Known Restrictions for AutoUpgrade

If you encounter issues with your upgrade, review the known restrictions to find solutions.

AutoUpgrade and Disk Space Issues

If you run out of disk space while running AutoUpgrade, then review and apply the solutions outlined here.

To assist you to avoid disk space issues. Oracle has added a check to calculate the required disk space. To see log sizing specifications, review the AutoUpgrade analyze reports. If the database runs out of disk space during the upgrade, then free up the required disk space for the database, and resume the job, if necessary.

Example 4-21 Disk Space Errors While Upgrade is Running

  1. Stop the current running upgrade

    abort -job 100
  2. Free up disk space so that the upgrade can resume.

  3. Resume the stopped upgrade

    resume -job 100

Example 4-22 Disk Space Errors After Upgrade has Completed

If AutoUpgrade completes with disk space errors then proceed as follows:

  1. Free up disk space so that the upgrade can resume.

  2. Restart AutoUpgrade to complete any remaining issues.

    For example, where the configuration file name is yourconfigfile.cfg:

    java -jar autoupgrade.jar -mode deploy -config yourconfigfile.cfg

Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) Cloud Control Registration

Autoupgrade is unable to register with Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control as part of the upgrade.

You are not able to use AutoUpgrade to register with Enterprise Manager (EM) Cloud Control. Instead, after the upgrade is complete, you can register the database management options manually.