Task 3 - Create a Shared File System to Store the Oracle GoldenGate Deployment

Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture is designed with a simplified installation and deployment directory structure.

  • The installation directory should be placed on local storage on each database node to minimize downtime during software patching.

  • The deployment directory which is created during deployment creation using the Oracle GoldenGate Configuration Assistant (oggca.sh), must be placed on a shared file system. The deployment directory contains configuration, security, log, parameter, trail, and checkpoint files.

Placing the deployment in DBFS or Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (ACFS) provides the best recoverability and failover capabilities in the event of a system failure. Ensuring the availability of the checkpoint files cluster-wide is essential so that the GoldenGate processes can continue running from their last known position after a failure occurs.

If Oracle GoldenGate will be configured along with Oracle Data Guard, the recommended file system is DBFS. DBFS is contained in the database protected by Data Guard and can be fully integrated with XAG. In the event of a Data Guard role transition, the file system can be automatically mounted on the new primary server, followed by the automated start-up Oracle GoldenGate. This is currently not possible with ACFS since it is not part of the Oracle Data Guard configuration.


This document does not include steps to configure Oracle GoldenGate with Oracle Data Guard.

If Oracle Data Guard is not present, the recommended file system is ACFS. ACFS is a multi-platform, scalable file system and storage management technology that extends Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) functionality to support customer files maintained outside the Oracle Database.

Perform one of the following steps to complete this task, based on your file system requirements:

  • Step 3a - Oracle Database File System (DBFS)
  • Step 3b - Oracle ASM Cluster File System (ACFS)

Step 3a - Oracle Database File System (DBFS)

You must create the DBFS tablespace inside the same database to which the Oracle GoldenGate processes are connected. For example, if an Oracle GoldenGate integrated Extract process is extracted from a database called GGDB, the DBFS tablespace would be located in the same GGDB database.

Create a file system for storing the Oracle GoldenGate deployment files. You should allocate enough trail file disk space to permit storage of up to 12 hours of trail files. Doing this will give sufficient space for trail file generation should a problem occur with the target environment that prevents it from receiving new trail files. The amount of space needed for 12 hours can only be determined by testing trail file generation rates with real production data.

Perform the following sub-steps to complete this step:

  • Step 3a.1 - Configuring DBFS on Oracle Exadata Database Service
  • Step 3a.2 - Create the DBFS Repository
  • Step 3a.3 - (Only for CDB) Create an Entry in TNSNAMES
  • Step 3a.4 - Download and Edit the mount-dbfs Scripts
  • Step 3a.5 - Register the DBFS Resource with Oracle Clusterware
  • Step 3a.6 - Start the DBFS Resource
Step 3a.1 - Configuring DBFS on Oracle Exadata Database Service
  1. As the opc OS user, add the grid user to the fuse group:
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ sudo -u grid $(grep ^crs_home /etc/oracle/olr.loc | cut -d= -f2)/bin/olsnodes > ~/dbs_group
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l opc sudo usermod -a -G fuse grid
  2. As the opc OS user, validate that the file /etc/fuse.conf exists and contains the user_allow_other option:
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ cat /etc/fuse.conf
    # mount_max = 1000
    # user_allow_other
  3. Skip this step if the option user_allow_other is already in the /etc/fuse.conf file.

    Otherwise, run the following commands as the opc OS user to add the option:

    [opc@exadb-node1]$ dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l opc "echo user_allow_other | sudo tee -a /etc/fuse.conf"
  4. As the opc OS user, create an empty directory that will be used as the mount point for the DBFS file system:
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l opc sudo mkdir -p /mnt/dbfs
  5. As the opc OS user, change ownership on the mount point directory so the grid OS user can access it:
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l opc sudo chown oracle:oinstall /mnt/dbfs
Step 3a.2 - Create the DBFS Repository

Create the DBFS repository inside the target database. To create the repository, create a new tablespace within the target PDB to hold the DBFS objects and a database user that will own the objects.


When using an Oracle Multitenant Database, the DBFS tablespace MUST be created in a Pluggable Database (PDB). It is recommended that you use the same PDB that the GoldenGate Extract or Replicat processes connect to, allowing DBFS to use the same database service created above for its database dependency.

  1. As the oracle OS user, create the tablespace in the database:
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ sudo su - oracle
    [oracle@exadb-node1]$ source DB_NAME.env
    [oracle@exadb-node1]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter session set container=<pdb_name>;
    SQL> create bigfile tablespace dbfstb1 datafile size 32g autoextend on next 8g
    SQL> create user dbfs_user identified by "<dbfs_user_password>"
     default tablespace dbfstb1 quota unlimited on dbfstb1;
    SQL> grant connect, create table, create view, create procedure,
     dbfs_role to dbfs_user;
  2. As the oracle OS user, create the database objects that will hold DBFS. This script takes two arguments:
    • dbfstb1: tablespace for the DBFS database objects
    • goldengate: file system name - this can be any string and will appear as a directory under the mount point
     [oracle@exadb-node1]$ sqlplus dbfs_user/"<dbfs_user_password>"@<db_name>_dbfs
    SQL> start $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbfs_create_filesystem dbfstb1 goldengate     

Step 3a.3 - (Only for CDB) Create an Entry in TNSNAMES

  1. As the oracle OS user, find the database domain name:
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ sudo su - oracle
    [oracle@exadb-node1]$ source DB_NAME.env
    [oracle@exadb-node1]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> show parameter db_domain
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
    db_domain                            string      <db_domain_name>
  2. As the oracle OS user, add a connect entry in $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora file:
    [oracle@exadb-node1]$ vi $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora
    dbfs =
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (CONNECT_DATA =
            (SERVICE_NAME = <pdb_service_name>.<db_domain_name> )
  3. As the oracle OS user, distribute the $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora file to the rest of the nodes:
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ /usr/local/bin/dcli -l oracle -g ~/dbs_group
     -f $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora -d $TNS_ADMIN/

Step 3a.4 - Edit the mount-dbfs Scripts

  1. Unzip the zip file and edit the variable settings in the file mount-dbfs.conf for your environment.

    Comments in the file will help you to confirm the values for these variables:

    • MOUNT_POINT: /mnt/dbfs/goldengate
    • GRID_HOME (GRID INFRASTRUCTURE HOME directory): echo $(grep ^crs_home /etc/oracle/olr.loc | cut -d= -f2)
    • DBFS_PASSWD (used only if WALLET=false)
    • DBFS_PWDFILE_BASE (used only if WALET=false)
    • WALLET (must be true or false)
    • TNS_ADMIN (used only if WALLET=true or PDB): echo $TNS_ADMIN
    • DBFS_LOCAL_TNSALIAS (used only if WALLET=true)
    • IS_PDB (set to true if using PDB)
    • PDB (PDB name, if applicable): PDB name
    • PDB_SERVICE (the database service created in step 2.3, if applicable): PDB_SERVICE_NAME
    • MOUNT_OPTIONS: allow_other,direct_io,failover,nolock
      • The failover option forces all file writes to be committed to the DBFS database in an IMMEDIATE WAIT mode. This prevents data from getting lost when it has been written into the dbfs_client cache, but not yet written to the database at the time of a database or node failure.
      • The nolock mount option is required if you use Oracle Database 18c or later versions because of a change in the DBFS file locking, which can cause issues for GoldenGate processes after an Oracle RAC node failure when a file is currently locked.
  2. As the grid OS user, unzip the mount-dbfs-<version>.zip and edit the configuration file mount-dbfs.conf:
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ sudo su - grid
    [grid@exadb-node1]$ cd /u02/app_acfs/goldengate
    [grid@exadb-node1]$ unzip mount-dbfs-<version>.zip
    [grid@exadb-node1]$ vi mount-dbfs.conf

    Example of mount-dbfs.conf:

    GRID_HOME=$(grep ^crs_home /etc/oracle/olr.loc | cut -d= -f2)
    if [ -z "${GRID_HOME}" ]; then
        echo "GRID_HOME is unset or set to the empty string"
    ORACLE_HOME=$($GRID_HOME/bin/srvctl config database -d $DBNAME |grep 'Oracle home:' | cut -d: -f2 |sed 's/ //g')
    if [ -z "${ORACLE_HOME}" ]; then
        echo "ORACLE_HOME is unset or set to the empty string"
  3. As the grid OS user, modify the mount-dbfs.sh script to force unmounting of DBFS when the CRS resource is stopped:
    [grid@exadb-node1]$ vi /u02/app_acfs/goldengate/mount-dbfs.sh
    # Change two occurrences of:
    # To the following:
  4. As the opc OS user, copy mount-dbfs.conf (rename it if desired or needed) to the directory /etc/oracle on database nodes and set proper permissions on it:
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ sudo -u grid $(grep ^crs_home /etc/oracle/olr.loc | cut
     -d= -f2)/bin/olsnodes > ~/dbs_group
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ /usr/local/bin/dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l opc -d /tmp
     -f /u02/app_acfs/goldengate/mount-dbfs.conf
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ /usr/local/bin/dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l opc sudo
     cp /u02/app_acfs/goldengate/mount-dbfs.conf /etc/oracle
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ /usr/local/bin/dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l opc sudo
     chown grid:oinstall /etc/oracle/mount-dbfs.conf
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ /usr/local/bin/dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l opc sudo
     chmod 660 /etc/oracle/mount-dbfs.conf
  5. As the opc OS user, copy mount-dbfs.sh (rename it if desired or needed) to the proper directory ($GI_HOME/crs/script) on database nodes and set proper permissions on it:
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ /usr/local/bin/dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l opc sudo
     mkdir $(grep ^crs_home /etc/oracle/olr.loc | cut -d= -f2)/crs/script
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ /usr/local/bin/dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l opc sudo chown
     grid:oinstall $(grep ^crs_home /etc/oracle/olr.loc | cut -d= -f2)/crs/script
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ /usr/local/bin/dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l grid
     -d $(grep ^crs_home /etc/oracle/olr.loc | cut -d= -f2)/crs/script
     -f /u02/app_acfs/goldengate/mount-dbfs.sh
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ /usr/local/bin/dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l grid chmod 770
     $(grep ^crs_home /etc/oracle/olr.loc | cut -d= -f2)/crs/script/mount-dbfs.sh

Step 3a.5 - Register the DBFS Resource with Oracle Clusterware

When registering the resource with Oracle Clusterware, create it as a cluster_resource.

The reason for using cluster_resource is so the file system can only be mounted on a single node at one time, preventing mounting of DBFS from concurrent nodes creating the potential of concurrent file writes, and causing file corruption problems.

  1. As the grid OS user, find the resource name for the database service created in a previous step for the DBFS service dependency:
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ sudo su - grid
    [grid@exadb-node1]$ crsctl stat res |grep <PDB_NAME>
  2. As the oracle OS user, register the Clusterware resource by running the following script:
    [opc@exadb-node1]$ sudo su - oracle
    [oracle@exadb-node1]$ vi /u02/app_acfs/goldengate/add-dbfs-resource.sh
    ##### start script add-dbfs-resource.sh
    ACTION_SCRIPT=$(grep ^crs_home /etc/oracle/olr.loc | cut -d= -f2)/crs/script/mount-dbfs.sh
    ORACLE_HOME=$(grep ^crs_home /etc/oracle/olr.loc | cut -d= -f2)
    crsctl add resource $RESNAME \
      -type cluster_resource \
    ##### end script add-dbfs-resource.sh
    [oracle@exadb-node1]$ sh /u02/app_acfs/goldengate/add-dbfs-resource.sh


After creating the $RESNAME resource, to stop the $DBNAME database when the $RESNAME resource is ONLINE, you specify the force flag when using srvctl.

For example: srvctl stop database -d fsdb -f

Step 3a.6 - Start the DBFS Resource

As the grid OS user, start the resource:

 [opc@exadb-node1]$ sudo su - grid
[grid@exadb-node1]$ crsctl start res dbfs_mount -n `hostname`
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'dbfs_mount' on 'exadb-node1'
CRS-2676: Start of 'dbfs_mount' on 'exadb-node1' succeeded

[grid@exadb-node1]$ crsctl stat res dbfs_mount -t

Name           Target  State        Server                   State details      
Cluster Resources
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       exadb-node1              STABLE


Leave the shared file system mounted. It is required for creating the Oracle GoldenGate deployment in a later step.

Step 3b - Oracle ASM Cluster File System (ACFS)

Oracle ACFS is an alternative to DBFS for the shared Oracle GoldenGate files in an Oracle RAC configuration. Create a single ACFS file system for storing the Oracle deployment files.

It is recommended that you allocate enough trail file disk space to permit the storage of up to 12 hours of trail files. Doing this will give sufficient space for trail file generation should a problem occur with the target environment that prevents it from receiving new trail files. The amount of space needed for 12 hours can only be determined by testing trail file generation rates with real production data.

Perform the following sub-steps to complete this step:

  • Step 3b.1 - Create the ASM File System
  • Step 3b.2 - Make the File System
  • Step 3b.3 - Create the Cluster Ready Services (CRS) Resource
  • Step 3b.4 - Verify the Currently Configured ACFS File Systems
  • Step 3b.5 - Start and Check the Status of the ACFS Resource
  • Step 3b.6- Create GoldenGate ACFS Directory

Step 3b.1 - Create the ASM File System

As the grid OS user, use asmcmd to create the volume:

[opc@exadb-node1 ~]$ sudo su - grid
[grid@exadb-node1 ~]$ asmcmd volcreate -G DATAC1 -s 1200G ACFS_GG


Modify the file system size according to the determined size requirements.

Step 3b.2 - Make the File System

  1. As the grid OS user, use asmcmd to confirm the “Volume Device”:
    [grid@exadb-node1 ~]$ asmcmd volinfo -G DATAC1 ACFS_GG

    Following is an example of the ACFS volume device output:

    Diskgroup Name: DATAC1
             Volume Name: ACFS_GG
             Volume Device: /dev/asm/acfs_gg-151
             State: ENABLED
             Size (MB): 1228800
             Resize Unit (MB): 64
             Redundancy: MIRROR
             Stripe Columns: 8
             Stripe Width (K): 1024
  2. As the grid OS user, make the file system with the following mkfs command:
    [grid@exadb-node1 ~]$ /sbin/mkfs -t acfs /dev/asm/acfs_gg-151
Step 3b.3 - Create the Cluster Ready Services (CRS) Resource
  1. As the opc OS user, create the ACFS mount point:
    [opc@exadb-node1 ~]$ dcli -l opc -g ~/dbs_group sudo mkdir -p /mnt/acfs_gg
    [opc@exadb-node1 ~]$ dcli -l opc -g ~/dbs_group sudo chown
     oracle:oinstall /mnt/acfs_gg
  2. Create the file system resource as the root user.

    Because the implementation of distributed file locking on ACFS, unlike DBFS, it is acceptable to mount ACFS on more than one Oracle RAC node at any one time.

  3. As the root OS user, create the ACFS resource for the new ACFS file system:
    [opc@exadb-node1 ~]$ sudo su -
    [root@exadb-node1 ~]# $(grep ^crs_home /etc/oracle/olr.loc | cut -d= -f2)/bin/srvctl
     add filesystem -device /dev/asm/acfs_gg-151 -volume ACFS_GG -diskgroup DATAC1
     -path /mnt/acfs_gg -user oracle

Step 3b.4 - Verify the Currently Configured ACFS File Systems

As the grid OS user, use the following command to view the file system details:

[opc@exadb-node1 ~]$ sudo su - grid
[grid@exadb-node1 ~]$ srvctl config filesystem -volume ACFS_GG -diskgroup DATAC1

Volume device: /dev/asm/acfs_gg-151
Diskgroup name: datac1
Volume name: acfs_gg
Canonical volume device: /dev/asm/acfs_gg-151
Accelerator volume devices:
Mountpoint path: /mnt/acfs_gg
Mount point owner: oracle
Mount point group: oinstall
Mount permissions: owner:oracle:rwx,pgrp:oinstall:r-x,other::r-x
Mount users: grid
Type: ACFS
Mount options:
ACFS file system is enabled
ACFS file system is individually enabled on nodes:
ACFS file system is individually disabled on nodes:

Step 3b.5 - Start and Check the Status of the ACFS Resource

As the grid OS user, use the following command to start and check the file system:

[grid@exadb-node1 ~]$ srvctl start filesystem -volume ACFS_GG
 -diskgroup DATAC1 -node `hostname`
[grid@exadb-node1 ~]$ srvctl status filesystem -volume ACFS_GG -diskgroup DATAC1

ACFS file system /mnt/acfs_gg is mounted on nodes exadb-node1

The CRS resource created is named using the format ora.diskgroup_name.volume_name.acfs. Using the above file system example, the CRS resource is called ora.datac1.acfs_gg.acfs.

To see all ACFS file system CRS resources that currently exist, use the following command.

[grid@exadb-node1 ~]$ crsctl stat res -w "((TYPE = ora.acfs.type) OR (TYPE = ora.acfs_cluster.type))"

TARGET=ONLINE                   , OFFLINE
STATE=ONLINE on exadb-node1, OFFLINE
TARGET=ONLINE                   , ONLINE
STATE=ONLINE on exadb-node1, ONLINE on exadb-node2

Step 3b.6- Create GoldenGate ACFS Directory

As the grid OS user, create the directory for storing the Oracle GoldenGate deployments.

[opc@exadb-node1 ~]$ sudo su - oracle
[oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ mkdir -p /mnt/acfs_gg/deployments

Refer to the Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System Administrator’s Guide for more information about ACFS.


Leave the shared file system mounted. It is required for creating the Oracle GoldenGate deployment in a later step.