Changes in This Release for Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Developer's Guide

This preface contains:

Changes in Oracle Providers for ASP.NET in ODAC 12c Release 4

The following are changes in Oracle Providers for ASP.NET for ODAC 12c Release 4.

New Features

The following features are new in this release:

  • NuGet

    Oracle Providers for ASP.NET are available in a NuGet package. This capability simplifies distributing these providers to developers and end users.

  • Windows Installer

    Oracle Providers for ASP.NET are now available as part of an ODAC Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) package.

  • ODP.NET, Managed Driver Support

    Oracle Providers for ASP.NET for .NET Framework 4 and higher depend on ODP.NET, Managed Driver (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll), rather than ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver (Oracle.DataAccess.dll) as in previous releases. The providers' DLL version is, which distinguishes it from its predecessor version, which in ODAC 12c Release 3 depended on unmanaged ODP.NET. In addition, Oracle Providers for ASP.NET for .NET Framework 4 and higher is now a platform independent assembly, enabling platform-independent applications to simply use the same .NET assembly, regardless of the platform.

    Oracle Providers for ASP.NET for .NET Framework 2.0 is platform dependent and depends on ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver. Its version number remains the same as