3.1 DRDA Gateway Features

These topics describe DRDA gateway features.

3.1.1 CHAR Semantics

This feature allows the gateway to optionally run in CHAR Semantics mode.

Rather than always describing UDB CHAR columns as CHAR(n BYTE), this feature describes them as CHAR(n CHAR) and VARCHAR(n CHAR). The concept is similar to Oracle database CHAR Semantics. You need to specify HS_NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=CHAR gateway parameter to activate this option. Refer to Initialization Parameters for more detail.

3.1.2 Multi-byte Character Sets Ratio Suppression

This feature optionally suppresses the ratio expansion from UDB database to Oracle database involving multi-byte character set.

By default, Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA assumes the worst ratio to prevent data being truncated or insufficient buffer size situation. However, if you have specific knowledge of your UDB database and do not want the expansion to occur, you can specify HS_KEEP_REMOTE_COLUMN_SIZE parameter to suppress the expansion. Refer to Initialization Parameters for more detail.

3.1.3 IPv6 Support

Besides full IPv6 support between Oracle databases and the gateway, IPv6 is also supported between this gateway and UDB database.

Refer to the HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO parameter in Initialization Parameters for more detail.

3.1.4 Gateway Session IDLE Timeout

You can optionally choose to terminate long idle gateway sessions automatically with the gateway parameter HS_IDLE_TIMEOUT.

You can optionally choose to terminate long idle gateway sessions automatically with the gateway parameter HS_IDLE_TIMEOUT. Specifically, when a gateway session is idle for more than the specified time limit, the gateway session is terminated with any pending update rolled back