Troubleshooting Oracle GoldenGate on Oracle RAC

There may be occasions when Oracle GoldenGate processes are not successfully started on an Oracle RAC node. Several files generated by Oracle GoldenGate, XAG, and CRS should be reviewed to determine the cause of the problem.

Below is a list of important log and trace files, their example locations, and some examples of output.

XAG log file

Location: <XAG installation directory>/log/<hostname>

Example location: /u01/app/grid/xag/log/`hostname`

File name: agctl_goldengate_grid.trc

Contains all commands executed with agctl along with the output from the commands, including those that CRS executes.


2022-04-18 11:52:21: stop resource success
2022-04-18 11:52:38: agctl start goldengate <instance_name>
2022-04-18 11:52:38: executing cmd: /u01/app/ status res xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate
2022-04-18 11:52:38: executing cmd: /u01/app/ status res xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate -f
2022-04-18 11:52:38: executing cmd: /u01/app/ start resource xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate -f
2022-04-18 11:52:45: Command output:
>  CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate' on 'exadb-node1'
>  CRS-2676: Start of 'xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate' on 'exadb-node1' succeeded
>End Command output
2022-04-18 11:52:45: start resource success

XAG GoldenGate instance trace file

Location: <XAG installation directory>/log/<hostname>

Example location: /u01/app/grid/xag/log/`hostname`

File name: <GoldenGate_instance_name>_agent_goldengate.trc

It contains the output from the commands executed by agctl, the environment variables used, and any debug output enabled for the underlying commands.


2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported ORACLE_SID ggdg1
2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported GGS_HOME /u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS
2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported OGG_CONF_HOME /mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/ggsm01/etc/conf
2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported LD_LIBRARY_PATH
2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 /u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS
2022-04-18 12:14:46: Exported LIBPATH /u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS
2022-04-18 12:14:46: ogg input = {"oggHome":"/u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS","serviceManager":{"oggConfHome":"/mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/ggsm01/etc/conf","portNumber":9100},"username":"admin","credential":"xyz"}
2022-04-18 12:14:46: About to exec /u01/oracle/goldengate/gg21c_MS/bin/XAGTask HealthCheck
2022-04-18 12:14:47: XAGTask retcode = 0

CRS trace file

Location: /u01/app/grid/diag/crs/<hostname>/crs/trace

Example location: /u01/app/grid/diag/crs/`hostname`/crs/trace

File name: crsd_scriptagent_oracle.trc

Contains the output created by any CRS resource action scripts, like XAG or dbfs_mount. This trace file is crucial to determining why DBFS or GoldenGate did not start on a RAC node.


2022-04-18 11:52:38.634 :    AGFW:549631744: {1:30281:59063} Agent received the message: RESOURCE_START[xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1] ID 4098:4125749
2022-04-18 11:52:38.634 :    AGFW:549631744: {1:30281:59063} Preparing START command for: xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1
2022-04-18 11:52:38.634 :    AGFW:549631744: {1:30281:59063} xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1 state changed from: OFFLINE to: STARTING
2022-04-18 11:52:38.634 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] Executing action script: /u01/oracle/XAG_MA/bin/aggoldengatescaas[start]
2022-04-18 11:52:38.786 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] GG agent running command 'start' on xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate
2022-04-18 11:52:42.140 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] ServiceManager fork pid = 265747
2022-04-18 11:52:42.140 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] Waiting for /mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/ggsm01/var/run/
2022-04-18 11:52:42.140 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] Waiting for SM to start
2022-04-18 11:52:42.140 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] ServiceManager PID = 265749
2022-04-18 11:52:43.643 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] XAGTask retcode = 0
2022-04-18 11:52:43.643 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [start] XAG HealthCheck after start returned 0
2022-04-18 11:52:43.643 :    AGFW:558036736: {1:30281:59063} Command: start for resource: xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1 completed with status: SUCCESS
2022-04-18 11:52:43.643 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [check] Executing action script: /u01/oracle/XAG_MA/bin/aggoldengatescaas[check]
2022-04-18 11:52:43.644 :    AGFW:549631744: {1:30281:59063} Agent sending reply for: RESOURCE_START[xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1] ID 4098:4125749
2022-04-18 11:52:43.795 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [check] GG agent running command 'check' on xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate
2022-04-18 11:52:45.548 :CLSDYNAM:558036736: [xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate]{1:30281:59063} [check] XAGTask retcode = 0
2022-04-18 11:52:45.548 :    AGFW:549631744: {1:30281:59063} xag.<INSTANCE_NAME>.goldengate 1 1 state changed from: STARTING to: ONLINE

GoldenGate deployment log files

Location: <Goldengate_deployment_directory>/<instance_name>/var/log

Example location: /mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/<instance_name>/var/log

File names: adminsrvr.log, recvsrvr.log, pmsrvr.log, distsrvr.log

Contains the output of start, stop, and status checks of the Oracle GoldenGate deployment processes (Administration Server, Distribution Server, Receiver Server, and Performance Metrics Server).


2022-04-18T11:52:42.645-0400 INFO | Setting deploymentName to '<instance_name>'. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.665-0400 INFO | Read SharedContext from store for length 19 of file '/mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/<instance_name>/var/lib/conf/adminsrvr-resources.dat'. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.723-0400 INFO | XAG Integration enabled (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.723-0400 INFO | Configuring security. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.723-0400 INFO | Configuring user authorization secure store path as '/mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/<instance_name>/var/lib/credential/secureStore/'. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.731-0400 INFO | Configuring user authorization as ENABLED. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.749-0400 INFO | Set network configuration. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.749-0400 INFO | Asynchronous operations are enabled with default synchronous wait time of 30 seconds (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.749-0400 INFO | HttpServer configuration complete. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.805-0400 INFO | SIGHUP handler installed. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.813-0400 INFO | SIGINT handler installed. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.815-0400 INFO | SIGTERM handler installed. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.817-0400 WARN | Security is configured as 'disabled'. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.818-0400 INFO | Starting service listener... (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.819-0400 INFO | Mapped 'ALL' interface to address 'ANY:9101' with default IPV4/IPV6 options identified by 'exadb-node1.domain'. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.821-0400 INFO | Captured 1 interface host names: 'exadb-node1.domain' (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.824-0400 INFO | The Network ipACL specification is empty. Accepting ANY address on ALL interfaces. (main)
2022-04-18T11:52:42.826-0400 INFO | Server started at 2022-04-18T11:52:42.827-05:00 (2022-04-18T15:52:42.827Z GMT) (main)

GoldenGate report files

Location: <Goldengate_deployment_directory>/<instance_name>/var/lib/report

Example location: /mnt/dbfs/goldengate/deployments/<instance_name>/var/lib/report

The GoldenGate report files contain important information, warning messages, and errors for all GoldenGate processes, including the Manager processes. If any of the GoldenGate processes fail to start or abend when running, the process report file will contain important information that can be used to determine the cause of the failure.

Example errors from an Extract report file:

2022-04-23 13:01:50  ERROR   OGG-00446  Unable to lock file " /mnt/acfs_gg/deployments/<instance_name>/var/lib/checkpt/EXT_1A.cpe" (error 95, Operation not supported).
2022-04-23 13:01:50  ERROR   OGG-01668  PROCESS ABENDING.