imagetype Commands

Use commands with the imagetype keyword to add, delete, modify, and manage an image type.

rhpctl add imagetype

Configures a new image type and its associated user actions.


rhpctl add imagetype -imagetype image_type -basetype {SOFTWARE |
  [-useractions user_action_list]


Table A-37 rhpctl add imagetype Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-imagetype image_type

Specify the name of the image type you are creating.


Specify a base image type on which the image type you are creating is based. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle Database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for Oracle GoldenGate software, and SOFTWARE for all other software.

-useractions user_action_list

Specify a comma-delimited list of names of user actions


To add a new image type:

rhpctl add imagetype -imagetype DB122_PATCH_TYPE -basetype ORACLEDBSOFTWARE

rhpctl allow imagetype

Grants access to an image type to a user or a role.


rhpctl allow imagetype -imagetype image_type {-user user_name [-client cluster_name] | -role role_name}


Table A-38 rhpctl allow imagetype Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-imagetype image_type

Specify the name of the image type to which you are granting access. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.

-user user_name

Specify an operating system user to whom you are granting access to the image type. Either this parameter or the -role parameter is required.

-client cluster_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which the operating system user belongs, if you choose to use the -user parameter.

-role role_name

Alternative to the -user parameter, you can specify a particular role to which to grant access to the image.

rhpctl delete imagetype

Deletes an existing image type.


rhpctl delete imagetype -imagetype image_type

Usage Notes

Specify an image type to delete. You cannot delete any of the built-in image types.

rhpctl disallow imagetype

Revokes access to an image type from a user or a role.


rhpctl disallow imagetype -imagetype image_type {-user user_name [-client cluster_name] | -role role_name}


Table A-39 rhpctl disallow imagetype Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-imagetype image_type

Specify the name of the image type from which you are revoking access. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.

-user user_name

Specify an operating system user from whom you are revoking access to the image type. Either this parameter or the -role parameter is required.

-client cluster_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which the operating system user belongs, if you choose to use the -user parameter.

-role role_name

Alternative to the -user parameter, you can specify a particular role from which to revoke access to the image.

rhpctl modify imagetype

Modifies the configuration of an image type.


rhpctl modify imagetype -imagetype image_type -useractions user_action_list


Table A-40 rhpctl modify imagetype Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-imagetype image_type

Specify the name of the image type you want to modify. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for Oracle GoldenGate software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.

-useractions user_action_list

Specify a comma-delimited list of names of user actions

rhpctl query imagetype

Displays the configuration of an image type.


rhpctl query imagetype -imagetype image_type [-rhpserver rhps_regex]


Table A-41 rhpctl query imagetype Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-imagetype image_type

Specify the name of the image type you want to query. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for Oracle GoldenGate software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.

-rhpserver rhps_regex

Specify a regular expression to match the cluster name of the servers where the operation must be executed.

Usage Notes

Specify the name of the image type you want to query. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.

The -rhpserver parameter indicates where the operation should be executed and the -server parameter indicates what the operation should be about. When -rhpserver is used, the command is executed on the servers whose name matches the regular expression provided. When -server is used, the command is about the server provided. For example:

  • The following command executes locally and lists the image types that have been replicated to peerA
    rhpctl query imagetype -server peerA
  • The following command executes on peerA and lists the image types have been configured on peerA
    rhpctl query imagetype -rhpserver peerA 
  • The following command executes on all servers and lists the image types that each server has replicated on peerA
    rhpctl query imagetype -server peerA -rhpserver .+' 

When issuing a command for a peer server using the -rhpserver option, the user running the command must be an existing user of the peer server and the user must have a required role. To enable a user from a peer server to run commands on the local server, run the rhpctl grant role command to grant a required role to the peer server user and to specify the cluster name of the peer server to which the user belongs. For example:

$ rhpctl grant role -role role_name -user user_name -client cluster_name

To add multiple users, run the following command:

$ rhpctl grant role -client cluster_name -maproles role=user_name[+user_name...][,role=user_name[+user_name...]...]

For information about granting roles with RHPCTL, refer to rhpctl grant role