8.6 Transient and Generic Types
Oracle database has three generic (that is, generically programmed) SQL data types that enable you to dynamically encapsulate and access type descriptions, data instances, and sets of data instances of any other SQL type, including object and collection types. You can also use these three types to create anonymous types, including anonymous collection types.
The three SQL types are implemented as opaque types. In other words, the internal structure of these types is not known to the database; their data can be queried only by implementing functions (typically 3GL routines) for the purpose. Oracle database provides both an OCI and a PL/SQL API for implementing such functions.
Of the three types, ANYTYPE
is transient, and ANYDATA
are not transient, but rather persistent. Transient types cannot be persistently stored because their structures are opaque to the database. You cannot create columns of transient types or make them attributes of persistent types.
Beginning with Oracle Database release 12c, release 12.2, transient types can be created on Active Data Guard instance if:
Real Time Apply is running on Active Data Guard, and
Logical Standby is not lagging far behind the Primary (typically, order of seconds).
The three generic SQL types are described in Table 8-2.
Table 8-2 Generic SQL Types
Type | Description |
A type description type. A An |
A self-describing data instance type. A The following cannot be stored in an
A self-describing data set type. A The following cannot be stored in an
Each of these three types can be used with any built-in type native to the database as well as with object types and collection types, both named and unnamed. The types provide a generic way to work dynamically with type descriptions, lone instances, and sets of instances of other types. Using the APIs, you can create a transient ANYTYPE
description of any kind of type. Similarly, you can create or convert (cast) a data value of any SQL type to an ANYDATA
and can convert an ANYDATA
(back) to a SQL type. And similarly again with sets of values and ANYDATASET
The generic types simplify working with stored procedures. You can use the generic types to encapsulate descriptions and data of standard types and pass the encapsulated information into parameters of the generic types. In the body of the procedure, you can detail how to handle the encapsulated data and type descriptions of whatever type.
You can also store encapsulated data of a variety of underlying types in one table column of type ANYDATA
. For example, you can use ANYDATA
with Advanced Queuing to model queues of heterogeneous types of data. You can query the data of the underlying data types like any other data.
Example 8-10 defines and executes a PL/SQL procedure that uses methods built into SYS.ANYDATA
to access information about data stored in a SYS.ANYDATA
table column.
Example 8-10 Using SYS.ANYDATA
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE dogowner AS OBJECT ( ownerno NUMBER, ownername VARCHAR2(10) ); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE dog AS OBJECT ( breed VARCHAR2(10), dogname VARCHAR2(10) ); / CREATE TABLE mytab ( id NUMBER, data SYS.ANYDATA ); INSERT INTO mytab VALUES ( 1, SYS.ANYDATA.ConvertNumber (5) ); INSERT INTO mytab VALUES ( 2, SYS.ANYDATA.ConvertObject ( dogowner ( 5555, 'John') ) ); commit; CREATE OR REPLACE procedure P IS CURSOR cur IS SELECT id, data FROM mytab; v_id mytab.id%TYPE; v_data mytab.data%TYPE; v_type SYS.ANYTYPE; v_typecode PLS_INTEGER; v_typename VARCHAR2(60); v_dummy PLS_INTEGER; v_n NUMBER; v_dogowner dogowner; non_null_anytype_for_NUMBER exception; unknown_typename exception; BEGIN OPEN cur; LOOP FETCH cur INTO v_id, v_data; EXIT WHEN cur%NOTFOUND; v_typecode := v_data.GetType ( v_type /* OUT */ ); CASE v_typecode WHEN Dbms_Types.Typecode_NUMBER THEN IF v_type IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE non_null_anytype_for_NUMBER; END IF; v_dummy := v_data.GetNUMBER ( v_n /* OUT */ ); Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( To_Char(v_id) || ': NUMBER = ' || To_Char(v_n) ); WHEN Dbms_Types.Typecode_Object THEN v_typename := v_data.GetTypeName(); IF v_typename NOT IN ( 'HR.DOGOWNER' ) THEN RAISE unknown_typename; END IF; v_dummy := v_data.GetObject ( v_dogowner /* OUT */ ); Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( To_Char(v_id) || ': user-defined type = ' || v_typename || '(' || v_dogowner.ownerno || ', ' || v_dogowner.ownername || ' )' ); END CASE; END LOOP; CLOSE cur; EXCEPTION WHEN non_null_anytype_for_NUMBER THEN RAISE_Application_Error ( -20000, 'Paradox: the return AnyType instance FROM GetType ' || 'should be NULL for all but user-defined types' ); WHEN unknown_typename THEN RAISE_Application_Error ( -20000, 'Unknown user-defined type ' || v_typename || ' - program written to handle only HR.DOGOWNER' ); END; / SELECT t.data.gettypename() FROM mytab t; SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; EXEC P;
The query and the procedure P in the preceding code sample produce output like the following:
1: NUMBER = 5
2: user-defined type = HR.DOGOWNER(5555, John )
Corresponding to the three generic SQL types are three OCI types that model them. Each has a set of functions for creating and accessing the respective type:
: corresponds toSYS.ANYTYPE
: corresponds toSYS.ANYDATA
: corresponds toSYS.ANYDATASET
See Also:
Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide for the
, andOCIAnyDataSet
APIs and details on how to use them -
Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about the interfaces to the
types and theDBMS_TYPES
package, which defines constants for built-in and user-defined types, for use withANYTYPE
Parent topic: Advanced Topics for Oracle Objects