Oracle Grid Infrastructure Known Bugs

These are the Oracle Grid Infrastructure known bugs in Oracle Database 21c.

Bug 31557965

If there is a failure while running the root script and the following information is found in the installation log, then the Apache Tomcat port is already in use by another process:

2020/02/25 00:25:52 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 18 of 19: 'ConfigNode'.
QoS Management Server could not be started.
PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.qosmserver
TCC-0004: The container was not able to start.
Failed to create a new RMI registry.Port already in use: 8895;


Identify the process holding the Apache Tomcat port, shut it down, and rerun the root script. If this is not possible, then do the following (where the <newrmiport> and <newhttpport> are port numbers that are not in use, not in the privileged range, and are not 8888 or 8895) and then rerun the root script:

Error Message Report Port Number Workaround
8895 srvctl modify qosmserver -rmiport <newrmiport>
8888 srvctl modify qosmserver -httpport <newhttpport>