Troubleshooting MAA GoldenGate Hub
Oracle GoldenGate Extract Failure or Error Conditions Considerations
For Oracle GoldenGate Extract processes using Oracle Data Guard configurations that are using redo transport Maximum Performance or Maximum Availability modes, the following parameter must be added to the Extract process parameter file on the primary database system to avoid losing transactions and resulting in logical data inconsistencies:
This parameter prevents Extract from extracting transaction data from redo that has not yet been applied to the Data Guard standby database. This is crucial to preventing Oracle GoldenGate from replicating data to a target database that does not exist in the source standby database.
If this parameter is not specified, after a data loss failover of the source database it is possible to have data in the target database that is not present in the source database, leading to logical data inconsistencies.
By default, after 60 seconds, a warning message is written to the Extract report file when the Extract is stalled because it can't query the standby database applied SCN information. For example:
WARNING OGG-02721 Extract has been waiting for the standby database for 60
The amount of time before the warning message is written to the Extract report file can
be adjusted using the Extract parameter TRANLOGOPTIONS HANDLEDLFAILOVER
If the Extract is still unable to query the standby database applied SCN information after 30 minutes (default), the Extract process abend, logging the following message in the Extract report file:
ERROR OGG-02722 Extract abended waiting for 1,800 seconds for the standby
database to be accessible or caught up with the primary database.
If the standby database becomes available before the default 30 timeout expires, Extract continues mining data from the source database and reports the following message to the report file:
INFO OGG-02723 Extract resumed from stalled state and started processing
The timeout value of 30 minutes can be adjusted using the Extract parameter
, where
value is the number of seconds the standby is unavailable before abending.
If the standby database will be unavailable for a prolonged duration, such as during a
planned maintenance outage, and you wish Extract to continue extracting data from the
primary database, remove the TRANLOGOPTIONS HANDLEDLFAILOVER
from the Extract parameter file and restart Extract. Remember to set the parameter after
the standby becomes available.
If extracting from a primary database continues while the standby is unavailable, a data loss failover could result after the standby becomes available, and not all the primary redo was applied before a failover. The GoldenGate target database will contain data that does not exist in the source database.If the Extract process has been assigned an auto restart profile, as documented in Cloud: Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture on Oracle Exadata Database Service Configuration Best Practices, after a Data Guard role transition, the Extract process automatically restarts. Extract continues to mine redo data from the new primary database, ignoring the current state of the new standby database, until a default 5 minute timeout period expires. After this time, if the standby is not available Extract will abend with the following errors:
INFO OGG-25053 Timeout waiting for 300 seconds for standby database
reinstatement. Now enforcing HANDLEDLFAILOVER.
ERROR OGG-06219 Unable to extract data from the Logmining server
ERROR OGG-02078 Extract encountered a fatal error in a processing thread and
is abending.
Extract continues attempting to automatically restart, based on the Oracle GoldenGate
Microservices auto restart profile, and fails because it reaches the
timeout, until the number of retries is reached or
the new standby database becomes available.
During the timeout period following a database role transition, the
parameter is automatically suspended, so data is
replicated to the Oracle GoldenGate replica database without consideration of the source
standby database not being kept up to date. The timeout period for the standby database
to start up before Extract abends can be adjusted using the Extract parameter
It is recommended that you leave DLFAILOVER_TIMEOUT
at the default of 5
minutes to allow the old primary to convert to a standby. If the new standby database
will be unavailable for an extended period of time or completely gone, then to ensure
that Extract starts and remains running, you must remove the
parameter from the Extract parameter file. After
removing the parameter, Extract no longer waits until redo has been applied to the
standby database before extracting the data.
During the time it takes for the standby database to come back online and apply all of
the redo from the primary database, there is data divergence between it and the Oracle
GoldenGate replica database. This divergence is resolved when the standby database is up
to date. At this point you can add the HANDLEDLFAILOVER
parameter back
into the integrated Extract process parameter file, and then stop and restart the
When Oracle Data Guard Fast Start Failover is disabled, such that the broker can automatically fail over to a standby database in the event of loss of the primary database, you must specify an additional integrated Extract parameter:
This parameter identifies which standby database the Oracle GoldenGate Extract process must remain behind, with regards to not extracting redo data that has not yet been applied to the standby database.
If Oracle Data Guard Fast Start Failover is disabled, and you don’t specify the
additional integrated Extract parameter FAILOVERTARGETDESTID
, the
extract will abend with the following errors:
ERROR OGG-06219 Unable to extract data from the Logmining server
ERROR OGG-02078 Extract encountered a fatal error in a processing thread and is
Troubleshooting ACFS Replication
The health of ACFS replication is determined by the acfsutil repl util
commands. These commands are called by the
example CRS action scripts acfs_primary.scr and acfs_standby.scr, but they
are also implicitly called during a file system role transition.
Both commands will return a value of ‘0’ if there are no problems detected. If a non-zero value is returned, run the same command with verbose flag to see comprehensive output of the verification tests.
As the grid user on the standby GGHub system, verify the ACFS replication with the primary GGHub:
[grid@gghub_stby1]$ acfsutil repl util verifyprimary /mnt/acfs_gg -v
- Attempting to ping clust1-vip1
- ping successful
- Attempting to ssh
'/usr/bin/ssh -o BatchMode=true -o Ciphers=aes128-ctr -o ConnectTimeout=3 -x oracle@clust1-vip1 true 2>&1'
- ssh output: Host key verification failed.
- ssh output: Host key verification failed.
- ssh attempt failed, ret=255
verifyprimary return code: 255
The errors reported by the verify command, Host key verification failed
clearly showing why it failed. In this example, there is a problem with the ssh
configuration between the standby and the primary file system GGHubs. Once the problem
has been resolved, rerun the verify commands to ensure there are no further
After a failover has completed, it is recommended to check the acfsutil trace files for
the reason behind the failover. The acfsutil trace files are located in the CRS trace
file directory, which defaults to
Below are some common failures that can occur with incorrect ACFS replication configuration.
SSH daemon is shutdown or not configured to run on the VIP
When using an application VIP on the ACFS primary and standby GGHubs, the ssh daemon must be configured to listen for incoming connections on the VIP address. If this configuration is not done, or the ssh daemon is not running on either of the current primary/standby hosts the verifyprimary or verifystandby commands will fail with the following error.
As the grid user on the primary GGHub system, verify the ACFS recplication with the standby GGHub:
[grid@gghub_prim1]$ acfsutil repl util verifystandby /mnt/acfs_gg -v
- Attempting to ping
- ping successful
- Attempting to ssh
'/usr/bin/ssh -o BatchMode=true -o Ciphers=aes128-ctr -o ConnectTimeout=3 -x oracle@gghub_stby-avip true 2>&1'
- ssh output: ssh: connect to host gghub_stby1 port 22: Connection refused
- ssh output: ssh: connect to host gghub_stby2 port 22: Connection refused
- ssh attempt failed, ret=255
verifystandby return code: 255
As the grid user on the standby GGHub system, check that the resource application VIP and sshd_restart are running and restart them if not:
[grid@gghub_stby1 ~]$ crsctl stat res -w "TYPE co app.appviptypex2"
[grid@gghub_stby1 ~]$ crsctl start res gghubstby
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'gghubstby' on 'gghub_stby1'
CRS-2676: Start of 'gghubstby' on 'gghub_stby1' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'sshd_restart' on 'gghub_stby1'
CRS-2676: Start of 'sshd_restart' on 'gghub_stby1' succeeded
Check that acfsutil repl verifystandby/verifyprimary
returns a result of
‘0’ from both the primary and standby host.
Primary ACFS background resources are not running
The primary or standby ACFS servers are not accessible
- ACFS Replication ssh user problem
- SSH Host key verification failed
Troubleshooting Oracle GoldenGate
There may be occasions when GoldenGate processes are not successfully started on an Oracle RAC node. There are number of files generated by GoldenGate, XAG, and CRS that should be reviewed to determine the cause of the problem.
Below is a list of important log and trace files, along with their example locations and some example output.
XAG log file
Location: <XAG installation directory>/log/<hostname>
Example location: /u01/app/grid/xag/log/`hostname`
File name: agctl_goldengate_grid.trc
Contains all commands executed with agctl along with the output from the commands, including those that CRS executes.
2022-04-18 11:52:21: stop resource success
2022-04-18 11:52:38: agctl start goldengate <instance_name>
2022-04-18 11:52:38: executing cmd: /u01/app/ status res xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate
2022-04-18 11:52:38: executing cmd: /u01/app/ status res xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate -f
2022-04-18 11:52:38: executing cmd: /u01/app/ start resource xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate -f
2022-04-18 11:52:45: Command output:
> CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate' on 'exadb-node1'
> CRS-2676: Start of 'xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate' on 'exadb-node1' succeeded
>End Command output
2022-04-18 11:52:45: start resource success
XAG GoldenGate instance trace file
Location: <XAG installation directory>/log/<hostname>
Example location: /u01/app/grid/xag/log/`hostname`
File name: <GoldenGate_instance_name>_agent_goldengate.trc
It contains the output from the commands executed by agctl, the environment variables used, and any debug output enabled for the underlying commands.
2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported ORACLE_SID ggdg1
2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported GGS_HOME /u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS
2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported OGG_CONF_HOME /mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/ggsm01/etc/conf
2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported LD_LIBRARY_PATH
2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 /u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS
2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported LIBPATH /u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS
2022-04-18 12:14:46: ogg input = {"oggHome":"/u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS","serviceManager":{"oggConfHome":"/mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/ggsm01/etc/conf","portNumber":9100},"username":"<username>","credential":"*****"}
2022-04-18 12:14:46: About to exec /u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS/bin/XAGTask HealthCheck
2022-04-18 12:14:47: XAGTask retcode = 0
CRS trace file
Location: /u01/app/grid/diag/crs/<hostname>/crs/trace
Example location: /u01/app/grid/diag/crs/`hostname`/crs/trace
File name: crsd_scriptagent_oracle.trc
Contains the output created by any CRS resource action scripts, like XAG or dbfs_mount. This trace file is crucial to determining why DBFS or GoldenGate did not start on a RAC node.
2022-04-18 11:52:38.634 : AGFW:549631744: {1:30281:59063} Agent received the message: RESOURCE_START[xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1] ID 4098:4125749
2022-04-18 11:52:38.634 : AGFW:549631744: {1:30281:59063} Preparing START command for: xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1
2022-04-18 11:52:38.634 : AGFW:549631744: {1:30281:59063} xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1 state changed from: OFFLINE to: STARTING
2022-04-18 11:52:38.634 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] Executing action script: /u01/oracle/XAG_MA/bin/aggoldengatescaas[start]
2022-04-18 11:52:38.786 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] GG agent running command 'start' on xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate
2022-04-18 11:52:42.140 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] ServiceManager fork pid = 265747
2022-04-18 11:52:42.140 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] Waiting for /mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/ggsm01/var/run/
2022-04-18 11:52:42.140 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] Waiting for SM to start
2022-04-18 11:52:42.140 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] ServiceManager PID = 265749
2022-04-18 11:52:43.643 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] XAGTask retcode = 0
2022-04-18 11:52:43.643 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] XAG HealthCheck after start returned 0
2022-04-18 11:52:43.643 : AGFW:558036736: {1:30281:59063} Command: start for resource: xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1 completed with status: SUCCESS
2022-04-18 11:52:43.643 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [check] Executing action script: /u01/oracle/XAG_MA/bin/aggoldengatescaas[check]
2022-04-18 11:52:43.644 : AGFW:549631744: {1:30281:59063} Agent sending reply for: RESOURCE_START[xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1] ID 4098:4125749
2022-04-18 11:52:43.795 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [check] GG agent running command 'check' on xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate
2022-04-18 11:52:45.548 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [check] XAGTask retcode = 0
2022-04-18 11:52:45.548 : AGFW:549631744: {1:30281:59063} xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1 state changed from: STARTING to: ONLINE
GoldenGate deployment log files
Location: <Goldengate_deployment_directory>/<instance_name>/var/log
Example location: /mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/<instance_name>/var/log
File names: adminsrvr.log, recvsrvr.log, pmsrvr.log, distsrvr.log
Contains the output of start, stop, and status checks of the Oracle GoldenGate deployment processes (Administration Server, Distribution Server, Receiver Server, and Performance Metrics Server).
2022-04-18T11:52:42.645-0400 INFO | Setting deploymentName to '<instance_name>'. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.665-0400 INFO | Read SharedContext from store for length 19 of file '/mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/<instance_name>/var/lib/conf/adminsrvr-resources.dat'. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.723-0400 INFO | XAG Integration enabled (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.723-0400 INFO | Configuring security. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.723-0400 INFO | Configuring user authorization secure store path as '/mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/<instance_name>/var/lib/credential/secureStore/'. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.731-0400 INFO | Configuring user authorization as ENABLED. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.749-0400 INFO | Set network configuration. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.749-0400 INFO | Asynchronous operations are enabled with default synchronous wait time of 30 seconds (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.749-0400 INFO | HttpServer configuration complete. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.805-0400 INFO | SIGHUP handler installed. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.813-0400 INFO | SIGINT handler installed. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.815-0400 INFO | SIGTERM handler installed. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.817-0400 WARN | Security is configured as 'disabled'. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.818-0400 INFO | Starting service listener... (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.819-0400 INFO | Mapped 'ALL' interface to address 'ANY:9101' with default IPV4/IPV6 options identified by 'exadb-node1.domain'. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.821-0400 INFO | Captured 1 interface host names: 'exadb-node1.domain' (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.824-0400 INFO | The Network ipACL specification is empty. Accepting ANY address on ALL interfaces. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.826-0400 INFO | Server started at 2022-04-18T11:52:42.827-05:00 (2022-04-18T15:52:42.827Z GMT) (main)
GoldenGate report files
Location: <Goldengate_deployment_directory>/<instance_name>/var/lib/report
Example location: /mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/<instance_name>/var/lib/report
The GoldenGate report files contain important information, warning messages, and errors for all GoldenGate processes, including the Manager processes. If any of the GoldenGate processes fail to start or abend when running, the process report file will contain important information that can be used to determine the cause of the failure.
2022-04-23 13:01:50 ERROR OGG-00446 Unable to lock file " /mnt/acfs_gg/deployments/<instance_name>/var/lib/checkpt/EXT_1A.cpe" (error 95, Operation not supported).
2022-04-23 13:01:50 ERROR OGG-01668 PROCESS ABENDING.