Configuration Differences among ODP.NET Drivers

Table 2-9 lists other configuration differences among ODP.NET Core, ODP.NET, Managed Driver and ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver..

Table 2-9 Configuration Differences among ODP.NET Core, ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver and ODP.NET, Managed Driver

Feature Category Difference compared to ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver


The older, traditional ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver configuration file format is different. The new format allows both providers to share the same format. See "Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver Configuration."


Windows Registry based configuration is not supported

Configuration Parameter

Edition is not supported.

Configuration Parameter

CheckConStatus is not supported.

Configuration Parameter

DllPath is not supported.

Configuration Parameter

StatementCacheWithUdts is not supported.

Configuration Parameter

ThreadPoolMaxSize is not supported.

Configuration Parameter

TraceFileName is not supported.

Configuration Parameter

UdtCacheSize is not supported.

Configuration Parameter

UDT Mapping is not supported.

Configuration Parameter

UseOraMTSManaged is not supported.

Connection String

Context Connection is not supported.

Connection String

LegacyTransactionBindingBehavior setting will be ignored. It will always be set to the default value of 1.

Connection String

Statement Cache Purge is not supported.

Connection String

Tns_Admin is supported in managed ODP.NET and ODP.NET Core, but not in unmanaged ODP.NET.

Connection String

Wallet_Location is supported in managed ODP.NET and ODP.NET Core, but not in unmanaged ODP.NET.


Connection to Oracle Times Ten Database is not supported.

Performance Monitor

NumberOfStatisConnections performance counter is not supported.

Performance Monitor

Performance monitor category name is "ODP.NET, Managed Driver"

Provider Types

Provider Types accept (via constructors) and generate (via ToString() methods) only culture-invariant strings


Dynamic tracing is enabled by changing the TraceLevel setting in the app/web/machine.config. NOTE: For ASP.NET applications, doing so will recycle the application domain.