20.6 DBFS Content API Session Defaults

Normal client access to the DBFS Content API executes with an implicit context that consists of certain objects.

  • The principal invoking the current operation.

  • The owner for all new elements created (implicitly or explicitly) by the current operation.

  • The ACL for all new elements created (implicitly or explicitly) by the current operation.

  • The ASOF timestamp at which the underlying read-only operation (or its read-only sub-components) execute.

All of this information can be passed in explicitly through arguments to the various DBFS Content API method calls, allowing the client fine-grained control over individual operations.

The DBFS Content API also allows clients to set session duration defaults for the context that are automatically inherited by all operations for which the defaults are not explicitly overridden.

All of the context defaults start out as null and can be cleared by setting them to null.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for details of the DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT methods