Manipulating Family Settings to Initialization Parameters using ORADIM

Learn how to manipulate family settings to initializing parameters.

To use ORADIM to add family support to the initialization parameters, enter:

oradim     -FAMILY -set|-delete value [-SID sid | -ASMSID sid |  -MGMTDBSID sid | -IOSSID sid | -APXSID sid ]

For this command, note the following:

  • -FAMILY: Indicates that you are manipulating family settings. This is a mandatory parameter.

  • -set | -delete value: Should be used to set/delete value <HKLM>/Software/Oracle/<Current_ORACLE_HOME>/ORACLE_FAMILY. Set creates the above registry key and sets its value with the one specified. If the key exists already, then its value is updated. Delete removes the entry.

  • [-SID sid | -ASMSID sid | -MGMTDBSID sid | -IOSSID sid | -APXSID sid ]: If one of these is specified, then the registry entry set/delete is <HKLM>/Software/Oracle/<Current_ORACLE_HOME>/ORACLE_<sid>_FAMILY. This is optional.

To make inst1 as part of the family prod for example, enter:

c:\>oradim -FAMILY -set prod -SID inst1

This creates the registry entry <HKLM>/Software/Oracle/<Current_ORACLE_HOME>/ORACLE_inst1_FAMILY = prod.