2.8 Remote User-defined Function Support

User-defined functions in a remote non-Oracle database can be used in SQL statements.

See Also:

Oracle Database Heterogeneous Connectivity User's Guide for more information about executing user-defined functions on a non-Oracle database.

2.8.1 Return Values and Stored Procedures

By default, all stored procedures and functions do not return a return value to the user.

To enable return values, set the HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC parameter value to TRUE.

See Also:

Initialization Parameters for information about both editing the initialization parameter file and the HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC parameter.


If you set the HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC gateway initialization parameter to TRUE, you must change the syntax of the procedure execute statement for all existing stored procedures.

In the following example, the employee name JOHN SMYTHE is passed to the SQL Server stored procedure REVISE_SALARY. The stored procedure retrieves the salary value from the SQL Server database to calculate a new yearly salary for JOHN SMYTHE. The revised salary returned in RESULT is used to update EMP in a table of an Oracle database:


The procedural feature automatically converts non-Oracle data types to and from PL/SQL data types.

2.8.2 Result Sets and Stored Procedures

The Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server provides support for stored procedures which return result sets.

By default, all stored procedures and functions do not return a result set to the user. To enable result sets, set the HS_FDS_RESULTSET_SUPPORT parameter value to TRUE.

See Also:

Initialization Parameters for information about both editing the initialization parameter file and the HS_FDS_RESULTSET_SUPPORT parameter. For further information about Oracle support for result sets in non-Oracle databases see Oracle Database Heterogeneous Connectivity User's Guide.


If you set the HS_FDS_RESULTSET_SUPPORT gateway initialization parameter to TRUE, then you must change the syntax of the procedure execute statement for all existing stored procedures, else errors will occur.

When accessing stored procedures with result sets through the Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server, you will be in the sequential mode of Heterogeneous Services.

The Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server returns the following information to Heterogeneous Services during procedure description:

  • All the input arguments of the remote stored procedure
  • None of the output arguments
  • One out argument of type ref cursor (corresponding to the first result set returned by the stored procedure)

Client programs have to use the virtual package function DBMS_HS_RESULT_SET.GET_NEXT_RESULT_SET to get the ref cursor for subsequent result sets. The last result set returned is the out argument from the procedure.

The limitations of accessing result sets are the following:

  • Result sets returned by a remote stored procedure have to be retrieved in the order in which they were placed on the wire
  • On execution of a stored procedure, all result sets returned by a previously executed stored procedure will be closed (regardless of whether the data has been completely retrieved or not)

In the following example, the SQL Server stored procedure is executed to fetch the contents of the emp and dept tables from SQL Server:

create procedure REFCURPROC (@arg1 varchar(255), @arg2 varchar(255) output)
select @arg2 = @arg1
select * from EMP
select * from DEPT

This stored procedure assigns the input parameter arg1 to the output parameter arg2, opens the query SELECT * FROM EMP in ref cursor rc1, and opens the query SELECT * FROM DEPT in ref cursor rc2. OCI Program Fetching from Result Sets in Sequential Mode

The following example shows OCI program fetching from result sets in sequential mode.

OCIBind *BNDH[3];
OraText arg1[20];
OraText arg2[255];
OCIResult *rset;
OCIStmt *rstmt;
ub2 rcode[3];
ub2 rlens[3];
sb2 inds[3];
OraText *stmt = (OraText *) "begin refcurproc@MSQL(:1,:2,:3); end;";
OraText *n_rs_stm = (OraText *)

/* Prepare procedure call statement */

/* Handle Initialization code skipped */
OCIStmtPrepare(STMH, ERRH, stmt, strlen(stmt), OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, OCI_DEFAULT);

/* Bind procedure arguments */
inds[0] = 0;
strcpy((char *) arg1, "Hello World");
rlens[0] = strlen(arg1);
OCIBindByPos(STMH, &BNDH[0], ERRH, 1, (dvoid *) arg1, 20, SQLT_CHR,
             (dvoid *) &(inds[0]), &(rlens[0]), &(rcode[0]), 0, (ub4 *) 0, 

inds[1] = -1;
OCIBindByPos(STMH, &BNDH[1], ERRH, 1, (dvoid *) arg2, 20, SQLT_CHR,
             (dvoid *) &(inds[1]), &(rlens[1]), &(rcode[1]), 0, (ub4 *) 0, 

inds[2] = 0;
rlens[2] = 0;
OCIDescriptorAlloc(ENVH, (dvoid **) &rset, OCI_DTYPE_RSET, 0, (dvoid **) 0);
OCIBindByPos(STMH, &BNDH[2], ERRH, 2, (dvoid *) rset, 0, SQLT_RSET,
             (dvoid *) &(inds[2]), &(rlens[2]), &(rcode[2]),
             0, (ub4 *) 0, OCI_DEFAULT);

/* Execute procedure */
OCIStmtExecute(SVCH, STMH, ERRH, 1, 0, (CONST OCISnapshot *) 0,
               (OCISnapshot *) 0, OCI_DEFAULT);

/* Convert result set to statement handle */
OCIResultSetToStmt(rset, ERRH);
rstmt = (OCIStmt *) rset;

/* After this the user can fetch from rstmt */
/* Issue get_next_result_set call to get handle to next_result set */
/* Prepare Get next result set procedure call */

OCIStmtPrepare(STMH, ERRH, n_rs_stm, strlen(n_rs_stm), OCI_NTV_SYNTAX,

/* Bind return value */
OCIBindByPos(STMH, &BNDH[1], ERRH, 1, (dvoid *) rset, 0, SQLT_RSET,
             (dvoid *) &(inds[1]), &(rlens[1]), &(rcode[1]),
             0, (ub4 *) 0, OCI_DEFAULT);

/* Execute statement to get next result set*/
OCIStmtExecute(SVCH, STMH, ERRH, 1, 0, (CONST OCISnapshot *) 0,
               (OCISnapshot *) 0, OCI_DEFAULT);

/* Convert next result set to statement handle */
OCIResultSetToStmt(rset, ERRH);
rstmt = (OCIStmt *) rset;

/* Now rstmt will point to the second result set returned by the
remote stored procedure */

/* Repeat execution of get_next_result_set to get the output arguments */ PL/SQL Program Fetching from Result Sets in Sequential Mode

Example of a PL/SQL program fetching from results sets in sequential mode.

Assume that the table loc_emp is a local table exactly like the SQL Server emp table. The same assumption applies for loc_dept. The table outargs has columns corresponding to the out arguments of the SQL Server stored procedure.

create table outargs (outarg varchar2(255), retval number);
create or replace package rcpackage is
  type RCTYPE is ref cursor;
end rcpackage;
  rc1 rcpackage.rctype;
  rec1 loc_emp%rowtype;
  rc2 rcpackage.rctype;
  rec2 loc_dept%rowtype;
  rc3 rcpackage.rctype;
  rec3 outargs%rowtype;
  out_arg varchar2(255);


  -- Execute procedure
  out_arg := null;
  refcurproc@MSQL('Hello World', out_arg, rc1);

  -- Fetch 20 rows from the remote emp table and insert them into loc_emp
  for i in 1 .. 20 loop
    fetch rc1 into rec1;
    insert into loc_emp (rec1.empno, rec1.ename, rec1.job,
    rec1.mgr, rec1.hiredate, rec1.sal, rec1.comm, rec1.deptno);
  end loop;

  -- Close ref cursor
  close rc1;

  -- Get the next result set returned by the stored procedure
  rc2 := dbms_hs_result_set.get_next_result_set@MSQL;

  -- Fetch 5 rows from the remote dept table and insert them into loc_dept
  for i in 1 .. 5 loop
    fetch rc2 into rec2;
    insert into loc_dept values (rec2.deptno, rec2.dname, rec2.loc);
  end loop;

  --Close ref cursor
  close rc2;

  -- Get the output arguments from the remote stored procedure
  -- Since we are in sequential mode, they will be returned in the
  -- form of a result set
  rc3 := dbms_hs_result_set.get_next_result_set@MSQL;

  -- Fetch them and insert them into the outargs table
  fetch rc3 into rec3;
  insert into outargs (rec3.outarg, rec3.retval);

  -- Close ref cursor
  close rc3;
