Task 2 - Configure the Oracle Database for GoldenGate

The source and target Oracle GoldenGate databases should be configured using the following recommendations.

Perform the following steps to complete this task:

  • Step 2.1 - Database Configuration
  • Step 2.2 - Create the Database Replication Administrator User
  • Step 2.3 - Create the Database Services

Step 2.1 - Database Configuration

The source and target Oracle GoldenGate databases should be configured using the following recommendations.

  1. Enable Oracle GoldenGate replication by setting the database initialization parameter.
  2. Source Oracle GoldenGate Database:
    • Run the database in ARCHIVELOG mode
    • Enable FORCE LOGGING mode
    • Enable minimal supplemental logging
    • Additionally, add schema or table level logging for all replicated objects
  3. Configure the streams pool in the System Global Area (SGA) on the source database using the STREAMS_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter. The streams pool is only needed on the target database if integrated Replicat will be used.

For the steps on preparing the database for Oracle GoldenGate, refer to Using Oracle GoldenGate Classic Architecture with Oracle Database.

  1. As the oracle OS user on the source and target systems, issue the following SQL instructions to configure the database:
    [opc@exadb-node1 ~]$ sudo su - oracle
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ source <db_name>.env
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter system set ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION=true scope=both sid='*';
    SQL> alter system set STREAMS_POOL_SIZE=<SIZE_IN_GB> scope=both sid='*';
  2. As the oracle OS user on the source system, issue the following SQL instructions to configure the database:
    [opc@exadb-node1 ~]$ sudo su - oracle
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ source <db_name>.env
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
    Database log mode              Archive Mode
    Automatic archival             Enabled
    Archive destination            USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
    Oldest online log sequence     110
    Next log sequence to archive   113
    Current log sequence           113

Step 2.2 - Create the Database Replication Administrator User

The source and target Oracle databases need a GoldenGate Administrator user created, with appropriate privileges assigned:

  1. As the oracle OS user on the source system, issue the following SQL instructions to create the database user for Oracle GoldenGate and assign the required privileges:
    [opc@exadb-node1 ~]$ sudo su - oracle
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ source <db_name>.env
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
    # CDB
    alter session set container=cdb$root;
    create user c##ggadmin identified by "<ggadmin_password>" container=all default
     tablespace USERS temporary tablespace temp;
    alter user c##ggadmin quota unlimited on users;
    grant set container to c##ggadmin container=all;
    grant alter system to c##ggadmin container=all;
    grant create session to c##ggadmin container=all;
    grant alter any table to c##ggadmin container=all;
    grant resource to c##ggadmin container=all;
    exec dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege('c##ggadmin',container=>'all');
    # Source PDB
    alter session set container=<PDB_name>;
    create user ggadmin identified by "<ggadmin_password>" container=current;
    grant create session to ggadmin container=current;
    grant alter any table to ggadmin container=current;
    grant resource to ggadmin container=current;
    exec dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege('ggadmin');
  2. As the oracle OS user on the target system, issue the following SQL instructions to create the database user for Oracle GoldenGate and assign the required privileges:
    # Target PDB
    [opc@exadb-node1 ~]$ sudo su - oracle
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ source <db_name>.env
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
    alter session set container=<PDB_name>;
    create user ggadmin identified by "<ggadmin_password>" container=current;
    grant alter system to ggadmin container=current;
    grant create session to ggadmin container=current;
    grant alter any table to ggadmin container=current;
    grant resource to ggadmin container=current;
    grant dv_goldengate_admin, dv_goldengate_redo_access to ggadmin container=current;
    exec dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege('ggadmin');

Step 2.3 - Create the Database Services

A database service is required so that the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Agent will automatically start the Oracle GoldenGate deployment when the database is opened. When DBFS is used for the shared file system, the database service is also used to mount DBFS to the correct RAC instance.

When using a source multitenant database, a separate service is required for the root container database (CDB) and the pluggable database (PDB) that contains the schema being replicated. For a target multitenant database, a single service is required for the PDB.

  1. As the oracle OS user, create and start the CDB database service using the following command:
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ source <db_name>.env
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ srvctl add service -db $ORACLE_UNQNAME
     -service `echo $ORACLE_UNQNAME`_ogg -preferred <SID1> -available <SID2>
     -role PRIMARY
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ srvctl start service -db $ORACLE_UNQNAME
     -service `echo $ORACLE_UNQNAME`_ogg

    If your database is part of a multitenant environment, remember to create the service at the pluggable database (PDB).

  2. As the oracle OS user, create and start the PDB database service using the following command:
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ dbaascli database getDetails
     --dbname <db_name> |grep pdbName
          "pdbName" : "<PDB_NAME>",
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ srvctl add service -db $ORACLE_UNQNAME
     -service <PDB_NAME>_ogg -preferred <SID1>,<SID2> -pdb <PDB_NAME> -role PRIMARY
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ srvctl start service -db $ORACLE_UNQNAME
     -service <PDB_NAME>_ogg
  3. As the oracle OS user, verify that the services are running:
    [oracle@exadb-node1 ~]$ srvctl status service -d $ORACLE_UNQNAME |grep _ogg
    Service <ORACLE_UNQNAME>_ogg is running on instance(s) <SID1>
    Service <PDB_NAME>_ogg is running on instance(s) <SID1>

See Server Control Utility Reference in Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide for details about creating database services.