9.4 OCI API for LOBs

Oracle Call Interface (OCI) LOB functions enable you to access and make changes to LOBs in C.

Prefetching LOB Data in OCI

When using the OCI client, the number of server round trips can be reduced by prefetching part of the data and metadata (length and chunk size) along with the LOB locator during the fetch. This applies to persistent LOBs, temporary LOBs, and BFILEs. For small to medium sized LOBs, Oracle recommends setting the prefetch length such that about majority of your LOBs are smaller than the prefetch size.

LOB prefetch size can be set at the session level, and can be overwritten at the statement or the column level.

Use the OCIAttrSet() function to set the prefetch size for the session. The default session prefetch size is 0.
default_lobprefetch_size = 32000;
OCIAttrSet(authp, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, &default_lobprefetch_size , 0,

You can overwrite the session level default prefetch size at the column level. For this, you should first set the column level attribute OCI_ATTR_LOBPREFETCH_LENGTH to TRUE and then set the column level prefetch size attribute OCI_ATTR_LOBPREFETCH_SIZE in the define handle to override the session level default lob prefetch size. The following code snippet demonstrates how to set the prefetch size at session level:

prefetch_length = TRUE;
status = OCIAttrSet(defhp, OCI_HTYPE_DEFINE, &prefetch_length, 0, OCI_ATTR_LOBPREFETCH_LENGTH, errhp);
lpf_size = 32000;
OCIAttrSet(defhp, OCI_HTYPE_DEFINE, &lpf_size, sizeof(ub4), OCI_ATTR_LOBPREFETCH_SIZE, errhp);
You can use the following code snippet to get the prefetch size of a define:
ub4 get_lpf_size = 0;
OCIAttrGet(defhp, OCI_HTYPE_DEFINE,&get_lpf_size, 0,OCI_ATTR_LOBPREFETCH_SIZE, errhp);

Fixed-width and Varying-width Character Set Rules for OCI

In OCI, for fixed-width client-side character sets, the following rules apply:

  • CLOBs and NCLOBs: offset and amount parameters are always in characters

  • BLOBs and BFILEs: offset and amount parameters are always in bytes

The following rules apply only to varying-width client-side character sets:

  • Offset parameter:

    Regardless of whether the client-side character set is varying-width, the offset parameter is always as follows:

    • CLOBs and NCLOBs: in characters

    • BLOBs and BFILEs: in bytes

  • Amount parameter:

    The amount parameter is always as follows:

    • When referring to a server-side LOB: in characters

    • When referring to a client-side buffer: in bytes

  • OCILobGetLength2():

    Regardless of whether the client-side character set is varying-width, the output length is as follows:

    • CLOBs and NCLOBs: in characters

    • BLOBs and BFILEs: in bytes

  • OCILobRead2():

    With client-side character set of varying-width, CLOBs and NCLOBs:

    • Input amount is in characters. Input amount refers to the number of characters to read from the server-side CLOB or NCLOB.

    • Output amount is in bytes. Output amount indicates how many bytes were read into the buffer bufp.

  • OCILobWrite2(): With client-side character set of varying-width, CLOBs and NCLOBs:

    • Input amount is in bytes. The input amount refers to the number of bytes of data in the input buffer bufp.

    • Output amount is in characters. The output amount refers to the number of characters written into the server-side CLOB or NCLOB.

  • Amount Operation for OCILob Operations: For operations such as OCILobCopy2(), OCILobErase2(), OCILobLoadFromFile2(), and OCILobTrim2(), the amount parameter is in characters for CLOBs and NCLOBs irrespective of the client-side character set because all these operations refer to the amount of LOB data on the server.

Amount Parameter

When using the OCILobRead2() and OCILobWrite2() functions, in order to read or write the entire LOB. you can set the input amount parameter as follows:

Table 9-4 Special Amount Parameter Setting to Read/Write the entire LOB

  OCILobRead2 OCILobWrite2
piece = OCI_ONE_PIECE Set amount to UB8MAXVAL to read the entire LOB  
Streaming with Polling Set amount to 0 to read entire data in a loop Set amount to 0 to continue writing buffer size amount until OCI_LAST_PIECE
Streaming with Callback Set amount 0 to ensure that the callback is called until the entire data is read Set amount to 0 to ensure that the callback is called until OCI_LAST_PIECE is returned by the callback

Table 9-5 OCI Attributes on the OCILobLocator

OCI_ATTR_LOBEMPTY Sets the descriptor to be empty LOB N/A
OCI_ATTR_LOB_REMOTE N/A set to TRUE if the lob locator is from a remote database, set to FALSE otherwise
OCI_ATTR_LOB_IS_VALUE N/A set to TRUE if it is from a value LOB, otherwiseFALSE
OCI_ATTR_LOB_IS_READONLY N/A set to TRUE if it is a read-only LOB, otherwise FALSE
OCI_ATTR_LOBPREFETCH_LENGTH When set to TRUE the attribute will enable prefetching and will prefetch the LOB length and the chunk size while performing select operation of LOB locator set to TRUE if prefetching is turned on for the locator.
OCI_ATTR_LOBPREFETCH_SIZE Overrides the default prefetch size for LOBs. Has a prerequisite of the OCI_ATTR_LOBPREFETCH_LENGTH attribute to be set to TRUE. Returns the prefetch size of the locator.

Table 9-6 OCI Functions for LOBs

Category Function/Procedure Description
Sanity Checking OCILobLocatorIsInit() Checks whether a LOB locator is initialized.
Open/Close OCILobOpen() Open a LOB
OCILobIsOpen() Check if a LOB is open
OCILobClose() Close the LOB
Read Operations OCILobGetLength2() Get the length of the LOB
OCILobGetStorageLimit() Get the LOB storage limit for the database configuration
OCILobGetChunkSize() Get the optimum read / write size
OCILobRead2() Read data from the LOB starting at the specified offset
OCILobArrayRead() Reads data using multiple locators in one round trip.
OCILobCharSetId() Returns the character set ID of a LOB.
OCILobCharSetForm() Returns the character set form of a LOB.
Modify Operations OCILobWrite2() Write data to the LOB at a specified offset
OCILobArrayWrite() Writes data using multiple locators in one round trip.
OCILobWriteAppend2() Write data to the end of the LOB
OCILobErase2() Erase part of a LOB, starting at a specified offset
OCILobTrim2() Trim the LOB value to the specified shorter length
Operations involving multiple locators OCILobIsEqual() Checks whether two LOB locators refer to the same LOB.
OCILobAppend() Append a LOB value to another LOB
OCILobCopy2() Copy all or part of a LOB to another LOB
OCILobLocatorAssign() Assign one LOB to another
OCILobLoadFromFile2() Load BFILE data into a LOB
Operations specific to SecureFiles OCILObGetOptions() Returns options (deduplication, compression, encryption) for SecureFiles.
OCILObSetOptions() Sets LOB features (deduplication and compression) for SecureFiles
OCILobGetContentType() Gets the content string for a SecureFiles
OCILobSetContentType() Sets a content string in a SecureFiles

Example 9-4 OCI API for LOBs

/* Define SQL statements to be used in program. */
static text *selstmt[LOB_NUM_QUERIES] = {
    (text *) "select ad_sourcetext from print_media where product_id = 1", /* 0 */
    (text *) "select ad_sourcetext from print_media where product_id = 2 for update",
sword run_query(ub4 index, ub2 dty)
  OCILobLocator *c1 = (OCILobLocator *)0;
  OCILobLocator *c2 = (OCILobLocator *)0;
  OCIStmt       *stmthp;
  OCIDefine     *defn1p = (OCIDefine *) 0;
  OCIDefine     *defn2p = (OCIDefine *) 0;
  OCIBind       *bndp1  = (OCIBind *)   0;
  OCIBind       *bndp2  = (OCIBind *)   0;
  ub8            loblen;
  ub1            lbuf[128];
  ub1            inbuf[9] = "modified";
  ub1            inbuf_len = 8;
  ub8            amt = 15;
  ub8            bamt = 0;
  ub4            csize = 0;
  ub8            slimit = 0;
  boolean        flag = FALSE;
  boolean        boolval = TRUE;
  ub4            id = 10;
  CHECK_ERROR (OCIHandleAlloc( (dvoid *) envhp, (dvoid **) &stmthp,
                              OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0));
  /************** Allocate descriptors ***********************/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCIDescriptorAlloc((dvoid *) envhp, (dvoid **) &c1,
                                  (ub4)OCI_DTYPE_FILE, (size_t) 0,
                                  (dvoid **) 0));
  CHECK_ERROR (OCIDescriptorAlloc((dvoid *) envhp, (dvoid **) &c2,
                                 (ub4)OCI_DTYPE_FILE, (size_t) 0,
  /********** Execute selstmt[0] to get c1  ***********************/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCIStmtPrepare(stmthp, errhp, selstmt[0],
                              (ub4) strlen((char *) selstmt[0]),
                              (ub4) OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT));
  CHECK_ERROR (OCIDefineByPos(stmthp, &defn1p, errhp, (ub4) 1, (dvoid *) &c1,
                              (sb4) -1, SQLT_CLOB, (dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *) 0,
                              (ub2 *)0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT));
  CHECK_ERROR (OCIStmtExecute(svchp, stmthp, errhp, (ub4) 1, (ub4) 0,
                              (CONST OCISnapshot *) NULL, (OCISnapshot *) NULL,
  /********** Execute selstmt[1] to get c2 **********************/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCIStmtPrepare(stmthp, errhp, selstmt[1],
                              (ub4) strlen((char *) selstmt[1]),
                              (ub4) OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT));
  CHECK_ERROR (OCIDefineByPos(stmthp, &defn1p, errhp, (ub4) 1, (dvoid *) &c2,
                              (sb4) -1, SQLT_CLOB, (dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *) 0,
                              (ub2 *)0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT));
  CHECK_ERROR (OCIStmtExecute(svchp, stmthp, errhp, (ub4) 1, (ub4) 0,
                              (CONST OCISnapshot *) NULL, (OCISnapshot *) NULL,
  /*---------------------- Sanity Checking ---------------------------*/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobLocatorIsInit(envhp, errhp, (OCILobLocator *) c1,
  if (boolval)
    printf("LOB locator is initialized! \n");
    printf("LOB locator is NOT initialized \n");
  /*----------------------- Open/Close -------------------------------*/
  /*----------------------- Opening a CLOB ---------------------------*/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobOpen(svchp, errhp, c1, (ub1)OCI_LOB_READONLY));
  printf("OCILobOpen: Works\n");
  /*-------------- Determining Whether a CLOB Is Open ---------------*/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobIsOpen(svchp, errhp, c1,  &boolval));
  printf("OCILobIsOpen: %s\n", (boolval)?"TRUE":"FALSE");
  /*----------------------- Closing a LOB ---------------------------*/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobClose(svchp, errhp, c1));
  printf("OCILobClose: Works\n");
  /*-------------------- LOB Read Operations -------------------------*/
  printf("OCILobFileOpen: Works\n");
  /*----------------- Getting the Length of a LOB --------------------*/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobGetLength2(svchp, errhp, c1, &loblen));
  printf("OCILobGetLength2: loblen: %d \n", loblen);
  /*----------------- Getting the Storage Limit of a LOB -------------*/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobGetStorageLimit(svchp, errhp, c1, &slimit));
  printf("OCILobGetStorageLimit: storage limit: %ld \n", slimit);
 /*----------------- Getting the Chunk Size of a LOB -----------------*/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobGetChunkSize(svchp, errhp, c1, &csize));
  printf("OCILobGetChunkSize: storage limit: %d \n", csize);
  /*------------------------ Reading LOB Data ------------------------*/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobRead2(svchp, errhp, c1, &amt,
                           NULL, (oraub8)1, lbuf,
                           (oraub8)sizeof(lbuf), OCI_ONE_PIECE ,(dvoid*)0,
                           NULL, (ub2)0, (ub1)SQLCS_IMPLICIT));
  printf("OCILobRead2: buf: %.*s amt: %lu\n", amt, lbuf, amt);
  /*-------------------- Modifying a LOB -----------------------------*/
  /*---------------------- Writing Data to LOB -----------------------*/
  amt = 8;
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobWrite2(svchp, errhp, c2, &bamt, &amt, 1,
                (dvoid *) inbuf, (ub8)inbuf_len, OCI_ONE_PIECE, (dvoid *)0,
                (ub2) 0, (ub1) SQLCS_IMPLICIT));
  /*---------------------- Write Append to a LOB ---------------------*/
  /* Append 8 characters */
  amt = 8;
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobWriteAppend2(svchp, errhp, c2, &bamt, &amt,
                (dvoid *) inbuf, (ub8)inbuf_len, OCI_ONE_PIECE, (dvoid *)0,
                (ub2) 0, (ub1) SQLCS_IMPLICIT));
  /*---------------------- Erase part of LOB contents ----------------*/
  /* Erase 5 characters */
  amt = 5;
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobErase2(svchp, errhp, c2, &amt, 2));
  /*------------------------- Trim a LOB -----------------------------*/
  amt = 1000;
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobTrim2(svchp, errhp, c2, amt));
  printf("OCILobTrim2  Works! \n");
  /*------------- Operations involving 2 locators --------------------*/
  /*--------------- Check Equality of LOB locators -------------------*/
  CHECK_ERROR ( OCILobIsEqual(envhp, c1, c2, &boolval))
  printf("OCILobIsEqual %s\n", (boolval)?"TRUE":"FALSE");
  /*--------------- Append contents of a LOB to another LOB ----------*/
  CHECK_ERROR(OCILobAppend(svchp, errhp, c2, c1));
  printf("OCILobAppend: Works! \n");
  /*------------------------ LOB Copy --------------------------------*/
  /* Copy 10 characters from offset 1 of source to offset 2 of destination*/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobCopy2(svchp, errhp, c2, c1, 10, 2, 1));
  printf("OCILobCopy2: Works! \n");
 /*------------------- LOB Locator Assign ---------------------------*/
  CHECK_ERROR (OCILobLocatorAssign(svchp, errhp, c1, &c2));
  printf("OCILobLocatorAssign: Works! \n");
  /* Free the LOB descriptors which were allocated */
  OCIDescriptorFree((dvoid *) c1, (ub4) SQLT_CLOB);
  OCIDescriptorFree((dvoid *) c2, (ub4) SQLT_CLOB);
  CHECK_ERROR (OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) stmthp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT));

9.4.1 Efficiently Reading LOB Data in OCI

This section describes how to read the contents of a LOB into a buffer.

Streaming Read in OCI

The most efficient way to read large amounts of LOB data is to use OCILobRead2() with the streaming mechanism enabled using polling or callback. To do so, specify the starting point of the read using the offset parameter as follows:

ub8  char_amt =  0;
ub8  byte_amt =  0;
ub4  offset = 1000;

OCILobRead2(svchp, errhp, locp, &byte_amt, &char_amt, offset, bufp, bufl,
            OCI_ONE_PIECE, 0, 0, 0, 0);

When using polling mode, be sure to look at the value of the byte_amt parameter after each OCILobRead2() call to see how many bytes were read into the buffer because the buffer may not be entirely full.

When using callbacks, the lenp parameter, which is input to the callback, indicates how many bytes are filled in the buffer. Be sure to check the lenp parameter during your callback processing because the entire buffer may not be filled with data.

LOB Array Read

This section describes how to read LOB data for multiple locators in one round trip, using OCILobArrayRead().

For an OCI application example, assume that the program has a prepared SQL statement such as:

SELECT lob1 FROM lob_table;

where lob1 is the LOB column and lob_array is an array of define variables corresponding to a LOB column:

OCILobLocator * lob_array[10];

 for (i=0; i<10, i++)        /* initialize array of locators */
    lob_array[i] = OCIDescriptorAlloc(..., OCI_DTYPE_LOB, ...);
OCIDefineByPos(..., 1, (dvoid *) lob_array, ... SQLT_CLOB, ...);
/* Execute the statement with iters = 10 to do an array fetch of 10 locators. */
OCIStmtExecute ( <service context>, <statement handle>, <error handle>,
                 10,    /* iters  */ 
                 0,     /* row offset */
                 NULL,  /* snapshot IN */
                 NULL,  /* snapshot out */
                 OCI_DEFAULT /* mode */);
  ub4 array_iter = 10;
  char  *bufp[10];
  oraub8 bufl[10];
  oraub8 char_amtp[10];
  oraub8 offset[10];  
 for (i=0; i<10; i++)
    bufp[i] = (char *)malloc(1000);
    bufl[i] = 1000;
    offset[i] = 1;
    char_amtp[i] = 1000;  /* Single byte fixed width char set. */
/* Read the 1st 1000 characters for all 10 locators in one
 * round trip. Note that offset and amount need not be 
 * same for all the locators. */
OCILobArrayRead(<service context>, <error handle>,
                &array_iter, /* array size */
                lob_array,   /* array of locators */
                NULL,        /* array of byte amounts */
                char_amtp,   /* array of char amounts */
                offset,      /* array of offsets */
       (void **)bufp,        /* array of read buffers */
                bufl,        /* array of buffer lengths */
                OCI_ONE_PIECE,  /* piece information */
                NULL,           /* callback context */
                NULL,           /* callback function */
                0,              /* character set ID - default */
                SQLCS_IMPLICIT);/* character set form */
for (i=0; i<10; i++)
    /* Fill bufp[i] buffers with data to be written */
    strncpy (bufp[i], "Test Data------", 15);
    bufl[i] = 1000;
    offset[i] = 50;
    char_amtp[i] = 15;  /* Single byte fixed width char set. */
/* Write the 15 characters from offset 50 to all 10 
 * locators in one round trip. Note that offset and
 * amount need not be same for all the locators. */
OCILobArrayWrite(<service context>, <error handle>,
                  &array_iter, /* array size */
                  lob_array,   /* array of locators */
                  NULL,        /* array of byte amounts */
                  char_amtp,   /* array of char amounts */
                  offset,      /* array of offsets */
             (void **)bufp,    /* array of read buffers */
                  bufl,        /* array of buffer lengths */
                  OCI_ONE_PIECE,  /* piece information */
                  NULL,           /* callback context */
                  NULL,           /* callback function */
                  0,              /* character set ID - default */
                  SQLCS_IMPLICIT);/* character set form */

LOB Array Read with Streaming

LOB array APIs can be used to read/write LOB data in multiple pieces. This can be done by using polling method or a callback function.Here data is read/written in multiple pieces sequentially for the array of locators. For polling, the API would return to the application after reading/writing each piece with the array_iter parameter (OUT) indicating the index of the locator for which data is read/written. With a callback, the function is called after reading/writing each piece with array_iter as IN parameter.

Note that:

  • It is possible to read/write data for a few of the locators in one piece and read/write data for other locators in multiple pieces. Data is read/written in one piece for locators which have sufficient buffer lengths to accommodate the whole data to be read/written.

  • Your application can use different amount value and buffer lengths for each locator.

  • Your application can pass zero as the amount value for one or more locators indicating pure streaming for those locators. In the case of reading, LOB data is read to the end for those locators. For writing, data is written until OCI_LAST_PIECE is specified for those locators.

LOB Array Read with Callback

The following example reads 10Kbytes of data for each of 10 locators with 1Kbyte buffer size. Each locator needs 10 pieces to read all the data. The callback function is called 100 (10*10) times to return the pieces sequentially.

/* Fetch the locators */ 
     ub4    array_iter = 10;
     char  *bufp[10];
     oraub8 bufl[10];
     oraub8 char_amtp[10];
     oraub8 offset[10];
     sword  st;  

     for (i=0; i<10; i++)
       bufp[i] = (char *)malloc(1000);
       bufl[i] = 1000;
       offset[i] = 1;
       char_amtp[i] = 10000;       /* Single byte fixed width char set. */

      st =  OCILobArrayRead(<service context>, <error handle>,
                        &array_iter, /* array size */
                        lob_array,   /* array of locators */
                        NULL,        /* array of byte amounts */
                        char_amtp,   /* array of char amounts */
                        offset,      /* array of offsets */
               (void **)bufp,        /* array of read buffers */
                        bufl,        /* array of buffer lengths */
                        OCI_FIRST_PIECE,  /* piece information */
                        ctx,              /* callback context */
                        cbk_read_lob,     /* callback function */
                        0,                /* character set ID - default */
/* Callback function for LOB array read. */
sb4 cbk_read_lob(dvoid *ctxp, ub4 array_iter, CONST dvoid *bufxp, oraub8 len,
                 ub1 piece, dvoid **changed_bufpp, oraub8 *changed_lenp)
   static ub4 piece_count = 0;
   switch (piece)
    case OCI_LAST_PIECE: 
      /*--- buffer processing code goes here ---*/ 
      (void) printf("callback read the %d th piece(last piece) for %dth locator \n\n",
                piece_count, array_iter ); 
      piece_count = 0; 
    case OCI_FIRST_PIECE: 
      /*--- buffer processing code goes here ---*/ 
      (void) printf("callback read the 1st piece for %dth locator\n",
      /* --Optional code to set changed_bufpp and changed_lenp if the buffer needs
         to be changed dynamically --*/ 
    case OCI_NEXT_PIECE: 
      /*--- buffer processing code goes here ---*/ 
      (void) printf("callback read the %d th piece for %dth locator\n",
                    piece_count, array_iter); 
      /* --Optional code to set changed_bufpp and changed_lenp if the  buffer
           must be changed dynamically --*/ 
      (void) printf("callback read error: unkown piece = %d.\n", piece); 
      return OCI_ERROR; 
    return OCI_CONTINUE;

LOB Array Read in Polling Mode

The following example reads 10Kbytes of data for each of 10 locators with 1Kbyte buffer size. Each locator needs 10 pieces to read the complete data. OCILobArrayRead() must be called 100 (10*10) times to fetch all the data.First we call OCILobArrayRead() with OCI_FIRST_PIECE as piece parameter. This call returns the first 1K piece for the first locator.Next OCILobArrayRead() is called in a loop until the application finishes reading all the pieces for the locators and returns OCI_SUCCESS. In this example it loops 99 times returning the pieces for the locators sequentially.

/* Fetch the locators */ 
     /* array_iter parameter indicates the number of locators in the array read.
      * It is an IN parameter for the 1st call in polling and is ignored as IN
      * parameter for subsequent calls. As OUT parameter it indicates the locator
      * index for which the piece is read.
     ub4    array_iter = 10;
     char  *bufp[10];
     oraub8 bufl[10];
     oraub8 char_amtp[10];
     oraub8 offset[10];
     sword  st;  
     for (i=0; i<10; i++)
       bufp[i] = (char *)malloc(1000);
       bufl[i] = 1000;
       offset[i] = 1;
       char_amtp[i] = 10000;       /* Single byte fixed width char set. */
     st =  OCILobArrayRead(<service context>, <error handle>,
                         &array_iter, /* array size */
                         lob_array, /* array of locators */
                         NULL,      /* array of byte amounts */
                         char_amtp, /* array of char amounts */
                         offset,    /* array of offsets */
                (void **)bufp,      /* array of read buffers */
                         bufl,      /* array of buffer lengths */
                         OCI_FIRST_PIECE, /* piece information */
                         NULL,           /* callback context */
                         NULL,           /* callback function */
                         0,              /* character set ID - default */
                         SQLCS_IMPLICIT); /* character set form */
     /* First piece for the first locator is read here. 
      * bufp[0]          => Buffer pointer into which data is read.
      * char_amtp[0 ]    => Number of characters read in current buffer
     While ( st == OCI_NEED_DATA)
          st =  OCILobArrayRead(<service context>, <error handle>,
                          &array_iter, /* array size */
                          lob_array, /* array of locators */
                          NULL,      /* array of byte amounts */
                          char_amtp, /* array of char amounts */
                          offset,    /* array of offsets */
                 (void **)bufp,      /* array of read buffers */
                          bufl,      /* array of buffer lengths */
                          OCI_NEXT_PIECE, /* piece information */
                          NULL,           /* callback context */
                          NULL,           /* callback function */
                          0,              /* character set ID - default */
       /* array_iter returns the index of the current array element for which 
        * data is read. for example, aray_iter = 1 implies first locator,
        * array_iter = 2 implies second locator and so on.
        * lob_array[ array_iter - 1]=> Lob locator for which data is read. 
        * bufp[array_iter - 1]      => Buffer pointer into which data is read.
        * char_amtp[array_iter - 1] => Number of characters read in current buffer
        /* Consume the data here */

9.4.2 Efficiently Writing LOB Data in OCI

This section describes how to write the contents of a buffer to a LOB.

Streaming Write in OCI

The most efficient way to write large amounts of LOB data is to use OCILobWrite2() with the streaming mechanism enabled, and using polling or a callback. If you know how much data is written to the LOB, then specify that amount when calling OCILobWrite2(). This ensures that LOB data on the disk is contiguous. Apart from being spatially efficient, the contiguous structure of the LOB data makes reads and writes in subsequent operations faster.

LOB Array Write with Callback

The following example writes 10Kbytes of data for each of 10 locators with a 1K buffer size. A total of 100 pieces must be written (10 pieces for each locator). The first piece is provided by the OCILobArrayWrite() call. The callback function is called 99 times to get the data for subsequent pieces to be written.

/* Fetch the locators */

    ub4    array_iter = 10;
    char  *bufp[10];
    oraub8 bufl[10];
    oraub8 char_amtp[10];
    oraub8 offset[10];
    sword  st; 
    for (i=0; i<10; i++)
      bufp[i] = (char *)malloc(1000);
      bufl[i] = 1000;
      offset[i] = 1;
      char_amtp[i] = 10000;       /* Single byte fixed width char set. */
 st =  OCILobArrayWrite(<service context>, <error handle>,
                        &array_iter, /* array size */
                        lob_array,   /* array of locators */
                        NULL,        /* array of byte amounts */
                        char_amtp,   /* array of char amounts */
                        offset,      /* array of offsets */
               (void **)bufp,        /* array of write buffers */
                        bufl,        /* array of buffer lengths */
                        OCI_FIRST_PIECE,  /* piece information */
                        ctx,              /* callback context */
                        cbk_write_lob     /* callback function */
                        0,                /* character set ID - default */


/* Callback function for LOB array write. */
sb4 cbk_write_lob(dvoid *ctxp, ub4 array_iter, dvoid *bufxp, oraub8 *lenp,
                  ub1 *piecep, ub1 *changed_bufpp, oraub8 *changed_lenp)
 static ub4 piece_count = 0;

 printf (" %dth piece written  for %dth locator \n\n", piece_count, array_iter);

 /*-- code to fill bufxp with data goes here. *lenp should reflect the  size and
  *   should be less than or equal to MAXBUFLEN -- */
 /* --Optional code to set changed_bufpp and changed_lenp if the buffer must
  *   be changed dynamically --*/

  if (this is the last data buffer for current locator)
     *piecep = OCI_LAST_PIECE;     
  else if (this is the first data buffer for the next locator)
     *piecep = OCI_FIRST_PIECE;
     piece_count = 0;
     *piecep = OCI_NEXT_PIECE;
     return OCI_CONTINUE;

LOB Array Write in Polling Mode

The following example writes 10Kbytes of data for each of 10 locators with a 1K buffer size. OCILobArrayWrite() has to be called 100 (10 times 10) times to write all the data. The function is used in a similar manner to OCILobWrite2().

/* Fetch the locators */
/* array_iter parameter indicates the number of locators in the array read.
 * It is an IN parameter for the 1st call in polling and is ignored as IN
 * parameter for subsequent calls. As an OUT parameter it indicates the locator
 * index for which the piece is written.
ub4    array_iter = 10;
char  *bufp[10];
oraub8 bufl[10];
oraub8 char_amtp[10];
oraub8 offset[10];
sword  st;
int    i, j; 
for (i=0; i<10; i++)
  bufp[i] = (char *)malloc(1000);
  bufl[i] = 1000;
  /* Fill bufp here. */
  offset[i] = 1;
  char_amtp[i] = 10000;       /* Single byte fixed width char set. */  
for (i  = 1; i <= 10; i++)
 /* Fill up bufp[i-1] here.  The first piece for ith locator would be written from
    bufp[i-1] */
    st =  OCILobArrayWrite(<service context>, <error handle>,
                      &array_iter, /* array size */
                      lob_array,   /* array of locators */
                      NULL,        /* array of byte amounts */
                      char_amtp,   /* array of char amounts */
                      offset,      /* array of offsets */
             (void **)bufp,        /* array of write buffers */
                      bufl,        /* array of buffer lengths */
                      OCI_FIRST_PIECE, /* piece information */
                      NULL,            /* callback context */
                      NULL,            /* callback function */
                      0,               /* character set ID - default */
                      SQLCS_IMPLICIT); /* character set form */
 for ( j = 2; j < 10; j++) 
 /* Fill up bufp[i-1] here.  The jth piece for ith locator would be written from
    bufp[i-1] */
 st =  OCILobArrayWrite(<service context>, <error handle>,
                        &array_iter, /* array size */
                        lob_array,   /* array of locators */
                        NULL,        /* array of byte amounts */
                        char_amtp,   /* array of char amounts */
                        offset,      /* array of offsets */
               (void **)bufp,        /* array of write buffers */
                        bufl,        /* array of buffer lengths */
                        OCI_NEXT_PIECE, /* piece information */
                        NULL,           /* callback context */
                        NULL,           /* callback function */
                        0,              /* character set ID - default */
    /* array_iter returns the index of the current array element for which
     * data is being written. for example, aray_iter = 1 implies first locator,
     * array_iter = 2 implies second locator and so on. Here i = array_iter.
     * lob_array[ array_iter - 1] => Lob locator for which data is written.
     * bufp[array_iter - 1]       => Buffer pointer from which data is written.
     * char_amtp[ array_iter - 1] => Number of characters written in
     * the piece just written

/* Fill up bufp[i-1] here.  The last piece for ith locator would be written from
   bufp[i -1] */
 st =  OCILobArrayWrite(<service context>, <error handle>,
                        &array_iter, /* array size */
                        lob_array,   /* array of locators */
                        NULL,        /* array of byte amounts */
                        char_amtp,   /* array of char amounts */
                        offset,      /* array of offsets */
               (void **)bufp,        /* array of write buffers */
                        bufl,        /* array of buffer lengths */
                        OCI_LAST_PIECE,  /* piece information */
                        NULL,            /* callback context */
                        NULL,            /* callback function */
                        0,               /* character set ID - default */
