7 Configuring Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ

After installing Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ, follow the instructions in the following topics to configure the gateway.

7.1 Configuration Overview

The gateway works with several components and products to communicate between the Oracle database and WebSphere MQ queues.

For example:

  • Oracle Net

    The gateway and the Oracle database communicate using Oracle Net in a server-to-server manner. You must configure both, the gateway and Oracle database to have Oracle Net communication enabled, by configuring the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files.

  • Gateway initialization files and parameters

    The gateway has initialization files and parameters that you must customize for your installation. For example, you must choose your gateway system identifier (SID), and provide other information, such as the gateway log file destination.

7.2 Configuring the Gateway

The gateway is installed and preconfigured using default values for the gateway SID, directory names, file names, and gateway parameter settings.

The default SID values are:

  • dg4mqs

    This is the default SID that is used when the gateway resides on the same system as the WebSphere MQ software.

  • dg4mqc

    This is the default SID that is used when the gateway resides on a different system than the WebSphere MQ software. In this case, the gateway functions as a remote WebSphere MQ client.

A basic gateway initialization file is also installed, and values in this file are set based on the information you entered during the installation phase.

7.2.1 Using the Gateway with the Default Values

If you are configuring one gateway instance, and if you have no need to change any of the default values, then most of the gateway configuration process is completed by Oracle Universal Installer.

In this case, perform the following actions:

7.2.2 Using the Gateway Without the Default Values

This topic explains how to modify the default values.

If multiple instances of the gateway are being configured, or to modify the default values set during the installation phases, then begin with the steps under "Changing Default Values" and continue to the end of the chapter.

7.2.3 Changing Default Values

When changing default values, choose a gateway SID and customize the gateway initialization file. Step 1: Choose a System ID for the Gateway

The gateway SID is a string of 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters that identifies a gateway instance. The SID is used in the gateway boot file and as part of the file name for the gateway parameter file.

Choose a SID different from the default SID and different from dg4mqs and dg4mqc.

You need a distinct gateway instance, and SID, for each queue manager you want to access. If you want to access two different queue managers, then you need two gateway SIDs, one for each instance of the gateway. If you have one queue manager and want to access it sometimes with one set of gateway parameter settings and at other times with different gateway parameter settings, then you can do this by having multiple gateway SIDs for one queue manager. Step 2: Customize the Gateway Initialization File

This topic explains how to customize the gateway initialization file.

The gateway initialization file (initsid.ora) supports all database gateway initialization parameters described in Gateway Initialization Parameters. The initialization file must be available when the gateway is started.

During installation, a default initialization file is created in ORACLE_HOME\dg4mq\admin\initsid.ora on Microsoft Windows and $ORACLE_HOME/dg4mq/admin/initsid.ora, on UNIX based systems where sid is the default SID of dg4mqs or dg4mqc. If you chose an SID other than the default, then rename this file using the SID you chose in Step 1: Choose a System ID for the Gateway. Customize the default initialization file as necessary.

The following entries might appear in an initialization file:


In this file:

  • log_file specifies the full path name of the gateway log file.

  • manager_name is the name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager to access.

  • auth_model is the authorization model to use. The default value is RELAXED.

  • tx_model is the transaction model to use. The default is SINGLE_SITE.

  • tx_queue_name is the name of the queue for logging transaction IDs for distributed transactions. This is used only when tx_model is set to COMMIT_CONFIRM.

  • rec_user specifies the user name that the gateway uses to start recovery of a distributed transaction. This is used only when auth_model is set to STRICT and tx_model is set to COMMIT_CONFIRM.

  • rec_password specifies the password of the user name that the gateway uses to start recovery of a distributed transaction.

  • channel specifies the location of the WebSphere MQ server and the communication method to use. The channel format is:

    channel_name/connection_type/hostname [(port_number)].

    For example:

  • character_set specifies the coded character set number used by the gateway when communicating with the WebSphere MQ queue manager. This is an optional parameter.

    This parameter is set only if the system that is running the WebSphere MQ queue manager uses a different encoding scheme than the system that runs the gateway. When set, the value of character_set is used by the WebSphere MQ client software on the gateway system to convert the data.

Refer to Gateway Running Environment for more information on transaction and security models.

7.3 Configuring Oracle Net for the Gateway

The gateway requires Oracle Net to provide transparent data access to and from the Oracle database.

Oracle Net uses the Oracle Net Listener to receive incoming connections from an Oracle Net client. In the case of the gateway, the Oracle Net Listener listens for incoming requests from the Oracle database. For the Oracle Net Listener to listen for the gateway, information about the gateway must be added to the Oracle Net Listener configuration file (listener.ora). This file is located in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME\network\admin directory on UNIX based systems by default, where ORACLE_HOME is the directory under which the gateway is installed. The default values in this file are set for you during the installation process by Oracle Universal Installer.

7.3.1 Using Oracle Net with Default Gateway Values

If you are configuring one gateway instance, and if you do not need to change any of the default values, then no further configuration is necessary for Oracle Net.

Perform only "Step 2: Stop and Start the Oracle Net Listener for the Gateway".

7.3.2 Using Oracle Net When Changing the Default Gateway Values

If you intend to use the Oracle Net listener for multiple gateway instances, or if you need to modify some of the default values set during the installation phase, then perform Step 1 and Step 2 in this section.

In Step 1, you add gateway information or change default information in the listener.ora file in the gateway directory ORACLE_HOME\network\admin on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME/network/admin on UNIX based systems. Step 1: Configure the Oracle Net Oracle Net Listener for the Gateway

Configuring the listener.ora file.

Two entries must be added to the listener.ora file:

  • A list of Oracle Net addresses for the Oracle Net Listener to listen on

  • The gateway process that the Oracle Net Listener should start in response to incoming connection requests


    The Oracle Net Listener and the gateway must reside on the same node. If you already have a Oracle Net Listener running on the node, then you must make the changes suggested in Step 1 and 2 to your existing listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files.

    After making the changes, you can reload the changes by running the reload subcommand in the lsnrctl utility without shutting down the Oracle Net Listener.

Specifying Oracle Net Addresses for the Oracle Net Listener

If you are using Oracle Net and the TCP/IP protocol adapter, then the syntax of an entry in the listener.ora file is:


In this entry:

  • host_name is the name of the system where the gateway is installed.

  • port_number specifies the IP port number used by the Oracle Net Listener. If you have other listeners running on host_name, such as the listener of an Oracle database on the same system, then the value of port_number must be different from the other listener port numbers.

If you are using Oracle Net and the interprocess socket call (IPC) protocol adapter, the syntax of the entry in listener.ora file is:


In this entry:

  • IPC specifies that the protocol used for connections is IPC.

  • key_name is the unique user-defined service name.

Entry for the Gateway

To configure the Oracle Net Listener to listen for a gateway instance in incoming connection requests, add an entry to the listener.ora file using the following syntax:


In this entry:

  • gateway_sid specifies the SID of the gateway and matches the gateway SID specified in the connect descriptor entry in the tnsnames.ora file.

  • gateway_directory specifies the gateway directory in which the gateway software resides.

  • driver is the name of the gateway executable file. If the gateway uses a local WebSphere MQ server, then the file name is dg4mqs. The file name is dg4mqc if the gateway is run as a WebSphere MQ client to access a remote WebSphere MQ server.

When you add an entry for multiple gateway instances, add the entry to the existing SID_LIST syntax:


The following are examples of entry made to the listener.ora file:

For Microsoft Windows:


For UNIX based systems:


See Also:

Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide and Oracle Database Net Services Reference for additional information about changing listener.ora. Step 2: Stop and Start the Oracle Net Listener for the Gateway

The Oracle Net Listener must be started or reloaded to initiate the new settings.


If you already have a Oracle Net Listener running on the Oracle database where the gateway is installed, then you must change your existing listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files. After making the changes, you can reload the changes by running the reload subcommand in the lsnrctl utility without shutting down the Oracle Net Listener.

Refer to the Note in Step 1: Configure the Oracle Net Oracle Net Listener for the Gateway.

  • Set the gateway directory name:

    For Microsoft Windows:

    set TNS_ADMIN=c:\orant\network\admin

    If you are using the Bourne or Korn shell, then enter:

    $ ORACLE_HOME=gateway_directory;export ORACLE_HOME

    If you have the C shell, then enter:

    $ setenv ORACLE_HOME gateway_directory

    In this entry:

    gateway_directory specifies the directory where the gateway software is installed.

  • If the listener is already running, then use the lsnrctl command to reload the listener with the new settings:

    For Microsoft Windows:

    c:\orant\bin> lsnrctl reload your_listener_name

    For UNIX based systems:

    $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    $ ./lsnrctl reload your_listener_name

    In this entry:

    ORACLE_HOME specifies the directory where the gateway software is installed.

  • Check the status of the listener with the new settings:

    For Microsoft Windows:

    c:\orant\bin> lsnrctl status your_listener_name

    For UNIX based systems:

    $ ./lsnrctl status listener_name

    The following are examples of the output from a lsnrctl status check:

For Microsoft Windows:

Alias                     LISTENER
Version                   TNSLSNR for MS Windows: version - Beta
Start Date                14-Sep-16 18:16:10
Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 2 min. 19 sec
Trace Level               off
Security                  OFF
SNMP                      OFF
Listener Parameter File   \oracle\app\oracle\product\dg4mqs\network\admin\listener.ora
Listener Log File         \oracle\app\oracle\product\dg4mqs\network\log\listener.log
Services Summary...
  dg4mqs            has 1 service handler(s)
The command completed successfully

For UNIX based systems:

Alias                     LISTENER
Version                   TNSLSNR for Solaris: version - Production
Start Date                14-Sep-16 10:16:10
Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 2 min. 19 sec
Trace Level               off
Security                  OFF
SNMP                      OFF
Listener Parameter File   /oracle/app/oracle/product/dg4mqs/network/admin/listener.ora
Listener Log File         /oracle/app/oracle/product/dg4mqs/network/log/listener.log
Services Summary...
  dg4mqs            has 1 service handler(s)
The command completed successfully

In the example, dg4mqs is the default SID value that was assigned during installation. You can use any valid ID for the SID, or keep the default.


You must use the same SID value in the tnsnames.ora file, the listener.ora file, and the GATEWAY_SID environment variable in the gateway initialization file for each gateway instance being configured.

7.4 Configuring Oracle Net for Oracle Database

You must configure the Oracle database so that it can communicate with the gateway by using Oracle Net.

Any Oracle application that has access to an Oracle database can also access WebSphere MQ through the gateway. Before you use the gateway to access WebSphere MQ, you must configure the Oracle database so that it can communicate with the gateway by using Oracle Net. To configure the server, add connect descriptors to the tnsnames.ora file.

Any Oracle database that accesses the gateway needs a service name entry or a connect descriptor name entry in the tnsnames.ora file on the server, to tell the Oracle database how to make connections. This file, by default, is located in the ORACLE_HOME\network\admin directory on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory on UNIX based systems, where ORACLE_HOME is the directory in which the Oracle database is installed. The tnsnames.ora file is required by the Oracle database that is accessing the gateway, and not by the gateway itself.

See Also:

Refer to Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide and Oracle Database Net Services Reference for more information about changing the tnsnames.ora file.

7.4.1 Using Default Gateway Values

Oracle Universal Installer creates and preconfigures a tnsnames.ora file where ORACLE_HOME is the directory in which the gateway software is installed.

Oracle Universal Installer creates and preconfigures a tnsnames.ora file in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory on UNIX based systems, where ORACLE_HOME is the directory in which the gateway software is installed. If you use the default values, and if you do not need to configure additional gateway instances, then you can append the contents of this file to the tnsnames.ora file of each Oracle database that accesses the gateway.

7.4.2 Changing Default Gateway Values

If you need to change some of the default settings, use the examples in this section to guide you. TCP/IP Example

This is an example of using the TCP/IP protocol adapter.

An Oracle database accesses the gateway using Oracle Net and the TCP/IP protocol adapter. The syntax of the connect descriptor entry in tnsnames.ora is:


In this example:

  • tns_name_entry is the tns_name_entry of the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement.

  • TCP specifies that the protocol used for connections is TCP/IP.

  • port_number is the port number used by the Oracle Net Oracle Net Listener that listens for the gateway. This port number can be found in the listener.ora file that is used by the Oracle Net Listener.

  • host_name specifies the system on which the gateway is running. The Oracle Net Listener host name can be found in the listener.ora file used by the Oracle Net Listener that is listening for the gateway.

  • gateway_sid specifies the SID of the gateway and matches the SID specified in the listener.ora file of the Oracle Net Listener that listens for the gateway. IPC Example

This is an example using the IPC protocol adapter.

An Oracle database accesses the gateway using Oracle Net and the IPC protocol adapter. The syntax of the connect descriptor entry in tnsnames.ora is:



  • tns_name_entry is the tns_name_entry of the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement.

  • IPC specifies that the protocol used for connections is IPC.

  • key_name is the service name.

  • gateway_sid specifies the SID of the gateway and matches the SID specified in the listener.ora file of the Oracle Net Listener that is listening for the gateway.

Related Topics

7.5 Creating a Transaction Log Queue

When the TRANSACTION_MODEL parameter in the gateway initialization file is set to COMMIT_CONFIRM to allow for distributed transactions, an additional configuration step is required.

This step is required to:

  • Create a WebSphere MQ queue

  • Set the TRANSACTION_LOG_QUEUE, TRANSACTION_RECOVERY_USER and TRANSACTION_RECOVERY_PASSWORD parameters in the gateway initialization file

See Also:

Refer to IBM publications for information about creating and configuring a queue.

For the gateway to recover distributed transactions, a recovery account and queue must be set up in the queue manager by the WebSphere MQ system administrator. This account must be a valid WebSphere MQ user, and it must have authorization to access the recovery queue.

The gateway uses the recovery queue to check the status of failed transactions that were started at the queue manager by the gateway and were logged in this queue. The information in this queue is vital to the recovery process and must not be used, accessed, or updated except by the gateway.

7.6 Administering the Database Links Alias Library

A connection to the gateway is established through a database link when it is first used in an Oracle session.

In this context, connection refers to the connection between the Oracle database and the gateway. The connection persists until the Oracle session ends. Another session or user can access the same database link and get a distinct connection to the gateway and the queue manager.

Database links are active for the duration of a gateway session. To close a database link during a session, use the ALTER SESSION statement.

See Also:

For more information about using database links, refer to the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide.

7.6.1 Using Database Links

Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ uses an alias library to access the shared library installed with Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ.

An alias library is a schema object that represents a library in PL/SQL. To create the alias library, you must have the CREATE LIBRARY PRIVILEGE. The alias library used by Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ is libdg4mq and is defined in the pgmobj.sql script, which is created when the Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ deployment scripts are executed.

7.6.2 Creating Database Links

To create a database link, use the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement.

The USING clause points to a connect descriptor in the tnsnames.ora file. The CONNECT TO clause specifies the WebSphere MQ user ID and password when the security model is defined as STRICT with the AUTHORIZATION_MODEL parameter. If you do not include the CONNECT TO clause, then the current user ID and password are used.

When the AUTHORIZATION_MODEL parameter is set to RELAXED, you need not specify an user ID and password because the Oracle database uses the user ID and password of the user account that started the Oracle Net Listener for the gateway. If you specify an user ID and password with the CONNECT TO clause, then the Oracle database and gateway ignore those values.

The syntax of CREATE DATABASE LINK is as follows:

              BY password] USING 'tns_name_entry';


  • dblink is the database link name.

  • userid is the user ID used to establish a session at the queue manager. It is only used when AUTHORIZATION_MODEL is set to STRICT in the initsid.ora file. The user ID must be authorized to access all WebSphere MQ objects, and use any database object referenced in the PL/SQL commands.

    The userid must be in the password file on the computer on which WebSphere MQ and the gateway are installed. Otherwise, the userid must be published in the UNIX Network Information Service (NIS) when WebSphere MQ and the gateway are installed on different systems. If userid contains lowercase letters or non-alphanumeric characters, then you must surround userid with quotation marks ("). Refer to your WebSphere MQ documentation for more information about userid

  • password is the password used to establish a session at the queue manager. It is used only when AUTHORIZATION_MODEL is set to STRICT in the initsid.ora file.

    The password must be in the password file on the system on which WebSphere MQ and the gateway are installed. Otherwise, the password must be published in the Windows or UNIX Network Information Service (NIS), as the case may be when WebSphere MQ and the gateway are installed on different systems.

    If password contains lowercase letters or non alphanumeric characters, then surround password with quotation marks (").

  • tns_name_entry is the Oracle Net TNS connect descriptor name specified in the tnsnames.ora file.

Related Topics

7.6.3 Dropping Database Links

You can drop a database link with the DROP DATABASE LINK statement.

For example, to drop the database link named dblink, enter:


A database link should not be dropped if it is required to resolve a distributed transaction that is in doubt.

See Also:

Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about dropping database links.

7.6.4 Examining Available Database Links

The data dictionary of each database stores the definitions of all the database links in that database.

The USER_DB_LINKS view shows the database links that are defined for a user. The ALL_DB_LINKS data dictionary views show all the defined database links.

7.6.5 Limiting the Number of Active Database Links

You can limit the number of connections from a user process to remote databases with the OPEN_LINKS parameter.

This parameter controls the number of remote connections that any single user process can use with a single user session.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about limiting the number of active database links.

7.6.6 Creating Alias Library

Create the Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ alias library, libdg4mq, using the Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ deployment scripts.

During installation, the appropriate shared library name is defined in ORACLE_HOME\dg4mq\admin\deploy\pgmobj.sql on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME/dg4mq/admin/deploy/pgmobj.sql on UXIX based systems based on the DG4MQ model you choose.

For a remote model, the libdg4mqc.so shared library is used. For example:


For a local model, the libdg4mqs.so shared library is used. For example:



The file extension of shared libraries on HP-UX is .sl . For example, libdg4mqc.sl

7.6.7 Dropping Alias Library

Use the undeploy scripts to drop the libdg4mq Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ alias library.

7.7 Installing the Oracle Visual Workbench Repository

Install the Oracle Visual Workbench repository following the steps in this section.

You can skip the installation of the Oracle Visual Workbench repository if you do not plan to use Oracle Visual Workbench, or if you are preparing your production Oracle database, where you do not need a Visual Workbench repository, but instead need a Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ deployment.

7.7.1 Preinstallation Tasks

These steps describe the preinstallation tasks. Step 1: Choose a Repository Server

This step explains how to choose a repository server.

A repository server is an Oracle database on which the Visual Workbench repository is installed. Step 2: Locate the Installation Scripts

This step explains how to locate the installation scripts.

The Visual Workbench repository installation scripts are installed with the Visual Workbench. If the repository is to be installed on the same system as Oracle Visual Workbench, then your repository server already has all the required installation scripts. Proceed to Step 3.

  1. Create a directory on the repository server to be the script directory. For example:

    For Microsoft Windows:

    > md %ORACLE_HOME%\dg4mqadmin\repo

    For UNIX based systems:

    $ mkdir $ORACLE_HOME/dg4mq/admin/repo
    $ chmod 777 $ORACLE_HOME/dg4mq/admin/repo
  2. Use a file transfer program to transfer the repository zip file (reposXXX.zip, where XXX is the release number), or move all script files with the .sql suffix from the script file directory (ORACLE_HOME\dg4mqvwb\server\admin on Windows) on the Visual Workbench system to the script file directory on the repository server system. Step 3: Upgrade the Visual Workbench Repository

This step explains how to upgrade your Visual Workbench repository installation scripts.

Upgrade your existing Visual Workbench repository installation scripts by copying the pgmxxx.sql files installed with the Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ in the ORACLE_HOME\dg4mq\admin\deploy directory on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME/dg4mq/admin/deploy directory on UNIX based systems to the script file directory on the repository server system. Step 4: Ensure that the UTL_RAW Package is Installed

The step explains how to ensure that the UTL_RAW package is installed.

All data mapping packages generated by the Visual Workbench use the UTL_RAW package, which provides routines for manipulating raw data.

From SQL*Plus, as the SYS user, issue the following statement:


If the DESCRIBE statement is successful, then your repository server already has UTL_RAW installed, and you can proceed to Step 4.

If the DESCRIBE statement fails, then install UTL_RAW:

From SQL*Plus, as the SYS user, run the utlraw.sql and prvtrawb.plb scripts that are in the ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin directory on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory on UNIX based systems. You must run the utlraw.sql script first.

SQL> @utlraw.sql
SQL> @prvtrawb.plb Step 5: Ensure that the DBMS_OUTPUT Package is Enabled

This step explains how to ensure that the DBMS_OUTPUT package is enabled.

The sample programs and installation verification programs on the distribution CD-ROM use the standard DBMS_OUTPUT package.

From SQL*Plus, as SYS user, issue the following statement:


If the DESCRIBE statement is successful, then your repository server has DBMS_OUTPUT installed, and you can proceed to Step 6.

If the DESCRIBE statement fails, then install DBMS_OUTPUT.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information. Step 6: Create a Database Link

This step explains how to create a database link.

Create a database link on your Oracle Production System Server to access the Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ.

If you do not already have a database link, then refer to "Administering the Database Links Alias Library" for more information about creating database links.

7.7.2 Visual Workbench Repository Installation Tasks

Use pgvwbrepos.sql to install the Visual Workbench Repository.

Use pgvwbrepos.sql to install the Visual Workbench Repository on Oracle10g or later. To run pgvwbrepos.sql, ensure that you are currently in the ORACLE_HOME\dg4mq\admin\repo directory on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME/dg4mq/admin/repo directory on UNIX based systems, and then enter the following command:

sqlplus /nolog @pgvwbrepos.sql


If you are installing the Visual Workbench repository on Oracle8i or earlier, then you must use pgvwbrepos8.sql. All of the examples in this section are provided with the assumption that you are installing on Oracle9i and later.

The script takes you through the following steps: Step 1: Enter the Database Connection Information

This step explains how to enter the database connection information.

Use the default vale of LOCAL by pressing Enter. Next, you are prompted to enter the passwords for the SYSTEM and SYS accounts of the Oracle database. Press Enter after entering each password.

The script stops if any information is incorrect. Verify the information before rerunning the script. Step 2: Check for Existing Workbench Repository

This step explains how to check for an existing Visual Workbench repository.

The script checks for an existing Visual Workbench repository and for the data dictionary. If neither is found, then the script proceeds to Step 3 below.

If the data dictionary exists, then the script stops. Choose another Oracle database and rerun the script, starting at "Step 1: Choose a Repository Server ".

If a Visual Workbench repository exists, then the script gives you the following options:

  • Upgrade the existing private repository to public status and proceed to Step 3.

  • Replace the existing repository with the new private repository and proceed to Step 3.

  • Stop the script. Step 3: Check for The Required PL/SQL Packages

This step explains how to check for the required PL/SQL packages.

The script checks for the existence of UTL_RAW, DBMS_OUTPUT, and DBMS_PIPE in the Oracle database. If this software exists, then the script proceeds to Step 4.

The script stops if this software does not exist. Refer to Oracle Database Administrator's Guide about the missing software. After the software is installed, rerun the script. Step 4: Install the UTL_PG Package

This step explains how to install the UTL_PG package.

The script checks for the existence of the UTL_PG package. If it does not exist, then the UTL_PG package is installed. The script then proceeds to Step 5.

If UTL_PG exists, then you are prompted to reinstall it. Press Return to reinstall UTL_PG. Step 5: Create the Administrative User and All Repository Tables

This step explains how to create the administrative user for the Visual Workbench repository as PGMADMIN with the initial password of PGMADMIN.

This user owns all objects in the repository.

After this step, a private Visual Workbench repository that includes the PGM_SUPPGM_BQM, and PGM_UTL8 packages, is created in the Oracle database, which only the PGMADMIN user can access. Step 6: Create Public Synonyms and Development Roles

This optional step explains how to change the private access privileges of the Visual Workbench repository.

The private status enables only the PGMADMIN user to have access to the repository. If you enter N and press Enter, then the repository retains its private status.

A public status enables the granting of access privileges to other users besides PGMADMIN. If you want to give the repository public status, then enter Y and press Enter.

7.7.3 After the Repository is Created

After creating the Visual Workbench repository, there is one optional step, granting development privileges for the Visual Workbench repository to users.

To allow users, other than the PGMADMIN user, to perform development operations on the Visual Workbench repository, PGMADMIN must grant them the necessary privileges. To do this, perform the following:

  1. Ensure that the repository has a public status. It has this status if you created it by using Steps 1 to 6 of the pgvwbrepos.sql script. If you did not use Step 6, then rerun the script. When you get to Step 2 of the script, enter A at the prompt to upgrade the private repository to public status.
  2. Use SQL*Plus to connect to the repository as the PGMADMIN user and grant the PGMDEV role to each user. For example:

7.7.4 Deinstall the Visual Workbench Repository

Use the repository script pgvwbremove.sql to deinstall a Visual Workbench.

To deinstall a Visual Workbench repository on Oracle10g, use the repository script pgvwbremove.sql. To run this script, ensure that you are currently under the Oracle database ORACLE_HOME\dg4mq\admin\repo directory on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME/dg4mq/admin/repo directory on UNIX based systems (where you copied the scripts), and then enter the following command:

sqlplus /nolog @pgvwbremove.sql


If you are deinstalling the Visual Workbench Repository on Oracle8i or earlier, then you must use pgvwbremove8.sql. All the examples in this section are provided with the assumption that you are installing on Oracle9i and later.

The script takes you through the following steps: Step 1: Enter the Database Connection Information

This step explains how to enter the database connection information.

Use the default value of LOCAL by pressing Enter.

Next, you are prompted to enter the passwords for the SYSTEM, SYS, and PGMADMIN accounts of the Oracle database. Press Enter after entering each password.

The script stops if any of the information is incorrect. Verify the information before rerunning the script. Step 2: Check for the Existing Workbench Repository

This step explains how to check for the existing Workbench repository.

Enter Y and press Enter for the prompt to remove public synonyms and development roles. This returns the repository to private status. You can exit the script now by entering N and pressing Enter, or you can proceed to the next prompt.

If you are certain you want to remove the private repository, then enter Y and press Enter. The script removes all repository tables and related packages.

7.8 Preparing the Production Oracle Database

These preparations include preparing, installing, and removing PL/SQL packages on the production database.

7.8.1 Introduction

This section describes how to run the pgmdeploy.sql and pgmundeploy.sql scripts.

Before you can compile MIPs on a production Oracle database, the following PL/SQL packages must be present on the production Oracle database:


    These packages are shipped with each Oracle database and are typically preinstalled.


    These packages are shipped with your Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ. They are installed during the creation process of the Visual Workbench repository. Do not execute deployment script on the Oracle database with an installed Visual Workbench repository. If the Oracle database used for the repository is different from the Oracle database used in the production environment, you must install these packages on the production Oracle database.

This section describes how to run the following scripts:

  • pgmdeploy.sql,

    A deployment script that is used to verify the existence of the required PL/SQL packages and install them if they do not exist on the production Oracle database.

  • pgmundeploy.sql

    A script to remove the PL/SQL packages from a production Oracle database.

7.8.2 Verifying and Installing PL/SQL Packages

This topic describes verifying and installing PL/SQL packages.

  1. Locate the following scripts:
    • pgm.sql

    • pgmbqm.sql

    • pgmdeploy.sql

    • pgmsup.sql

    • pgmundeploy.sql

    • prvtpg.sql

    • utlpg.sql

    These scripts are installed with the gateway, in the ORACLE_HOME\dg4mq\admin\deploy directory on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME/dg4mq/admin/deploy directory on UNIX based systems, where ORACLE_HOME is the gateway home directory.

  2. If your production Oracle database is on a system that is different from the gateway, then use a file transfer method, such as FTP, to transfer files in the ORACLE_HOME\dg4mq\admin\deploy directory on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME/dg4mq/admin/deploy directory on UNIX based systems, where ORACLE_HOME is the gateway home directory on your gateway system. On your production Oracle database system, change directory to the directory containing the deployment scripts that you just transferred and skip to Step 4.
  3. If your production Oracle database is on the same system as the gateway, then change the directory to ORACLE_HOME\dg4mq\admin\deploy directory on Microsoft Windows and ORACLE_HOME/dg4mq/admin/deploy on UNIX based systems, where ORACLE_HOME is the gateway home directory.
  4. Run the pgmdeploy.sql script by as follows:
    $ sqlplus /nolog @pgmdeploy.sql
  5. At the script prompt: Enter the connect string for the Oracle database... [LOCAL], press Enter to use the default value of LOCAL.
  6. At the script prompt Enter the following required Oracle database password, enter the password of the SYS account.

After the script verifies the SYS account password, it connects to the production Oracle database. The script verifies and reports the PL/SQL packages that are installed there:

  • If any of the Oracle database packages, DBMS_OUTPUT, DBMS_PIPE or UTL_RAW are missing, then the script stops. Have your DBA install the missing packages and re-run the deployment script.

  • If any of the Oracle packages, PGM, PGM_BQM, PGM_SUP, and UTL_PG are missing, then the script installs them on the production Oracle database.

7.8.3 Removing the PL/SQL Packages

This topic describes removing PL/SQL packages.

You can remove the PL/SQL packages that were installed by the pgmdeploy.sql script if, for example, none of your applications in the production environment uses a MIP. To remove these packages, perform the following steps:

  1. On your production Oracle database, change to the directory containing the deployment scripts by entering the following command:

    For Microsoft Windows:

    > cd ORACLE_HOME\dg4mq\admin\deploy

    For UNIX based systems:

    $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dg4mq/admin/deploy
  2. Run the pgmundeploy.sql as follows:
    $ sqlplus /nolog @pgmundeploy.sql
  3. At the script prompt: Enter the connect string for the Oracle database... [LOCAL], press [Return] to use the default of LOCAL.
  4. At the script prompt, enter the required Oracle database passwords, enter the password of the SYS account.

After the script verifies the SYS account password, it connects to the production Oracle database and removes the packages installed by the pgmdeploy.sql script.

After the pgmundeploy.sql script completes successfully, applications on the production Oracle database fail if they attempt to reference any of the MIPs that are compiled there.