34 Administration of Oracle XML DB

Administration of Oracle XML DB includes installing, upgrading, and configuring it.

34.1 Upgrade or Downgrade of an Existing Oracle XML DB Installation

Various considerations apply to all upgrades of Oracle Database from a release prior to Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (

  • Run script catproc.sql, as always.

  • Replication of hierarchy-enabled tables is not supported for any replication method, including rolling upgrade.

  • If supplemental logging is turned on then these operations are not supported:

    • Use of the APPEND hint for INSERT

    • SQL*Loader direct-path insertion of XMLType data

  • If you use rolling upgrade and any of the following operations are invoked on the primary database, then an unsupported operation error is raised on the standby database:

    • DBMS_XDB_ADMIN — all operations

    • DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.copyEvolve

    • DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.compileSchema

    • DBMS_XMLINDEX.dropparameter

    • DBMS_XMLINDEX.modifyparameter

    • DBMS_XMLINDEX.registerparameter

  • ACL security: In releases prior to Oracle Database 11g Release 1, conflicts among ACEs for the same principal and same privilege were resolved by giving priority to any ACE that had child deny, whether or not preceding ACEs had child grant. That is, ACE order did not matter. In Oracle Database 11g and later this deny-trumps-grant behavior is still available, but it is not the default behavior.

  • Prior to Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (, basic access authentication was the only available HTTP authentication mechanism. Starting with 12c Release 1, digest access authentication is available.

See Also:

34.1.1 Authentication Considerations for Database Installation, Upgrade and Downgrade

Various authentication considerations apply to database installation, upgrades and downgrades. Authentication Considerations for a Database Installation

In a default database installation, digest authentication is enabled, and basic authentication is disallowed. Digest verifiers are automatically generated for all users. Authentication Considerations for a Database Upgrade

After an upgrade from a release prior to Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (, digest authentication is appended to the list of allowed authentication mechanisms. But basic authentication remains the current authentication method if it was enabled before the upgrade. This is for backward compatibility only.

Oracle recommends that your database administrator disable basic authentication as soon as possible after upgrading. The reason that basic authentication remains in effect after such an upgrade is to allow users to change their passwords using a Web browser that does not support digest authentication.

For such an upgrade, digest verifiers are computed for all new users and for all previously existing users whose passwords changed during the upgrade. Other users do not have digest verifiers.

After an upgrade, a DBA can use database view DBA_DIGEST_VERIFIERS to check which users have digest verifiers and take appropriate action, as follows:

  1. Configure basic authentication as the first allowed authentication mechanism in the Oracle XML DB configuration file, xdbconfig.xml. This ensures that basic authentication can be used for HTTP access.
  2. Expire all passwords for those users who do not have digest verifiers. This query returns those users:
  3. After the passwords for all such users have been changed, configure xdbconfig.xml to re-enable digest as the first or (preferably) the only allowed authentication mechanism. Authentication Considerations for a Database Downgrade

If you downgrade to a release where digest authentication was not supported, digest authentication is disabled and made unavailable as an authentication choice.

All digest verifiers are erased during a downgrade. This means, in particular, that if a downgrade is followed by an upgrade then users who were able to authenticate prior to the downgrade are denied digest authentication after the downgrade and the subsequent upgrade.

34.1.2 Automatic Installation of Oracle XML DB

Oracle XML DB is automatically installed during an upgrade. Ensure that the compatibility level is at least if you intend to use Oracle XML DB.

If Oracle XML DB is not already installed in your database prior to an upgrade to Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( or later, then it is automatically installed in tablespace SYSAUX during the upgrade.

If Oracle XML DB has thus been automatically installed, and if you want to use Oracle XML DB, then, after the upgrade operation, you must set the database compatibility to at least If the compatibility is less than then an error is raised when you try to use Oracle XML DB.

If Oracle XML DB was automatically installed during an upgrade and the current compatibility level is less than, then Oracle DB is automatically uninstalled during any downgrade to a prior release.

34.1.3 Validation of ACL Documents and Configuration File

During upgrade, existing ACL documents and the Oracle XML DB configuration file are validated against their XML schemas. If validation fails then you need to take certain measures.

Access control list (ACL) documents are stored in table XDB$ACL. The Oracle XML DB configuration file, xdbconfig.xml, is stored in table XDB$CONFIG. Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (, these tables use the post-parse (binary XML) storage model. This implies that ACL documents and the configuration file are fully validated against their respective XML schemas. Validation takes place during upgrade, using your existing ACL documents and configuration file and the corresponding existing XML schemas.

If an ACL document fails to validate during upgrade, then the document is moved to table XDB$INVALID_ACL.

If validation of configuration file xdbconfig.xml fails during upgrade, then the file is saved in table XDB$INVALID_CONFIG, the default configuration file replaces it in table XDB$CONFIG, and the XDB component of the database is marked invalid. You must then start the database in normal mode and fix the XDB component, before trying to use the database.

To fix the XDB component, you can fix the invalid files to make them valid, and then call PL/SQL procedure RecoverUpgrade. After validating, this procedure moves the fixed files to tables XDB$ACL and XDB$CONFIG, and marks the XDB component valid.

As an option, you can call procedure RecoverUpgrade with parameter use_default set to TRUE, to abandon any invalid files. In this case, any valid files are moved to tables XDB$ACL and XDB$CONFIG, and any remaining invalid files are deleted. Default files are used in place of any invalid files. For ACLs, the default ACL document is used. For the configuration file, the default xdbconfig.xml is used (in which ACE order matters).


Use a TRUE value for parameter use_default only if you are certain that you no longer need the old ACL files or configuration file that are invalid. These files are deleted.

34.2 Administration of Oracle XML DB Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

You can use Oracle Enterprise Manager to easily perform Oracle XML DB administration tasks. This includes configuring Oracle XML DB; creating, searching, editing, and deleting XML schemas, XMLType tables and views, and Oracle XML DB Repository resources and their access control lists (ACLs); registering XML schemas; and creating function-based indexes.

See the online help available with Oracle Enterprise Manager for information about using Enterprise Manager to perform the following tasks:

  • Configure Oracle XML DB. View or edit parameters for the Oracle XML DB configuration file, xdbconfig.xml.

  • Search, create, edit, undelete Oracle XML DB Repository resources and their associated access control lists (ACLs).

  • Search, create, edit, and delete XMLType tables and views.

  • Search, create, register, and delete XML schemas.

See Also:

34.3 Configuration of Oracle XML DB Using xdbconfig.xml

Oracle XML DB is managed internally through a configuration file, xdbconfig.xml, which is stored as a resource in Oracle XML DB Repository. As an alternative to using Oracle Enterprise Manager to configure Oracle XML DB, you can configure it directly using the Oracle XML DB configuration file.

The configuration file can be modified at run time. Updating the configuration file creates a new version of this repository resource. At the start of each session, the current version of the configuration file is bound to that session. The session uses this configuration-file version for its duration, unless you make an explicit call to refresh the session to the latest version.

34.3.1 Oracle XML DB Configuration File, xdbconfig.xml

The configuration of Oracle XML DB is defined and stored in an Oracle XML DB Repository resource, xdbconfig.xml, which conforms to the Oracle XML DB configuration XML schema, http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/xdbconfig.xsd. To configure or reconfigure Oracle XML DB, update the configuration file, xdbconfig.xml. You need administrator privileges to access file xdbconfig.xml.

The structure of the configuration file is described in the following sections.

See Also:

xdbconfig.xsd: XML Schema for Configuring Oracle XML DB for a complete listing of the Oracle XML DB configuration XML schema Element xdbconfig (Top-Level)

Element xdbconfig is the top-level element of the Oracle XML DB configuration file.

Its structure is as follows:

    <sysconfig> ... </sysconfig> 
    <userconfig> ... </userconfig> 

Element sysconfig defines system-specific, built-in parameters. Element userconfig lets you store new custom parameters. Element sysconfig (Child of xdbconfig)

Element sysconfig is a child of xdbconfig.

Its structure is as follows:

    general parameters
    <protocolconfig> ... </protocolconfig> 

Element sysconfig includes as content several general parameters that apply to all of Oracle XML DB, such as the maximum age of an access control list (ACL). Child element protocolconfig contains protocol-specific parameters.


Element case-sensitive, child of element sysconfig, has no effect on the case-sensitivity of XQuery or full-text search. Otherwise, it affects the behavior of all of Oracle XML DB. Element userconfig (Child of xdbconfig)

Element userconfig is a child of xdbconfig. It contains any parameters that you may want to add. Element protocolconfig (Child of sysconfig)

Element protocolconfig is a child of sysconfig.

Its structure is as follows:

  <common> ... </common> 
  <ftpconfig> ... </ftpconfig> 
  <httpconfig> ... </httpconfig> </protocolconfig> 

Under element common, Oracle Database stores parameters that apply to all protocols, such as MIME-type information. Parameters that are specific to protocols FTP and HTTP(S) are in elements ftpconfig and httpconfig, respectively.

See Also:

Table 28-1, Table 28-2, and Table 28-3, for a list of protocol configuration parameters Element httpconfig (Child of protocolconfig)

Element httpconfig, which is a child of protocolconfig, is described.

This is the structure of httpconfig:

        <servlet> ... </servlet>
  <plsql> ... </plsql>

Element httpconfig has the following child elements, in addition to others:

  • webappconfig – used to configure Web-based applications. This includes Web application-specific parameters, such as icon name, display name for the application, and a list of servlets.

    Element servletconfig is a child of webappconfig that is used to define servlets. It has child element servlet-list, which has child element servlet (see Element servlet (Descendant of httpconfig)).

  • plsqlFoot 1 – used to define global configuration parameters when configuring the embedded PL/SQL gateway. Each global parameter is defined with a child element of plsql. The element name is the same as the global parameter name. The element content is the same as the parameter value.

    The recommended way to configure the embedded PL/SQL gateway is to use the procedures in PL/SQL package DBMS_EPG, not to edit file xdbconfig.xml.

See Also: Element servlet (Descendant of httpconfig)

Element servlet is a descendent of element httpconfig. It is used to configure servlets, including Java servlets and embedded PL/SQL gateway servlets.

See Element httpconfig (Child of protocolconfig).


The following servlets are preconfigured in file xdbconfig.xml. Do not delete them.

  • ORSServlet

  • EMExpressServlet

An optional element plsql, child of servletFoot 1, configures the embedded PL/SQL gateway servlet. However, the recommended way to configure the embedded gateway is to use the procedures in PL/SQL package DBMS_EPG, not to edit file xdbconfig.xml.

Element plsql has a child element for each embedded PL/SQL DAD attributeFoot 2 that is needed to configure the embedded gateway. All such children are optional. The element name is the same as the DAD attribute name. The element content is the same as the DAD-attribute value.

See Also: Oracle XML DB Configuration File Example

A sample Oracle XML DB configuration file is presented.

Example 34-1 Oracle XML DB Configuration File

<xdbconfig xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/xdbconfig.xsd" 



                    <encoding>zip file</encoding>      
                    <encoding>tar file</encoding>        



            <server-name>XDB HTTP Server</server-name>
            <servlet-realm>Basic realm="XDB"</servlet-realm>
                    <description>Servlet for accessing DBURIs</description>
</xdbconfig> Oracle XML DB Configuration API

You can access the Oracle XML DB configuration file, xdbconfig.xml, the same way you access any other XML schema-based resource. You can use FTP, HTTP(S), WebDAV, Oracle Enterprise Manager, or any of the resource and Document Object Model (DOM) APIs for Java, PL/SQL, or C (OCI).

For convenience, you can use PL/SQL package DBMS_XDB_CONFIG package for configuration access. It exposes the following functions and procedures:

  • cfg_get – Returns the configuration information for the current session.

  • cfg_refresh – Refreshes the session configuration information using the current configuration file. Typical uses of cfg_refresh include the following:

    • You have modified the configuration and now want the session to pick up the latest version of the configuration information.

    • It has been a long running session, the configuration has been modified by a concurrent session, and you want the current session to pick up the latest version of the configuration information.

  • cfg_update – Updates the configuration information, writing the configuration file. A COMMIT is performed.

Example 34-2 updates parameters ftp-port and http-port in the configuration file.

If you have many parameters to update, then it can be easier to use FTP, HTTP(S), or Oracle Enterprise Manager to update the configuration.

Example 34-2 Updating the Configuration File Using CFG_UPDATE and CFG_GET

  v_cfg XMLType;
  SELECT XMLQuery('declare default element namespace
                   copy $i := $cfg 
                   modify for $j in $i/xdbconfig
                   return (replace value of node $j/descendant::ftp-port with
                           replace value of node $j/descendant::http-port with
                   return $i'
                  PASSING DBMS_XDB_CONFIG.cfg_get() AS "cfg"
                  RETURNING CONTENT)
    INTO v_cfg FROM DUAL; 
/ Configuration of Mappings from Default Namespace to Schema Location

Oracle XML DB provides a mechanism to configure default XML schema location mappings.

Oracle XML DB identifies XML Schema-based XMLType instances by pre-parsing input XML documents. If the appropriate xsi:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute is found, then the specified schema location URL is used to consult the registered schema.

If the appropriate xsi: attribute is not found, the XML document is considered to be non-schema-based. Oracle XML DB provides a mechanism to configure default schema location mappings. If the appropriate xsi: attribute is not specified in the XML document, the default schema location mappings is used.

Element schemaLocation-mappings of the Oracle XML DB configuration XML schema, xdbconfig.xsd, can be used to specify the mapping between (namespace, element) pairs and the default schema location. If the element value is empty, the mapping applies to all global elements in the specified namespace. If the namespace value is empty, it corresponds to the null namespace.

The definition of the schemaLocation-mappings element is as follows:

 <element name="schemaLocation-mappings"
          type="xdbc:schemaLocation-mapping-type" minOccurs="0"/> 
 <complexType name="schemaLocation-mapping-type"><sequence>
      <element name="schemaLocation-mapping"
               minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <element name="namespace" type="string"/>
        <element name="element" type="string"/>
        <element name="schemaURL" type="string"/>

The schema location used depends on mappings in the Oracle XML DB configuration file for the namespace used and the root document element. For example, assume that the document does not have the appropriate xsi: attribute to indicate the schema location. Consider a document root element R in namespace N. The algorithm for identifying the default schema location is as follows:

  1. If the Oracle XML DB configuration file has a mapping for N and R, the corresponding schema location is used.

  2. If the configuration file has a mapping for N, but not R, the schema location for N is used.

  3. If the document root R does not have any namespace, the schema location for R is used.

For example, suppose that your Oracle XML DB configuration file includes the following mapping:


The following schema locations are used:

  • Root element = root

    • Namespace = http://www.oracle.com/example

    • Schema URL = http://www.oracle.com/example/sch.xsd

    This mapping is used when the instance document specifies:

    <root xmlns="http://www.oracle.com/example">
  • Root element = null (any global element in the namespace)

    • Namespace = http://www.oracle.com/example2

    • Schema URL = http://www.oracle.com/example2/sch.xsd

    This mapping is used when the instance document specifies:

    <root xmlns="http://www.oracle.example2">
  • Root element = specialRoot

    • Namespace = null (i.e null namespace)

    • Schema URL = http://www.oracle.com/example3/sch.xsd

    This mapping is used when the instance document specifies:



This functionality is available only on the server side, that is, when XML is parsed on the server. If XML is parsed on the client side, the appropriate xsi: attribute is still required. Configuration of XML File Extensions

Oracle XML DB Repository treats certain files as XML documents, based on their file extensions. When such files are inserted into the repository, Oracle XML DB pre-parses them to identify the XML schema location (or uses the default mapping if present) and inserts the document into the appropriate default table.

By default, the following extensions are considered as XML file extensions: xml, xsd, xsl, xlt. In addition, Oracle XML DB provides a mechanism for applications to specify other file extensions as XML file extensions. The xml-extensions element is defined in the configuration schema, http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/xdbconfig.xsd, as follows:

 <element name="xml-extensions"
          type="xdbc:xml-extension-type" minOccurs="0"/>
 <complexType name="xml-extension-type"><sequence>
      <element name="extension" type="xdbc:exttype"
               minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

For example, the following fragment from the Oracle XML DB configuration file, xdbconfig.xml, specifies that files with extensions vsd, vml, and svgl should be treated as XML files:


34.4 Oracle XML DB and Database Consolidation

Each pluggable database has its own Oracle XML DB Repository, and its own Oracle XML DB configuration file, xdbconfig.xml.

A multitenant container database (CDB) consists of zero or more pluggable databases (PDBs), a root, and a seed PDB (a template for creating PDBs). A given PDB can be associated with only one CDB at a time. A PDB appears to users and applications as a separate database. Your applications always interact with a single PDB at a time. Queries and dictionary views are local to a PDB. Each PDB has its own Oracle XML DB Repository, and its own Oracle XML DB configuration file, xdbconfig.xml.

The root of a CDB (CDB$ROOT) contains no user data. It does, however, have its own configuration file, xdbconfig.xml.

The root configuration file for a CDB has only certain parameters, and those parameters are used only from the root configuration file. If any of those parameters are also present in a configuration file of a PDB that is part of a CDB, they are ignored in favor of the corresponding parameters in the root configuration file.

These are the configuration parameters that are used from the root (and ignored from any PDBs):

  • acl-cache-size

  • acl-max-age

  • resource-view-cache-size

  • xdbcore-loadableunit-size

  • xdbcore-xobmem-bound

Parameters xdbcore-loadableunit-size and xdbcore-xobmem-bound are process-specific. The others are SGA configuration parameters.

Database schema (user account) XDB is a common user, which means that it can connect to, and perform operations within, both the root and any PDBs.


Oracle recommends that you never unlock database schema XDB, under any circumstances.

See Also:

34.5 Package DBMS_XDB_ADMIN

PL/SQL package DBMS_XDB_ADMIN has subprograms for managing and configuring Oracle XML DB and Oracle XML DB Repository.

Table 34-1 describes these subprograms.

Table 34-1 DBMS_XDB_ADMIN Management Procedures

Function/Procedure Description


Move database schema (user account) XDB to the specified tablespace.


Rebuild the hierarchical repository index. This can be needed from time to time, in particular after invoking moveXDB_tablespace.


Prior to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, these procedures belonged to PL/SQL package DBMS_XDB. These two procedures in package DBMS_XDB are deprecated as of release


The tablespace containing Oracle XML DB Repository must not be read-only, because that would adversely affect XML operations.

By default, Oracle XML DB Repository resides in tablespace SYSAUX, which is used for other things as well. Oracle recommends instead that you create a dedicated tablespace for use only by the repository.

Use procedure DBMS_XDB_ADMIN.moveXDB_tablespace to move database schema XDB to that tablespace dedicated to the repository. Ensure that the tablespace is not read-only.

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1:

There are two different plsql elements that are used to configure the embedded PL/SQL gateway. One, a child of httpconfig, defines global parameters. The other, a child of servlet, defines DAD attributes.

Footnote 2:

DAD is an abbreviation for Database Access Descriptor. DAD attributes are parameters that define such a descriptor.