Manipulating ACLs Using ORADIM

Learn how to manipulate ACLs using ORADIM.

To use ORADIM to manipulate ACL, enter:

oradim    -ACL -setperm|-addperm|-removeperm  dbfiles|diag|registry  -USER username  -OBJTYPE file|dir|registry  -OBJPATH object-path  -RECURSE true|false [-HOST hostname]

For this command, note the following:

  • -ACL indicates that you are manipulating ACL on an object. This is a mandatory parameter.

  • -setperm | -addperm | -removeperm dbfiles | diag | registry- indicates that you are setting, adding, or removing ACLs on the specified object.  dbfiles is for database files, diag is for database, oracle-base & logs and registry is for registry key. Set one of these based on the object on which the ACL is set. This is a mandatory parameter.

  • -USER username indicates the user for whom the ACLs are granted. This must not be essentially the service user of the current oracle home. This is a mandatory parameter.

  • -OBJTYPE file|dir|registry Set the object type to file/dir/registry based on the object on which the ACLs are set. This is a mandatory parameter.

  • -RECURSE true / false indicates whether the ACL is applicable to all objects within the specified object. This is a mandatory parameter.

  • -HOST hostname This can be used to remotely set ACLs on the specified host. This is limited to the scope of what windows supports remotely. Another way of doing this is to use the windows allowed conventions without using the -HOST option.  For example , \\<hostame>\c$\oracle\rdbms\admin\abc.txt. This is optional.

To set ACL on a file named abc.txt, for example, enter:

c:\> oradim -acl -setperm dbfiles -user winusr -objtype file -objpath c:\a.txt -recurse true

To add ACL on a registry key, for example, enter:

c:\>oradim -acl -addperm registry -USER wingen  -OBJTYPE registry -OBJPATH MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraDB12Home1 -RECURSE true