Installing Patches for Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture

Patching for Oracle GoldenGate refers to applying interim one-off software fixes as well as cumulative software bundle patches to an existing, lower version of the software, yet one that is in the same release label as the patch to be applied. Cumulative and one-off patches for Oracle GoldenGate can be applied on top of a base release or previously patched release, or they may be a one-off patch that should be applied to a specific Oracle GoldenGate version.

Patches for Oracle GoldenGate can be found on My Oracle Support when available, and are located under the Patches & Updates section of MOS.


When patching multiple installations that already have Deployments and a shared Service Manager configured, the Service Manager will only be patched when the Oracle GoldenGate installation where the Service Manager was first created from, gets patched.


Downloading Patches for Oracle GoldenGate

Download the appropriate patches for the Oracle GoldenGate build for each system that will be part of the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.

  1. Using a browser, navigate to
  2. Log in with your Oracle ID and password.
  3. Select the Patches & Updates tab.
  4. On the Search tab, click Product or Family.
  5. In the Product field, type Oracle GoldenGate.
  6. From the Release drop-down list, select the patch version that you want to download.
  7. Optionally, to limit the number of patches listed in the search results, select the required platform from the Platform drop-down list.
  8. Click Search.
  9. In the Patch Advanced Search Results list, select the patch that best meets your criteria.

    When you select a patch, a dialog box pops up under the build description, and then you are advanced to the patch details page.

  10. Click the Download link for the patch and save the file to your system.


Before installing the patch, see Release Notes for Oracle Database for any new features, parameter changes, patching requirements, known issues, or bug fixes that affect your current configuration.

Patching Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture Using OPatch

After you download the patch, set up the following prerequisites before installing the patch:

  1. Download and install the most recent release of OPatch, and keep a note of the installation directory where you installed the latest release of OPatch.

    Details from where to download OPatch are available at: How To Download And Install The Latest OPatch(6880880) Version (Doc ID 274526.1)

  2. Download the Oracle GoldenGate patch and maintain a location for storing the contents of the patch ZIP file. This location or the absolute path is referred to as patch_top_dir in the subsequent steps.

  3. Navigate to the patch_top_dir directory and run the following command to extract the contents of the patch ZIP file to the location you created previously.

    cd patch_top_dir


  4. Navigate to the unzipped patch directory:

    cd patch_top_dir/patch_number_dir

  5. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory that is to be patched:

    For Linux: $ export ORACLE_HOME=GoldenGate_Installation_Path

    For Windows: > set ORACLE_HOME=GoldenGate_Installation_Path

  6. Set the PATH environment variable to include the locations of the ORACLE_HOME and OPatch directories.

    For Linux: $ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME:/OPatch

    For Windows: >set PATH=%PATH%;%ORACLE_HOME%;C:\OPatch

  7. Verify the Oracle inventory, which OPatch accesses to install the patches. To verify the inventory, run the following command:

    opatch lsinventory

    If the command displays any errors, contact Oracle Support to resolve the issue.

  8. Run the OPatch prerequisites check and verify that it passes.

    opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -ph ./

    If any errors are displayed, identify the error type. OPatch categorizes conflicts in the following types:

    • Conflicts with a patch already applied to the ORACLE_HOME: In this case, stop the patch installation and contact Oracle Support Services.

    • Conflicts with a patch already applied to the ORACLE_HOME that is a subset of the patch you are trying to apply: In this case, continue with the patch installation because the new patch contains all the fixes from the existing patch in the ORACLE_HOME. The subset patch will automatically be rolled back prior to the installation of the new patch.

  9. Before patching Oracle GoldenGate, if you have any deployments for the installation, ensure that you shut down all processes such as Extracts, Replicats, and Distribution paths, and stop all services for the deployments.

    This can be done in the Administration Service’s and Service Manager’s WebUI, or in the Admin Client.

    If using the Admin Client, perform the following steps to connect to each deployment and stop all processes.

  10. If using the Admin Client, connect to each deployment and stop all processes.

    1. Start the Admin Client and connect to the deployment.


      OGG (not connected) 1>CONNECT https://host:srv_mgrport

      DEPLOYMENT <deployment-name> AS <user> PASSWORD <password>

    2. Stop the Extract and Replicat processes and the Distribution Paths.
      STOP ER *
    3. Stop the services for the deployment and verify that they are all stopped:

    4. Exit the Admin Client and stop the Service Manager:

      OGG (https://host:port deployment-name) exit

      ##Command for Service Manager not registered as a service/daemon




      ##Command for Service Manager registered as a service/daemon

      For Linux: $ sudo systemctl stop OracleGoldenGate

      For Windows: To stop the Service Manager for Windows, use the Windows Services applet (services.msc) and stop the Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager service.

  11. Disconnect all user sessions to the deployment as well as close all running Oracle GoldenGate programs, including Admin Client.

    Perform the following steps to install the patch:

  12. Install the patch by running the following command:

    opatch apply

    When the OPatch command starts, it validates the patch and ensures that there are no conflicts with the software already installed in ORACLE_HOME of the Oracle GoldenGate release.

  13. After the patch installation completes, run the following command to verify that the Oracle inventory contains the installed patch:

    opatch lsinventory


    For Oracle GoldenGate for PostgreSQL installations patched to release version and later, prior to restarting the Extracts and Replicats, update the DSN entries in theodbc.ini file to take advantage of the new driver version. For more information, see Patching Oracle GoldenGate for PostgreSQL to Release Version and Later.
  14. After the patch installation completes, start the Service Manager, the services, and Oracle GoldenGate processes.

    1. Start the Service Manager:

      For Linux:

      ##Command for Service Manager not registered as a service/daemon




      ##Command for Service Manager registered as a service/daemon

      $ sudo systemctl start OracleGoldenGate

      For Windows: Use the Windows Services applet (services.msc) and start the Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager service.

    2. Start the Admin Client and connect to the deployment.


      OGG (not connected) 1>CONNECT https://host:srvmgr_port DEPLOYMENT deployment-name AS user PASSWORD password

    3. Start services for the deployment and verify that they are all running:

    4. Start the Extract, Replicat and Distribution paths:

      START ER *

Post-Patch Installation Tasks for Non-Oracle Databases for Microservices Architecture

This topic lists the post-patch installation tasks for non-Oracle databases, Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL.


Patching Oracle GoldenGate MySQL 5.7 with DDL Replication Enabled

To patch Oracle GoldenGate MySQL 5.7 with DDL replication enabled:

  1. Stop the metadata server using the following DDL install script stop option.
    ./ stop user-id  password  port-number
  2. Replace the metadata_server executable in the installation directory.

  3. Start the metadata server running currently using ddl install script start option:
    ./ start user-id  password  port-number


The DDL operations issued in between starting and stopping the metadata_server would be lost.

Patching Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server - Extract Requirements

You must follow the existing patching procedures discussed in previous topics, Downloading Patches for Oracle GoldenGate and Patching Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture Using OPatch. In addition, you must re-run ADD TRANDATA for each table that is already enabled for TRANDATA using these steps:
  1. Stop all Oracle GoldenGate processes.

  2. Follow normal patch procedures for binary replacement but do not start any Oracle GoldenGate processes. See Installing Patches for Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture for details.

  3. Manually stop the SQL Server CDC Capture job for the database. If the job is processing a large transaction, it may take some time before it actually stops.

  4. Ensure that the Extract is stopped.

  5. Using Admin client, run ADD TRANDATA again for every table that you previously enabled it for, including the heartbeat tables and any Replicat checkpoint table used as a FILTERTABLE object for active/active configurations.


    Do not run the DELETE TRANDATA command.

  6. Manually restart the SQL Server CDC Capture job.

  7. Manually restart the Oracle GoldenGate processes such as Extract, Replicat, and Manager.

Patching Oracle GoldenGate for PostgreSQL to Release Version and Later

When patching Oracle GoldenGate for PostgreSQL from release versions prior to, to version or later, you need to update the DSN entries in the odbc.ini file to take advantage of the new driver delivered as part of those patches.

Perform these steps after overwriting the existing version of Oracle GoldenGate for PostgreSQL and prior to restarting Oracle GoldenGate Extract and Replicat processes:
  1. Update any existing DSN entries in the odbc.ini file and change the driver attributes for each DSN entry, to the following values:

    • Driver – For Oracle GoldenGate release versions and later, set the value to: /<GoldenGate_Installation_Folder>/datadirect/lib/

  2. Finish following the normal steps for patching Oracle GoldenGate.

Uninstalling the Patch for Oracle and Non-Oracle Databases Using OPatch

To uninstall the patch, follow these steps:
  1. Install the latest OPatch version, set the required environment variables, and stop the Oracle GoldenGate processes and services. The patch installation steps are documented in the previous topic.

  2. Navigate to the patch_top_dir/patch_number directory:
    $ cd patch_top_dir/patch_number
  3. Uninstall the patch by running the following command:

    $ opatch rollback -id patch_number
  4. Start the services from the Oracle GoldenGate home.