19 DBCA Silent Mode Commands

This section lists all the DBCA silent mode commands along with their syntax and parameter description.


The addInstance command adds a database instance to an administrator-managed Oracle RAC database.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -addInstance command with the following syntax:

dbca -addInstance 
   -gdbName global_database_name
   -nodeName database_instance_node_name
   [-updateDirService {true | false}
      -dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name
      -dirServicePassword directory_service_user_password]
   [-instanceName database_instance_name]
   [-sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name]
   [-sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_user_password]
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
      -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
      -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]

Table 19-1 addInstance Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-gdbName global_database_name


Global database name in the form database_name.domain_name.

-nodeName database_instance_node_name


Node name of the database instance.

-instanceName database_instance_name


Database instance name.

-sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name


User name of the database user having the SYSDBA privileges.

-sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_user_password


Password of the database user having the SYSDBA privileges.


{true | false}


Specify true to register the database with a directory service, else specify false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -dirServiceUserName: User name for the directory service.

  • —dirServicePassword: Password for the directory service user.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword


The configureDatabase command configures a database.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -configureDatabase command with the following syntax:

dbca -configureDatabase 
   -sourceDB database_sid
   [-addDBOption database_options]
      [-oml4pyConfigTablespace tablespace_for_OML4PY_configuration]
      [-enableOml4pyEmbeddedExecution {true | false}]]
      -oracleRConfigTablespace tablespace_for_Oracle_R_configuration]
   [-dvConfiguration {true | false}
      -dvUserName Database_Vault_owner_name
      -dvUserPassword Database_Vault_owner_password
      [-dvAccountManagerName Database_Vault_account_manager_name]
      [-dvAccountManagerPassword Database_Vault_account_manager_password]]
      -datafileDestination data_files_directory
      -sourceDB database_sid
      [-initParams initialization_parameters_list
        [-initParamsEscapeChar initialization_parameters_escape_character]]
      [-recoveryAreaDestination fast_recovery_area_directory
        [-recoveryAreaSize fast_recovery_area_size]]
      [-useOMF {true | false}]
   [-olsConfiguration {true | false}
      -configureWithOID configure_with_OID_flag]
   [-regenerateDBPassword {true | false}]
   [-registerWithDirService {true | false}
      -dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name
      [-databaseCN database_common_name]
      [-dirServiceCertificatePath certificate_file_path]
      [-dirServiceUser directory_service_user_name]
      [-dirServicePassword directory_service_password]
      [-ldapDirectoryAccessType ldap_directory_access_type]
      [-useSYSAuthForLDAPAccess use_sys_user_for_ldap_access_flag]
      [-walletPassword wallet_password]]
   [-sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_user_password]
   [-sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name]
   [-unregisterWithDirService {true | false}
      -dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name
      [-dirServicePassword directory_service_password]
      [-walletPassword wallet_password]]
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false} 
      -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
      -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]

Table 19-2 configureDatabase Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-sourceDB database_sid


The database system identifier (SID) of the database being configured.




Specify one or more of the following Oracle Database options in the form of a comma separated list:

  • JSERVER: Oracle JServer JAVA Virtual Machine

  • ORACLE_TEXT: Oracle Text

  • IMEDIA: Oracle Locator (fully supported) and Oracle Multimedia (desupported)

  • CWMLITE: Oracle OLAP with Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB)

  • SPATIAL: Oracle Spatial and Graph

  • OMS: Oracle Management Server

  • APEX: Oracle Application Express

  • DV: Oracle Database Vault




Specify this parameter to configure Oracle Machine Learning for Python in the database.

Additionally, you specify the following parameters:
  • -oml4pyConfigTablespace to configure the tablespace of the PYQSYS schema for Oracle Machine Learning for Python. The default tablespace is SYSAUX.
  • -enableOml4pyEmbeddedExecution to enable the embedded Python component of Oracle Machine Learning for Python. The default value is TRUE.



Specify this parameter to configure Oracle R in the database.

Additionally, you can specify the -oracleRConfigTablespace parameter to assign a tablespace for the Oracle R configuration, such as SYSAUX tablespace.


{true | false}


Specify true to enable and configure Database Vault, or specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional Database Vault parameters are required:

  • -dvUserName: Specify the Database Vault owner username.

  • -dvUserPassword: Specify Database Vault owner password.

  • -dvAccountManagerName: Specify a separate Database Vault account manager.

  • -dvAccountManagerPassword: Specify the Database Vault account manager password.



Specify this parameter to move database files from one storage location to another storage location. For example, to move database files from ASM to FS, or from FS to ASM.

Specify the following additional parameters:

  • -datafileDestination: Destination directory for all the database files

  • -sourceDB: Database system identifier (SID) for a single instance database or database unique name for an Oracle RAC database

  • -initParams: Database initialization parameters in the form of comma separated list of name=value pairs

    Additionally, you can specify the -initParamsEscapeChar parameter for using a specific escape character between multiple values of an initialization parameter. If an escape character is not specified, backslash (/) is used as the default escape character.

  • -recoveryAreaDestination: Destination directory for the Fast Recovery Area, which is a backup and recovery area. Specify NONE to disable Fast Recovery Area.

    Additionally, you can specify the Fast Recovery Area size in megabytes using the parameter -recoveryAreaSize. This parameter is optional.

  • -useOMF: Specify true to use Oracle-Managed Files (OMF), else specify false.


{true | false}


Specify true to enable and configure Oracle Label Security, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, you can additionally specify the -configureWithOID parameter to configure Oracle Label Security with Oracle Internet Directory (OID). This parameter is optional.

-regenerateDBPassword {true | false}


Specify true to regenerate Oracle Internet Directory (OID) server registration password, else specify false. Default is false.


{true | false}


Specify true to register with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -dirServiceUserName: User name for the LDAP service.

  • -dirServicePassword: Password for the LDAP service.

  • -databaseCN: Database common name.

  • -dirServiceCertificatePath: Directory service certificate file path.

  • -dirServiceUser: Directory service user name.

  • -ldapDirectoryAccessType {PASSWORD | SSL}: LDAP directory access type.

  • -useSYSAuthForLDAPAccess {true | false}: Specify whether to use SYS user authentication for LDAP access.

  • -walletPassword: Password for the database wallet.

-sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_user_password


Password of a user having SYSDBA privileges.

-sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name


User name of a user having SYSDBA privileges.


{true | false}


Specify true to unregister with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -dirServiceUserName: User name for the LDAP service.

  • -dirServicePassword: Password for the LDAP service.

  • -walletPassword: Password for the database wallet.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword


The configurePluggableDatabase command configures a pluggable database (PDB).

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -configurePluggableDatabase command with the following syntax:

dbca -configurePluggableDatabase
   -pdbName pdb_name 
   -sourceDB cdb_sid
      [-oml4pyConfigTablespace tablespace_for_OML4PY_configuration]
      [-enableOml4pyEmbeddedExecution {true | false}]]
      [-oracleRConfigTablespace tablespace_for_Oracle_R_configuration]]
   [-dvConfiguration {true | false}
      -dvUserName Database_Vault_owner_name
      -dvUserPassword Database_Vault_owner_password
      [-dvAccountManagerName Database_Vault_account_manager_name]
      [-dvAccountManagerPassword Database_Vault_account_manager_password]]
   [-lbacsysPassword LBACSYS_user_password]]
   [-olsConfiguration {true | false}
      [-configureWithOID configure_with_OID_flag]]
   [-pdbTimezone {{+|-}hh:mi|time_zone_region}]
   [-registerWithDirService {true | false}
      -dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name
      [-dirServicePassword directory_service_user_password]
      [-walletPassword wallet_password]
      [-databaseCN database_common_name]
      [-dirServiceCertificatePath certificate_file_path]
      [-dirServiceUser active_directory_account_user_name]]
   [-unregisterWithDirService {true | false}
      -dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name
      [-dirServicePassword directory_service_user_password]
      [-walletPassword wallet_password]]
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
      -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
      -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]

Table 19-3 configurePluggableDatabase Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-pdbName pdb_name


Name of the PDB.

-sourceDB cdb_sid


The database system identifier (SID) of the CDB.



Specify this parameter to configure Oracle Machine Learning for Python in the database.

Additionally, you specify the following parameters:
  • -oml4pyConfigTablespace to configure the tablespace of the PYQSYS schema for Oracle Machine Learning for Python. The default tablespace is SYSAUX.
  • -enableOml4pyEmbeddedExecution to enable the embedded Python component of Oracle Machine Learning for Python. The default value is TRUE.



Specify this parameter to configure Oracle R for the PDB.

Additionally, you can specify the -oracleRConfigTablespace parameter to assign a tablespace for the Oracle R configuration, for example, SYSAUX tablespace.

-dvConfiguration {true | false}


Specify true to enable and configure Database Vault for the PDB, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional Database Vault parameters are required:

  • -dvUserName: Specify the Database Vault owner user name.

  • -dvUserPassword: Specify Database Vault owner password.

  • -dvAccountManagerName: Specify a separate Database Vault account manager.

  • -dvAccountManagerPassword: Specify the Database Vault account manager password.



Specify the LBACSYS user password, if you want to configure OLS with a directory service.

-olsConfiguration {true | false}


Specify true to enable and configure Oracle Label Security (OLS) for the PDB, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, you can additionally specify the -configureWithOID parameter to configure Oracle Label Security (OLS) with Oracle Internet Directory (OID). This parameter is optional.



Use this parameter to specify the time zone of the PDB.

You can specify the time zone in two ways:
  • By specifying a displacement from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time—formerly Greenwich Mean Time). The valid range of hh:mi is -12:00 to +14:00.
  • By specifying a time zone region. To see a listing of valid time zone region names, query the TZNAME column of the V$TIMEZONE_NAMES dynamic performance view.

-registerWithDirService{true | false}


Specify true to register the PDB with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dirServiceUserName: User name for the LDAP service.

  • -dirServicePassword: Password for the LDAP service user.

  • -walletPassword: Password for the database wallet.

  • -databaseCN: Database common name.

  • -dirServiceCertificatePath: Directory service certificate file path.

  • -dirServiceUser: Active Directory account user name.

unregisterWithDirService {true | false}


Specify true to unregister the PDB with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dirServiceUserName: User name for the LDAP service.

  • -dirServicePassword: Password for the LDAP service user.

  • -walletPassword: Password for the database wallet.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword


The createCloneTemplate command creates a clone (seed) database template from an existing database.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -createCloneTemplate command with the following syntax:

dbca -createCloneTemplate
   -sourceSID source_database_sid | -sourceDB source_database_name
   -templateName new_database_template_name
   [-rmanParallelism parallelism_integer_value]
   [-maxBackupSetSizeInMB maximum_backup_set_size_in_MB]
   [-dataFileBackup {true | false}]
   [-datafileJarLocation data_files_backup_directory]
   [-sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name]
   [-sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_user_password]
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
       -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
       -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]
       -opcLibPath OPC_library_path
       -opcConfigFile OPC_configuration_file_name
       [-rmanEncryptionPassword rman_encryption_password ]
   [-compressBackup { true | false } ]
   [-walletPassword database_wallet_password]

Table 19-4 createCloneTemplate Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-sourceSID source_database_sid


-sourceDB source_database_name


Specify either the source database system identifier (SID) or the source database name.

-templateName new_database_template_name


Name of the new database template.

-sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name


User name of a user having the SYSDBA privileges.

-sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_user_password


Password of the user having the SYSDBA privileges.

-maxBackupSetSizeInMB maximum_backup_set_size_in_MB


Maximum backup set size in megabytes.

-rmanParallelism parallelism_integer_value


Parallelism integer value for RMAN operations.

-datafileJarLocation data_files_backup_directory


Complete directory path to store data files as a backup in a compressed format.

-dataFileBackup {true | false}


Specify true to take the data files backup, else specify false.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword



Creates a clone template and uploads it to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The structure and data of the database is stored in the template. DBCA can then use this template to create new databases.

To create a template to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you must subscribe to the Oracle Database Backup Cloud Service and install the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI. Recovery Manager (RMAN) creates a backup containing the details of the clone template. The backup must be encrypted, so you must provide the RMAN encryption password to encrypt backups.

This option is only supported on Linux.

  • opcLibPath: Directory in which the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI is stored. The backup module is a system backup to tape (SBT) library that is used to integrate on-premise databases with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The file name is libopc.so on Linux.

  • opcConfigFile: Name, with complete location, of the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI configuration file. This file is created when you install the backup module.

  • rmanEncryptionPassword: Password used to encrypt the RMAN backups to Cloud that contian the clone template.

See Administering Oracle Database Backup Cloud Service for information about installing and configuring the backup module.



Compresses the backup containing the clone template files.



Password of the TDE wallet that contains the keys used to encrypt backups. Specify this parameter if Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) must be used to encrypt backups.


The createDatabase command creates a database.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -createDatabase command with the following syntax:

dbca -createDatabase
    -gdbName global_database_name 
    -responseFile | (-gdbName,-templateName)
    -responseFile response_file_directory
    -templateName database_template_name
    [-characterSet database_character_set]
    [-configureTDE {true | false} 
          [-primaryDBTdeWallet value]
          [-sourceTdeWalletPassword value]
          [-tdeWalletRoot tde_wallet_root_init_parameter]
          [-pdbTDEPassword pdb_tde_wallet_password]
          [-tdeWalletModeForPDB pdb_keystore_type]
          [-tdeAlgorithm TDE_algorithm]
          [-tdeWalletLoginType type_of_wallet_login]
          [-sourcePdbTDEPassword source_pdb_TDE_wallet_password]
          [-tdeWalletPassword TDE_wallet_password]]
    [-createAsContainerDatabase {true | false}
        [-numberOfPDBs number_of_pdbs]
        [-pdbName pdb_name]
        [-pdbStorageMAXSizeInMB maximum_storage_size_of_the_pdb]
        [-pdbStorageMAXTempSizeInMB maximum_temporary_storage_size_of_the_pdb]
        [-useLocalUndoForPDBs {true | false}]
        [-pdbAdminPassword pdb_administrator_password]
        [-pdbOptions pdb_options]]
    [-createListener new_database_listener]
    [-customScripts list_of_custom_sql_scripts]
    [-databaseConfigType {SINGLE | RAC | RACONENODE}
            [-RACOneNodeServiceName service_name_for_RAC_One_Node_database]]
    [-datafileDestination data_files_directory]
    [-datafileJarLocation data_files_backup_directory]
    [-dbOptions database_options]
    [-dvConfiguration {true | false}
        -dvUserName Database_Vault_owner_name
        -dvUserPassword Database_Vault_owner_password
        [-dvAccountManagerName Database_Vault_account_manager_name
        -dvAccountManagerPassword Database_Vault_account_manager_password]]
    [-emConfiguration {DBEXPRESS | CENTRAL | BOTH | NONE}
        [-dbsnmpPassword DBSNMP_user_password]
        [-omsHost Oracle_Management_Server_host_name]
        [-omsPort Oracle_Management_Server_port_number]
        [-emUser EM_administrator_user_name]
        [-emPassword EM_administrator_user_password]
        [-emExpressPort EM_Express_port]
        [-emExpressPortAsGlobalPort EM_Express_global_port]]
    [-enableArchive {true | false} 
        [-archiveLogMode {AUTO | MANUAL}]
        [-archiveLogDest archive_log_files_directory]]
    [-encryptPDBTablespaces ALL|tablespace_name:{true | false}]
    [-encryptTablespaces ALL|tablespace_name:{true | false}]
    [-initParams initialization_parameters_list
        [-initParamsEscapeChar initialization_parameters_escape_character]]
    [-listeners listeners_list]
    [-managementPolicy [AUTOMATIC|RANK]]
    [-memoryMgmtType {AUTO | AUTO_SGA | CUSTOM_SGA}]
    [-memoryPercentage | -totalMemory]
    [-memoryPercentage percentage_of_total_memory_to_assign_to_oracle_database]
    [-nationalCharacterSet database_national_character_set]
    [-nodelist database_nodes_list]
    [-olsConfiguration {true | false}
        [-configureWithOID configure_with_OID_flag]]
    [-oracleHomeUserName Oracle_Home_user_name]
    [-oracleHomeUserPassword Oracle_Home_user_password]
        -serverPoolName server_pool_names
        [-pqPoolName pq_pool_name]
        [-createServerPool new_server_pool_name]
            [-pqPoolName new_pq_pool_name]
            [-pqCardinality pq_cardinality_of_the_new_server_pool]
            [-cardinality cardinality_of_the_new_server_pool]]
    [-recoveryAreaDestination recovery_files_directory
        [-recoveryAreaSize fast_recovery_area_size]]
    [-redoLogFileSize maximum_redo_log_file_size]
    [-registerWithDirService {true | false} 
        [-dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name]
        [-dirServicePassword directory_service_password]
        [-databaseCN database_common_name]
        [-dirServiceCertificatePath certificate_file_path]
        [-dirServiceUser directory_service_user_name]
        [-ldapDirectoryAccessType ldap_directory_access_type]
        [-useSYSAuthForLDAPAccess use_sys_user_for_ldap_access_flag]
        [-walletPassword wallet_password]]
    [-runCVUChecks {true | false}]
    [-sampleSchema {true | false}]
    [-sid database_system_identifier]
    [-storageType {FS | ASM } 
        [-asmsnmpPassword ASMSNMP_password]
        -datafileDestination database_files_directory]
    [-sysPassword SYS_user_password]
    [-systemPassword SYSTEM_user_password]
        -opcLibPath OPC_library_path
        -opcConfigFile OPC_config_file_name
        [-rmanDecryptionPassword rman_decryption_password]]
    [-totalMemory total_memory_to_assign_to_oracle_database_in_MB]
    [-useOMF {true | false}]
    [-useWalletForDBCredentials { true | false}
         -dbCredentialsWalletLocation directory_containing_wallet_files
         [-dbCredentialsWalletPassword password_to_open_wallet]]
    [-variables variables_list]
    [-variablesFile variables_file]

Table 19-5 createDatabase Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description




Global database name in the form database_name.domain_name.




Absolute directory path of the response file.




Name of an existing database template in the default location or the complete path to a database template that is not in the default location.



Administrator-managed database.




Character set of the database.



Specify true to configure TDE during the database creation. Only software wallets are supported. You can create a wallet for the entire CDB or for a PDB.

  • primaryDBTdeWallet: This option is not applicable when creating a database.

  • sourceTdeWalletPassword: If the template that is being used is from a database that uses encryption, or if you are duplicating a database, specify the password of the wallet in the source database.

  • tdeWalletModeForPDB: Specify UNITED to create a wallet for the entire CDB. Use ISOLATED to create a wallet for a PDB.

  • tdeAlgorithm: Algorithm used to encrypt data. Can be one of the following: 3DES168, AES128, AES192, AES256.

  • tdeWalletLoginType: Type of software wallet. PASSWORD or AUTO_LOGIN or LOCAL_AUTO_LOGIN.

  • tdeWalletLocation: Location in which the TDE wallet is stored.

  • tdeWalletPassword: The password used to open the wallet. This parameter is mandatory.

Note: Isolated wallets are supported only in Oracle Cloud or Exadata environments.


{true | false}


Specify true to create a CDB. Specifying false is not supported starting with Oracle Database Release 20.3.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters are optional:

  • -numberOfPDBs: Number of PDBs to create. The default is 0 (zero).

  • -pdbName: Base name of each PDB. A number is appended to each name if -numberOfPDBs is greater than 1. This parameter must be specified if -numberOfPDBs is greater than 0 (zero).

  • -pdbStorageMAXSizeInMB: Maximum storage size for the PDBs in megabytes.

  • -pdbStorageMAXTempSizeInMB: Maximum temporary storage size for the PDBs in megabytes.

  • -useLocalUndoForPDBs {true | false}: Specify whether local undo should be used for the PDBs.

  • -pdbAdminPassword: PDB administrator password.

  • -pdbOptions: Specify PDB options as comma separated list in name:value format.

    Example: JSERVER:true, DV:false




Database listener to register the database in the form listener_name:port.




Specify a comma separated list of SQL scripts that needs to be run after the database creation. The scripts are run in the order they are listed.




Specify one of the following database configuration types:

  • SINGLE: Single individual database.

  • RAC: Oracle RAC database.

  • RACONENODE: Oracle RAC One Node database.

    For Oracle RAC One Node database, you can specify the service name using the -RACOneNodeServiceName parameter.




Specify MULTIPURPOSE if the database is for both OLTP and data warehouse purposes.

Specify DATA_WAREHOUSING if the primary purpose of the database is a data warehouse.

Specify OLTP if the primary purpose of the database is online transaction processing.




Complete path to the location of the database data files.




Absolute directory path of the database backup data files stored in a compressed RMAN backup format (files with .dfb extensions).




Specify database options as comma separated list of name:value pairs.

Example: JSERVER:true,DV:false


{true | false}


Specify true to enable and configure Database Vault, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional Database Vault parameters are required:

  • -dvUserName: Specify Database Vault owner name.

  • -dvUserPassword: Specify Database Vault owner password.

  • -dvAccountManagerName: Specify Database Vault account manager name.

  • -dvAccountManagerPassword: Specify Database Vault account manager password.




Enterprise Manager configuration settings.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express) is deprecated, and will be removed in a future Oracle Database release.

When DBEXPRESS, CENTRAL, or BOTH is specified, specify the following additional parameters:

  • -dbsnmpPassword: DBSNMP user password.

  • -omsHost: Oracle Management Server host name.

  • -omsPort: Oracle Management Server port number.

  • -emUser: User name for Enterprise Manager administrator.

  • -emPassword: Password for Enterprise Manager administrator.

  • -emExpressPort: Enterprise Manager Express port number.

  • -emExpressPortAsGlobalPort: Enterprise Manager Express global port number.


{true | false}


Specify true to enable log file archive, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -archiveLogMode {AUTO | MANUAL}: Specify either the automatic archive mode or the manual archive mode. Default is automatic archive mode.

  • -archiveLogDest: Directory path for storing the archive log files.



If you have configured TDE using -configureTDE, you can use this parameter to encrypt all of some of the tablespaces at the PDB and CDB level.

Specify the following additional parameters:
  • ALL: Encrypt all tablespaces
  • tablespace_name: Comma-separated list of tablespaces with a value of TRUE or FALSE for each


If you have configured TDE using -configureTDE, you can use this parameter to encrypt all or some of the tablespaces at the CDB level.

Specify the following additional parameters:
  • ALL: Encrypt all tablespaces
  • tablespace_name: Comma-separated list of tablespaces with a value of TRUE or FALSE for each




A comma-separated list of name=value pairs of initialization parameter values for the database.

You can additionally provide the -initParamsEscapeChar parameter for using a specific escape character between multiple values of an initialization parameter. If an escape character is not specified, backslash (/) is used as the default escape character.




A comma-separated list of listeners for the database.



Use this parameter to set the database management policy.

Optionally, specify the management policy type:
  • RANK

If -adminManaged is selected, -managementPolicy defaults to AUTOMATIC.




Specify one of the following memory management types:

  • AUTO: Automatic memory management for SGA and PGA.

  • AUTO_SGA: Automatic shared memory management for SGA.

  • CUSTOM_SGA: Manual shared memory management for SGA.

Note: If the total physical memory of a database instance is greater than 4 GB, then you cannot specify the Automatic Memory Management option AUTO during the database installation and creation. Oracle recommends that you specify the Automatic Shared Memory Management option AUTO_SGA in such environments.







Specify either -memoryPercentage or -totalMemory.

  • -memoryPercentage

    The percentage of physical memory that can be used by the database.

  • -totalMemory.

    Total amount of physical memory, in megabytes, that can be used by the database.




National character set of the database.




List of database nodes separated by comma.


{true | false}


Specify true to enable and configure Oracle Label Security (OLS), else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, you can additionally specify the -configureWithOID parameter, if you want to configure Oracle Label Security (OLS) with Oracle Internet Directory (OID).






Oracle Home user name and password.



Policy-managed database.

You can specify the following additional parameters:

  • -serverPoolName: Specify the single server pool name when creating a new server pool or specify a comma separated list of existing server pools.

  • -pqPoolName: Specify the PQ pool name.

  • -createServerPool: Specify this parameter for creating a new server pool.

    • -pqPoolName: Specify the PQ pool name.

    • -force: Specify this parameter to create the server pool by force when adequate free servers are not available.

    • -pqCardinality: Specify the PQ cardinality of the new server pool.

    • -cardinality: Specify the cardinality of the new server pool.




Destination directory for the Fast Recovery Area, which is a backup and recovery area. Specify NONE to disable Fast Recovery Area.

Additionally, you can specify the Fast Recovery Area size in megabytes using the parameter -recoveryAreaSize. This parameter is optional.




Size of each online redo log in megabytes.


{true | false}


Specify true to register with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -dirServiceUserName: Username for the LDAP service.

  • -dirServicePassword: Password for the LDAP service.

  • -databaseCN: Database common name.

  • -dirServiceCertificatePath: Directory path to the certificate file to use when configuring SSL between the database and the directory service.

  • -dirServiceUser: Directory service user name.

  • -ldapDirectoryAccessType {PASSWORD | SSL}: LDAP directory access type.

  • -useSYSAuthForLDAPAccess {true | false}: Specify whether to use SYS user authentication for LDAP acces.

  • -walletPassword: Password for the database wallet.


{true | false}


Specify true to run Cluster Verification Utility checks periodically for Oracle RAC databases, else specify false. Default is false.


{true | false}


Specify true to include the HR sample schema (EXAMPLE tablespace) in your database. Oracle guides and educational materials contain examples based on the sample schemas. Oracle strongly recommends that you do not install the sample schemas in a production database.

Specify false to create the database without the HR sample schema. Default is false.




Database system identifier (SID).

The SID uniquely identifies the instance that runs the database. If it is not specified, then it defaults to the database name.


{FS | ASM}


Specify the storage type of either FS or ASM.

  • FS: File system storage type.

    When FS is specified, your database files are managed by the file system of your operating system. You can specify the directory path where the database files are to be stored using a database template or the -datafileDestination parameter. Oracle Database can create and manage the actual files.

  • ASM: Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) storage type.

    When ASM is specified, your database files are placed in Oracle ASM disk groups. Oracle Database automatically manages database file placement and naming.

    When ASM is specified, you can also specify the ASMSNMP password using the -asmsnmpPassword parameter. This parameter is optional.




SYS user password for the new database.




SYSTEM user password for the new database.



Creates a database using the clone template that is stored in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This option is supported only for Linux.

  • opcLibPath: Directory in which the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI is stored. The backup module is a system backup to tape (SBT) library that is used to integrate an on-premise database with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

    You must install the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI before running this command.

  • opcConfigFile: Name, with complete location, of the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI configuration file. This file is created when you install the backup module.

  • rmanDecryptionPassword: Password that must be used to decrypt the RMAN template file stored in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This is the same password that was used when creating an RMAN backup of the template.

See Administering Oracle Database Backup Cloud Service for information about installing and configuring the backup module.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle-Managed Files (OMF), else specify false. Default is false.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword




A comma-separated list of name=value pairs for the variables in the database template.




Name of the variables file with the complete directory path in the database template.


The createDuplicateDB command creates a duplicate of an Oracle database.


The following are the prerequisites for using the createDuplicateDB command:

  • The database to be duplicated is in the archivelog mode.

  • If the database to be duplicated is in a remote server, then there must be connectivity from the system where DBCA is running to the remote server.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -createDuplicateDB command with the following syntax:

dbca -createDuplicateDB 
    -gdbName global_database_name 
    -primaryDBConnectionString easy_db_connection_string
    -sid database_system_identifier
    [-initParams initialization_parameters
        [-initParamsEscapeChar initialization_parameters_escape_character]]
    [-sysPassword SYS_user_password]
    [-policyManaged | -adminManaged]
        -serverPoolName server_pool_names
        [-pqPoolName pq_pool_name]
        [-createServerPool new_server_pool_name
            [-pqPoolName new_pq_pool_name]
            [-pqCardinality pq_cardinality_of_the_new_server_pool]
            [-cardinality cardinality_of_the_new_server_pool]]]
    [-nodelist database_nodes_list]
    [-datafileDestination data_files_directory]
    [-recoveryAreaDestination recovery_files_directory
        [-recoveryAreaSize fast_recovery_area_size]]
    [-databaseConfigType {SINGLE | RAC | RACONENODE}
        [-RACOneNodeServiceName service_name_for_RAC_One_Node_database]]
    [-useOMF {true | false}]
    [-storageType {FS | ASM} 
        [-asmsnmpPassword ASMSNMP_password]
        -datafileDestination database_files_directory]
    [-createListener new_database_listener]
        [-dbUniqueName db_unique_name_for_standby_database]]
    [-customScripts custom_sql_scripts_to_run_after_database_creation]
    [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
        -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
        -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]
    [-configureTDE <true | false> ]
          [-primaryDBTdeWallet value]
          [-sourceTdeWalletPassword value]
          [-tdeWalletRoot tde_wallet_root_init_parameter]
          [-pdbTDEPassword pdb_tde_wallet_password]
          [-tdeWalletModeForPDB pdb_keystore_type]
          [-tdeAlgorithm TDE_algorithm]
          [-tdeWalletLoginType type_of_wallet_login]
          [-sourcePdbTDEPassword source_pdb_TDE_wallet_password]
          [-tdeWalletPassword TDE_wallet_password]

Table 19-6 createDuplicateDB Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-gdbName global_database_name


Global database name of the duplicate database in the form database_name.domain_name.

-primaryDBConnectionString easy_db_connection_string


Easy connection string to connect to the database to be duplicated. Easy connection string must be in the following format:


-sid database_system_identifier


Database system identifier (SID) of the duplicate database.

The SID uniquely identifies the instance that runs the database. If it is not specified, then it defaults to the database name.




A comma-separated list of name=value pairs of initialization parameter values for the database.

You can additionally provide the -initParamsEscapeChar parameter for using a specific escape character between multiple values of an initialization parameter. If an escape character is not specified, backslash (/) is used as the default escape character.




SYS user password.



Policy-managed database.

Note: You can specify either policy-managed database or administrator-managed database.

You can specify the following additional parameters:

  • -serverPoolName: Specify the single server pool name when creating a new server pool or specify a comma separated list of existing server pools.

  • -pqPoolName: Specify the PQ pool name.

  • -createServerPool: Specify this parameter for creating a new server pool.

    • -pqPoolName: Specify the PQ pool name.

    • -force: Specify this parameter to create the server pool by force when adequate free servers are not available.

    • -pqCardinality: Specify the PQ cardinality of the new server pool.

    • -cardinality: Specify the cardinality of the new server pool.



Administrator-managed database.

Note: You can specify either policy-managed database or administrator-managed database.




For administrator-managed database, specify database nodes separated by comma.




Complete directory path for database data files.




Destination directory for the Fast Recovery Area, which is a backup and recovery area. Specify NONE to disable Fast Recovery Area.

Additionally, you can specify the Fast Recovery Area size in megabytes using the parameter -recoveryAreaSize. This parameter is optional.




Specify one of the following database configuration types:

  • SINGLE: Single individual database.

  • RAC: Oracle RAC database.

  • RACONENODE: Oracle RAC One Node database.

    For Oracle RAC One Node database, you can specify the service name using the -RACOneNodeServiceName parameter.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle-Managed Files (OMF), else specify false. Default is false.


{FS | ASM}


Specify the storage type of either FS or ASM.

  • FS: File system storage type.

    When FS is specified, your database files are managed by the file system of your operating system. You can specify the directory path where the database files are to be stored using a database template or the -datafileDestination parameter. Oracle Database can create and manage the actual files.

  • ASM: Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) storage type.

    When ASM is specified, your database files are placed in Oracle ASM disk groups. Oracle Database automatically manages database file placement and naming.

    When ASM is specified, you can also specify the ASMSNMP password using the -asmsnmpPassword parameter. This parameter is optional.




Database listener to register the database in the form listener_name:port.



Specifies that the duplicate database is a standby database for the primary database.

Optionally, use the -dbUniqueName parameter to set the unique database name for the standby database. If the -dbUniqueName parameter is not specified, then the value of the DB_NAME initialization parameter is used.

-customScripts custom_sql_scripts_to_run_after_database_creation


A comma separated list of SQL scripts that should be run after the duplicate database is created. The scripts are run in the order listed.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword



Specify true to configure TDE during the database creation. Only software wallets are supported. You can create a wallet for the entire CDB or for a PDB.

  • primaryDBTdeWallet: This option is not applicable when creating a database.

  • sourceTdeWalletPassword: If the template that is being used is from a database that uses encryption, specify the password of the wallet in the source database.

  • tdeWalletModeForPDB: Specify UNITED to create a wallet for the entire CDB. Use ISOLATED to create a wallet for a PDB.

  • tdeAlgorithm: Algorithm used to encrypt data. Can be one of the following: 3DES168, AES128, AES192, AES256.

  • tdeWalletLoginType: Type of software wallet. PASSWORD or AUTO_LOGIN or LOCAL_AUTO_LOGIN.

  • tdeWalletLocation: Location in which the TDE wallet is stored.

  • tdeWalletPassword: The password used to open the wallet. This parameter is mandatory.

Note: Isolated wallets are supported only in Oracle Cloud or Exadata environments.


The createPluggableDatabase command creates a pluggable database (PDB) in a multitenant container database (CDB).

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -createPluggableDatabase command with the following syntax:

dbca -createPluggableDatabase 
   -pdbName name_of_the_pdb_to_create
   -sourceDB cdb_sid
   [-configureTDE {true | false} 
          [-primaryDBTdeWallet value]
          [-sourceTdeWalletPassword value]
          [-tdeWalletRoot tde_wallet_root_init_parameter]
          [-pdbTDEPassword pdb_tde_wallet_password]
          [-tdeWalletModeForPDB pdb_keystore_type]
          [-tdeAlgorithm TDE_algorithm]
          [-tdeWalletLoginType type_of_wallet_login]
          [-sourcePdbTDEPassword source_pdb_TDE_wallet_password]
          [-tdeWalletPassword TDE_wallet_password]]
   [-createAsClone {true | false}]
      -pdbName name_of_the_local_pdb_to_create
      -sourceDB database_name_of_the_local_pdb
      -remotePDBName name_of_the_remote_pdb
      -remoteDBConnString db_connection_string_of_the_remote_pdb
      -sysDBAUserName name_of_the_sysdba_user
      -sysDBAPassword password_of_the_sysdba_user
      -dbLinkUsername name_of_the_dblink_user_of_the_remote_pdb
      -dbLinkUserPassword password_of_the_dblink_user_of_the_remote_pdb]
      [-pdbArchiveFile pdb_archive_file_name_with_directory_path]
      [-PDBBackUpfile pdb_backup_file_name_with_directory_path]
      [-PDBMetadataFile pdb_metadata_file_name_with_directory_path]
      [-pdbAdminUserName pdb_administrator_name]
      [-pdbAdminPassword pdb_administrator_password]
      [-createNewPDBAdminUser {true | false}]
      [-sourceFileNameConvert method_to_locate_pdb_files]
      [-fileNameConvert names_of_pdb_files]
      [-pdbStorageMAXSizeInMB maximum_storage_size_for_the_pdb_in_MB]
      [-pdbStorageMAXTempSizeInMB maximum_temporary_storage_size_for_the_pdb_in_MB]
      [-workArea directory_to_unzip_PDB_archive_files_for_FILEARCHIVE_option]
      [-copyPDBFiles  {true | false}]
      [-sourcePDB name_of_the_pdb_to_clone]
   [-createUserTableSpace {true | false)]
   [-customScripts custom_sql_scripts_to_run_after_PDB_creation]
   [-dvConfiguration {true | false}
      -dvUserName Database_Vault_owner_name
      -dvUserPassword Database_Vault_owner_password
      [-dvAccountManagerName Database_Vault_account_manager_name]
      [-dvAccountManagerPassword Database_Vault_account_manager_password]]
   [-encryptPDBTablespaces ALL|tablespace_name:{true | false}]
    [-encryptTablespaces ALL|tablespace_name:{true | false}]
   [-lbacsysPassword LBACSYS_user_password]
   [-pdbDatafileDestination pdb_data_files_directory]
   [-pdbStorageMAXSizeInMB maximum_storage_size_for_the_pdb_in_MB]
   [-pdbStorageMAXTempSizeInMB maximum_temporary_storage_size_for_the_pdb_in_MB]
   [-pdbTimezone {{+|-}hh:mi|time_zone_region}]
   [-pdbUseMultipleBackup number_of_pdb_backups_to_create]
   [-registerWithDirService {true | false} 
      -dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name
      [-dirServicePassword directory_service_user_password]
      [-databaseCN directory_service_database_common_name]
      [-dirServiceCertificatePath certificate_file_directory_path]
      [-dirServiceUser active_directory_account_user_name]
      [-walletPassword wallet_password]]
   [-useMetaDataFileLocation {true | false}]
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
      -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
      -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]

Table 19-7 createPluggableDatabase Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description




Name of the new PDB to create.

Note: For Oracle RAC databases, the PDB name must be unique in the cluster.




The database system identifier (SID) of the CDB.



Specify true to configure TDE during the database creation. Only software wallets are supported. You can create a wallet for the entire CDB or for a PDB.

  • primaryDBTdeWallet: This option is not applicable when creating a database.

  • sourceTdeWalletPassword: If the template that is being used is from a database that uses encryption, or if you are duplicating a database, specify the password of the wallet in the source database.

  • tdeWalletModeForPDB: Specify UNITED to create a wallet for the entire CDB. Use ISOLATED to create a wallet for a PDB.

  • tdeAlgorithm: Algorithm used to encrypt data. Can be one of the following: 3DES168, AES128, AES192, AES256.

  • tdeWalletLoginType: Type of software wallet. PASSWORD or AUTO_LOGIN or LOCAL_AUTO_LOGIN.

  • tdeWalletLocation: Location in which the TDE wallet is stored.

  • tdeWalletPassword: The password used to open the wallet. This parameter is mandatory.

Note: Isolated wallets are supported only in Oracle Cloud or Exadata environments.


{true | false}


Specify true if the files you plan to use to create the new PDB are the same files that were used to create an existing PDB. Specifying true ensures that Oracle Database generates unique PDB DBID, GUID, and other identifiers expected for the new PDB.

Specify false, the default, if the files you plan to use to create the new PDB are not the same files that were used to create an existing PDB.



Create a PDB by cloning a remote PDB.

Specify the following parameters:

  • -pdbName: Name of the local PDB to create.

  • -sourceDB: Database name of the local PDB.

  • -remotePDBName: Name of the remote PDB to clone.

  • -remoteDBConnString: Database connection string of the remote PDB.

  • -sysDBAUserName: Name of the SYSDBA user.

  • -sysDBAPassword: Password of the SYSDBA user.

  • -dbLinkUsername: Name of the database link user of the remote PDB.

  • -dbLinkUserPassword: Password of the database link user of the remote PDB.


  • The database user of the local CDB must have the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE privileges in the root container.

  • The remote CDB must be in the local undo mode.

  • The remote PDB must be in the archivelog mode.

  • The database user of the remote PDB to which the database link connects to must have the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE and CREATE SESSION privileges.




Specify DEFAULT to create the PDB from the CDB's seed. When you specify DEFAULT, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -pdbAdminUserName: The user name of the PDB's local administrator.

  • -pdbAdminPassword: The password for the PDB's local administrator.

Specify FILEARCHIVE to create the PDB from an unplugged PDB's files. When you specify FILEARCHIVE, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -pdbArchiveFile: Complete path and name for unplugged PDB's archive file.

    The archive file contains all of the files for the PDB, including its XML metadata file and its data files. Typically, the archive file has a .gz extension.

  • -createNewPDBAdminUser: Specify true to create a new PDB administrator or false to avoid creating a new PDB administrator.

  • -workArea: Specify the directory location where the PDB archive files need to be unzipped.

Specify RMANBACKUP to create the PDB from a Recovery Manager (RMAN) backup. When you specify RMANBACKUP, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -pdbBackUpfile: Complete path and name for the PDB backup file.

  • -pdbMetadataFile: Complete path and name for the PDB's XML metadata file.

Specify USINGXML to create the PDB from an unplugged PDB's XML metadata file. When you specify USINGXML, the following additional parameter is required:

  • -pdbMetadataFile: Complete path and name for the PDB's XML metadata file.

Specify PDB to create a new PDB by cloning an existing PDB. When you specify PDB, the following additional parameter is required:

  • -sourcePDB: Name of an existing PDB to clone.

Specify the following optional parameters, if required:

  • -sourceFileNameConvert: This parameter specifies how to locate PDB files listed in the PDB XML metadata file.

    See SOURCE_FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause of the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement described in Oracle Multitenant Administrator's Guide.

  • -fileNameConvert: This parameter specifies the names of the PDB’s files.

    See FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause of the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement described in Oracle Multitenant Administrator's Guide.

  • -pdbStorageMAXSizeInMB: Specify the maximum storage size for the PDB in megabytes.

    See information about PDB storage described in Oracle Multitenant Administrator's Guide.

  • -pdbStorageMAXTempSizeInMB: Specify the maximum temporary storage size for the PDB in megabytes.

  • -copyPDBFiles {true | false}: Specify true if the PDB data files need to be copied, else specify false.


{true | false}


Specify true if a default user tablespace needs to be created in the new PDB.




Specify a list of custom SQL scripts to run after the PDB creation.


{true | false}


Specify true to enable and configure Database Vault, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional Database Vault parameters are required:

  • -dvUserName: Specify the Database Vault owner name.

  • -dvUserPassword: Specify Database Vault owner password.

  • -dvAccountManagerName: Specify a separate Database Vault account manager name.

  • -dvAccountManagerPassword: Specify the Database Vault account manager password.



If you have configured TDE using -configureTDE, you can use this parameter to encrypt all of some of the tablespaces at the PDB and CDB level.

Specify the following additional parameters:
  • ALL: Encrypt all tablespaces
  • tablespace_name: Comma-separated list of tablespaces with a value of TRUE or FALSE for each


If you have configured TDE using -configureTDE, you can use this parameter to encrypt all or some of the tablespaces at the CDB level.

Specify the following additional parameters:
  • ALL: Encrypt all tablespaces
  • tablespace_name: Comma-separated list of tablespaces with a value of TRUE or FALSE for each




Specify the LBACSYS user password if you want to configure OLS with a directory service.




Compete directory path to the new PDB data files.

When this parameter is not specified, either Oracle Managed Files or the PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter specifies how to generate the names and locations of the files. If you use both Oracle Managed Files and the PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter, then Oracle Managed Files takes precedence.

When this parameter is not specified, Oracle Managed Files is not enabled, and the PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter is not set, by default a path to a subdirectory with the name of the PDB in the directory for the root's files is used.




Specify the maximum storage size for the PDB in megabytes.




Specify the maximum temporary storage size for the PDB in megabytes.



Use this parameter to specify the time zone of the PDB.

You can specify the time zone in two ways:
  • By specifying a displacement from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time—formerly Greenwich Mean Time). The valid range of hh:mi is -12:00 to +14:00.
  • By specifying a time zone region. To see a listing of valid time zone region names, query the TZNAME column of the V$TIMEZONE_NAMES dynamic performance view.




Specify the number of PDB backups to create.


{true | false}


Specify true to register the PDB with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -dirServiceUserName: User name for the LDAP service.

  • -dirServicePassword: Password for the LDAP service.

  • -dirServiceUser: User name for the Active Directory account.

  • -dirServiceCertificatePath: Certificate file path of the directory service.

  • -databaseCN: Common name of the directory service database.

  • -walletPassword: Password for the database wallet.


{true | false}


Specify true to use the data file path defined in XML metadata file within a PDB archive when extracting data files.

Specify false, the default, to not use the data file path defined in XML metadata file within a PDB archive when extracting data files.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword


The createTemplateFromDB command creates a database template from an existing database.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -createTemplateFromDB command with the following syntax:

dbca -createTemplateFromDB 
   -sourceDB source_database_sid
   -templateName new_database_template_name
   -sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name
   -sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_user_password
   [-maintainFileLocations {true | false}]
   [-connectionString easy_connect_string]
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
       -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
       -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]

Table 19-8 createTemplateFromDB Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-sourceDB source_database_sid


The source database system identifier (SID).

-templateName new_database_template_name


Name of the new database template.

-sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name


User name of a user that has SYSDBA privileges.

-sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_user_password


Password of the user that has SYSDBA privileges.

-maintainFileLocations {true | false}


Specify true to use the file locations of the database in the template.

Specify false, the default, to use different file locations in the template. The file locations are determined by Oracle Flexible Architecture (OFA).

-connectionString easy_connect_string


Easy connect string for connecting to a remote database in the following format:



{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword


The createTemplateFromTemplate command creates a database template from an existing database template.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -createTemplateFromTemplate command with the following syntax:

dbca -createTemplateFromTemplate 
    -sourcetemplateName existing_template_name 
    -templateName new_template_name 
    [-variables variables_list]
    [-characterSet database_character_set]
    [-nationalCharacterSet database_national_character_set]
    [-recoveryAreaDestination fast_recovery_area_directory]
        -recoveryAreaSize fast_recovery_area_size]
    [-datafileDestination data_files_directory]
    [-useOMF {true | false}]
    [-datafileJarLocation database_backup_files_directory]
    [-memoryPercentage percentage_of_total_memory_to_assign_to_oracle_database]
    [-totalMemory total_memory_to_assign_to_oracle_database]
    [-dbOptions database_options]
    [-variablesFile variables_file]
    [-redoLogFileSize redo_log_file_size]
    [-initParams initialization_parameters_list]
        [-initParamsEscapeChar escape_character_for_initialization_parameters]
    [-storageType {FS | ASM} 
        [-asmsnmpPassword ASMSNMP_password]
        -datafileDestination data_files_directory]
    [-enableArchive {true | false} 
         -archiveLogMode {AUTO | MANUAL}
         -archiveLogDest archive_logs_directory
    [-memoryMgmtType {AUTO | AUTO_SGA | CUSTOM_SGA}]
    [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
         -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
         -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]

Table 19-9 createTemplateFromTemplate Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description




Name of an existing database template in the default location or the complete path to a database template that is not in the default location.




Name for a new database template.




A comma-separated list of name=value pairs for the variables in the database template.




Character set of the database.




National character set of the database.




Directory path for the Fast Recovery Area, which is a backup and recovery area.




Directory path for the data files.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle-Managed Files (OMF), else specify false.




Location of the database offline backup (for clone database creation only).

The data files for the seed database are stored in compressed RMAN backup format in a file with a .dfb extension.







Specify either -memoryPercentage or -totalMemory .

  • -memoryPercentage

    The percentage of physical memory that can be used by the database.

  • -totalMemory

    The amount of physical memory in megabytes that can be used by the database.




Specify database options as comma separated list of name:value pairs.

Example: JSERVER:true,DV:false




File name with complete directory path to the file that contains the variables and their values in the database template.




Size of each online redo log file in megabytes.




A comma-separated list of name=value pairs of the database initialization parameters and their values.


{FS | ASM}


Specify FS for file system and ASM for Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) system.

When FS is specified, your database files are managed by the file system of your operating system. You specify the directory path where the database files are to be stored using the -datafileDestination parameter.

When ASM is specified, your database files are placed in the Oracle ASM disk groups. Oracle Database automatically manages database file placement and naming. You also specify the ASMSNMP password for ASM monitoring using the -asmsnmpPassword parameter.


{true | false}


Specify true to enable log file archive. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -archiveLogMode {AUTO | MANUAL}: Specify either the automatic archive mode (AUTO) or the manual archive mode (MANUAL). Default is automatic archive mode (AUTO).

  • -archiveLogDest: Directory path for storing the archive log files.




Specify one of the following memory management types:

  • AUTO: Automatic memory management for SGA and PGA.

  • AUTO_SGA: Automatic shared memory management for SGA.

  • CUSTOM_SGA: Manual shared memory management for SGA.

Note: If the total physical memory of a database instance is greater than 4 GB, then you cannot specify the Automatic Memory Management option AUTO during the database installation and creation. Oracle recommends that you specify the Automatic Shared Memory Management option AUTO_SGA in such environments.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword


The deleteDatabase command deletes a database.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -deleteDatabase command with the following syntax:

dbca -deleteDatabase 
   -sourceDB database_name_or_sid
   [-sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name]
   [-sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_user_password]
     [-omsHost Oracle_Management_Server_host_name
      -omsPort Oracle_Management_Server_port_number
      -emUser EM_administrator_user_name
      -emPassword EM_administrator_password]]
   [-unregisterWithDirService {true | false}
      -dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name
      [-dirServicePassword directory_service_user_password
      [-walletPassword wallet_password]]
   [-sid database_system_identifier]
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
       -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
       -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]

Table 19-10 deleteDatabase Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-sourceDB database_name_or_sid


Database unique name for an Oracle RAC database or database system identifier (SID) for a single instance database.

-sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name


User name of the user having the SYSDBA privileges.

-sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_password


Password of the user having the SYSDBA privileges.



Specify this parameter to delete the database archive logs.



Specify this parameter along with the following parameters to unregister the database with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control:

  • -omsHost: Oracle Management Server host name.

  • -omsPort: Oracle Management Server port number.

  • -emUser: User name for Enterprise Manager administrator.

  • -emPassword: Password for Enterprise Manager administrator.

-unregisterWithDirService {true | false}


Specify this parameter along with the following parameters to unregister the database with the directory service:

  • -dirServiceUserName: User name for the directory service.

  • -dirServicePassword: Password for the directory service user.

  • -walletPassword: Password for the database wallet.

-sid database_system_identifier


Database system identifier (SID).


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword


The deleteInstance command deletes a database instance from an administror-managed Oracle RAC database.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -deleteInstance command with the following syntax:

dbca -deleteInstance 
   -gdbName global_database_name
   -instanceName database_instance_name
   [-nodeName database_instance_node_name]
   [-updateDirService {true | false}
      -dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name
      -dirServicePassword directory_service_user_password]
   [-sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name]
   [-sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_user_password]
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
      -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
      -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]

Table 19-11 deleteInstance Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-gdbName global_database_name


Global database name in the form database_name.domain_name.

-instanceName database_instance_name


Database instance name.

-nodeName node_name_of_database_instance


Node name of the database instance.

-sysDBAUserName SYSDBA_user_name


User name of the database user having the SYSDBA privileges.

-sysDBAPassword SYSDBA_user_password


Password of the database user having the SYSDBA privileges.


{true | false}


Specify true to unregister the database with the directory service, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -dirServiceUserName: User name for the directory service.

  • —dirServicePassword: Password for the directory service user.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword


The deletePluggableDatabase command deletes a PDB.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -deletePluggableDatabase command with the following syntax:

dbca -deletePluggableDatabase 
   -sourceDB cdb_sid
   -pdbName pdb_name
   [-unregisterWithDirService {true | false} ]
      -dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name
      [-dirServicePassword directory_service_user_password ]
      [-walletPassword wallet_password]
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false} ]
       -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
       [-dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]

Table 19-12 deletePluggableDatabase Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-sourceDB cdb_sid


The database system identifier (SID) of the CDB.

-pdbName pdb_name


Name of the PDB to delete.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters must be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword (Optional): Password for the Oracle Wallet account. If you omit this parameter, DBCA prompts for the password.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword

-unregisterWithDirService {true | false}


Specify this parameter along with the following parameters to unregister the database with the directory service:

  • -dirServiceUserName: User name for the directory service.

  • -dirServicePassword: Password for the directory service user.

  • -walletPassword: Password for the database wallet.


The deleteTemplate command deletes a database template.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -deleteTemplate command with the following syntax:

dbca -deleteTemplate 
   -templateName name_of_an_existing_database_template
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
      -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
      -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]
      -opcLibPath OPC_library_path
      -opcConfigFile OPC_config_file_name
      [-rmanDecryptionPassword rman_decryption_password]]

Table 19-13 deleteTemplate Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description




Name of an existing database template to delete.



Indicates that the template is a Cloud template.

  • opcLibPath: Provide the directory containing the odbsrmt.py script for the delete template operation or provide the directory containing libopc.so.

  • opcConfigFile: Name, with complete location, of the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module for OCI configuration file.

  • rmanDecryptionPassword: Password that must be used to decrypt the RMAN template file stored in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This is the same password that was used when creating an RMAN backup of the template.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword


The executePrereqs command executes the prerequisites checks and reports the results. This command can be used to check the environment before running dbca to create a database.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -executePrereqs command with the following syntax:

dbca -executePrereqs 
   -databaseConfigType {SINGLE | RAC | RACONENODE}
        [-RACOneNodeServiceName RAC_node_service_name]
   [-nodelist database_nodes_list]

Table 19-14 executePrereqs Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-databaseConfigType {SINGLE | RAC | RACONENODE}


Specify one of the following database configuration types:

  • SINGLE: Single individual database.

  • RAC: Oracle RAC database.

  • RACONENODE: Oracle RAC One Node database.

    For Oracle RAC One Node database, you can specify the service name using the -RACOneNodeServiceName parameter.




List of database nodes separated by comma.


The generateScripts command generates scripts, which can be used to create a database.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -generateScripts command with the following syntax:

dbca -generateScripts 
    -templateName database_template_name 
    -gdbName global_database_name 
    [-sid database_system_identifier]
    [-scriptDest sql_scripts_directory]
    [-createAsContainerDatabase {true | false}
        [-numberOfPDBs number_of_pdbs_to_create]
        [-pdbName pdb_name]
        [-pdbStorageMAXSizeInMB maximum_storage_size_of_the_pdb]
        [-pdbStorageMAXTempSizeInMB maximum_temporary_storage_size_of_the_pdb]
        [-useLocalUndoForPDBs {true | false}]
        [-pdbAdminPassword pdb_administrator_password]
        [-pdbOptions pdb_options]
    [-sysPassword SYS_user_password]
    [-systemPassword SYSTEM_user_password]
    [-emConfiguration {DBEXPRESS | CENTRAL | BOTH | NONE}
        [-dbsnmpPassword DBSNMP_user_password]
        [-omsHost EM_Management_Server_host_name]
        [-omsPort EM_Management_Server_port_number]
        [-emUser EM_administrator_name]
        [-emPassword EM_administrator_password]
        [-emExpressPort EM_Express_port]
        [-emExpressPortAsGlobalPort EM_Express_global_port]]
    [-dvConfiguration {true | false}
        -dvUserName Database_Vault_owner_user_name
        -dvUserPassword Database_Vault_owner_user_password
        [-dvAccountManagerName Database_Vault_account_manager_name
        -dvAccountManagerPassword Database_Vault_account_manager_password]]
    [-olsConfiguration {true | false}
        [-configureWithOID configure_with_OID_flag]]
    [-datafileDestination data_files_directory]
    [-redoLogFileSize maximum_redo_log_file_size_in_MB]
    [-recoveryAreaDestination fast_recovery_area_directory
        [-recoveryAreaSize fast_recovery_area_size]]
    [-datafileJarLocation data_files_backup_directory]
    [-responseFile response_file_directory]
    [-storageType {FS | ASM} 
        [-asmsnmpPassword ASMSNMP_password]
        -datafileDestination data_files_directory]
    [-runCVUChecks {true | false}]
    [-nodelist database_nodes_list]
    [-enableArchive {true | false} 
        [-archiveLogMode {AUTO | MANUAL}]
        [-archiveLogDest archive_log_files_directory]]
    [-memoryMgmtType {AUTO | AUTO_SGA | CUSTOM_SGA}]
    [-createListener new_database_listener_to_register_the_database_with]
    [-useOMF {true | false}]
    [-dbOptions database_options]
    [-customScripts custom_sql_scripts_to_run_after_database_creation]
    [-policyManaged | -adminManaged]
        -serverPoolName server_pool_names
        [-pqPoolName pq_pool_name]
        [-createServerPool new_server_pool_name]
            [-pqPoolName new_pq_pool_name]
            [-pqCardinality pq_cardinality_of_the_new_server_pool]
            [-cardinality cardinality_of_the_new_server_pool]]
    [-databaseConfigType {SINGLE | RAC | RACONENODE}
            [-RACOneNodeServiceName service_name_for_RAC_one_node_database]]
    [-characterSet database_character_set]
    [-nationalCharacterSet database_national_character_set]
    [-registerWithDirService {true | false} 
        [-dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name]
        [-dirServicePassword directory_service_user_password]
        [-databaseCN database_common_name]
        [-dirServiceCertificatePath certificate_file_path]
        [-dirServiceUser directory_service_user_name]
        [-ldapDirectoryAccessType ldap_directory_access_type]
        [-useSYSAuthForLDAPAccess use_sys_user_for_ldap_access_flag]
        [-walletPassword wallet_password]]
    [-listeners list_of_listeners_to_register_the_database_with]
    [-variablesFile variables_file]
    [-variables variables_list]
    [-initParams initialization_parameters_list
        [-initParamsEscapeChar initialization_parameters_escape_character]]
    [-sampleSchema {true | false}]
    [-memoryPercentage percentage_of_total_memory_to_assign_to_the_database]
    [-totalMemory total_memory_to_assign_to_the_database_in_MB]
    [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
        -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
        -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]
    [-configureTDE <true | false> ]
          [-primaryDBTdeWallet value]
          [-sourceTdeWalletPassword value]
          [-tdeWalletRoot tde_wallet_root_init_parameter]
          [-pdbTDEPassword pdb_tde_wallet_password]
          [-tdeWalletModeForPDB pdb_keystore_type]
          [-tdeAlgorithm TDE_algorithm]
          [-tdeWalletLoginType type_of_wallet_login]
          [-sourcePdbTDEPassword source_pdb_TDE_wallet_password]
          [-tdeWalletPassword TDE_wallet_password]

Table 19-15 generateScripts Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-templateName database_template_name


Name of an existing database template in the default location or the complete path of a template that is not in the default location.

-gdbName global_database_name


Global database name in the form database_name.domain_name.




Database system identifier (SID).

The SID uniquely identifies the instance that runs the database. If it is not specified, then it defaults to the database name.

-scriptDest scripts_directory


Complete directory path to store the scripts.


{true | false}


Specify true to create a CDB. Specifying false is not supported starting with Oracle Database Release 21c.

When true is specified, the following optional parameters can be provided:

  • -numberOfPDBs: Number of PDBs to create. Default is 0 (zero).

  • -pdbName: Name of each PDB. A number is appended to each PDB name if -numberOfPDBs value is greater than 1. This parameter must be specified if -numberOfPDBs value is greater than 0 (zero).

  • -pdbStorageMAXSizeInMB: Maximum storage size for a PDB in megabytes.

  • -pdbStorageMAXTempSizeInMB: Maximum temporary storage size for a PDB in megabytes.

  • -useLocalUndoForPDBs {true | false}: Flag indicating whether local undo should be used for the PDBs.

  • -pdbAdminPassword: PDB administrator password.

  • -pdbOptions: PDB options in the form of comma separated list. Each option must be specified in the name:value format.

    Example: JSERVER:true,DV:false




SYS user password for the new database.




SYSTEM user password for the new database.




Enterprise Manager configuration settings.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express) is deprecated, and will be removed in a future Oracle Database release.

When DBEXPRESS, CENTRAL, or BOTH is specified, specify the following additional parameters:

  • -dbsnmpPassword: DBSNMP user password.

  • -omsHost: Oracle Management Server host name.

  • -omsPort: Oracle Management Server port number.

  • -emUser: User name for Enterprise Manager administrator.

  • -emPassword: Password for Enterprise Manager administrator.

  • -emExpressPort: Enterprise Manager Express port number.

  • -emExpressPortAsGlobalPort: Enterprise Manager Express global port number.


{true | false}


Specify true to enable and configure Database Vault, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional Database Vault parameters are required:

  • -dvUserName: Database Vault owner name.

  • -dvUserPassword: Database Vault owner password.

  • -dvAccountManagerName: Database Vault account manager name.

  • -dvAccountManagerPassword: Database Vault account manager password.


{true | false}


Specify true to enable and configure Oracle Label Security (OLS), else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, you can additionally specify the -configureWithOID parameter to configure Oracle Label Security (OLS) with Oracle Internet Directory (OID). This parameter is optional.




Complete path to the location of the database's data files.




Size of each online redo log file in megabytes.




Directory for the Fast Recovery Area, which is a backup and recovery area. Specify NONE to disable the Fast Recovery Area.

Additionally, you can specify the Fast Recovery Area size in megabytes using the parameter -recoveryAreaSize. This parameter is optional.




Directory of the database backup data files in a compressed RMAN backup format (files with .dfb extensions).




Directory path of the response file.


{FS | ASM}


Specify the storage type of either FS or ASM.

  • FS: File system storage type.

    When FS is specified, your database files are managed by the file system of your operating system. You can specify the directory path where the database files are to be stored using a database template or the -datafileDestination parameter. Oracle Database can create and manage the actual files.

  • ASM: Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) storage type.

    When ASM is specified, your database files are placed in Oracle ASM disk groups. Oracle Database automatically manages database file placement and naming.

    When ASM is specified, you can also specify the ASMSNMP password using the -asmsnmpPassword parameter. This parameter is optional.


{true | false}


Specify true to run Cluster Verification Utility checks periodically for Oracle RAC databases, else specify false. Default is false.




List of database nodes separated by comma.


{true | false}


Specify true to enable log file archive, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -archiveLogMode {AUTO | MANUAL}: Specify either the automatic archive mode or the manual archive mode. Default is automatic archive mode.

  • -archiveLogDest: Directory for storing the archive log files.




Specify one of the following memory management types:

  • AUTO: Automatic memory management for SGA and PGA.

  • AUTO_SGA: Automatic shared memory management for SGA.

  • CUSTOM_SGA: Manual shared memory management for SGA.

Note: If the total physical memory of a database instance is greater than 4 GB, then you cannot specify the Automatic Memory Management option AUTO during the database installation and creation. Oracle recommends that you specify the Automatic Shared Memory Management option AUTO_SGA in such environments.




Database listener to register the database with in the form listener_name:port.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle-Managed Files (OMF), else specify false.




Specify database options as a comma separated list of name:value pairs.

Example: JSERVER:true,DV:false




Specify a comma separated list of SQL scripts that need to be run after the database creation. The scripts are run in the order they are listed.



Policy-managed database.

You can specify the following additional parameters:

  • -serverPoolName: Specify the single server pool name when creating a new server pool or specify a comma separated list of existing server pools.

  • -pqPoolName: Specify the PQ pool name.

  • -createServerPool: Specify this parameter for creating a new server pool.

    • -pqPoolName: Specify the PQ pool name.

    • -force: Specify this parameter to create the server pool by force when adequate free servers are not available.

    • -pqCardinality: Specify the PQ cardinality of the new server pool.

    • -cardinality: Specify the cardinality of the new server pool.



Administrator-managed database.




Specify one of the following database configuration types:

  • SINGLE: Single individual database.

  • RAC: Oracle RAC database.

  • RACONENODE: Oracle RAC One Node database.

    For Oracle RAC One Node database, you can specify the service name using the -RACOneNodeServiceName parameter.




Character set of the database.




National character set of the database.


{true | false}


Specify true to register with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -dirServiceUserName: User name for the LDAP service.

  • -dirServicePassword: Password for the LDAP service.

  • -databaseCN: Database common name.

  • -dirServiceCertificatePath: Directory service certificate file path.

  • -dirServiceUser: Directory service user name.

  • -ldapDirectoryAccessType {PASSWORD | SSL}: LDAP directory access type.

  • -useSYSAuthForLDAPAccess {true | false}: Specify whether to use SYS user authentication for LDAP acces.

  • -walletPassword: Password for the database wallet.




A comma-separated list of listeners for the database.




Directory path to the file that contains the variables and their values for the database template.




A comma-separated list of name=value pairs of variables for the database template.




A comma-separated list of name=value pairs of initialization parameter values of the database.

You can additionally provide the -initParamsEscapeChar parameter for using a specific escape character between multiple values of an initialization parameter. If an escape character is not specified, backslash (/) is used as the default escape character.


{true | false}


Specify true to include the HR sample schema (EXAMPLE tablespace) in your database, else specify false. Default is false.

Oracle guides and educational materials contain examples based on the sample schemas. Oracle strongly recommends that you do not install the sample schemas in a production database.




The percentage of physical memory that can be used by the database.




Total amount of physical memory, in megabytes, that can be used by the database.




Specify MULTIPURPOSE if the database is for both OLTP and data warehouse purposes.

Specify DATA_WAREHOUSING if the primary purpose of the database is a data warehouse.

Specify OLTP if the primary purpose of the database is online transaction processing.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword



Specify true to configure TDE during the database creation. Only software wallets are supported. You can create a wallet for the entire CDB or for a PDB.

  • primaryDBTdeWallet: This option is not applicable when creating a database.

  • sourceTdeWalletPassword: If the template that is being used is from a database that uses encryption, or if you are duplicating a database, specify the password of the wallet in the source database.

  • tdeWalletModeForPDB: Specify UNITED to create a wallet for the entire CDB. Use ISOLATED to create a wallet for a PDB.

  • tdeAlgorithm: Algorithm used to encrypt data. Can be one of the following: 3DES168, AES128, AES192, AES256.

  • tdeWalletLoginType: Type of software wallet. PASSWORD or AUTO_LOGIN or LOCAL_AUTO_LOGIN.

  • tdeWalletLocation: Location in which the TDE wallet is stored.

  • tdeWalletPassword: The password used to open the wallet. This parameter is mandatory.

Note: Isolated wallets are supported only in Oracle Cloud or Exadata environments.


The relocatePDB command relocates a PDB from a remote CDB to a local CDB.


The following are the prerequisites for running the relocatePDB command:

  • The database user in the local PDB must have the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE privilege in the local CDB root container.

  • The remote CDB must be in the local undo mode.

  • The remote and local PDBs must be in the archivelog mode.

  • The database user in the remote PDB that the database link connects to must have the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE, SESSION, and SYSOPER privileges.

  • The local and remote PDBs must have the same options installed, or the remote PDB must have a subset of the options installed on the local PDB.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -relocatePDB command with the following syntax:

dbca -relocatePDB 
   -pdbName name_of_the_local_pdb_to_create
   -sourceDB database_name_of_the_local_pdb
   -remotePDBName name_of_the_remote_pdb_to_relocate
   -remoteDBConnString db_connection_string_of_the_remote_pdb
   -sysDBAUserName name_of_the_sysdba_user
   -sysDBAPassword password_of_the_sysdba_user
   -dbLinkUsername name_of_the_dblink_user_of_the_remote_pdb
   -dbLinkUserPassword password_of_the_dblink_user_of_the_remote_pdb

Table 19-16 relocatePDB Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-pdbName name_of_the_local_pdb_to_create


Name of the local PDB to create after relocating the remote PDB.

-sourceDB database_name_of_the_local_pdb


Database name of the local PDB.

-remotePDBName name_of_the_remote_pdb_to_relocate


Name of the remote PDB to relocate.

-remoteDBConnString db_connection_string_of_the_remote_pdb


Database connection string of the remote PDB.

-sysDBAUserName name_of_the_sysdba_user


Name of the SYSDBA user.

-sysDBAPassword password_of_the_sysdba_user


Password of the SYSDBA user.

-dbLinkUsername name_of_the_dblink_user_of_the_remote_pdb


Name of the database link user of the remote PDB.

-dbLinkUserPassword password_of_the_dblink_user_of_the_remote_pdb


Password of the database link user of the remote PDB.


The unplugDatabase command unplugs a pluggable database (PDB) from a multitenant container database (CDB).

Syntax and Parameters

Use the dbca -unplugDatabase command with the following syntax:

dbca -unplugDatabase 
   -sourceDB cdb_sid
   -pdbName pdb_name
   [-unregisterWithDirService {true | false}
      -dirServiceUserName directory_service_user_name
      -dirServicePassword directory_service_user_password
      -walletPassword wallet_password]
   [-archiveType {TAR | RMAN | NONE}
      [-rmanParallelism parallelism_integer_value]
      [-pdbArchiveFile pdb_archive_file_directory]
      [-PDBBackUpfile pdb_backup_file_directory]
      [-PDBMetadataFile pdb_metadata_file_directory]
      [-rmanParallelism parallelism_integer_value]]
   [-useWalletForDBCredentials {true | false}
      -dbCredentialsWalletPassword wallet_account_password
      -dbCredentialsWalletLocation wallet_files_directory]

Table 19-17 unplugDatabase Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description

-sourceDB cdb_sid


The database system identifier (SID) of the CDB.

-pdbName pdb_name


Name of the PDB.

-archiveType {TAR | RMAN | NONE}


Specify TAR to store the unplugged PDB files in a tar file.

Specify RMAN to store the unplugged PDB files in an RMAN backup.

Specify NONE to store the unplugged PDB files without using a tar file or an RMAN backup.

Specify any of the following parameters:

  • -pdbArchiveFile: Specify absolute file path and name for the PDB Archive file.

  • -pdbBackUpfile: Specify absolute file path and name for the PDB backup file when archive type is RMAN. specify comma separated file paths, if there are multiple backups to be taken when creating the PDB.

  • -pdbMetadataFile: Specify absolute file path and name for the PDB metadata file when archive type is RMAN or NONE.

  • -rmanParallelism: Specify the RMAN parallelism integer value.

-unregisterWithDirService {true | false}


Specify true to unregister the PDB from the LDAP service, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters are required:

  • -dirServiceUserName: User name for the LDAP service.

  • -dirServicePassword: Password for the LDAP service user.

  • -walletPassword: Password for the database wallet.


{true | false}


Specify true to use Oracle Wallet for database credentials, else specify false. Default is false.

When true is specified, the following additional parameters can be provided:

  • -dbCredentialsWalletPassword: Password for the Oracle Wallet account.

  • -dbCredentialsWalletLocation: Directory location for the Oracle Wallet files.


If you are using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), then the OUD passwords should be stored in the wallet using the following keys:

  • oracle.dbsecurity.walletPassword

  • oracle.dbsecurity.userDNPassword