12.8 The ojvmjava Tool

The ojvmjava tool is an interactive interface to the session namespace of a database instance. You specify database connection arguments when you start the ojvmjava tool. It then presents you with a prompt to indicate that it is ready for commands.

The shell can launch an executable, that is, a class with a static main() method. This is done either by using the command-line interface or by calling a database resident class. If you call a database resident class, the executable must be loaded with the loadjava tool.

This section covers the following topics:

12.8.1 ojvmjava Tool Syntax

The syntax of the ojvmjava tool command is:

ojvmjava {-user user[/password@database ] [options]
  [-c | -command command args]
  [-d | -database conn_string]
  [-fileout filename]
  [-o | -oci | -oci8]
  [-oschema schema]
  [-t | -thin]
  [-version | -v]
 -runjava [server_file_system]
 -jdwp port [host]

12.8.2 ojvmjava Tool Argument Summary

Table 12-4 summarizes the ojvmjava tool arguments.

Table 12-4 ojvmjava Argument Summary

Argument Description

-user | -u

Specifies user name for connecting to the database. This name is not case-sensitive. The name will always be converted to uppercase. If you provide the database information, then the default syntax used is OCI. You can also specify the default database.

-password | -p

Specifies the password for connecting to the database.


Specifies a script file that contains the ojvmjava tool commands to be run.


Disables all messages displayed to the screen. No help messages or prompts will be displayed. Only responses to commands entered are displayed.


Runs the desired command. If you do not want to run the ojvmjava tool in interpretive mode, but only want to run a single command, then run it with this option followed by a string that contains the command and the arguments. Once the command runs, the ojvmjava tool exits.


Displays debugging information.

-d | -database conn_string

Provides a database connection string.

-fileout file

Redirects output to the provided file.

-o | -oci | -oci8

Uses the JDBC OCI driver. The OCI driver is the default. This flag specifies the syntax used in either the @database or -database option.

-o schema schema

Uses this schema for class lookup.

-t | -thin

Specifies that the database syntax used is for the JDBC Thin driver. The database connection string must be of the form host:port:SID or an Oracle Net Services name-value list.


Displays the connection information.


Shows the version.


Uses DBMS_JAVA.runjava when executing Java commands. With no argument, interprets -classpath as referring to the client file system. With argument server_file_system interprets -classpath as referring to the file system on which Oracle server is running, as DBMS_JAVA.runjava typically does.


Makes the connection listen for a debugger connection on the indicated port and host. The default value of host is localhost.

12.8.3 ojvmjava Tool Example

Open a shell on the session namespace of the database orcl on listener port 2481 on the host dbserver, as follows:

ojvmjava -thin -user HR@dbserver:2481:orcl
Password: password

12.8.4 ojvmjava Tool Functionality

The ojvmjava tool commands span several different types of functionality, which are grouped as follows: ojvmjava Tool Command-Line Options

This section describes the following options available with the ojvmjava tool command:

Scripting the ojvmjava Tool Commands in the @filename Option

This @filename option designates a script file that contains one or more ojvmjava tool commands. The specified script file is located on the client. The ojvmjava tool reads the file and runs all commands on the designated server. In addition, because the script file is run on the server, any interaction with the operating system in the script file, such as redirecting output to a file or running another script, occurs on the server. If you direct the ojvmjava tool to run another script file, then this file must exist in $ORACLE_HOME on the server.

You must enter the ojvmjava tool command followed by any options and any expected input arguments. The script file contains the ojvmjava tool command followed by options and input parameters. The input parameters can be passed to the ojvmjava tool on the command line. The ojvmjava tool processes all known options and passes on any other options and arguments to the script file.

The following shows the contents of the script file, execShell:

java myclass a b c

To run this file, use the following command:

ojvmjava -user HR -thin -database dbserver:2481:orcl @commands
Password: password

The ojvmjava tool processes all options that it knows about and passes along any other input parameters to be used by the commands that exist within the script file. In this example, the parameters are passed to the java command in the script file.

You can add any comments in your script file using the hash sign (#). Comments are ignored by the ojvmjava tool. For example:

#this whole line is ignored by ojvmjava


This option controls whether or not the ojvmjava tool shell command Java runs executable classes using the command-line interface or database resident classes. When the -runjava option is present the command-line interface is used. Otherwise, the executable must be a database resident class that was previously loaded with the loadjava tool. Using the optional argument server_file_system means that the -classpath terms are on the file system of the machine running Oracle server. Otherwise, they are interpreted as being on the file system of the machine running the ojvmjava tool.


This option specifies a debugger connection to listen for when the shell command java is used to run an executable. This allows for debugging the executable. The arguments specify the port and host. The default value of the host argument is localhost. These are used to execute a call to DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP.CONNECT_TCP from the RDBMS session, in which the executable is run. ojvmjava Tool Shell Commands

This section describes the following commands available within the ojvmjava shell:


An error is reported if you enter an unsupported command.

The following table summarizes the commands that share one or more common options:

Table 12-5 ojvmjava Command Common Options

Option Description

-describe | -d

Summarizes the operation of the tool.

-help | -h

Summarizes the syntax of the tool.


Shows the version.


This command displays to stdout exactly what is indicated. This is used mostly in script files.

The syntax is as follows:

echo [echo_string] [args]

echo_string is a string that contains the text you want written to the screen during the shell script invocation and args are input arguments from the user. For example, the following command displays out a notification:

echo "Adding an owner to the schema" &1

If the input argument is HR, then the output would be:

Adding an owner to the schema HR


This command terminates ojvmjava. The syntax is as follows:


For example, to leave a shell, use the following command:

$ exit


This command summarizes the syntax of the shell commands. You can also use the help command to summarize the options for a particular command. The syntax is as follows:

help [command]


This command is analogous to the JDK java command. It calls the static main() method of a class. It does this either by using the command-line interface or using a database resident class, depending on the setting of the runjava mode. In the latter case, the class must have been previously loaded with the loadjava tool. The command provides a convenient way to test Java code that runs in the database. In particular, the command catches exceptions and redirects the standard output and standard error of the class to the shell, which displays them as with any other command output. The destination of standard out and standard error for Java classes that run in the database is one or more database server process trace files, which are inconvenient and may require DBA privileges to read.

The syntax of the command with runjava mode off is:

java [-schema schema] class [arg1 ... argn]

The syntax of the command with runjava mode on is:

java [command-line options] class [arg1 ... argn]

where, command-line options can be any of those mentioned in Table 3-1.

The following table summarizes the arguments of this command.

Table 12-6 java Argument Summary

Argument Description


Names the Java class schema object that is to be run.


Names the schema containing the class to be run. The default is the invoker's schema. The schema name is case-sensitive.

arg1 ... argn

Arguments to the static main() method of the class.

Consider the following Java file, World.java:

package hello;
public class World
  public World()

  public static void main(String[] argv)
    System.out.println("Hello from Oracle Database");
    if (argv.length != 0)
      System.out.println("You supplied " + argv.length + " arguments: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++)
      System.out.println(" arg[" + i + "] : " + argv[i]);

You can compile, load, publish, and run the class, as follows:

% javac hello/World.java

% loadjava -r -user HR@localhost:2481:orcl hello/World.class
Password: password
% ojvmjava -user HR -database localhost:2481:orcl
Password: password
$ java hello.World alpha beta
Hello from Oracle Database
You supplied 2 arguments:
arg[0] : alpha
arg[1] : beta


This command shows the version of the ojvmjava tool. You can also show the version of a specified command. The syntax of this command is:

version [options] [command]

For example, you can display the version of the shell, as follows:

$ version


This command displays the user name of the user who logged in to the current session. The syntax of the command is:



This command enables the client to drop the current connection and connect to different databases without having to reinvoke the ojvmjava tool with a different connection description.

The syntax of this command is:

connect [-service service] [-user user][-password password]

You can use this command as shown in the following examples:

connect -s thin@locahost:5521:orcl -u HR/<password>
connect -s oci@locahost:5521:orcl -u HR -p <password>

The following table summarizes the arguments of this command.

Table 12-7 connect Argument Summary

Argument Description

-service | -s

Any valid JDBC driver URLS, namely, oci @<connection descriptor> and thin@<host:port:db>

-user | -u

User to connect as

-password | -p

Password to connect with


This command queries or modifies the runjava mode. The runjava mode determines whether or not the java command uses the command-line interface to run executables. The java command:

  • Uses the command-like interface when runjava mode is on

  • Uses database resident executables when runjava mode is off

Using the runjava command with no arguments displays the current setting of runjava mode.

The following table summarizes the arguments of this command.

Table 12-8 runjava Argument Summary

Argument Description


Turns runjava mode off.


Turns runjava mode on.


Turns runjava mode on. Using this option means that -classpath terms are on the file system of the machine running Oracle server. Otherwise, they are interpreted as being on the file system of the machine running the ojvmjava tool.


This command queries or modifies whether and how a debugger connection is listened for when an executable is run by the Java command.


The RDBMS session, prior to starting the executable, executes a DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP.CONNECT_TCP call with the specified port and host. This is called Listening.

Using this command with no arguments displays the current setting.

The following table summarizes the arguments of this command.

Table 12-9 jdwp Argument Summary

Argument Description


Stops listening in future executables.


Enables listening and specifies the port to be used.


Enables listening and specifies the host to be used. The default value for this argument is localhost.