Task 2: Prepare a Primary and Standby Base System for GGHub

Step 2.1 - Deploy an Oracle RAC 2-Node Cluster System

Deploy a minimum of two GGHubs (primary and standby). Each GGHub must be deployed as a 2-node Oracle RAC database system as described in Oracle Base Database Service.

Figure 20-3 Oracle GoldenGate Hub Hardware Architecture

Oracle GoldenGate Hub Hardware Architecture

Step 2.2 - Remove the Standard Database and Rearrange the Disk Group Layout

  1. As the oracle OS user on the first GGHub node, remove the standard database:

    [opc@gghub_prim1 ~]$ sudo su - oracle
    [oracle@gghubN-node1 ~]$ dbca -deleteDatabase -silent -sourceDB $ORACLE_UNQNAME
    Enter SYS user password: ##############
    [WARNING] [DBT-19202] The Database Configuration Assistant will delete the Oracle instances and datafiles for your database. All information in the database will be destroyed.
    Prepare for db operation
    32% complete
    Connecting to database
    39% complete
    100% complete
    Database deletion completed.
    Look at the log file "/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/DB0502_fra2pr/DB0502_fra2pr.log" for further details.
  2. As the grid OS user on the second GGHub node, dismount the RECO diskgroup:

    [opc@gghub_prim2 ~]$ sudo su - grid
    [grid@gghub_prim2 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysasm
    SQL> alter diskgroup RECO dismount;
  3. As the grid OS user on the first gghub node, drop the RECO diskgroup and assign the disks to the DATA diskgroup:

    [opc@gghub_prim1 ~]$ sudo su - grid
    [grid@gghub_prim1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysasm
    drop diskgroup RECO INCLUDING CONTENTS;
    alter diskgroup DATA add disk '/dev/RECODISK1';
    alter diskgroup DATA add disk '/dev/RECODISK2';
    alter diskgroup DATA add disk '/dev/RECODISK3';
    alter diskgroup DATA add disk '/dev/RECODISK4';
  4. As the root OS user on all GGhub nodes, reboot the node:

    [opc@gghub_prim1 ~]$ sudo reboot


Repeat this step in the primary and standby GGHubs.

Step 2.3 - Download the Required Software

  1. As the opc OS user on all GGHub nodes, create the staging and scripts directories:

    [opc@gghub_prim1 ~]$ 
    sudo mkdir -p /u01/oracle/stage
    sudo mkdir /u01/oracle/scripts
    sudo chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/oracle
    sudo chmod -R g+w /u01/oracle
    sudo chmod -R o+w /u01/oracle/stage
  2. As the opc OS user on all GGHub nodes, download the following software in the directory /u01/oracle/stage:

  3. As the grid OS user on all GGHub nodes, unzip the GGhub scripts file downloaded from My Oracle Support Document 2951572.1 into the directory /u01/oracle/scripts.

    Place the script in the same location on all primary and standby GGhub nodes

    [opc@gghub_prim1 ~]$ sudo su - grid 
    [grid@gghub_prim1 ~]$ unzip -q /u01/oracle/stage/gghub_scripts_YYYYYMMDD.zip -d /u01/oracle/scripts/

Step 2.4 - Configure Oracle Linux To Use the Oracle Public YUM Repository

The Oracle Linux yum server hosts software for Oracle Linux and compatible distributions. These instructions help you get started configuring your Linux system for Oracle Linux yum server and installing software through yum.

  • As the root OS user in all GGHub systems, create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/oracle-public-yum-ol7.repo with the following contents:

    [opc@gghub_prim1 ~]$ sudo su -
    [root@gghub_prim1 ~]#
    cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/oracle-public-yum-ol7.repo <<EOF
    name=Oracle Linux $releasever Latest ($basearch)