), HPF (high-pass filter), HBF (high-boost filter), MIN (minimum filter), MAX (maximum filter), MEDIAN (median filter), MODE (mode filter), or CUSTOM (user-provided filter kernel).

filterParam can also include:

  • ‘kernelSize=(kx, ky)’ where kx, ky are the size of the kernel on the x and y direction. For a filter type other than CUSTOM, the kx and ky should be odd numbers greater than or equal to 3.

  • ‘p1 = value, used by the HBF filter to indicate the degree of boost.


Required only when filterType=CUSTOM. It is the kx * ky numbers in an SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The output SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, the procedure performs an internal commit while the process is running. Therefore, you cannot roll back the results of this procedure. If an error occurs (even if it is raised by the Oracle parallel server), you must delete the resulting output GeoRaster object explicitly in order to roll back the operation.


BLOB to hold the output of the processing result. It must exist or have been initialized before the operation.


An SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.


An SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object identifying the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the output window in the cell space.

Usage Notes

For an introduction to image filtering, see Image Filtering.

The following are filterKernel values for some of the predefined 3x3 filters:

  • LPF: (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)*1/9

  • HPF: (-1, -1, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1)*1/9

  • HBF: (-k, -k, -k, -k, 8k, -k, -k, -k, -k)*1/9, where k is the boost factor specified by parameter p1

For kernelSize, kx * ky must be less than 10000.

If the cropArea parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the cropArea parameter geometry and the model space are different, the cropArea parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

Color map in the input GeoRaster object is not supported.

The output GeoRaster object has no pyramid or mask.


The following example creates a GeoRaster object that is the result of using the default low-pass filter on the input GeoRaster object. The filter kernel size is 3 by 3. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_geometry := null;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  sdo_geor_ip.filter(gr1, 0, cropArea, null, ‘filtertype=LPF, kernelsize=(3, 3)’, null, null, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

The following example applies a custom (user–provided) 3 by 3 filter on the input GeoRaster object; the output is in a temporary BLOB. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_geometry := null;
  out_lob  BLOB;
  outArea  sdo_geometry := null;
  outWindow sdo_geometry := null;
  dbms_lob.create_temporary(out_lob, TRUE);

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  sdo_geor_ip.filter(gr1, 0, cropArea, null, ‘filtertype=CUSTOM, kernelsize=(3,3)’, sdo_number_array(1/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1.2, 1/4 ), null, out_lob, outArea, outWindow);

  if outWindow is not null then
     dbms_output.put_line('output window: (' || outWindow(1) || ',' ||
                           outWindow(2) || ',' || outWindow(3) || ',' || outWindow(4) || ')');
  end if;


11.4 SDO_GEOR_IP.histogramMatch


     inGeoRaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea       IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers    IN VARCHAR2, 
     refHistograms  IN SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM_ARRAY,
     storageParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster    IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel   IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea       IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers   IN VARCHAR2, 
     refHistograms  IN SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM_ARRAY,
     storageParam   IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster   IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     refGeoRaster IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2, 
     refGeoRaster IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Processes the input GeoRaster object so that the histograms of the output GeoRaster object matches the histogram of a reference GeoRaster object (refGeoRaster) or a reference histogram (refHistograms).



The SDO_GEORASTER object for the histogram matching operation.


A number specifying the pyramid level for the histogram matching operation. If null, the default is 0.


Crop area definition. If cropArea is of type SDO_GEOMETRY, use the layerNumbers parameter to specify one or more layer numbers; if cropArea is of type SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, use the bandNumbers parameter to specify one or more band numbers.

If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object is used as the crop area; see also the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


An array of reference histograms. If there is only one element in the array, all the output bands match to this histogram; otherwise, the length of the array must be the same as the number of the bands in the output GeoRaster object.


The reference GeoRaster object. The reference GeoRaster object must have a histogram stored in the metadata, and must have the same number of bands as the input GeoRaster object.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The output SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, the procedure performs an internal commit while the process is running. Therefore, you cannot roll back the results of this procedure. If an error occurs (even if it is raised by the Oracle parallel server), you must delete the resulting output GeoRaster object explicitly in order to roll back the operation.

Usage Notes

The input GeoRaster object must have histograms generated for each band and stored in the metadata.

The reference GeoRaster object must have the same number of bands as the input GeoRaster object. The cell depth of the reference GeoRaster cannot be greater than the cell depth of the outGeoRaster object. The reference GeoRaster object must have histograms set in the metadata.

If the cropArea parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the cropArea parameter geometry and the model space are different, the cropArea parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

Color map stored in the input GeoRaster object is not supported.

The output GeoRaster object has no pyramid or mask.


The following example creates a GeoRaster object that is the result of histogram matching the input GeoRaster object to the reference histograms. In the example, the reference histograms are stored in a table histogram_table(histogram sdo_geor_histogram, band number). (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_number_array := null;
  refHists sdo_geor_histogram_array;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  -- get the source GeoRaster object
  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  -- get the reference histogram
  SELECT histogram bulk collect into refHists from histogram_table order by band;

  sdo_geor_ip.histogramMatch(gr1, 0, cropArea, null, refHists, null, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

The following example creates a GeoRaster object that is the result of histogram matching the input GeoRaster object to the reference GeoRaster object. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  refgr sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_number_array := null;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  -- get the source GeoRaster object
  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  -- get the reference GeoRaster object
  SELECT georaster INTO refgr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=5;

  sdo_geor_ip.histogramMatch(gr1, 0, cropArea, null, refgr, null, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

11.5 SDO_GEOR_IP.normalize


     inGeoRaster        IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel       IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea           IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers        IN VARCHAR2, 
     means              IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     standardDeviations IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     storageParam       IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster       IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster        IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel       IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea           IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers       IN VARCHAR2, 
     means              IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     standardDeviations IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     storageParam       IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster       IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster        IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel       IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea           IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers        IN VARCHAR2, 
     means              IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     standardDeviations IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     storageParam       IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob         IN OUT BLOB,
     outArea            OUT SDO_GEOMETRY,
     outWindow          OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


     inGeoRaster        IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel       IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea           IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers       IN VARCHAR2, 
     means              IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     standardDeviations IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
     storageParam       IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob         IN OUT BLOB,
     outArea            OUT SDO_GEOMETRY,
     outWindow          OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     refGeoRaster IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2, 
     refGeoRaster IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Normalizes the input GeoRaster object using the specified mean and standard deviation.



The SDO_GEORASTER object to be normalized.


A number specifying the pyramid level to be normalized in the source GeoRaster object. If null, the default is 0.


Crop area definition. If cropArea is of type SDO_GEOMETRY, use the layerNumbers parameter to specify one or more layer numbers; if cropArea is of type SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, use the bandNumbers parameter to specify one or more band numbers.

If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object is used as the crop area; see also the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


The target mean values for each output band. If only one value is specified, it is applied to all the output bands; otherwise, it must have the same number of values as the number of bands of the output GeoRaster object. The target mean values must be in the range of the cell depth of the outGeoRaster object. If null, it defaults to 128.


The target standard deviation values for each output band. If only one value is specified, it is applied to all the output bands; otherwise, it must have the same number of values as the number of bands of the output GeoRaster object. The target standard deviation values must be in the range of the cell depth of the outGeoRaster object. If null, it defaults to 100.


The reference GeoRaster object. Instead of giving the target mean and standard deviation, the mean and standard deviation of refGeoRaster are used as the target. The reference GeoRaster object must have the same number of bands as the input GeoRaster object.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The output SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, the procedure performs an internal commit while the process is running. Therefore, you cannot roll back the results of this procedure. If an error occurs (even if it is raised by the Oracle parallel server), you must delete the resulting output GeoRaster object explicitly in order to roll back the operation.


BLOB to hold the output of the processing result. It must exist or have been initialized before the operation.


An SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.


An SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object identifying the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the output window in the cell space.

Usage Notes

The input GeoRaster object must have statistics generated for each output band.

The reference GeoRaster object must have the same number of bands as the input GeoRaster object. The cell depth of the refGeoRaster object cannot be greater than the cell depth of the outGeoRaster object. The reference GeoRaster object must have statistics set in the metadata.

If the cropArea parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the cropArea parameter geometry and the model space are different, the cropArea parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

Color map in the input GeoRaster object is not supported.

The output GeoRaster object has no pyramid or mask.


The following example creates a GeoRaster object and performs normalization on the bands of the input GeoRaster object based on the given means and standard deviations. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_number_array := null;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  sdo_geor_ip.normalize(gr1, 0, cropArea, null, sdo_number_array(50, 80, 100), sdo_number_array(30, 20, 50), null, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

The following exampleperforms normalization on the bands of the input GeoRaster object based on the given means and standard deviations; the output is in a temporary BLOB. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_number_array := null;
  out_lob  BLOB;
  outArea  sdo_geometry := null;
  outWindow sdo_geometry := null; 
  dbms_lob.create_temporary(out_lob, TRUE);

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  sdo_geor_ip.normalize(gr1, 0, cropArea, null, sdo_number_array(50, 80, 100), sdo_number_array(30, 20, 50), null, out_lob, outArea, outWindow);
  if outWindow is not null then
     dbms_output.put_line('output window: (' || outWindow(1) || ',' ||
                           outWindow(2) || ',' || outWindow(3) || ',' || outWindow(4) || ')');
  end if;


The following example creates a GeoRaster object and performs normalization on the bands of the input GeoRaster object based on the given reference GeoRaster object . (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  refgr sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_number_array := null;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  -- get the source GeoRaster object 
  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  -- get the reference GeoRaster object
  SELECT georaster INTO refgr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=5;

  sdo_geor_ip.normalize(gr1, 0, cropArea, null, refgr, null, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

11.6 SDO_GEOR_IP.piecewiseStretch


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2,
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER,
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers  IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT BLOB,
     outArea      OUT SDO_GEOMETRY,
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea     IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers IN VARCHAR2,
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT BLOB,
     outArea      OUT SDO_GEOMETRY,
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


Performs a linear stretch on the input GeoRaster object using the minimum and maximum values. The processed image is stored in the output GeoRaster object or in a BLOB.



The SDO_GEORASTER object to be stretched.


A number specifying the pyramid level to be stretched in the source GeoRaster object. If null, the default is 0.


Crop area definition. If cropArea is of type SDO_GEOMETRY, use the layerNumbers parameter to specify one or more layer numbers; if cropArea is of type SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, use the bandNumbers parameter to specify one or more band numbers.

If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object is used as the crop area; see also the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


An array of SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY objects corresponding to each input band. If only one element is specified, all the output bands are stretched in the same way. Each SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY specifies the input GeoRaster object cell value ranges used in the stretch. For example, sdo_number_array(0, 50, 255) specifies two value ranges, from 0 to 50 and 50 to 255.


An array of SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY objects corresponding to each output band. If only one element is specified, all the output bands are stretched in the same way. Each SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY specifies the target values ranges corresponding to the value ranges of the inValues parameter. For example, sdo_number_array(0, 200, 255) specifies two value ranges, from 0 to 200 and 200 to 255.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The output SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, the procedure performs an internal commit while the process is running. Therefore, you cannot roll back the results of this procedure. If an error occurs (even if it is raised by the Oracle parallel server), you must delete the resulting output GeoRaster object explicitly in order to roll back the operation.


BLOB to hold the output of the processing result. It must exist or have been initialized before the operation.


An SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.


An SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object identifying the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the output window in the cell space.

Usage Notes

The inValues and outValues parameters must have the same number of values, and the range specified in the inValues parameter must be in ascending order. The values in the inValues parameter must be in the range of the cell depth of the inGeoRaster object. The values in the outValues parameter must be in the range of the cell depth of the outGeoRaster object.

If the cropArea parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the cropArea parameter geometry and the model space are different, the cropArea parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

Color map stored in the input GeoRaster object is not supported.

The output GeoRaster object has no pyramid or mask.


The following example creates a GeoRaster object that piecewise stretches all bands of the input GeoRaster object into different cell depths: a linear stretch of input values between 0 and 255 to the range 0 to 2000. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_number_array := null;
  inValues sdo_number_arrayset;
  outValues sdo_number_arrayset;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  -- define the input and output value ranges
  inValues := sdo_number_arrayset(sdo_number_array(0, 255));
  outValues := sdo_number_arrayset(sdo_number_array(0, 2000));

  sdo_geor_ip.piecewisestretch(gr1, 0, cropArea, null, 
                inValues, outValues, 'celldepth=16bit_u', gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

The following example piecewise stretches each band for different ranges; the output is in a temporary BLOB. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_number_array := null;
  inValues sdo_number_arrayset;
  outValues sdo_number_arrayset;
  out_lob  BLOB;
  outArea  sdo_geometry := null;
  outWindow sdo_geometry := null; 
  dbms_lob.create_temporary(out_lob, TRUE);

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  -- define the input and output values ranges
  inValues := sdo_number_arrayset(sdo_number_array(0, 30, 80, 255), 
                                  sdo_number_array(0, 10, 50, 255),
                                  sdo_number_array(0, 50, 150, 255));
  outValues := sdo_number_arrayset(
                   sdo_number_array(0, 80, 200, 255),
                   sdo_number_array(0, 60, 150, 255),
                   sdo_number_array(0, 100, 250,255) );

  sdo_geor_ip.piecewisestretch(gr1, 0, cropArea, null, inValues, outValues,  
                                     null, out_lob, outArea, outWindow);

  if outWindow is not null then
     dbms_output.put_line('output window: (' || outWindow(1) || ',' ||
                           outWindow(2) || ',' || outWindow(3) || ',' || outWindow(4) || ')');
  end if;


11.7 SDO_GEOR_IP.stretch


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea      IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers   IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER),
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);    


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea      IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers  IN VARCHAR2,
     storageParam  IN VARCHAR2, 
     outGeoraster  IN OUT SDO_GEORASTER),
     parallelParam IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); 


     inGeoRaster  IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea      IN SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, 
     bandNumbers   IN VARCHAR2, 
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT BLOB,
     outArea      OUT SDO_GEOMETRY,
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


     inGeoRaster   IN SDO_GEORASTER, 
     pyramidLevel  IN NUMBER, 
     cropArea      IN SDO_GEOMETRY, 
     layerNumbers  IN VARCHAR2,
     storageParam IN VARCHAR2, 
     rasterBlob   IN OUT BLOB,
     outArea      OUT SDO_GEOMETRY,
     outWindow    OUT SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY);


Performs a min-max linear stretch on the input GeoRaster object using the minimum and maximum values. The processed image is stored in the output GeoRaster object or in a BLOB.



The SDO_GEORASTER object to be stretched.


A number specifying the pyramid level to be stretched in the source GeoRaster object. If null, the default is 0.


Crop area definition. If cropArea is of type SDO_GEOMETRY, use the layerNumbers parameter to specify one or more layer numbers; if cropArea is of type SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, use the bandNumbers parameter to specify one or more band numbers.

If the data type is SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, the parameter identifies the upper-left (row, column) and lower-right (row, column) coordinates of a rectangular window, and raster space is assumed. If the data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the geometry object is used as the crop area; see also the Usage Notes for SDO_SRID requirements.


A string identifying the physical band numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 1-3 for bands 1, 2, and 3).


A string identifying the logical layer numbers on which the operation is to be performed. Use commas to delimit the values, and a hyphen to indicate a range (for example, 2-4 for layers 2, 3, and 4).


The minimum values of the bands to be stretched. If it is null, the minimum value of the input GeoRaster object that is stored in the layer metadata is used. If there is only one value in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, it is used as the minimum value of all the input bands; otherwise, the number of values in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY must be the same as the number of bands of the output GeoRaster object.


The maximum values of the bands to be stretched. If it is null, the maximum value of the input GeoRaster object that is stored in the layer metadata is used. If there is only one value in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY, it is used as the maximum value of all the input bands; otherwise, the number of values in the SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY must be the same as the number of bands of the output GeoRaster object.


A string specifying storage parameters, as explained in Storage Parameters.


The output SDO_GEORASTER object that reflects the results of the operation. Must be either a valid existing GeoRaster object or an empty GeoRaster object. (Empty GeoRaster objects are explained in Blank and Empty GeoRaster Objects.) Cannot be the same GeoRaster object as inGeoRaster.


Specifies the degree of parallelism for the operation. If specified, must be in the form parallel=n, where n is greater than 1. The database optimizer uses the degree of parallelism specified by this parameter. If not specified, then by default there is no parallel processing. (For more information, see Parallel Processing in GeoRaster.)

If parallelism is specified, the procedure performs an internal commit while the process is running. Therefore, you cannot roll back the results of this procedure. If an error occurs (even if it is raised by the Oracle parallel server), you must delete the resulting output GeoRaster object explicitly in order to roll back the operation.


BLOB to hold the output of the processing result. It must exist or have been initialized before the operation.


An SDO_GEOMETRY object containing the MBR (minimum bounding rectangle) in the model coordinate system of the resulting object.


An SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY object identifying the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the output window in the cell space.

Usage Notes

The input GeoRaster object is stretched to 0-255 using the values in minValues and maxValues parameters, or the minimum and maximum values stored in the statistics metadata of the image. If the minValues and maxValues parameters are null, the input GeoRaster object must have the statistics set in its metadata.

The cell depth of the output GeoRaster object is always 8BIT_U. When a GeoRaster image needs to be stretched to an image with a cell depth other than 8BIT_U, you can use SDO_GEOR_IP.piecewiseStretch.

If the cropArea parameter data type is SDO_GEOMETRY, the SDO_SRID value must be one of the following:

  • Null, to specify raster space

  • A value from the SRID column of the MDSYS.CS_SRS table

    If the SDO_SRID values for the cropArea parameter geometry and the model space are different, the cropArea parameter geometry is automatically transformed to the coordinate system of the model space before the operation is performed. (Raster space and model space are explained in GeoRaster Data Model.)

Color map stored in the input GeoRaster object is not supported.

The output GeoRaster object has no pyramid or mask.


The following example creates a GeoRaster object that stretches band 2 of the input GeoRaster object from value range of (30, 150) to (0, 255). (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_number_array := null;
  INSERT INTO georaster_table (georid, georaster)
    VALUES (41, sdo_geor.init('RDT_1'))
    RETURNING georaster INTO gr2;

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  sdo_geor_ip.stretch(gr1, 0, cropArea, '2', sdo_number_array(30), sdo_number_array(150), null, gr2);
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=41;

The following example stretches band 2 of the input GeoRaster object from value range of (30, 150) to (0, 255); the output is in a temporary BLOB. (It refers to a table named GEORASTER_TABLE, whose definition is presented after Example 1-1 in Storage Parameters.)

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  cropArea sdo_number_array := null;
  out_lob  BLOB;
  outArea  sdo_geometry := null;
  outWindow sdo_geometry := null; 
  dbms_lob.create_temporary(out_lob, TRUE);

  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=4;

  sdo_geor_ip.stretch(gr1, 0, cropArea, '2', sdo_number_array(30), sdo_number_array(150), null, out_lob, outArea, outWindow);

  if outWindow is not null then
     dbms_output.put_line('output window: (' || outWindow(1) || ',' ||
                           outWindow(2) || ',' || outWindow(3) || ',' || outWindow(4) || ')');
  end if;