6 Java Message Service for Transactional Event Queues and Advanced Queuing

This chapter contains the following topics:

Java Messaging Service Interface for Oracle Transactional Event Queues and Advanced Queuing

The following topics describe the Oracle Java Message Service (JMS) interface to Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ).

General Features of JMS and Oracle JMS

This section contains these topics:

JMS Connection and Session
ConnectionFactory Objects

A ConnectionFactory encapsulates a set of connection configuration parameters that has been defined by an administrator. A client uses it to create a connection with a JMS provider. In this case Oracle JMS, part of Oracle Database, is the JMS provider.

The three types of ConnectionFactory objects are:

  • ConnectionFactory

  • QueueConnectionFactory

  • TopicConnectionFactory

Using AQjmsFactory to Obtain ConnectionFactory Objects

You can use the AQjmsFactory class to obtain a handle to a ConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory, or TopicConnectionFactory object.

To obtain a ConnectionFactory, which supports both point-to-point and publish/subscribe operations, use AQjmsFactory.getConnectionFactory(). To obtain a QueueConnectionFactory, use AQjmsFactory.getQueueConnectionFactory(). To obtain a TopicConnectionFactory, use AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory().

The ConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory, or TopicConnectionFactory can be created using hostname, port number, and SID driver or by using JDBC URL and properties.

Using JNDI to Look Up ConnectionFactory Objects

A JMS administrator can register ConnectionFactory objects in a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. The following setup is required to enable Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) lookup in JMS:

  1. Register Database

    When the Oracle Database server is installed, the database must be registered with the LDAP server. This can be accomplished using the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). Figure 6-1 shows the structure of Oracle Database Advanced Queuing entries in the LDAP server. ConnectionFactory information is stored under <cn=OracleDBConnections>, while topics and queues are stored under <cn=OracleDBQueues>.

    Figure 6-1 Structure of Oracle Database Advanced Queuing Entries in LDAP Server

    Description of Figure 6-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-1 Structure of Oracle Database Advanced Queuing Entries in LDAP Server"
  2. Set Parameter GLOBAL_TOPIC_ENABLED.

    The GLOBAL_TOPIC_ENABLED system parameter for the database must be set to TRUE. This ensures that all queues and topics created in Oracle Database Advanced Queuing are automatically registered with the LDAP server. This parameter can be set by using ALTER SYSTEM SET GLOBAL_TOPIC_ENABLED = TRUE.

  3. Register ConnectionFactory Objects

    After the database has been set up to use an LDAP server, the JMS administrator can register ConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory, and TopicConnectionFactory objects in LDAP by using AQjmsFactory.registerConnectionFactory().

    The registration can be accomplished in one of the following ways:

    • Connect directly to the LDAP server

      The user must have the GLOBAL_AQ_USER_ROLE to register connection factories in LDAP.

      To connect directly to LDAP, the parameters for the registerConnectionFactory method include the LDAP context, the name of the ConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory, or TopicConnectionFactory, hostname, database SID, port number, JDBC driver (thin or oci8) and factory type (queue or topic).

    • Connect to LDAP through the database server

      The user can log on to Oracle Database first and then have the database update the LDAP entry. The user that logs on to the database must have the AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE to perform this operation.

      To connect to LDAP through the database server, the parameters for the registerConnectionFactory method include a JDBC connection (to a user having AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE), the name of the ConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory, or TopicConnectionFactory, hostname, database SID, port number, JDBC driver (thin or oci8) and factory type (queue or topic).

JMS Connection

A JMS Connection is an active connection between a client and its JMS provider. A JMS Connection performs several critical services:

  • Encapsulates either an open connection or a pool of connections with a JMS provider

  • Typically represents an open TCP/IP socket (or a set of open sockets) between a client and a provider's service daemon

  • Provides a structure for authenticating clients at the time of its creation

  • Creates Sessions

  • Provides connection metadata

  • Supports an optional ExceptionListener

A JMS Connection to the database can be created by invoking createConnection(), createQueueConnection(), or createTopicConnection() and passing the parameters username and password on the ConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory, or TopicConnectionFactory object respectively.

Some of the methods that are supported on the Connection object are

  • start()

    This method starts or restart delivery of incoming messages.

  • stop()

    This method temporarily stops delivery of incoming messages. When a Connection object is stopped, delivery to all of its message consumers is inhibited. Also, synchronous receive's block and messages are not delivered to message listener.

  • close()

    This method closes the JMS session and releases all associated resources.

  • createSession(true, 0)

    This method creates a JMS Session using a JMS Connection instance.

  • createQueueSession(true, 0)

    This method creates a QueueSession.

  • createTopicSession(true, 0)

    This method creates a TopicSession.

  • setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener)

    This method sets an exception listener for the Connection. This allows a client to be notified of a problem asynchronously. If a Connection only consumes messages, then it has no other way to learn it has failed.

  • getExceptionListener()

    This method gets the ExceptionListener for this Connection.

A JMS client typically creates a Connection, a Session and several MessageProducer and MessageConsumer objects. In the current version only one open Session for each Connection is allowed, except in the following cases:

  • If the JDBC oci8 driver is used to create the JMS connection

  • If the user provides an OracleOCIConnectionPool instance during JMS connection creation

When a Connection is created it is in stopped mode. In this state no messages can be delivered to it. It is typical to leave the Connection in stopped mode until setup is complete. At that point the Connection start() method is called and messages begin arriving at the Connection consumers. This setup convention minimizes any client confusion that can result from asynchronous message delivery while the client is still in the process of setup.

It is possible to start a Connection and to perform setup subsequently. Clients that do this must be prepared to handle asynchronous message delivery while they are still in the process of setting up. A MessageProducer can send messages while a Connection is stopped.

JMS Session

A JMS Session is a single threaded context for producing and consuming messages. Although it can allocate provider resources outside the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), it is considered a lightweight JMS object.

A Session serves several purposes:

  • Constitutes a factory for MessageProducer and MessageConsumer objects

  • Provides a way to get a handle to destination objects (queues/topics)

  • Supplies provider-optimized message factories

  • Supports a single series of transactions that combines work spanning session MessageProducer and MessageConsumer objects, organizing these into units

  • Defines a serial order for the messages it consumes and the messages it produces

  • Serializes execution of MessageListener objects registered with it

In Oracle Database 20c, you can create as many JMS Sessions as resources allow using a single JMS Connection, when using either JDBC thin or JDBC thick (OCI) drivers.

Because a provider can allocate some resources on behalf of a Session outside the JVM, clients should close them when they are not needed. Relying on garbage collection to eventually reclaim these resources may not be timely enough. The same is true for MessageProducer and MessageConsumer objects created by a Session.

Methods on the Session object include:

  • commit()

    This method commits all messages performed in the transaction and releases locks currently held.

  • rollback()

    This method rolls back any messages accomplished in the transaction and release locks currently held.

  • close()

    This method closes the Session.

  • getDBConnection()

    This method gets a handle to the underlying JDBC connection. This handle can be used to perform other SQL DML operations as part of the same Session. The method is specific to Oracle JMS.

  • acknowledge()

    This method acknowledges message receipt in a nontransactional session.

  • recover()

    This method restarts message delivery in a nontransactional session. In effect, the series of delivered messages in the session is reset to the point after the last acknowledged message.

The following are some Oracle JMS extensions:

  • createQueueTable()

    This method creates a queue table.

  • getQueueTable()

    This method gets a handle to an existing queue table.

  • createQueue()

    This method creates a queue.

  • getQueue()

    This method gets a handle to an existing queue.

  • createTopic()

    This method creates a topic.

  • getTopic()

    This method gets a handle to an existing topic.

The Session object must be cast to AQjmsSession to use any of the extensions.


The JMS specification expects providers to return null messages when receives are accomplished on a JMS Connection instance that has not been started.

After you create a javax.jms.Connection instance, you must call the start() method on it before you can receive messages. If you add a line like t_conn.start(); any time after the connection has been created, but before the actual receive, then you can receive your messages.

JMS Destination

A Destination is an object a client uses to specify the destination where it sends messages, and the source from which it receives messages. A Destination object can be a Queue or a Topic. In Oracle Database Advanced Queuing, these map to a schema.queue at a specific database. Queue maps to a single-consumer queue, and Topic maps to a multiconsumer queue.

Using a JMS Session to Obtain Destination Objects

Destination objects are created from a Session object using the following domain-specific Session methods:

  • AQjmsSession.getQueue(queue_owner, queue_name)

    This method gets a handle to a JMS queue.

  • AQjmsSession.getTopic(topic_owner, topic_name)

    This method gets a handle to a JMS topic.

Using JNDI to Look Up Destination Objects

The database can be configured to register schema objects with an LDAP server. If a database has been configured to use LDAP and the GLOBAL_TOPIC_ENABLED parameter has been set to TRUE, then all JMS queues and topics are automatically registered with the LDAP server when they are created. The administrator can also create aliases to the queues and topics registered in LDAP. Queues and topics that are registered in LDAP can be looked up through JNDI using the name or alias of the queue or topic.

JMS Destination Methods

Methods on the Destination object include:

  • alter()

    This method alters a Queue or a Topic.

  • schedulePropagation()

    This method schedules propagation from a source to a destination.

  • unschedulePropagation()

    This method unschedules a previously scheduled propagation.

  • enablePropagationSchedule()

    This method enables a propagation schedule.

  • disablePropagationSchedule()

    This method disables a propagation schedule.

  • start()

    This method starts a Queue or a Topic. The queue can be started for enqueue or dequeue. The topic can be started for publish or subscribe.

  • stop()

    This method stops a Queue or a Topic. The queue is stopped for enqueue or dequeue. The topic is stopped for publish or subscribe.

  • drop()

    This method drops a Queue or a Topic.

System-Level Access Control in JMS

Oracle8i or higher supports system-level access control for all queuing operations. This feature allows an application designer or DBA to create users as queue administrators. A queue administrator can invoke administrative and operational JMS interfaces on any queue in the database. This simplifies administrative work, because all administrative scripts for the queues in a database can be managed under one schema.

When messages arrive at the destination queues, sessions based on the source queue schema name are used for enqueuing the newly arrived messages into the destination queues. This means that you must grant enqueue privileges for the destination queues to schemas of the source queues.

To propagate to a remote destination queue, the login user (specified in the database link in the address field of the agent structure) should either be granted the ENQUEUE_ANY privilege, or be granted the rights to enqueue to the destination queue. However, you are not required to grant any explicit privileges if the login user in the database link also owns the queue tables at the destination.

Destination-Level Access Control in JMS

Oracle8i or higher supports access control for enqueue and dequeue operations at the queue or topic level. This feature allows the application designer to protect queues and topics created in one schema from applications running in other schemas. You can grant only minimal access privileges to the applications that run outside the schema of the queue or topic. The supported access privileges on a queue or topic are ENQUEUE, DEQUEUE and ALL.

Retention and Message History in JMS

Messages are often related to each other. For example, if a message is produced as a result of the consumption of another message, then the two are related. As the application designer, you may want to keep track of such relationships. Oracle Database Advanced Queuing allows users to retain messages in the queue table, which can then be queried in SQL for analysis.

Along with retention and message identifiers, Oracle Database Advanced Queuing lets you automatically create message journals, also called tracking journals or event journals. Taken together, retention, message identifiers and SQL queries make it possible to build powerful message warehouses.

Supporting Oracle Real Application Clusters in JMS

A transactional event queue (TxEventQ) is a single logical queue that is divided into multiple, independent, physical queues through system-maintained partitioning. TxEventQs are the preferred JMS queues for queues used across Oracle RAC instances, for queues with high enqueue or dequeue rates, or for queues with many subscribers. See "Transactional Event Queues and Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC)" for more information.

For AQ queues, Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) can be used to improve Oracle Database Advanced Queuing performance by allowing different queues to be managed by different instances. You do this by specifying different instance affinities (preferences) for the queue tables that store the queues. This allows queue operations (enqueue/dequeue) or topic operations (publish/subscribe) on different queues or topics to occur in parallel.

The Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue monitor process continuously monitors the instance affinities of the queue tables. The queue monitor assigns ownership of a queue table to the specified primary instance if it is available, failing which it assigns it to the specified secondary instance.

If the owner instance of a queue table terminates, then the queue monitor changes ownership to a suitable instance such as the secondary instance.

Oracle Database Advanced Queuing propagation can make use of Oracle Real Application Clusters, although it is transparent to the user. The affinities for jobs submitted on behalf of the propagation schedules are set to the same values as that of the affinities of the respective queue tables. Thus, a job_queue_process associated with the owner instance of a queue table is handling the propagation from queues stored in that queue table, thereby minimizing pinging.

Supporting Statistics Views in JMS

Each instance keeps its own Oracle Database Advanced Queuing statistics information in its own System Global Area (SGA), and does not have knowledge of the statistics gathered by other instances. Then, when a GV$AQ view is queried by an instance, all other instances funnel their statistics information to the instance issuing the query.

The GV$AQ view can be queried at any time to see the number of messages in waiting, ready or expired state. The view also displays the average number of seconds messages have been waiting to be processed.

Structured Payload/Message Types in JMS

JMS messages are composed of a header, properties, and a body.

The header consists of header fields, which contain values used by both clients and providers to identify and route messages. All messages support the same set of header fields.

Properties are optional header fields. In addition to standard properties defined by JMS, there can be provider-specific and application-specific properties.

The body is the message payload. JMS defines various types of message payloads, and a type that can store JMS messages of any or all JMS-specified message types.

This section contains these topics:

JMS Message Headers

A JMS message header contains the following fields:

  • JMSDestination

    This field contains the destination to which the message is sent. In Oracle Database Advanced Queuing this corresponds to the destination queue/topic. It is a Destination type set by JMS after the Send method has completed.

  • JMSDeliveryMode

    This field determines whether the message is logged or not. JMS supports PERSISTENT delivery (where messages are logged to stable storage) and NONPERSISTENT delivery (messages not logged). It is a INTEGER set by JMS after the Send method has completed. JMS permits an administrator to configure JMS to override the client-specified value for JMSDeliveryMode.

  • JMSMessageID

    This field uniquely identifies a message in a provider. All message IDs must begin with the string ID:. It is a String type set by JMS after the Send method has completed.

  • JMSTimeStamp

    This field contains the time the message was handed over to the provider to be sent. This maps to Oracle Database Advanced Queuing message enqueue time. It is a Long type set by JMS after the Send method has completed.

  • JMSCorrelationID

    This field can be used by a client to link one message with another. It is a String type set by the JMS client.

  • JMSReplyTo

    This field contains a Destination type supplied by a client when a message is sent. Clients can use oracle.jms.AQjmsAgent; javax.jms.Queue; or javax.jms.Topic.

  • JMSType

    This field contains a message type identifier supplied by a client at send time. It is a String type. For portability Oracle recommends that the JMSType be symbolic values.

  • JMSExpiration

    This field is the sum of the enqueue time and the TimeToLive in non-Java EE compliance mode. In compliant mode, the JMSExpiration header value in a dequeued message is the sum of JMSTimeStamp when the message was enqueued (Greenwich Mean Time, in milliseconds) and the TimeToLive (in milliseconds). It is a Long type set by JMS after the Send method has completed. JMS permits an administrator to configure JMS to override the client-specified value for JMSExpiration.

  • JMSPriority

    This field contains the priority of the message. It is a INTEGER set by JMS after the Send method has completed. In Java EE-compliance mode, the permitted values for priority are 09, with 9 the highest priority and 4 the default, in conformance with the Sun Microsystem JMS 1.1 standard. Noncompliant mode is the default. JMS permits an administrator to configure JMS to override the client-specified value for JMSPriority.

  • JMSRedelivered

    This field is a Boolean set by the JMS provider.

See Also:

"Java EE Compliance"

JMS Message Properties

JMS properties are set either explicitly by the client or automatically by the JMS provider (these are generally read-only). Some JMS properties are set using the parameters specified in Send and Receive operations.

Properties add optional header fields to a message. Properties allow a client, using a messageSelector, to have a JMS provider select messages on its behalf using application-specific criteria. Property names are strings and values can be: Boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, double, and string.

JMS-defined properties, which all begin with "JMSX", include the following:

  • JMSXUserID

    This field is the identity of the user sending the message. It is a String type set by JMS after the Send method has completed.


    This field is the identity of the application sending the message. It is a String type set by JMS after the Send method has completed.

  • JMSXDeliveryCount

    This field is the number of message delivery attempts. It is an Integer set by JMS after the Send method has completed.

  • JMSXGroupid

    This field is the identity of the message group that this message belongs to. It is a String type set by the JMS client.

  • JMSXGroupSeq

    This field is the sequence number of a message within a group. It is an Integer set by the JMS client.

  • JMSXRcvTimeStamp

    This field is the time the message was delivered to the consumer (dequeue time). It is a String type set by JMS after the Receive method has completed.

  • JMSXState

    This field is the message state, set by the provider. The message state can be WAITING, READY, EXPIRED, or RETAINED.

Oracle-specific JMS properties, which all begin with JMS_Oracle, include the following:

  • JMS_OracleExcpQ

    This field is the queue name to send the message to if it cannot be delivered to the original destination. It is a String type set by the JMS client. Only destinations of type EXCEPTION can be specified in the JMS_OracleExcpQ property.

  • JMS_OracleDelay

    This field is the time in seconds to delay the delivery of the message. It is an Integer set by the JMS client. This can affect the order of message delivery.

  • JMS_OracleOriginalMessageId

    This field is set to the message identifier of the message in the source if the message is propagated from one destination to another. It is a String type set by the JMS provider. If the message is not propagated, then this property has the same value as JMSMessageId.

A client can add additional header fields to a message by defining properties. These properties can then be used in a messageSelector to select specific messages.

JMS Message Bodies

JMS provides five forms of message body:


A StreamMessage object is used to send a stream of Java primitives. It is filled and read sequentially. It inherits from Message and adds a StreamMessage body. Its methods are based largely on those found in java.io.DataInputStream and java.io.DataOutputStream.

The primitive types can be read or written explicitly using methods for each type. They can also be read or written generically as objects. To use StreamMessage objects, create the queue table with the SYS.AQ$_JMS_STREAM_MESSAGE or AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE payload types.

StreamMessage objects support the conversions shown in Table 6-1. A value written as the row type can be read as the column type.

Table 6-1 StreamMessage Conversion

Input Boolean byte short char int long float double String byte[]
















































































































A BytesMessage object is used to send a message containing a stream of uninterpreted bytes. It inherits Message and adds a BytesMessage body. The receiver of the message interprets the bytes. Its methods are based largely on those found in java.io.DataInputStream and java.io.DataOutputStream.

This message type is for client encoding of existing message formats. If possible, one of the other self-defining message types should be used instead.

The primitive types can be written explicitly using methods for each type. They can also be written generically as objects. To use BytesMessage objects, create the queue table with SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE or AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE payload types.


A MapMessage object is used to send a set of name-value pairs where the names are String types, and the values are Java primitive types. The entries can be accessed sequentially or randomly by name. The order of the entries is undefined. It inherits from Message and adds a MapMessage body. The primitive types can be read or written explicitly using methods for each type. They can also be read or written generically as objects.

To use MapMessage objects, create the queue table with the SYS.AQ$_JMS_MAP_MESSAGE or AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE payload types. MapMessage objects support the conversions shown in Table 6-2. An "X" in the table means that a value written as the row type can be read as the column type.

Table 6-2 MapMessage Conversion

Input Boolean byte short char int long float double String byte[]
















































































































A TextMessage object is used to send a message containing a java.lang.StringBuffer. It inherits from Message and adds a TextMessage body. The text information can be read or written using methods getText() and setText(...). To use TextMessage objects, create the queue table with the SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE or AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE payload types.


An ObjectMessage object is used to send a message that contains a serializable Java object. It inherits from Message and adds a body containing a single Java reference. Only serializable Java objects can be used. If a collection of Java objects must be sent, then one of the collection classes provided in JDK 1.4 can be used. The objects can be read or written using the methods getObject() and setObject(...).To use ObjectMessage objects, create the queue table with the SYS.AQ$_JMS_OBJECT_MESSAGE or AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE payload types.


An AdtMessage object is used to send a message that contains a Java object that maps to an Oracle object type. These objects inherit from Message and add a body containing a Java object that implements the CustomDatum or ORAData interface.

To use AdtMessage objects, create the queue table with payload type as the Oracle object type. The AdtMessage payload can be read and written using the getAdtPayload and setAdtPayload methods.

You can also use an AdtMessage object to send messages to queues of type SYS.XMLType. You must use the oracle.xdb.XMLType class to create the message.

For AdtMessage objects, the client can get:

  • JMSXDeliveryCount

  • JMSXRecvTimeStamp

  • JMSXState

  • JMS_OracleExcpQ

  • JMS_OracleDelay

See Also:

Oracle Database Java Developer's Guide for information about the CustomDatum and ORAData interfaces

Using Message Properties with Different Message Types

The following message properties can be set by the client using the setProperty call. For StreamMessage, BytesMessage, ObjectMessage, TextMessage, and MapMessage objects, the client can set:


  • JMSXGroupID

  • JMSXGroupSeq

  • JMS_OracleExcpQ

  • JMS_OracleDelay

For AdtMessage objects, the client can set:

  • JMS_OracleExcpQ

  • JMS_OracleDelay

The following message properties can be obtained by the client using the getProperty call. For StreamMessage, BytesMessage, ObjectMessage, TextMessage, and MapMessage objects, the client can get:

  • JMSXuserID


  • JMSXDeliveryCount

  • JMSXGroupID

  • JMSXGroupSeq

  • JMSXRecvTimeStamp

  • JMSXState

  • JMS_OracleExcpQ

  • JMS_OracleDelay

  • JMS_OracleOriginalMessageID

Buffered Messaging with Oracle JMS

Users can send a nonpersistent JMS message by specifying the deliveryMode to be NON_PERSISTENT when sending a message. JMS nonpersistent messages are not required to be logged to stable storage, so they can be lost after a JMS system failure. JMS nonpersistent messages are similar to the buffered messages available in Oracle Database Advanced Queuing, but there are also important differences between the two.


Do not confuse Oracle JMS nonpersistent messages with Oracle Database Advanced Queuing nonpersistent queues, which are deprecated in Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2).

Transaction Commits and Client Acknowledgments

The JMS deliveryMode is orthogonal to the transaction attribute of a message. JMS nonpersistent messages can be sent and received by either a transacted session or a nontransacted session. If a JMS nonpersistent message is sent and received by a transacted session, then the effect of the JMS operation is only visible after the transacted session commits. If it is received by a nontransacted session with CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledgment mode, then the effect of receiving this message is only visible after the client acknowledges the message. Without the acknowledgment, the message is not removed and will be redelivered if the client calls Session.recover.

Oracle Database Advanced Queuing buffered messages, however, do not support these transaction or acknowledgment concepts. Both sending and receiving a buffered message must be in the IMMEDIATE visibility mode. The effects of the sending and receiving operations are therefore visible to the user immediately, no matter whether the session is committed or the messages are acknowledged.

Different APIs

Messages sent with the regular JMS send and publish methods are treated by Oracle Database Advanced Queuing as persistent messages. The regular JMS receive methods receive only AQ persistent messages. To send and receive buffered messages, you must use the Oracle extension APIs bufferSend, bufferPublish, and bufferReceive.

See Also:

Oracle Database Advanced Queuing Java API Reference for more information on bufferSend, bufferPublish, and bufferReceive

Payload Limits

The Oracle Database Advanced Queuing implementation of buffered messages does not support LOB attributes. This places limits on the payloads for the five types of standard JMS messages:

  • JMS TextMessage payloads cannot exceed 4000 bytes.

    This limit might be even lower with some database character sets, because during the Oracle JMS character set conversion, Oracle JMS sometimes must make a conservative choice of using CLOB instead of VARCHAR to store the text payload in the database.

  • JMS BytesMessage payloads cannot exceed 2000 bytes.

  • JMS ObjectMessage, StreamMessage, and MapMessage data serialized by JAVA cannot exceed 2000 bytes.

  • For all other Oracle JMS ADT messages, the corresponding Oracle database ADT cannot contain LOB attributes.

Different Constants

The Oracle Database Advanced Queuing and Oracle JMS APIs use different numerical values to designate buffered and persistent messages, as shown in Table 6-3.

Table 6-3 Oracle Database AQ and Oracle JMS Buffered Messaging Constants

API Persistent Message Buffered Message

Oracle Database Advanced Queuing



Oracle JMS



Buffered Messaging in JMS

Buffered messaging fully supports JMS messaging standards. Oracle JMS extends those standards in several ways.

See Also:

"Buffered Messaging"

Enqueuing JMS Buffered Messages

Oracle JMS allows applications to send buffered messages by setting JMSDeliveryMode for individual messages, so persistent and buffered messages can be enqueued to the same JMS queue/topic.

Oracle JMS buffered messages can be ordered by enqueue time, priority, or both. The ordering does not extend across message types. So a persistent message sent later, for example, can be delivered before an buffered message sent earlier. Expiration is also supported for buffered messages in Oracle JMS.

See Also:

"JMS Message Headers"

Dequeuing JMS Buffered Messages

JMS does not require subscribers to declare interest in just persistent messages or just buffered messages, so JMS subscribers can be interested in both message types.

Oracle JMS supports fast and efficient dequeue of messages by JMSMessageID, selectors on message headers, and selectors on message properties. The Oracle JMS dequeue call checks for both persistent and buffered messages.


Oracle JMS persistent messages have unique message identifiers. Oracle JMS buffered message identifiers are unique only within a queue/topic.

If concurrent dequeue processes are dequeuing from the same queue as the same subscriber, then they will skip messages that are locked by the other process.

Transactions Support

If buffered messages are enqueued in a transacted session, then JMS requires transaction support for them. Oracle JMS guarantees that transacted sessions involving buffered messages meet the following standards:

  • Atomicity

    Both persistent and buffered messages within an Oracle JMS transaction are committed or rolled back atomically. Even if buffered messages were written to disk, as in the case of messages involving LOBs, rollback nevertheless removes them.

  • Consistency

    If persistent and buffered messaging operations interleave in a transaction, then all Oracle JMS users share a consistent view of the affected queues/topics. All persistent and buffered messages enqueued by a transaction become visible at commit time. If a process ends in the middle of a transaction, then both persistent and buffered messages are undone. Oracle JMS users see either all persistent and buffered messages in a transaction or none of them.

  • Isolation

    An buffered enqueue operation in a transaction is visible only to the owner transaction before the transaction is committed. It is visible to all consumers after the transaction is committed.

Messages locked by dequeue transaction may be browsed.

Acknowledging Message Receipt

Three values are defined for the ack_mode parameter for acknowledging message receipt in nontransacted sessions:


    In this mode, duplicate messages are allowed.


    In this mode, the session automatically acknowledges messages.


    In this mode, the client explicitly acknowledges messages by calling the message producer acknowledge method. Acknowledging a message acknowledges all previously consumed messages.

See Also:

"Creating a Session"

Buffered Messaging Quality of Service

JMS requires providers to support at-most-once delivery of unpropagated buffered messages. If recovery of buffered messages is disabled, then Oracle JMS meets this standard.

Duplicate delivery of messages is possible with the current implementation of message propagation. But this does not violate the JMS standard, because message propagation is an extension offered by Oracle JMS.

See Also:

"Propagating Buffered Messages" for the causes of duplicate delivery of buffered messages

JMS Types Support for Buffered Messages

Oracle JMS maps the JMS-defined types to Oracle user-defined types and creates queues of these user-defined types for storing JMS messages. Some of these types have LOB attributes, which Oracle JMS writes to disk whether the message is persistent or buffered.

The user-defined type SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE for JMS type JMSTextMessage, for example, stores text strings smaller than 4k in a VARCHAR2 column. But it has a CLOB attribute for storing text strings larger than 4k.

Because JMS messages are often larger than 4k, Oracle JMS offers a new ADT that allows larger messages to be stored in memory. The disk representation of the ADT remains unchanged, but several VARCHAR2/RAW attributes allow for JMS messages of sizes up to 100k to be stored in memory. Messages larger than 100k can still be published as buffered messages, but they are written to disk.

JMS Point-to-Point Model Features

In the point-to-point model, clients exchange messages from one point to another. Message producers and consumers send and receive messages using single-consumer queues. An administrator creates the single-consumer queues with the createQueue method in AQjmsSession. Before they can be used, the queues must be enabled for enqueue/dequeue using the start call in AQjmsDestination. Clients obtain a handle to a previously created queue using the getQueue method on AQjmsSession.

In a single-consumer queue, a message can be consumed exactly once by a single consumer. If there are multiple processes or operating system threads concurrently dequeuing from the same queue, then each process dequeues the first unlocked message at the head of the queue. A locked message cannot be dequeued by a process other than the one that has created the lock.

After processing, the message is removed if the retention time of the queue is 0, or it is retained for a specified retention time. As long as the message is retained, it can be either queried using SQL on the queue table view or dequeued by specifying the message identifier of the processed message in a QueueBrowser.


A client uses a QueueSender to send messages to a queue. It is created by passing a queue to the createSender method in a client Session. A client also has the option of creating a QueueSender without supplying a queue. In that case a queue must be specified on every send operation.

A client can specify a default delivery mode, priority and TimeToLive for all messages sent by the QueueSender. Alternatively, the client can define these options for each message.


A client uses a QueueReceiver to receive messages from a queue. It is created using the createQueueReceiver method in a client Session. It can be created with or without a messageSelector.


A client uses a QueueBrowser to view messages on a queue without removing them. The browser method returns a java.util.Enumeration that is used to scan messages in the queue. The first call to nextElement gets a snapshot of the queue. A QueueBrowser can be created with or without a messageSelector.

A QueueBrowser can also optionally lock messages as it is scanning them. This is similar to a "SELECT... for UPDATE" command on the message. This prevents other consumers from removing the message while they are being scanned.


A messageSelector allows the client to restrict messages delivered to the consumer to those that match the messageSelector expression. A messageSelector for queues containing payloads of type TextMessage, StreamMessage, BytesMessage, ObjectMessage, or MapMessage can contain any expression that has one or more of the following:

  • JMS message identifier prefixed with "ID:"

    JMSMessageID ='ID:23452345'
  • JMS message header fields or properties

    JMSPriority < 3 AND JMSCorrelationID = 'Fiction'
    JMSCorrelationID LIKE 'RE%'
  • User-defined message properties

    color IN ('RED', BLUE', 'GREEN') AND price < 30000 

The messageSelector for queues containing payloads of type AdtMessage can contain any expression that has one or more of the following:

  • Message identifier without the "ID:" prefix

    msgid = '23434556566767676'
  • Priority, correlation identifier, or both

    priority < 3 AND corrid = 'Fiction'
  • Message payload

    tab.user_data.color = 'GREEN' AND tab.user_data.price < 30000

JMS Publish/Subscribe Model Features

This section contains these topics:

JMS Publish/Subscribe Overview

JMS enables flexible and dynamic communication between applications functioning as publishers and applications playing the role of subscribers. The applications are not coupled together; they interact based on messages and message content.

In distributing messages, publisher applications are not required to handle or manage message recipients explicitly. This allows new subscriber applications to be added dynamically without changing any publisher application logic.

Similarly, subscriber applications receive messages based on message content without regard to which publisher applications are sending messages. This allows new publisher applications to be added dynamically without changing any subscriber application logic.

Subscriber applications specify interest by defining a rule-based subscription on message properties or the message content of a topic. The system automatically routes messages by computing recipients for published messages using the rule-based subscriptions.

In the publish/subscribe model, messages are published to and received from topics. A topic is created using the CreateTopic() method in an AQjmsSession. A client can obtain a handle to a previously-created topic using the getTopic() method in AQjmsSession.


A client creates a DurableSubscriber with the createDurableSubscriber() method in a client Session. It can be created with or without a messageSelector.

A messageSelector allows the client to restrict messages delivered to the subscriber to those that match the selector. The syntax for the selector is described in detail in createDurableSubscriber in Oracle Database Advanced Queuing Java API Reference.

When subscribers use the same name, durable subscriber action depends on the Java EE compliance mode set for an Oracle Java Message Service (Oracle JMS) client at runtime.

In noncompliant mode, two durable TopicSubscriber objects with the same name can be active against two different topics. In compliant mode, durable subscribers with the same name are not allowed. If two subscribers use the same name and are created against the same topic, but the selector used for each subscriber is different, then the underlying Oracle Database Advanced Queuing subscription is altered using the internal DBMS_AQJMS.ALTER_SUBSCRIBER() call.

If two subscribers use the same name and are created against two different topics, and if the client that uses the same subscription name also originally created the subscription name, then the existing subscription is dropped and the new subscription is created.

If two subscribers use the same name and are created against two different topics, and if a different client (a client that did not originate the subscription name) uses an existing subscription name, then the subscription is not dropped and an error is thrown. Because it is not known if the subscription was created by JMS or PL/SQL, the subscription on the other topic should not be dropped.


Remote subscribers are defined using the createRemoteSubscriber call. The remote subscriber can be a specific consumer at the remote topic or all subscribers at the remote topic

A remote subscriber is defined using the AQjmsAgent structure. An AQjmsAgent consists of a name and address. The name refers to the consumer_name at the remote topic. The address refers to the remote topic:


To publish messages to a particular consumer at the remote topic, the subscription_name of the recipient at the remote topic must be specified in the name field of AQjmsAgent. The remote topic must be specified in the address field of AQjmsAgent.

To publish messages to all subscribers of the remote topic, the name field of AQjmsAgent must be set to null. The remote topic must be specified in the address field of AQjmsAgent.


Messages are published using TopicPublisher, which is created by passing a Topic to a createPublisher method. A client also has the option of creating a TopicPublisher without supplying a Topic. In this case, a Topic must be specified on every publish operation. A client can specify a default delivery mode, priority and TimeToLive for all messages sent by the TopicPublisher. It can also specify these options for each message.

Recipient Lists

In the JMS publish/subscribe model, clients can specify explicit recipient lists instead of having messages sent to all the subscribers of the topic. These recipients may or may not be existing subscribers of the topic. The recipient list overrides the subscription list on the topic for this message. Recipient lists functionality is an Oracle extension to JMS.


If the recipient name is explicitly specified in the recipient list, but that recipient is not a subscriber to the queue, then messages sent to it can be received by creating a TopicReceiver. If the subscriber name is not specified, then clients must use durable subscribers at the remote site to receive messages. TopicReceiver is an Oracle extension to JMS.

A TopicReceiver can be created with a messageSelector. This allows the client to restrict messages delivered to the recipient to those that match the selector.

See Also:



A client uses a TopicBrowser to view messages on a topic without removing them. The browser method returns a java.util.Enumeration that is used to scan topic messages. Only durable subscribers are allowed to create a TopicBrowser. The first call to nextElement gets a snapshot of the topic.

A TopicBrowser can optionally lock messages as it is scanning them. This is similar to a SELECT... for UPDATE command on the message. This prevents other consumers from removing the message while it is being scanned.

A TopicBrowser can be created with a messageSelector. This allows the client to restrict messages delivered to the browser to those that match the selector.

TopicBrowser supports a purge feature. This allows a client using a TopicBrowser to discard all messages that have been seen during the current browse operation on the topic. A purge is equivalent to a destructive receive of all of the seen messages (as if performed using a TopicSubscriber).

For a purge, a message is considered seen if it has been returned to the client using a call to the nextElement() operation on the java.lang.Enumeration for the TopicBrowser. Messages that have not yet been seen by the client are not discarded during a purge. A purge operation can be performed multiple times on the same TopicBrowser.

The effect of a purge becomes stable when the JMS Session used to create the TopicBrowser is committed. If the operations on the session are rolled back, then the effects of the purge operation are also undone.

Setting Up JMS Publish/Subscribe Operations

Follow these steps to use the publish/subscribe model of communication in JMS:

  1. Set up one or more topics to hold messages. These topics represent an area or subject of interest. For example, a topic can represent billed orders.
  2. Enable enqueue/dequeue on the topic using the start call in AQjmsDestination.
  3. Create a set of durable subscribers. Each subscriber can specify a messageSelector that selects the messages that the subscriber wishes to receive. A null messageSelector indicates that the subscriber wishes to receive all messages published on the topic.

    Subscribers can be local or remote. Local subscribers are durable subscribers defined on the same topic on which the message is published. Remote subscribers are other topics, or recipients on other topics that are defined as subscribers to a particular queue. In order to use remote subscribers, you must set up propagation between the source and destination topics. Remote subscribers and propagation are Oracle extensions to JMS.

    See Also:

    "Managing Propagations"

  4. Create TopicPublisher objects using the createPublisher() method in the publisher Session. Messages are published using the publish call. Messages can be published to all subscribers to the topic or to a specified subset of recipients on the topic.
  5. Subscribers receive messages on the topic by using the receive method.
  6. Subscribers can also receive messages asynchronously by using message listeners.

JMS Message Producer Features

Priority and Ordering of Messages

Message ordering dictates the order in which messages are received from a queue or topic. The ordering method is specified when the queue table for the queue or topic is created. Currently, Oracle Database Advanced Queuing supports ordering on message priority and enqueue time, producing four possible ways of ordering:

  • First-In, First-Out (FIFO)

    If enqueue time was chosen as the ordering criteria, then messages are received in the order of the enqueue time. The enqueue time is assigned to the message by Oracle Database Advanced Queuing at message publish/send time. This is also the default ordering.

  • Priority Ordering

    If priority ordering was chosen, then each message is assigned a priority. Priority can be specified as a message property at publish/send time by the MessageProducer. The messages are received in the order of the priorities assigned.

  • FIFO Priority

    If FIFO priority ordering was chosen, then the topic/queue acts like a priority queue. If two messages are assigned the same priority, then they are received in the order of their enqueue time.

  • Enqueue Time Followed by Priority

    Messages with the same enqueue time are received according to their priorities. If the ordering criteria of two message is the same, then the order they are received is indeterminate. However, Oracle Database Advanced Queuing does ensure that messages produced in one session with a particular ordering criteria are received in the order they were sent.

All ordering schemes available for persistent messages are also available for buffered messages, but only within each message class. Ordering among persistent and buffered messages enqueued/published in the same session is not currently supported.

Specifying a Message Delay

Messages can be sent/published to a queue/topic with delay. The delay represents a time interval after which the message becomes available to the message consumer. A message specified with a delay is in a waiting state until the delay expires. Receiving by message identifier overrides the delay specification.

Delay is an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing extension to JMS message properties. It requires the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing background process queue monitor to be started.

Specifying a Message Expiration

Producers of messages can specify expiration limits, or TimeToLive for messages. This defines the period of time the message is available for a Message Consumer.

TimeToLive can be specified at send/publish time or using the set TimeToLive method of a MessageProducer, with the former overriding the latter. The Oracle Database Advanced Queuing background process queue monitor must be running to implement TimeToLive.

Message Grouping

Messages belonging to a queue/topic can be grouped to form a set that can be consumed by only one consumer at a time. This requires the queue/topic be created in a queue table that is enabled for transactional message grouping. All messages belonging to a group must be created in the same transaction, and all messages created in one transaction belong to the same group.

Message grouping is an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing extension to the JMS specification.

You can use this feature to divide a complex message into a linked series of simple messages. For example, an invoice directed to an invoices queue could be divided into a header message, followed by several messages representing details, followed by the trailer message.

Message grouping is also very useful if the message payload contains complex large objects such as images and video that can be segmented into smaller objects.

The priority, delay, and expiration properties for the messages in a group are determined solely by the message properties specified for the first message (head) of the group. Properties specified for subsequent messages in the group are ignored.

Message grouping is preserved during propagation. The destination topic must be enabled for transactional grouping.

See Also:

"Dequeue Features" for a discussion of restrictions you must keep in mind if message grouping is to be preserved while dequeuing messages from a queue enabled for transactional grouping

JMS Message Consumer Features

This section contains these topics:

Receiving Messages

A JMS application can receive messages by creating a message consumer. Messages can be received synchronously using the receive call or asynchronously using a message listener.

There are three modes of receive:

  • Block until a message arrives for a consumer

  • Block for a maximum of the specified time

  • Nonblocking

Message Navigation in Receive

If a consumer does not specify a navigation mode, then its first receive in a session retrieves the first message in the queue or topic, its second receive gets the next message, and so on. If a high priority message arrives for the consumer, then the consumer does not receive the message until it has cleared the messages that were already there before it.

To provide the consumer better control in navigating the queue for its messages, Oracle Database Advanced Queuing offers several navigation modes as JMS extensions. These modes can be set at the TopicSubscriber, QueueReceiver or the TopicReceiver.

Two modes are available for ungrouped messages:


    This mode resets the position to the beginning of the queue. It is useful for priority ordered queues, because it allows the consumer to remove the message on the top of the queue.


    This mode gets whatever message follows the established position of the consumer. For example, a NEXT_MESSAGE applied when the position is at the fourth message will get the fifth message in the queue. This is the default action.

Three modes are available for grouped messages:


    This mode resets the position to the beginning of the queue.


    This mode sets the position to the next message in the same transaction.


    This mode sets the position to the first message in the next transaction.


Transactional event queues do not support the three preceding modes.

The transaction grouping property can be negated if messages are received in the following ways:

  • Receive by specifying a correlation identifier in the selector

  • Receive by specifying a message identifier in the selector

  • Committing before all the messages of a transaction group have been received

If the consumer reaches the end of the queue while using the NEXT_MESSAGE or NEXT_TRANSACTION option, and you have specified a blocking receive(), then the navigating position is automatically changed to the beginning of the queue.

By default, a QueueReceiver, TopicReceiver, or TopicSubscriber uses FIRST_MESSAGE for the first receive call, and NEXT_MESSAGE for subsequent receive() calls.

Browsing Messages

Aside from the usual receive, which allows the dequeuing client to delete the message from the queue, JMS provides an interface that allows the JMS client to browse its messages in the queue. A QueueBrowser can be created using the createBrowser method from QueueSession.

If a message is browsed, then it remains available for further processing. That does not necessarily mean that the message will remain available to the JMS session after it is browsed, because a receive call from a concurrent session might remove it.

To prevent a viewed message from being removed by a concurrent JMS client, you can view the message in the locked mode. To do this, you must create a QueueBrowser with the locked mode using the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing extension to the JMS interface. The lock on the message is released when the session performs a commit or a rollback.

To remove a message viewed by a QueueBrowser, the session must create a QueueReceiver and use the JMSmesssageID as the selector.

Remove No Data

The consumer can remove a message from a queue or topic without retrieving it using the receiveNoData call. This is useful when the application has already examined the message, perhaps using a QueueBrowser. This mode allows the JMS client to avoid the overhead of retrieving a payload from the database, which can be substantial for a large message.

Retry with Delay Interval

If a transaction receiving a message from a queue/topic fails, then it is regarded as an unsuccessful attempt to remove the message. Oracle Database Advanced Queuing records the number of failed attempts to remove the message in the message history.

An application can specify the maximum number of retries supported on messages at the queue/topic level. If the number of failed attempts to remove a message exceeds this maximum, then the message is moved to an exception queue.

Oracle Database Advanced Queuing allows users to specify a retry_delay along with max_retries. This means that a message that has undergone a failed attempt at retrieving remains visible in the queue for dequeue after retry_delay interval. Until then it is in the WAITING state. The Oracle Database Advanced Queuing background process time manager enforces the retry delay property.

The maximum retries and retry delay are properties of the queue/topic. They can be set when the queue/topic is created or by using the alter method on the queue/topic. The default value for MAX_RETRIES is 5.


Transactional event queues do not support retry delay.

Asynchronously Receiving Messages Using MessageListener

The JMS client can receive messages asynchronously by setting the MessageListener using the setMessageListener method.

When a message arrives for the consumer, the onMessage method of the message listener is invoked with the message. The message listener can commit or terminate the receipt of the message. The message listener does not receive messages if the JMS Connection has been stopped. The receive call must not be used to receive messages once the message listener has been set for the consumer.

The JMS client can receive messages asynchronously for all consumers in the session by setting the MessageListener at the session. No other mode for receiving messages must be used in the session once the message listener has been set.

Exception Queues

An exception queue is a repository for all expired or unserviceable messages. Applications cannot directly enqueue into exception queues. However, an application that intends to handle these expired or unserviceable messages can receive/remove them from the exception queue.

To retrieve messages from exception queues, the JMS client must use the point-to-point interface. The exception queue for messages intended for a topic must be created in a queue table with multiple consumers enabled. Like any other queue, the exception queue must be enabled for receiving messages using the start method in the AQOracleQueue class. You get an exception if you try to enable it for enqueue.

Transactional event queues (TxEventQ) support exception queues through the DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_EQ_EXCEPTION_QUEUE API.

    queue_name     IN VARCHAR2,
    exception_queue_name   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    multiple_consumers     IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
    storage_clause         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    sort_list              IN VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL,
    comment                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL

The exception queue is an Oracle-specific message property called "JMS_OracleExcpQ" that can be set with the message before sending/publishing it. If an exception queue is not specified, then the default exception queue is used. For AQ queues, the default exception queue is automatically created when the queue table is created and is named AQ$_queue_table_name_E. By default, no exception queue is created for TxEventQs.

Messages are moved to the exception queue under the following conditions:

  • The message was not dequeued within the specified timeToLive.

    For messages intended for more than one subscriber, the message is moved to the exception queue if one or more of the intended recipients is not able to dequeue the message within the specified timeToLive.

  • The message was received successfully, but the application terminated the transaction that performed the receive because of an error while processing the message. The message is returned to the queue/topic and is available for any applications that are waiting to receive messages.

    A receive is considered rolled back or undone if the application terminates the entire transaction, or if it rolls back to a savepoint that was taken before the receive.

    Because this was a failed attempt to receive the message, its retry count is updated. If the retry count of the message exceeds the maximum value specified for the queue/topic where it resides, then it is moved to the exception queue.

    If a message has multiple subscribers, then the message is moved to the exception queue only when all the recipients of the message have exceeded the retry limit.


If a dequeue transaction failed because the server process died (including ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION) or SHUTDOWN ABORT on the instance, then RETRY_COUNT is not incremented.

JMS Propagation

This section contains these topics:


TxEventQ queues do not support RemoteSubscriber, Scheduling Propagation, Enhanced Propagation Scheduling Capabilities, and Exception Handling During Propagation.


Oracle Database Advanced Queuing allows a subscriber at another database to subscribe to a topic. If a message published to the topic meets the criterion of the remote subscriber, then it is automatically propagated to the queue/topic at the remote database specified for the remote subscriber. Propagation is performed using database links and Oracle Net Services. This enables applications to communicate with each other without having to be connected to the same database.

There are two ways to implement remote subscribers:

  • The createRemoteSubscriber method can be used to create a remote subscriber to/on the topic. The remote subscriber is specified as an instance of the class AQjmsAgent.

  • The AQjmsAgent has a name and an address. The address consists of a queue/topic and the database link to the database of the subscriber.

There are two kinds of remote subscribers:

  • The remote subscriber is a topic.

    This occurs when no name is specified for the remote subscriber in the AQjmsAgent object and the address is a topic. The message satisfying the subscriber's subscription is propagated to the remote topic. The propagated message is now available to all the subscriptions of the remote topic that it satisfies.

  • A specific remote recipient is specified for the message.

    The remote subscription can be for a particular consumer at the remote database. If the name of the remote recipient is specified (in the AQjmsAgent object), then the message satisfying the subscription is propagated to the remote database for that recipient only. The recipient at the remote database uses the TopicReceiver interface to retrieve its messages. The remote subscription can also be for a point-to-point queue.

Scheduling Propagation

Propagation must be scheduled using the schedule_propagation method for every topic from which messages are propagated to target destination databases.

A schedule indicates the time frame during which messages can be propagated from the source topic. This time frame can depend on several factors such as network traffic, the load at the source database, the load at the destination database, and so on. The schedule therefore must be tailored for the specific source and destination. When a schedule is created, a job is automatically submitted to the job_queue facility to handle propagation.

The administrative calls for propagation scheduling provide great flexibility for managing the schedules. The duration or propagation window parameter of a schedule specifies the time frame during which propagation must take place. If the duration is unspecified, then the time frame is an infinite single window. If a window must be repeated periodically, then a finite duration is specified along with a next_time function that defines the periodic interval between successive windows.

The propagation schedules defined for a queue can be changed or dropped at any time during the life of the queue. In addition there are calls for temporarily disabling a schedule (instead of dropping the schedule) and enabling a disabled schedule. A schedule is active when messages are being propagated in that schedule. All the administrative calls can be made irrespective of whether the schedule is active or not. If a schedule is active, then it takes a few seconds for the calls to be executed.

Job queue processes must be started for propagation to take place. At least 2 job queue processes must be started. The database links to the destination database must also be valid. The source and destination topics of the propagation must be of the same message type. The remote topic must be enabled for enqueue. The user of the database link must also have enqueue privileges to the remote topic.

Enhanced Propagation Scheduling Capabilities

Catalog views defined for propagation provide the following information about active schedules:

  • Name of the background process handling the schedule

  • SID (session and serial number) for the session handling the propagation

  • Instance handling a schedule (if using Oracle RAC)

  • Previous successful execution of a schedule

  • Next planned execution of a schedule

The following propagation statistics are maintained for each schedule, providing useful information to queue administrators for tuning:

  • The total number of messages propagated in a schedule

  • Total number of bytes propagated in a schedule

  • Maximum number of messages propagated in a window

  • Maximum number of bytes propagated in a window

  • Average number of messages propagated in a window

  • Average size of propagated messages

  • Average time to propagated a message

Propagation has built-in support for handling failures and reporting errors. For example, if the database link specified is invalid, or if the remote database is unavailable, or if the remote topic/queue is not enabled for enqueuing, then the appropriate error message is reported. Propagation uses an exponential backoff scheme for retrying propagation from a schedule that encountered a failure. If a schedule continuously encounters failures, then the first retry happens after 30 seconds, the second after 60 seconds, the third after 120 seconds and so forth. If the retry time is beyond the expiration time of the current window, then the next retry is attempted at the start time of the next window. A maximum of 16 retry attempts are made after which the schedule is automatically disabled.


Once a retry attempt slips to the next propagation window, it will always do so; the exponential backoff scheme no longer governs retry scheduling. If the date function specified in the next_time parameter of DBMS_AQADM.SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION() results in a short interval between windows, then the number of unsuccessful retry attempts can quickly reach 16, disabling the schedule.

When a schedule is disabled automatically due to failures, the relevant information is written into the alert log. It is possible to check at any time if there were failures encountered by a schedule and if so how many successive failures were encountered, the error message indicating the cause for the failure and the time at which the last failure was encountered. By examining this information, an administrator can fix the failure and enable the schedule.

If propagation is successful during a retry, then the number of failures is reset to 0.

Propagation has built-in support for Oracle Real Application Clusters and is transparent to the user and the administrator. The job that handles propagation is submitted to the same instance as the owner of the queue table where the source topic resides. If at any time there is a failure at an instance and the queue table that stores the topic is migrated to a different instance, then the propagation job is also automatically migrated to the new instance. This minimizes the pinging between instances and thus offers better performance. Propagation has been designed to handle any number of concurrent schedules.

The number of job_queue_processes is limited to a maximum of 1000 and some of these can be used to handle jobs unrelated to propagation. Hence, propagation has built in support for multitasking and load balancing. The propagation algorithms are designed such that multiple schedules can be handled by a single snapshot (job_queue) process. The propagation load on a job_queue processes can be skewed based on the arrival rate of messages in the different source topics. If one process is overburdened with several active schedules while another is less loaded with many passive schedules, then propagation automatically redistributes the schedules among the processes such that they are loaded uniformly.

Exception Handling During Propagation

When a system error such as a network failure occurs, Oracle Database Advanced Queuing continues to attempt to propagate messages using an exponential back-off algorithm. In some situations that indicate application errors in queue-to-dblink propagations, Oracle Database Advanced Queuing marks messages as UNDELIVERABLE and logs a message in alert.log. Examples of such errors are when the remote queue does not exist or when there is a type mismatch between the source queue and the remote queue. The trace files in the background_dump_dest directory can provide additional information about the error.

When a new job queue process starts, it clears the mismatched type errors so the types can be reverified. If you have capped the number of job queue processes and propagation remains busy, then you might not want to wait for the job queue process to terminate and restart. Queue types can be reverified at any time using DBMS_AQADM.VERIFY_QUEUE_TYPES.


When a type mismatch is detected in queue-to-queue propagation, propagation stops and throws an error. In such situations you must query the DBA_SCHEDULES view to determine the last error that occurred during propagation to a particular destination. The message is not marked as UNDELIVERABLE.

Message Transformation with JMS AQ

A transformation can be defined to map messages of one format to another. Transformations are useful when applications that use different formats to represent the same information must be integrated. Transformations can be SQL expressions and PL/SQL functions. Message transformation is an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing extension to the standard JMS interface.

The transformations can be created using the DBMS_TRANSFORM.create_transformation procedure. Transformation can be specified for the following operations:

  • Sending a message to a queue or topic

  • Receiving a message from a queue or topic

  • Creating a TopicSubscriber

  • Creating a RemoteSubscriber. This enables propagation of messages between topics of different formats.


TxEventQ does not support message transformation.

JMS Streaming

AQ JMS supports streaming with enqueue and dequeue for TxEventQ through AQjmsBytesMessage and AQjmsStreamMessage for applications to send and receive large message data or payload.

JMS streaming reduces the memory requirement when dealing with large messages, by dividing the message payload into small chunks rather than sending or receiving a large contiguous array of bytes. As JMS standard does not have any streaming mechanism, AQ JMS will provide proprietary interfaces to expose AQ streaming enqueue and dequeue features. This allows users to easily use an existing java input output stream to send and receive message data or payload.

In order to allow the existing applications to work without any changes on upgrading database to RDBMS 12.2, the streaming APIs will be disabled by default.

The client application can enable JMS Streaming by using the system property oracle.jms.useJmsStreaming set to true.


JMS Streaming is supported only for thin drivers.

JMS Streaming with Enqueue

AQ JMS provides the new API setInputStream(java.io.InputStream) in AQjmsBytesMessage and AQjmsStreamMessage, to set an input stream for message data.

     * @param inputStream - InputStream to read the message payload
     * @throws JMSException - if the JMS provided fails to read the payload due to
     *                        some internal error
    public void setInputStream(InputStream inputStream) throws JMSException

The following code snippet creates a message of type AQjmsBytesMessage and sets a FileInputStream for the message data.

    Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
    Destination destination = session.createQueue("queueName");
    MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination);
     AQjmsBytesMessage bytesMessage = (AQjmsBytesMessage)session.createBytesMessage();
     InputStream input = new FileInputStream("somefile.data");


  • The methods in BytesMessage and StreamMessage are based on the methods found in java.io.DataInputStream and java.io.DataOutputStream, and hence, meaningful conversion of various read*() and write*() methods is not possible with streaming. The following scenarios will result in an exception:

    • bytesMessage.setInputStream(input);


    • bytesMessage.writeInt(99);


  • As with normal enqueue operation, the enqueue with streaming is going to be a synchronous one and we will return the control to the client only after the enqueue is complete.

  • Streaming will be used with enqueue only when these APIs are explicitly used by the client. AQ JMS will not use streaming with enqueue with the normal enqueue, irrespective of the size of the message data.

JMS Streaming with Dequeue

The dequeue operation with streaming is achieved in two steps. The server decides whether to stream the message body or not based on the size of the message body. The default threshold limit is 10 MB. So when the message body is greater than 10MB and streaming is enabled by the client using the system property oracle.jms.useJmsStreaming, server will use streaming with dequeue.

  • This is the normal dequeue process where a client calls the receive() method.

    Destination destination = session.createQueue ("queueName");             
    AQjmsConsumer consumer = (AQjmsConsumer) session.createConsumer(destination);             
    Message message = consumer.receive(10000);
  • When the client receives the message without the payload, client can figure out whether the streaming is used for dequeue by calling isLargeBody() on the received message.

       * This method can be used by the client applications to check whether the message
       * contains large messaege body and hence requires streaming with dequeue.
       * @return true when the message body is large and server decides to stream
       *         the payload with dequeue
      public boolean isLargeBody() 

    A value of true returned by isLargeBody() indicates streaming with dequeue. When the dequeue uses streaming, AQ JMS will populate the length of the message body properly for AQjmsStreamMessage along with AQjmsBytesMessage. So the client application can call the getBodyLength() on the message to determine the size of the payload.

     public long getBodyLength()

Once client has the understanding about the streaming with dequeue, the message data can be fetched by using one of the following APIs on the received message.

The client application can use on the following APIs available in AQjmsBytesMessage and AQjmsStreamMessage to receive the message data.

     * Writes the message body to the OutputStream specified.
     * @param outputStream - the OutputStream to which message body can be written
     * @return the OutputStream containing the message body.
     * @throws JMSException - if the JMS provided fails to receive the message body 
     *                        due to some internal error
    public OutputStream getBody(OutputStream outputStream) throws JMSException
     * Writes the message body to the OutputStream specified, with chunkSize bytes 
     * written at a time.
     * @param outputStream - the OutputStream to which message body can be written
     * @param chunkSize - the number of bytes to be written at a time, default value 
     *                    8192 (ie. 8KB)
     * @return the OutputStream containing the message body.
     * @throws JMSException - if the JMS provided fails to receive the message body 
     *                        due to some internal error
    public OutputStream getBody(OutputStream outputStream, int chunkSize)throws JMSException
     * Writes the message body to the OutputStream specified. This method waits until 
     * the message body is written completely to the OutputStream or the timeout expires.
     * A timeout of zero never expires, and a timeout of negative value is ignored.
     * @param outputStream - the OutputStream to which message body can be written
     * @param timeout - the timeout value (in milliseconds)
     * @return the OutputStream containing the message body.
     * @throws JMSException - if the JMS provided fails to receive the message body 
     *                        due to some internal error
    public OutputStream getBody(OutputStream outputStream, long timeout) throws JMSException 
     * Writes the message body to the OutputStream specified, chunkSize bytes at a time. 
     * This method waits until the message body is written completely to the OutputStream
     * or the timeout expires.
     * A timeout of zero never expires, and a timeout of negative value is ignored.
     * @param outputStream - the OutputStream to which message body can be written
     * @param chunkSize - the number of bytes to be written at a time, 
     *                    default value 8192 (ie. 8KB)
     * @param timeout - the timeout value (in milliseconds)
     * @return the OutputStream containing the message body.
     * @throws JMSException - if the JMS provided fails to receive the message body 
     *                        due to some internal error
    public OutputStream getBody(OutputStream outputStream, int chunkSize, long timeout) throws JMSException

The following code snippet checks whether streaming is used with dequeue and the payload received will be written to a FileOutputStream.

     if (message instanceof BytesMessage && (AQjmsBytesMessage)message.isLargeBody()){
         // optional : check the size of the payload and take appropriate action before 
         // receiving the payload.
          (AQjmsBytesMessage) message.getBody(new FileOutputStream(new File("…")));
     } else {
          // normal dequeue

In general, when both the steps are complete, the message is considered as consumed completely. The AQ server keeps a lock on the message after Step 1 which will be released only after Step 2.

Considering the possible issues with partially consumed messages by the message consumers, we have restricted the Streaming APIs for the session with acknowledgement modes CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE and SESSION_TRANSACTED.

So all the messages including partially consumed messages are considered fully consumed when:

  • message.acknowledge() is called with CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE session.

  • Session's commit() is called in a transacted session.

As in normal case, session rollback(), rolls back the messages received in that session.

The JMS Streaming is available with the following restrictions:

  • Streaming is disabled by default, and can be enabled by the client application using the system property oracle.jms.useJmsStreaming

  • Dequeue uses streaming when the size of the message data is more than the threshold value. The default threshold value is 10 MB.

  • Streaming support is available with AQjmsBytesMessage and AQjmsStreamMessage

  • Streaming support is available only for TxEventQ queues

  • Streaming support is available only with thin drivers

  • Streaming support is not available when the message producer uses the message delivery mode as NON_PERSISTENT

  • Streaming is not supported with message listener. So when a MessageConsumer has a message listener set and if the message data crosses threshold limit, internally we will use the normal dequeue.

  • Streaming support is available with Sessions using acknowledgement modes CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE and SESSION_TRANSACTED.

Java EE Compliance

Oracle JMS conforms to the Oracle Sun Microsystems JMS 1.1 standard. You can define the Java EE compliance mode for an Oracle Java Message Service (Oracle JMS) client at runtime. For compliance, set the Java property oracle.jms.j2eeCompliant to TRUE as a command line option. For noncompliance, do nothing. FALSE is the default value.

Features in Oracle Database Advanced Queuing that support Java EE compliance (and are also available in the noncompliant mode) include:

  • Nontransactional sessions

  • Durable subscribers

  • Temporary queues and topics

  • Nonpersistent delivery mode

  • Multiple JMS messages types on a single JMS queue or topic (using Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queues of the AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE type)

  • The noLocal option for durable subscribers

  • TxEventQ has native JMS support and conform to Java EE compliance

See Also:

  • Java Message Service Specification, version 1.1, March 18, 2002, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

  • "JMS Message Headers" for information on how the Java property oracle.jms.j2eeCompliant affects JMSPriority and JMSExpiration

  • "DurableSubscriber" for information on how the Java property oracle.jms.j2eeCompliant affects durable subscribers

Oracle Java Message Service Basic Operations

The following topics describe the basic operational Java Message Service (JMS) administrative interface to Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ).


Users should never directly call methods in the DBMS_AQIN package, but they do need the EXECUTE privilege on DBMS_AQIN. Use the following syntax to accomplish this:


Registering a ConnectionFactory

You can register a ConnectionFactory four ways:

Registering Through the Database Using JDBC Connection Parameters
public static int registerConnectionFactory(java.sql.Connection connection,
                                            java.lang.String conn_name,
                                            java.lang.String hostname,
                                            java.lang.String oracle_sid,
                                            int portno,
                                            java.lang.String driver,
                                            java.lang.String type)
                                     throws JMSException

This method registers a QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnectionFactory through the database to a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server with JDBC connection parameters. This method is static and has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JDBC connection used in registration


Name of the connection to be registered


Name of the host running Oracle Database Advanced Queuing


Oracle system identifier


Port number


JDBC driver type


Connection factory type (QUEUE or TOPIC)

The database connection passed to registerConnectionFactory must be granted AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE. After registration, you can look up the connection factory using Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).

Example 6-1 Registering Through the Database Using JDBC Connection Parameters

String               url;
java.sql.connection  db_conn;

url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@sun-123:1521:db1";
db_conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "scott", "tiger");
   db_conn, "queue_conn1", "sun-123", "db1", 1521, "thin", "queue");
Registering Through the Database Using a JDBC URL
public static int registerConnectionFactory(java.sql.Connection connection,
                                            java.lang.String conn_name,
                                            java.lang.String jdbc_url,
                                            java.util.Properties info,
                                            java.lang.String type)
                                     throws JMSException

This method registers a QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnectionFactory through the database with a JDBC URL to LDAP. It is static and has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JDBC connection used in registration


Name of the connection to be registered


URL to connect to


Properties information


Port number


Connection factory type (QUEUE or TOPIC)

The database connection passed to registerConnectionFactory must be granted AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE. After registration, you can look up the connection factory using JNDI.

Example 6-2 Registering Through the Database Using a JDBC URL

String                        url;
java.sql.connection           db_conn;

url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@sun-123:1521:db1";
db_conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "scott", "tiger");
   db_conn, "topic_conn1", url, null, "topic");
Registering Through LDAP Using JDBC Connection Parameters
public static int registerConnectionFactory(java.util.Hashtable env,
                                            java.lang.String conn_name,
                                            java.lang.String hostname,
                                            java.lang.String oracle_sid,
                                            int portno,
                                            java.lang.String driver,
                                            java.lang.String type)
                                     throws JMSException

This method registers a QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnectionFactory through LDAP with JDBC connection parameters to LDAP. It is static and has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Environment of LDAP connection


Name of the connection to be registered


Name of the host running Oracle Database Advanced Queuing


Oracle system identifier


Port number


JDBC driver type


Connection factory type (QUEUE or TOPIC)

The hash table passed to registerConnectionFactory() must contain all the information to establish a valid connection to the LDAP server. Furthermore, the connection must have write access to the connection factory entries in the LDAP server (which requires the LDAP user to be either the database itself or be granted GLOBAL_AQ_USER_ROLE). After registration, look up the connection factory using JNDI.

Example 6-3 Registering Through LDAP Using JDBC Connection Parameters

Hashtable            env = new Hashtable(5, 0.75f);
/* the following statements set in hashtable env:
   * service provider package
   * the URL of the ldap server
   * the distinguished name of the database server
   * the authentication method (simple)
   * the LDAP username
   * the LDAP user password
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://sun-456:389");
env.put("searchbase", "cn=db1,cn=Oraclecontext,cn=acme,cn=com");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=db1aqadmin,cn=acme,cn=com");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome");

Registering Through LDAP Using a JDBC URL
public static int registerConnectionFactory(java.util.Hashtable env,
                                            java.lang.String conn_name,
                                            java.lang.String jdbc_url,
                                            java.util.Properties info,
                                            java.lang.String type)
                                     throws JMSException

This method registers a QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnectionFactory through LDAP with JDBC connection parameters to LDAP. It is static and has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Environment of LDAP connection


Name of the connection to be registered


URL to connect to


Properties information


Connection factory type (QUEUE or TOPIC)

The hash table passed to registerConnectionFactory() must contain all the information to establish a valid connection to the LDAP server. Furthermore, the connection must have write access to the connection factory entries in the LDAP server (which requires the LDAP user to be either the database itself or be granted GLOBAL_AQ_USER_ROLE). After registration, look up the connection factory using JNDI.

Example 6-4 Registering Through LDAP Using a JDBC URL

String               url;
Hashtable            env = new Hashtable(5, 0.75f);

/* the following statements set in hashtable env:
   * service provider package
   * the URL of the ldap server
   * the distinguished name of the database server
   * the authentication method (simple)
   * the LDAP username
   * the LDAP user password
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://sun-456:389");
env.put("searchbase", "cn=db1,cn=Oraclecontext,cn=acme,cn=com");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=db1aqadmin,cn=acme,cn=com");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome");
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@sun-123:1521:db1";
AQjmsFactory.registerConnectionFactory(env, "topic_conn1", url, null, "topic");

Unregistering a Queue/Topic ConnectionFactory

You can unregister a queue/topic ConnectionFactory in LDAP two ways:

Unregistering Through the Database
public static int unregisterConnectionFactory(java.sql.Connection connection,
                                              java.lang.String conn_name)
                                       throws JMSException

This method unregisters a QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnectionFactory in LDAP. It is static and has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JDBC connection used in registration


Name of the connection to be registered

The database connection passed to unregisterConnectionFactory() must be granted AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE.

Example 6-5 Unregistering Through the Database

String               url;
java.sql.connection  db_conn;

url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@sun-123:1521:db1";
db_conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "scott", "tiger");
AQjmsFactory.unregisterConnectionFactory(db_conn, "topic_conn1");
Unregistering Through LDAP
public static int unregisterConnectionFactory(java.util.Hashtable env,
                                              java.lang.String conn_name)
                                       throws JMSException

This method unregisters a QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnectionFactory in LDAP. It is static and has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Environment of LDAP connection


Name of the connection to be registered

The hash table passed to unregisterConnectionFactory() must contain all the information to establish a valid connection to the LDAP server. Furthermore, the connection must have write access to the connection factory entries in the LDAP server (which requires the LDAP user to be either the database itself or be granted GLOBAL_AQ_USER_ROLE).

Example 6-6 Unregistering Through LDAP

Hashtable            env = new Hashtable(5, 0.75f);

/* the following statements set in hashtable env:
   * service provider package
   * the distinguished name of the database server
   * the authentication method (simple)
   * the LDAP username
   * the LDAP user password
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://sun-456:389");
env.put("searchbase", "cn=db1,cn=Oraclecontext,cn=acme,cn=com");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=db1aqadmin,cn=acme,cn=com");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome");
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@sun-123:1521:db1";
AQjmsFactory.unregisterConnectionFactory(env, "queue_conn1");

Getting a QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnectionFactory

This section contains these topics:

Getting a QueueConnectionFactory with JDBC URL
public static javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory getQueueConnectionFactory(
              java.lang.String jdbc_url,
              java.util.Properties info)
       throws JMSException

This method gets a QueueConnectionFactory with JDBC URL. It is static and has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


URL to connect to


Properties information

Example 6-7 Getting a QueueConnectionFactory with JDBC URL

 String      url          = "jdbc:oracle:oci10:internal/oracle"
 Properties  info         = new Properties();
 QueueConnectionFactory   qc_fact;

 info.put("internal_logon", "sysdba");
 qc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getQueueConnectionFactory(url, info);
Getting a QueueConnectionFactory with JDBC Connection Parameters
public static javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory getQueueConnectionFactory(
              java.lang.String hostname,
              java.lang.String oracle_sid,
              int portno,
              java.lang.String driver)
       throws JMSException

This method gets a QueueConnectionFactory with JDBC connection parameters. It is static and has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the host running Oracle Database Advanced Queuing


Oracle system identifier


Port number


JDBC driver type

Example 6-8 Getting a QueueConnectionFactory with JDBC Connection Parameters

 String      host         = "dlsun";
 String      ora_sid      = "rdbms10i"
 String      driver       = "thin";
 int         port         = 5521;
 QueueConnectionFactory   qc_fact;

 qc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getQueueConnectionFactory(host, ora_sid, port, driver);
Getting a TopicConnectionFactory with JDBC URL
public static javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory getQueueConnectionFactory(
              java.lang.String jdbc_url,
              java.util.Properties info)
       throws JMSException

This method gets a TopicConnectionFactory with a JDBC URL. It is static and has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


URL to connect to


Properties information

Example 6-9 Getting a TopicConnectionFactory with JDBC URL

 String      url          = "jdbc:oracle:oci10:internal/oracle"
 Properties  info         = new Properties();
 TopicConnectionFactory   tc_fact;

 info.put("internal_logon", "sysdba");
 tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(url, info);
Getting a TopicConnectionFactory with JDBC Connection Parameters
public static javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory getTopicConnectionFactory(
              java.lang.String hostname,
              java.lang.String oracle_sid,
              int portno,
              java.lang.String driver)
       throws JMSException

This method gets a TopicConnectionFactory with JDBC connection parameters. It is static and has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the host running Oracle Database Advanced Queuing


Oracle system identifier


Port number


JDBC driver type

Example 6-10 Getting a TopicConnectionFactory with JDBC Connection Parameters

String      host         = "dlsun";
String      ora_sid      = "rdbms10i"
String      driver       = "thin";
int         port         = 5521;
TopicConnectionFactory   tc_fact;

tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(host, ora_sid, port, driver);
Getting a QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnectionFactory in LDAP

This method gets a QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnectionFactory from LDAP.

Example 6-11 Getting a QueueConnectionFactory or TopicConnectionFactory in LDAP

Hashtable              env = new Hashtable(5, 0.75f);
DirContext             ctx;
queueConnectionFactory qc_fact;

/* the following statements set in hashtable env:
   * service provider package
   * the URL of the ldap server
   * the distinguished name of the database server
   * the authentication method (simple)
   * the LDAP username
   * the LDAP user password
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://sun-456:389");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=db1aquser1,cn=acme,cn=com");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome");

ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
ctx = (DirContext)ctx.lookup("cn=OracleDBConnections,cn=db1,cn=Oraclecontext,cn=acme,cn=com");
qc_fact = (queueConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup("cn=queue_conn1");

Getting a Queue or Topic in LDAP

This method gets a queue or topic from LDAP.

Example 6-12 Getting a Queue or Topic in LDAP

Hashtable              env = new Hashtable(5, 0.75f);
DirContext             ctx;
topic                  topic_1;

/* the following statements set in hashtable env:
   * service provider package
   * the URL of the ldap server
   * the distinguished name of the database server
   * the authentication method (simple)
   * the LDAP username
   * the LDAP user password
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://sun-456:389");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=db1aquser1,cn=acme,cn=com");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome");

ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
ctx = (DirContext)ctx.lookup("cn=OracleDBQueues,cn=db1,cn=Oraclecontext,cn=acme,cn=com");
topic_1 = (topic)ctx.lookup("cn=topic_1");

Creating an AQ Queue Table

public oracle.AQ.AQQueueTable createQueueTable(
                 java.lang.String owner,
                 java.lang.String name,
                 oracle.AQ.AQQueueTableProperty property)
          throws JMSException

This method creates a queue table. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue table owner (schema)


Queue table name


Queue table properties

If the queue table is used to hold queues, then the queue table must not be multiconsumer enabled (default). If the queue table is used to hold topics, then the queue table must be multiconsumer enabled.

CLOB, BLOB, and BFILE objects are valid attributes for an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing object type load. However, only CLOB and BLOB can be propagated using Oracle Database Advanced Queuing propagation in Oracle8i and after.


Currently TxEventQ queues can be created and dropped only through the DBMS_AQADM PL/SQL APIs.

Example 6-13 Creating a Queue Table

QueueSession              q_sess    = null;
AQQueueTable              q_table   = null;
AQQueueTableProperty      qt_prop   = null;

qt_prop = new AQQueueTableProperty("SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE");
q_table = ((AQjmsSession)q_sess).createQueueTable(
    "boluser", "bol_ship_queue_table", qt_prop);

Creating a Queue

This section contains these topics:

Creating a Point-to-Point Queue
public javax.jms.Queue createQueue(
             oracle.AQ.AQQueueTable q_table,
             java.lang.String queue_name,
             oracle.jms.AQjmsDestinationProperty dest_property)
      throws JMSException

This method creates a queue in a specified queue table. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue table in which the queue is to be created. The queue table must be single-consumer.


Name of the queue to be created


Queue properties

This method is specific to Oracle JMS. You cannot use standard Java javax.jms.Session objects with it. Instead, you must cast the standard type to the Oracle JMS concrete class oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.

Example 6-14 Creating a Point-to-Point Queue

QueueSession             q_sess;
AQQueueTable             q_table;
AqjmsDestinationProperty dest_prop;
Queue                    queue;

queue = ((AQjmsSession)q_sess).createQueue(q_table, "jms_q1", dest_prop);
Creating a Publish/Subscribe Topic
public javax.jms.Topic createTopic(
             oracle.AQ.AQQueueTable q_table,
             java.lang.String topic_name,
             oracle.jms.AQjmsDestinationProperty dest_property)
      throws JMSException

This method creates a topic in the publish/subscribe model. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue table in which the queue is to be created. The queue table must be multiconsumer.


Name of the queue to be created


Queue properties

This method is specific to Oracle JMS. You cannot use standard Java javax.jms.Session objects with it. Instead, you must cast the standard type to the Oracle JMS concrete class oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.

In Example 6-16, if an order cannot be filled because of insufficient inventory, then the transaction processing the order is terminated. The bookedorders topic is set up with max_retries = 4 and retry_delay = 12 hours.Thus, if an order is not filled up in two days, then it is moved to an exception queue.

Example 6-15 Creating a Publish/Subscribe Topic

TopicSession             t_sess;
AQQueueTable             q_table;
AqjmsDestinationProperty dest_prop;
Topic                    topic;

topic = ((AQjmsSessa)t_sess).createTopic(q_table, "jms_t1", dest_prop);

Example 6-16 Specifying Max Retries and Max Delays in Messages

public BolOrder process_booked_order(TopicSession jms_session)
    Topic            topic;
    TopicSubscriber  tsubs;
    ObjectMessage    obj_message;
    BolCustomer      customer;
    BolOrder         booked_order = null;
    String           country;
    int              i = 0;

      /* get a handle to the OE_bookedorders_topic */
      topic = ((AQjmsSession)jms_session).getTopic("WS",

      /* Create local subscriber - to track messages for Western Region  */
      tsubs = jms_session.createDurableSubscriber(topic, "SUBS1",
                                       "Region = 'Western' ",

       /* wait for a message to show up in the topic */
       obj_message = (ObjectMessage)tsubs.receive(10);

       booked_order = (BolOrder)obj_message.getObject();

       customer = booked_order.getCustomer();
       country    = customer.getCountry();

       if (country == "US")
          booked_order = null;
    }catch (JMSException ex)
    { System.out.println("Exception " + ex) ;}

     return booked_order;
Creating a TxEventQ Queue for Point-to-Point Queue and Publish/Subscribe Topic

AQ JMS has defined a new APIs to create and drop TxEventQ queues. There is no alter queue API in JMS. The signatures are as follows:

     * Create a TxEventQ queue. It also internally creates the related queue
     * objects (table, indexes) based on this name.
     * @param queueName name of the queue to be created, format is schema.queueName
     *        (where the schema. is optional
     * @param isMultipleConsumer flag to indicate whether the queue is a
     *        multi-consumer or single-consumer queue
     * @return javax.jms.Destination
     * @throws JMSException if the queue could not be created
    public synchronized javax.jms.Destination createJMSTransactionalEventQueue(String queueName,
            boolean isMultipleConsumer) throws JMSException {
        return createJMSTransactionalEventQueue(queueName, isMultipleConsumer, null, 0, null);
     * Create a TxEventQ queue. It also internally creates the related queue
     * objects (table, indexes) based on this name.
     * @param queueName name of the queue to be created, format is schema.queueName
     *        (where the schema. is optional
     * @param isMultipleConsumer flag to indicate whether the queue is a
     *        multi-consumer or single-consumer queue
     * @param storageClause additional storage clause
     * @param maxRetries retry count before skip the message while dequeue
     * @param comment comment for the queue
     * @return javax.jms.Destination
     * @throws JMSException if the queue could not be created 
public Destination createJMSTransactionalEventQueue(java.lang.String queueName,
                                         boolean isMultipleConsumer,
                                         java.lang.String storageClause,
                                         int maxRetries,
                                         java.lang.String comment)
                                  throws JMSException

Getting an AQ Queue Table

public oracle.AQ.AQQueueTable getQueueTable(java.lang.String owner,
                                            java.lang.String name)
                                     throws JMSException

This method gets a queue table for an AQ queue. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue table owner (schema)


Queue table name

If the caller that opened the connection is not the owner of the queue table, then the caller must have Oracle Database Advanced Queuing enqueue/dequeue privileges on queues/topics in the queue table. Otherwise the queue table is not returned.

Example 6-17 Getting a Queue Table

QueueSession              q_sess;
AQQueueTable              q_table;

q_table = ((AQjmsSession)q_sess).getQueueTable(
   "boluser", "bol_ship_queue_table");

Granting and Revoking Privileges

This section contains these topics:

Granting Oracle Database Advanced Queuing System Privileges
public void grantSystemPrivilege(java.lang.String privilege,
                                 java.lang.String grantee,
                                 boolean admin_option)
                          throws JMSException

This method grants Oracle Database Advanced Queuing system privileges to a user or role.

Parameter Description




Grantee (user, role, or PUBLIC)


If this is set to true, then the grantee is allowed to use this procedure to grant the system privilege to other users or roles

Initially only SYS and SYSTEM can use this procedure successfully. Users granted the ENQUEUE_ANY privilege are allowed to enqueue messages to any queues in the database. Users granted the DEQUEUE_ANY privilege are allowed to dequeue messages from any queues in the database. Users granted the MANAGE_ANY privilege are allowed to run DBMS_AQADM calls on any schemas in the database.

Example 6-18 Granting Oracle Database Advanced Queuing System Privileges

TopicSession             t_sess;

((AQjmsSession)t_sess).grantSystemPrivilege("ENQUEUE_ANY", "scott", false);
Revoking Oracle Database Advanced Queuing System Privileges
public void revokeSystemPrivilege(java.lang.String privilege,
                                  java.lang.String grantee)
                           throws JMSException

This method revokes Oracle Database Advanced Queuing system privileges from a user or role. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description




Grantee (user, role, or PUBLIC)

Users granted the ENQUEUE_ANY privilege are allowed to enqueue messages to any queues in the database. Users granted the DEQUEUE_ANY privilege are allowed to dequeue messages from any queues in the database. Users granted the MANAGE_ANY privilege are allowed to run DBMS_AQADM calls on any schemas in the database.

Example 6-19 Revoking Oracle Database Advanced Queuing System Privileges

TopicSession             t_sess;

((AQjmsSession)t_sess).revokeSystemPrivilege("ENQUEUE_ANY", "scott");
Granting Publish/Subscribe Topic Privileges
public void grantTopicPrivilege(javax.jms.Session session,
                                java.lang.String privilege,
                                java.lang.String grantee,
                                boolean grant_option)
                         throws JMSException

This method grants a topic privilege in the publish/subscribe model. Initially only the queue table owner can use this procedure to grant privileges on the topic. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JMS session


ENQUEUE, DEQUEUE, or ALL (ALL means both.)


Grantee (user, role, or PUBLIC)


If this is set to true, then the grantee is allowed to use this procedure to grant the system privilege to other users or roles

Example 6-20 Granting Publish/Subscribe Topic Privileges

TopicSession             t_sess;
Topic                    topic;

   t_sess, "ENQUEUE", "scott", false);
Revoking Publish/Subscribe Topic Privileges
public void revokeTopicPrivilege(javax.jms.Session session,
                                 java.lang.String privilege,
                                 java.lang.String grantee)
                          throws JMSException

This method revokes a topic privilege in the publish/subscribe model. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JMS session


ENQUEUE, DEQUEUE, or ALL (ALL means both.)


Revoked grantee (user, role, or PUBLIC)

Example 6-21 Revoking Publish/Subscribe Topic Privileges

TopicSession             t_sess;
Topic                    topic;

((AQjmsDestination)topic).revokeTopicPrivilege(t_sess, "ENQUEUE", "scott");
Granting Point-to-Point Queue Privileges
public void grantQueuePrivilege(javax.jms.Session session,
                                java.lang.String privilege,
                                java.lang.String grantee,
                                boolean grant_option)
                         throws JMSException

This method grants a queue privilege in the point-to-point model. Initially only the queue table owner can use this procedure to grant privileges on the queue. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JMS session


ENQUEUE, DEQUEUE, or ALL (ALL means both.)


Grantee (user, role, or PUBLIC)


If this is set to true, then the grantee is allowed to use this procedure to grant the system privilege to other users or roles

Example 6-22 Granting Point-to-Point Queue Privileges

QueueSession             q_sess;
Queue                    queue;

   q_sess, "ENQUEUE", "scott", false);
Revoking Point-to-Point Queue Privileges
public void revokeQueuePrivilege(javax.jms.Session session,
                                 java.lang.String privilege,
                                 java.lang.String grantee)
                          throws JMSException

This method revokes queue privileges in the point-to-point model. Initially only the queue table owner can use this procedure to grant privileges on the queue. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JMS session


ENQUEUE, DEQUEUE, or ALL (ALL means both.)


Revoked grantee (user, role, or PUBLIC)

To revoke a privilege, the revoker must be the original grantor of the privilege. Privileges propagated through the GRANT option are revoked if the grantor privilege is also revoked.

Example 6-23 Revoking Point-to-Point Queue Privileges

QueueSession             q_sess;
Queue                    queue;

((AQjmsDestination)queue).revokeQueuePrivilege(q_sess, "ENQUEUE", "scott");

Managing Destinations

This section contains these topics:


Currently TEQs can be managed only through the DBMS_AQADM PL/SQL APIs.

Starting a Destination
public void start(javax.jms.Session session,
                  boolean enqueue,
                  boolean dequeue)
           throws JMSException

This method starts a destination. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JMS session


If set to TRUE, then enqueue is enabled


If set to TRUE, then dequeue is enabled

Example 6-24 Starting a Destination

TopicSession t_sess;
QueueSession q_sess;
Topic        topic;
Queue        queue;

(AQjmsDestination)topic.start(t_sess, true, true);
(AQjmsDestination)queue.start(q_sess, true, true);
Stopping a Destination
public void stop(javax.jms.Session session,
                 boolean enqueue,
                 boolean dequeue,
                 boolean wait)
          throws JMSException

This method stops a destination. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JMS session


If set to TRUE, then enqueue is disabled


If set to TRUE, then dequeue is disabled


If set to true, then pending transactions on the queue/topic are allowed to complete before the destination is stopped

Example 6-25 Stopping a Destination

TopicSession t_sess;
Topic        topic;

((AQjmsDestination)topic).stop(t_sess, true, false);
Altering a Destination
public void alter(javax.jms.Session session,
                  oracle.jms.AQjmsDestinationProperty dest_property)
           throws JMSException

This method alters a destination. It has the following properties:

Parameter Description


JMS session


New properties of the queue or topic

Example 6-26 Altering a Destination

QueueSession q_sess;
Queue        queue;
TopicSession t_sess;
Topic        topic;
AQjmsDestionationProperty dest_prop1, dest_prop2;

Dropping a Destination
public void drop(javax.jms.Session session)
          throws JMSException

This method drops a destination. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


JMS session

Example 6-27 Dropping a Destination

QueueSession q_sess;
Queue        queue;
TopicSession t_sess;
Topic        topic;


Propagation Schedules

This section contains these topics:


TxEventQs are currently managed only through the DBMS_AQADM PL/SQL APIs and do not support propagation.

Scheduling a Propagation
public void schedulePropagation(javax.jms.Session session,
                                java.lang.String destination,
                                java.util.Date start_time,
                                java.lang.Double duration,
                                java.lang.String next_time,
                                java.lang.Double latency)
                         throws JMSException

This method schedules a propagation. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JMS session


Database link of the remote database for which propagation is being scheduled. A null string means that propagation is scheduled for all subscribers in the database of the topic.


Time propagation starts


Duration of propagation


Next time propagation starts


Latency in seconds that can be tolerated. Latency is the difference between the time a message was enqueued and the time it was propagated.

If a message has multiple recipients at the same destination in either the same or different queues, then it is propagated to all of them at the same time.

Example 6-28 Scheduling a Propagation

TopicSession t_sess;
Topic        topic;

   t_sess, null, null, null, null, new Double(0));
Enabling a Propagation Schedule
public void enablePropagationSchedule(javax.jms.Session session,
                                      java.lang.String destination)
                               throws JMSException

This method enables a propagation schedule. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JMS session


Database link of the destination database. A null string means that propagation is to the local database.

Example 6-29 Enabling a Propagation Schedule

TopicSession             t_sess;
Topic                    topic;

((AQjmsDestination)topic).enablePropagationSchedule(t_sess, "dbs1");
Altering a Propagation Schedule
public void alterPropagationSchedule(javax.jms.Session session,
                                     java.lang.String destination,
                                     java.lang.Double duration,
                                     java.lang.String next_time,
                                     java.lang.Double latency)
                              throws JMSException

This method alters a propagation schedule. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JMS session


Database link of the remote database for which propagation is being scheduled. A null string means that propagation is scheduled for all subscribers in the database of the topic.


Duration of propagation


Next time propagation starts


Latency in seconds that can be tolerated. Latency is the difference between the time a message was enqueued and the time it was propagated.

Example 6-30 Altering a Propagation Schedule

TopicSession             t_sess;
Topic                    topic;

   t_sess, null, 30, null, new Double(30));
Disabling a Propagation Schedule
public void disablePropagationSchedule(javax.jms.Session session,
                                       java.lang.String destination)
                                throws JMSException

This method disables a propagation schedule. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JMS session


Database link of the destination database. A null string means that propagation is to the local database.

Example 6-31 Disabling a Propagation Schedule

TopicSession             t_sess;
Topic                    topic;

((AQjmsDestination)topic).disablePropagationSchedule(t_sess, "dbs1");
Unscheduling a Propagation
public void unschedulePropagation(javax.jms.Session session,
                                  java.lang.String destination)
                           throws JMSException

This method unschedules a previously scheduled propagation. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


JMS session


Database link of the destination database. A null string means that propagation is to the local database.

Example 6-32 Unscheduling a Propagation

TopicSession   t_sess;
Topic          topic;

((AQjmsDestination)topic).unschedulePropagation(t_sess, "dbs1");

Oracle Java Message Service Point-to-Point

The following topics describe the components of the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ) Java Message Service (JMS) operational interface that are specific to point-to-point operations. Components that are shared by point-to-point and publish/subscribe are described in Oracle Java Message Service Shared Interfaces.

Creating a Connection with User Name/Password

public javax.jms.Connection createConnection(
             java.lang.String username,
             java.lang.String password)
      throws JMSException

This method creates a connection supporting both point-to-point and publish/subscribe operations with the specified user name and password. This method is new and supports JMS version 1.1 specifications. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the user connecting to the database for queuing


Password for creating the connection to the server

Creating a Connection with Default ConnectionFactory Parameters

public javax.jms.Connection createConnection()
      throws JMSException

This method creates a connection supporting both point-to-point and publish/subscribe operations with default ConnectionFactory parameters. This method is new and supports JMS version 1.1 specifications. If the ConnectionFactory properties do not contain a default user name and password, then it throws a JMSException.

Creating a QueueConnection with User Name/Password

public javax.jms.QueueConnection createQueueConnection(
             java.lang.String username,
             java.lang.String password)
      throws JMSException

This method creates a queue connection with the specified user name and password. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the user connecting to the database for queuing


Password for creating the connection to the server

Example 6-33 Creating a QueueConnection with User Name/Password

QueueConnectionFactory qc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getQueueConnectionFactory(
   "sun123", "oratest", 5521, "thin");
QueueConnection qc_conn = qc_fact.createQueueConnection("jmsuser", "jmsuser");

Creating a QueueConnection with an Open JDBC Connection

public static javax.jms.QueueConnection createQueueConnection(
   java.sql.Connection jdbc_connection)
   throws JMSException

This method creates a queue connection with an open JDBC connection. It is static and has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Valid open connection to the database

The method in Example 6-34 can be used if the user wants to use an existing JDBC connection (say from a connection pool) for JMS operations. In this case JMS does not open a new connection, but instead uses the supplied JDBC connection to create the JMS QueueConnection object.

The method in Example 6-35 is the only way to create a JMS QueueConnection when using JMS from a Java stored procedures inside the database (JDBC Server driver)

Example 6-34 Creating a QueueConnection with an Open JDBC Connection

Connection db_conn;     /* previously opened JDBC connection */
QueueConnection qc_conn = AQjmsQueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(

Example 6-35 Creating a QueueConnection from a Java Procedure Inside Database

OracleDriver ora = new OracleDriver();
QueueConnection qc_conn = AQjmsQueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(ora.defaultConnection());

Creating a QueueConnection with Default ConnectionFactory Parameters

public javax.jms.QueueConnection createQueueConnection()
      throws JMSException

This method creates a queue connection with default ConnectionFactory parameters. If the queue connection factory properties do not contain a default user name and password, then it throws a JMSException.

Creating a QueueConnection with an Open OracleOCIConnectionPool

public static javax.jms.QueueConnection createQueueConnection(
          oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool cpool)
   throws JMSException

This method creates a queue connection with an open OracleOCIConnectionPool. It is static and has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Valid open OCI connection pool to the database

The method in Example 6-36 can be used if the user wants to use an existing OracleOCIConnectionPool instance for JMS operations. In this case JMS does not open an new OracleOCIConnectionPool instance, but instead uses the supplied OracleOCIConnectionPool instance to create the JMS QueueConnection object.

Example 6-36 Creating a QueueConnection with an Open OracleOCIConnectionPool

OracleOCIConnectionPool cpool; /* previously created OracleOCIConnectionPool */
QueueConnection qc_conn = AQjmsQueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(cpool);

Creating a Session

public javax.jms.Session createSession(boolean transacted,
                                                 int ack_mode)
                                          throws JMSException

This method creates a Session, which supports both point-to-point and publish/subscribe operations. This method is new and supports JMS version 1.1 specifications. Transactional and nontransactional sessions are supported. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


If set to true, then the session is transactional


Indicates whether the consumer or the client will acknowledge any messages it receives. It is ignored if the session is transactional. Legal values are Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.

Creating a QueueSession

public javax.jms.QueueSession createQueueSession(
   boolean transacted, int ack_mode)
        throws JMSException

This method creates a QueueSession. Transactional and nontransactional sessions are supported. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


If set to true, then the session is transactional


Indicates whether the consumer or the client will acknowledge any messages it receives. It is ignored if the session is transactional. Legal values are Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.

Example 6-37 Creating a Transactional QueueSession

QueueConnection qc_conn;
QueueSession  q_sess = qc_conn.createQueueSession(true, 0);

Creating a QueueSender

public javax.jms.QueueSender createSender(javax.jms.Queue queue)
                                   throws JMSException

This method creates a QueueSender. If a sender is created without a default queue, then the destination queue must be specified on every send operation. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Name of destination queue

Sending Messages Using a QueueSender with Default Send Options

public void send(javax.jms.Queue queue,
                 javax.jms.Message message)
          throws JMSException

This method sends a message using a QueueSender with default send options. This operation uses default values for message priority (1) and timeToLive (infinite). It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue to send this message to


Message to send

If the QueueSender has been created with a default queue, then the queue parameter may not necessarily be supplied in the send() call. If a queue is specified in the send() operation, then this value overrides the default queue of the QueueSender.

If the QueueSender has been created without a default queue, then the queue parameter must be specified in every send() call.

Example 6-38 Creating a Sender to Send Messages to Any Queue

/* Create a sender to send messages to any queue */
QueueSession  jms_sess;
QueueSender  sender1;
TextMessage  message;
sender1 = jms_sess.createSender(null); 
sender1.send(queue, message);

Example 6-39 Creating a Sender to Send Messages to a Specific Queue

/* Create a sender to send messages to a specific queue */
QueueSession jms_sess;
QueueSender sender2;
Queue   billed_orders_que;
TextMessage  message;
sender2 = jms_sess.createSender(billed_orders_que);
sender2.send(queue, message);

Sending Messages Using a QueueSender by Specifying Send Options

public void send(javax.jms.Queue queue,
                 javax.jms.Message message,
                 int deliveryMode,
                 int priority,
                 long timeToLive)
          throws JMSException

This method sends messages using a QueueSender by specifying send options. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue to send this message to


Message to send


Delivery mode to use


Priority for this message


Message lifetime in milliseconds (zero is unlimited)

If the QueueSender has been created with a default queue, then the queue parameter may not necessarily be supplied in the send() call. If a queue is specified in the send() operation, then this value overrides the default queue of the QueueSender.

If the QueueSender has been created without a default queue, then the queue parameter must be specified in every send() call.

Example 6-40 Sending Messages Using a QueueSender by Specifying Send Options 1

/* Create a sender to send messages to any queue */ 
/* Send a message to new_orders_que with priority 2 and timetoLive 100000 
   milliseconds */
QueueSession  jms_sess;
QueueSender  sender1;
TextMessage mesg;
Queue   new_orders_que
sender1 = jms_sess.createSender(null); 
sender1.send(new_orders_que, mesg, DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, 2, 100000);

Example 6-41 Sending Messages Using a QueueSender by Specifying Send Options 2

/* Create a sender to send messages to a specific queue */ 
/* Send a message with priority 1 and timetoLive 400000 milliseconds */
QueueSession jms_sess;
QueueSender sender2;
Queue   billed_orders_que;
TextMessage mesg;
sender2 = jms_sess.createSender(billed_orders_que);
sender2.send(mesg, DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, 1, 400000);

Creating a QueueBrowser for Standard JMS Type Messages

public javax.jms.QueueBrowser createBrowser(javax.jms.Queue queue,
                                            java.lang.String messageSelector)
                                     throws JMSException

This method creates a QueueBrowser for queues with text, stream, objects, bytes or MapMessage message bodies. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue to access


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered

Use methods in java.util.Enumeration to go through list of messages.

See Also:


Example 6-42 Creating a QueueBrowser Without a Selector

/* Create a browser without a selector */
QueueSession    jms_session;
QueueBrowser    browser;
Queue           queue;
browser = jms_session.createBrowser(queue);

Example 6-43 Creating a QueueBrowser With a Specified Selector

/* Create a browser for queues with a specified selector */
QueueSession    jms_session;
QueueBrowser    browser;
Queue           queue;
/* create a Browser to look at messages with correlationID = RUSH  */
browser = jms_session.createBrowser(queue, "JMSCorrelationID = 'RUSH'");

Creating a QueueBrowser for Standard JMS Type Messages, Locking Messages

public javax.jms.QueueBrowser createBrowser(javax.jms.Queue queue,
                                            java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                            boolean locked)
                                     throws JMSException

This method creates a QueueBrowser for queues with TextMessage, StreamMessage, ObjectMessage, BytesMessage, or MapMessage message bodies, locking messages while browsing. Locked messages cannot be removed by other consumers until the browsing session ends the transaction. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue to access


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered


If set to true, then messages are locked as they are browsed (similar to a SELECT for UPDATE)

Example 6-44 Creating a QueueBrowser Without a Selector, Locking Messages

/* Create a browser without a selector */
QueueSession    jms_session;
QueueBrowser    browser;
Queue           queue;
browser = jms_session.createBrowser(queue, null, true);

Example 6-45 Creating a QueueBrowser With a Specified Selector, Locking Messages

/* Create a browser for queues with a specified selector */
QueueSession    jms_session;
QueueBrowser    browser;
Queue           queue;
/* create a Browser to look at messages with 
correlationID = RUSH in lock mode */
browser = jms_session.createBrowser(queue, "JMSCorrelationID = 'RUSH'", true);

Creating a QueueBrowser for Oracle Object Type Messages

public javax.jms.QueueBrowser createBrowser(javax.jms.Queue queue, 
                                            java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                            java.lang.Object payload_factory)
                                     throws JMSException

This method creates a QueueBrowser for queues of Oracle object type messages. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue to access


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered


CustomDatumFactory or ORADataFactory for the java class that maps to the Oracle ADT

The CustomDatumFactory for a particular java class that maps to the SQL object payload can be obtained using the getFactory static method.


CustomDatum support will be deprecated in a future release. Use ORADataFactory payload factories instead.

Assume the queue test_queue has payload of type SCOTT.EMPLOYEE and the java class that is generated by Jpublisher for this Oracle object type is called Employee. The Employee class implements the CustomDatum interface. The CustomDatumFactory for this class can be obtained by using the Employee.getFactory() method.


TEQs do not support Object Type messages

See Also:


Example 6-46 Creating a QueueBrowser for ADTMessages

/* Create a browser for a Queue with AdtMessage messages of type EMPLOYEE*/
QueueSession jms_session
QueueBrowser browser;
Queue        test_queue;
browser = ((AQjmsSession)jms_session).createBrowser(test_queue,

Creating a QueueBrowser for Oracle Object Type Messages, Locking Messages

public javax.jms.QueueBrowser createBrowser(javax.jms.Queue queue,
                                            java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                            java.lang.Object payload_factory,
                                            boolean locked)
                                     throws JMSException

This method creates a QueueBrowser for queues of Oracle object type messages, locking messages while browsing. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue to access


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered


CustomDatumFactory or ORADataFactory for the java class that maps to the Oracle ADT


If set to true, then messages are locked as they are browsed (similar to a SELECT for UPDATE)


CustomDatum support will be deprecated in a future release. Use ORADataFactory payload factories instead.


TxEventQ queues do not support Object Type messages

Example 6-47 Creating a QueueBrowser for AdtMessages, Locking Messages

/* Create a browser for a Queue with AdtMessage messagess of type EMPLOYEE* in lock mode/
QueueSession jms_session
QueueBrowser browser;
Queue        test_queue;
browser = ((AQjmsSession)jms_session).createBrowser(test_queue, 

Creating a QueueReceiver for Standard JMS Type Messages

public javax.jms.QueueReceiver createReceiver(javax.jms.Queue queue,
                                              java.lang.String messageSelector)
                                       throws JMSException

This method creates a QueueReceiver for queues of standard JMS type messages. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue to access


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered

See Also:


Example 6-48 Creating a QueueReceiver Without a Selector

/* Create a receiver without a selector */
QueueSession    jms_session
QueueReceiver   receiver;
Queue           queue;
receiver = jms_session.createReceiver(queue);

Example 6-49 Creating a QueueReceiver With a Specified Selector

/* Create a receiver for queues with a specified selector */
QueueSession    jms_session;
QueueReceiver   receiver;
Queue           queue;
/* create Receiver to receive messages with correlationID starting with EXP  */
browser = jms_session.createReceiver(queue, "JMSCorrelationID LIKE 'EXP%'");

Creating a QueueReceiver for Oracle Object Type Messages

public javax.jms.QueueReceiver createReceiver(javax.jms.Queue queue,
                                              java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                              java.lang.Object payload_factory)
                                       throws JMSException

This method creates a QueueReceiver for queues of Oracle object type messages. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Queue to access


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered


CustomDatumFactory or ORADataFactory for the java class that maps to the Oracle ADT

The CustomDatumFactory for a particular java class that maps to the SQL object type payload can be obtained using the getFactory static method.


CustomDatum support will be deprecated in a future release. Use ORADataFactory payload factories instead.

Assume the queue test_queue has payload of type SCOTT.EMPLOYEE and the java class that is generated by Jpublisher for this Oracle object type is called Employee. The Employee class implements the CustomDatum interface. The ORADataFactory for this class can be obtained by using the Employee.getFactory() method.


TxEventQ queues do not support Object Type messages

See Also:


Example 6-50 Creating a QueueReceiver for AdtMessage Messages

/* Create a receiver for a Queue with AdtMessage messages of type EMPLOYEE*/
QueueSession jms_session
QueueReceiver receiver;
Queue        test_queue;
browser = ((AQjmsSession)jms_session).createReceiver(
                "JMSCorrelationID = 'MANAGER', 

Oracle Java Message Service Publish/Subscribe

The following topics describe the components of the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ) Java Message Service (JMS) operational interface that are specific to publish/subscribe operations. Components that are shared by point-to-point and publish/subscribe are described in Oracle Java Message Service Shared Interfaces.

Creating a Connection with User Name/Password

public javax.jms.Connection createConnection(
             java.lang.String username,
             java.lang.String password)
      throws JMSException

This method creates a connection supporting both point-to-point and publish/subscribe operations with the specified user name and password. This method is new and supports JMS version 1.1 specifications. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the user connecting to the database for queuing


Password for creating the connection to the server

Creating a Connection with Default ConnectionFactory Parameters

public javax.jms.Connection createConnection()
      throws JMSException

This method creates a connection supporting both point-to-point and publish/subscribe operations with default ConnectionFactory parameters. This method is new and supports JMS version 1.1 specifications. If the ConnectionFactory properties do not contain a default user name and password, then it throws a JMSException.

Creating a TopicConnection with User Name/Password

public javax.jms.TopicConnection createTopicConnection(
             java.lang.String username,
             java.lang.String password)
      throws JMSException

This method creates a TopicConnection with the specified user name and password. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the user connecting to the database for queuing


Password for creating the connection to the server

Example 6-51 Creating a TopicConnection with User Name/Password

TopicConnectionFactory tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory("sun123", "oratest", 5521, "thin");
/* Create a TopicConnection using a username/password */
TopicConnection tc_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmsuser", "jmsuser");

Creating a TopicConnection with Open JDBC Connection

public static javax.jms.TopicConnection createTopicConnection(
              java.sql.Connection jdbc_connection)
       throws JMSException

This method creates a TopicConnection with open JDBC connection. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Valid open connection to database

Example 6-52 Creating a TopicConnection with Open JDBC Connection

Connection db_conn;   /*previously opened JDBC connection */
TopicConnection tc_conn = 
AQjmsTopicConnectionFactory createTopicConnection(db_conn);

Example 6-53 Creating a TopicConnection with New JDBC Connection

OracleDriver ora = new OracleDriver();
TopicConnection tc_conn = 

Creating a TopicConnection with an Open OracleOCIConnectionPool

public static javax.jms.TopicConnection createTopicConnection(
              oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool cpool)
       throws JMSException

This method creates a TopicConnection with an open OracleOCIConnectionPool. It is static and has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Valid open OCI connection pool to the database

Example 6-54 Creating a TopicConnection with Open OracleOCIConnectionPool

OracleOCIConnectionPool cpool; /* previously created OracleOCIConnectionPool */
TopicConnection tc_conn = 

Creating a Session

public javax.jms.Session createSession(boolean transacted,
                                                 int ack_mode)
                                          throws JMSException

This method creates a Session supporting both point-to-point and publish/subscribe operations. It is new and supports JMS version 1.1 specifications. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


If set to true, then the session is transactional


Indicates whether the consumer or the client will acknowledge any messages it receives. It is ignored if the session is transactional. Legal values are Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.

Creating a TopicSession

public javax.jms.TopicSession createTopicSession(boolean transacted,
                                                 int ack_mode)
                                          throws JMSException

This method creates a TopicSession. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


If set to true, then the session is transactional


Indicates whether the consumer or the client will acknowledge any messages it receives. It is ignored if the session is transactional. Legal values are Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.

Example 6-55 Creating a TopicSession

TopicConnection tc_conn;
TopicSession t_sess = tc_conn.createTopicSession(true,0);

Creating a TopicPublisher

public javax.jms.TopicPublisher createPublisher(javax.jms.Topic topic)
                                         throws JMSException

This method creates a TopicPublisher. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Topic to publish to, or null if this is an unidentified producer

Publishing Messages with Minimal Specification

public void publish(javax.jms.Message message)
             throws JMSException

This method publishes a message with minimal specification. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Message to send

The TopicPublisher uses the default values for message priority (1) and timeToLive (infinite).

Example 6-56 Publishing Without Specifying Topic

/* Publish without specifying topic */
TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicPublisher            publisher1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
/* create TopicSession */
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
/* get shipped orders topic */
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
publisher1 = jms_sess.createPublisher(shipped_orders);
/* create TextMessage */
TextMessage     jms_sess.createTextMessage();
/* publish without specifying the topic */

Example 6-57 Publishing Specifying Correlation and Delay

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicPublisher            publisher1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
publisher1 = jms_sess.createPublisher(shipped_orders);
/* Create TextMessage */
TextMessage     jms_sess.createTextMessage();
/* Set correlation and delay */
/* Set correlation */
/* Set delay of 30 seconds */
jms_sess.setLongProperty("JMS_OracleDelay", 30);
/* Publish  */

Publishing Messages Specifying Topic

public void publish(javax.jms.Topic topic, javax.jms.Message message)
             throws JMSException

This method publishes a message specifying the topic. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Topic to publish to


Message to send

If the TopicPublisher has been created with a default topic, then the topic parameter may not be specified in the publish() call. If a topic is specified, then that value overrides the default in the TopicPublisher. If the TopicPublisher has been created without a default topic, then the topic must be specified with the publish() call.

Example 6-58 Publishing Specifying Topic

/* Publish specifying topic */
TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicPublisher            publisher1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          'MYHOSTNAME', 'MYSID', myport, 'oci8');
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE); 
/* create TopicPublisher */
publisher1 = jms_sess.createPublisher(null);
/* get topic object */
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          'WS', 'Shipped_Orders_Topic');
/* create text message */
TextMessage     jms_sess.createTextMessage();
/* publish specifying the topic */
publisher1.publish(shipped_orders, text_message);

Publishing Messages Specifying Delivery Mode, Priority, and TimeToLive

public void publish(javax.jms.Topic topic,
                    javax.jms.Message message,
                    oracle.jms.AQjmsAgent[] recipient_list,
                    int deliveryMode,
                    int priority,
                    long timeToLive)
             throws JMSException

This method publishes a message specifying delivery mode, priority and TimeToLive. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Topic to which to publish the message (overrides the default topic of the MessageProducer)


Message to publish


List of recipients to which the message is published. Recipients are of type AQjmsAgent.


PERSISTENT or NON_PERSISTENT (only PERSISTENT is supported in this release)


Priority for this message


Message lifetime in milliseconds (zero is unlimited)

Example 6-59 Publishing Specifying Priority and TimeToLive

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicPublisher            publisher1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          "OE", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");
publisher1 = jms_sess.createPublisher(shipped_orders);
/* Create TextMessage */
TextMessage     jms_sess.createTextMessage();
/* Publish  message with priority 1 and time to live 200 seconds */
publisher1.publish(text_message, DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, 1, 200000);

Publishing Messages Specifying a Recipient List

public void publish(javax.jms.Message message,
                    oracle.jms.AQjmsAgent[] recipient_list)
             throws JMSException

This method publishes a message specifying a recipient list overriding topic subscribers. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Message to publish


List of recipients to which the message is published. Recipients are of type AQjmsAgent.

Example 6-60 Publishing Specifying a Recipient List Overriding Topic Subscribers

/* Publish specifying priority and timeToLive */
TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicPublisher            publisher1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
AQjmsAgent[]              recipList;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          "OE", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");
publisher1 = jms_sess.createPublisher(shipped_orders);
/* create TextMessage */
TextMessage     jms_sess.createTextMessage();
/* create two receivers */
recipList = new AQjmsAgent[2];
recipList[0] = new AQjmsAgent(
          "ES", "ES.shipped_orders_topic", AQAgent.DEFAULT_AGENT_PROTOCOL);
recipList[1] = new AQjmsAgent(
          "WS", "WS.shipped_orders_topic", AQAgent.DEFAULT_AGENT_PROTOCOL);
/* publish  message specifying a recipient list */
publisher1.publish(text_message, recipList);

Creating a DurableSubscriber for a JMS Topic Without Selector

public javax.jms.TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(
             javax.jms.Topic topic,
             java.lang.String subs_name)
      throws JMSException

This method creates a DurableSubscriber for a JMS topic without selector. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Non-temporary topic to subscribe to


Name used to identify this subscription

Exclusive Access to Topics

CreateDurableSubscriber() and Unsubscribe() both require exclusive access to their target topics. If there are pending JMS send(), publish(), or receive() operations on the same topic when these calls are applied, then exception ORA - 4020 is raised. There are two solutions to the problem:

  • Limit calls to createDurableSubscriber() and Unsubscribe() to the setup or cleanup phase when there are no other JMS operations pending on the topic. That makes sure that the required resources are not held by other JMS operational calls.

  • Call TopicSession.commit before calling createDurableSubscriber() or Unsubscribe().

Example 6-61 Creating a Durable Subscriber for a JMS Topic Without Selector

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicSubscriber           subscriber1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
AQjmsAgent[]              recipList;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
/* create a durable subscriber on the shipped_orders topic*/
subscriber1 = jms_sess.createDurableSubscriber(

Creating a DurableSubscriber for a JMS Topic with Selector

public javax.jms.TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(
             javax.jms.Topic topic,
             java.lang.String subs_name,
             java.lang.String messageSelector,
             boolean noLocal)
      throws JMSException

This method creates a durable subscriber for a JMS topic with selector. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Non-temporary topic to subscribe to


Name used to identify this subscription


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no messageSelector for the message consumer.


If set to true, then it inhibits the delivery of messages published by its own connection

A client can change an existing durable subscription by creating a durable TopicSubscriber with the same name and a different messageSelector. An unsubscribe call is needed to end the subscription to the topic.

Example 6-62 Creating a Durable Subscriber for a JMS Topic With Selector

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicSubscriber           subscriber1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
AQjmsAgent[]              recipList;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          "OE", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");
/* create a subscriber */
/* with condition on JMSPriority and user property 'Region' */
subscriber1 = jms_sess.createDurableSubscriber(
          shipped_orders, 'WesternShipping', 
         "JMSPriority > 2 and Region like 'Western%'", false);

Creating a DurableSubscriber for an Oracle Object Type Topic Without Selector

public javax.jms.TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(
             javax.jms.Topic topic,
             java.lang.String subs_name,
             java.lang.Object payload_factory)
      throws JMSException

This method creates a durable subscriber for an Oracle object type topic without selector. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Non-temporary topic to subscribe to


Name used to identify this subscription


CustomDatumFactory or ORADataFactory for the Java class that maps to the Oracle ADT


  • CustomDatum support will be deprecated in a future release. Use ORADataFactory payload factories instead.

  • TxEventQ queues do not support object type messages.

Example 6-63 Creating a Durable Subscriber for an Oracle Object Type Topic Without Selector

/* Subscribe to an ADT queue */
TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              t_sess    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicSubscriber           subscriber1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       my[port = 5521;
AQjmsAgent[]              recipList;
/* the java mapping of the oracle object type created by J Publisher */
ADTMessage                message; 
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          "OE", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");
/* create a subscriber, specifying the correct CustomDatumFactory */
subscriber1 = jms_sess.createDurableSubscriber(
          shipped_orders, 'WesternShipping', AQjmsAgent.getFactory());

Creating a DurableSubscriber for an Oracle Object Type Topic with Selector

public javax.jms.TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(
             javax.jms.Topic topic,
             java.lang.String subs_name,
             java.lang.String messageSelector,
             boolean noLocal,
             java.lang.Object payload_factory)
      throws JMSException

This method creates a durable subscriber for an Oracle object type topic with selector. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Non-temporary topic to subscribe to


Name used to identify this subscription


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no messageSelector for the message consumer.


If set to true, then it inhibits the delivery of messages published by its own connection


CustomDatumFactory or ORADataFactory for the Java class that maps to the Oracle ADT


  • CustomDatum support will be deprecated in a future release. Use ORADataFactory payload factories instead.

  • TxEventQ queues do not support object yype messages.

Example 6-64 Creating a Durable Subscriber for an Oracle Object Type Topic With Selector

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicSubscriber           subscriber1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
AQjmsAgent[]              recipList;
/* the java mapping of the oracle object type created by J Publisher */
ADTMessage                message; 
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          "OE", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");
/* create a subscriber, specifying correct CustomDatumFactory and selector */
subscriber1 = jms_sess.createDurableSubscriber(
          shipped_orders, "WesternShipping", 
         "priority > 1 and tab.user_data.region like 'WESTERN %'", false, 

Specifying Transformations for Topic Subscribers

A transformation can be supplied when sending/publishing a message to a queue/topic. The transformation is applied before putting the message into the queue/topic.

The application can specify a transformation using the setTransformation interface in the AQjmsQueueSender and AQjmsTopicPublisher interfaces.

A transformation can also be specified when creating topic subscribers using the CreateDurableSubscriber() call. The transformation is applied to the retrieved message before returning it to the subscriber. If the subscriber specified in the CreateDurableSubscriber() call already exists, then its transformation is set to the specified transformation.

Example 6-65 Sending Messages to a Destination Using a Transformation

Suppose that the orders that are processed by the order entry application should be published to WS_bookedorders_topic. The transformation OE2WS (defined in the previous section) is supplied so that the messages are inserted into the topic in the correct format.

public void ship_bookedorders(
   TopicSession jms_session, 
   	AQjmsADTMessage adt_message)				
    TopicPublisher  publisher;
    Topic           topic;

      /* get a handle to the WS_bookedorders_topic */
	      topic = ((AQjmsSession)jms_session).getTopic("WS", "WS_bookedorders_topic");
      publisher = jms_session.createPublisher(topic);

      /* set the transformation in the publisher */
      publisher.publish(topic, adt_message);
	    catch (JMSException ex)
	       System.out.println("Exception :" ex);

Example 6-66 Specifying Transformations for Topic Subscribers

The Western Shipping application subscribes to the OE_bookedorders_topic with the transformation OE2WS. This transformation is applied to the messages and the returned message is of Oracle object type WS.WS_orders.

Suppose that the WSOrder java class has been generated by Jpublisher to map to the Oracle object WS.WS_order:

public AQjmsAdtMessage retrieve_bookedorders(TopicSession jms_session)
    TopicSubscriber     subscriber;
    Topic               topic;
    AQjmsAdtMessage     msg = null;

      /* get a handle to the OE_bookedorders_topic */
      topic = ((AQjmsSession)jms_session).getTopic("OE", "OE_bookedorders_topic");

      /* create a subscriber with the transformation OE2WS */
      subs = ((AQjmsSession)jms_session).createDurableSubscriber(
         topic, 'WShip', null, false, WSOrder.getFactory(), "OE2WS");
      msg = subscriber.receive(10);
    catch (JMSException ex)
        System.out.println("Exception :" ex);
    return (AQjmsAdtMessage)msg;

Creating a Remote Subscriber for JMS Messages

public void createRemoteSubscriber(javax.jms.Topic topic,
                                   oracle.jms.AQjmsAgent remote_subscriber,
                                   java.lang.String messageSelector)
                            throws JMSException

This method creates a remote subscriber for topics of JMS messages. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Topic to subscribe to


AQjmsAgent that refers to the remote subscriber


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no messageSelector for the message consumer.

Oracle Database Advanced Queuing allows topics to have remote subscribers, for example, subscribers at other topics in the same or different database. In order to use remote subscribers, you must set up propagation between the local and remote topic.

Remote subscribers can be a specific consumer at the remote topic or all subscribers at the remote topic. A remote subscriber is defined using the AQjmsAgent structure. An AQjmsAgent consists of a name and address. The name refers to the consumer_name at the remote topic. The address refers to the remote topic. Its syntax is schema.topic_name[@dblink].

To publish messages to a particular consumer at the remote topic, the subscription_name of the recipient at the remote topic must be specified in the name field of AQjmsAgent, and the remote topic must be specified in the address field. To publish messages to all subscribers of the remote topic, the name field of AQjmsAgent must be set to null.


TxEventQ queues do not support remote subscribers.

See Also:


Example 6-67 Creating a Remote Subscriber for Topics of JMS Messages

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              t_sess    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicSubscriber           subscriber1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       my[port = 5521;
AQjmsAgent                remoteAgent;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          "OE", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");
remoteAgent = new AQjmsAgent("WesternRegion", "WS.shipped_orders_topic", null);
/* create a remote subscriber (selector is null )*/
subscriber1 = ((AQjmsSession)jms_sess).createRemoteSubscriber(
          shipped_orders, remoteAgent, null);

Creating a Remote Subscriber for Oracle Object Type Messages

public void createRemoteSubscriber(javax.jms.Topic topic,
                                   oracle.jms.AQjmsAgent remote_subscriber,
                                   java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                   java.lang.Object payload_factory)
                            throws JMSException

This method creates a remote subscriber for topics of Oracle object type messages. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Topic to subscribe to


AQjmsAgent that refers to the remote subscriber


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no messageSelector for the message consumer.


CustomDatumFactory or ORADataFactory for the Java class that maps to the Oracle ADT


  • CustomDatum support will be deprecated in a future release. Use ORADataFactory payload factories instead.

  • TxEventQ queues do not support remote subscribers or object type messages.

Oracle Database Advanced Queuing allows topics to have remote subscribers, for example, subscribers at other topics in the same or different database. In order to use remote subscribers, you must set up propagation between the local and remote topic.

Remote subscribers can be a specific consumer at the remote topic or all subscribers at the remote topic. A remote subscriber is defined using the AQjmsAgent structure. An AQjmsAgent consists of a name and address. The name refers to the consumer_name at the remote topic. The address refers to the remote topic. Its syntax is schema.topic_name[@dblink].

To publish messages to a particular consumer at the remote topic, the subscription_name of the recipient at the remote topic must be specified in the name field of AQjmsAgent, and the remote topic must be specified in the address field. To publish messages to all subscribers of the remote topic, the name field of AQjmsAgent must be set to null.


AQ does not support the use of multiple dblink to the same destination. As a workaround, use a single database link for each destination.

See Also:


Example 6-68 Creating a Remote Subscriber for Topics of Oracle Object Type Messages

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              t_sess    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicSubscriber           subscriber1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       my[port = 5521;
AQjmsAgent                remoteAgent;
ADTMessage                message;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
/* create TopicSession */
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
/* get the Shipped order topic */
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          "OE", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");
/* create a remote agent */
remoteAgent = new AQjmsAgent("WesternRegion", "WS.shipped_orders_topic", null);
/* create a remote subscriber  with null selector*/
subscriber1 = ((AQjmsSession)jms_sess).createRemoteSubscriber(
          shipped_orders, remoteAgent, null, message.getFactory);

Specifying Transformations for Remote Subscribers

Oracle Database Advanced Queuing allows a remote subscriber, that is a subscriber at another database, to subscribe to a topic.

Transformations can be specified when creating remote subscribers using the createRemoteSubscriber() call. This enables propagation of messages between topics of different formats. When a message published at a topic meets the criterion of a remote subscriber, Oracle Database Advanced Queuing automatically propagates the message to the queue/topic at the remote database specified for the remote subscriber. If a transformation is also specified, then Oracle Database Advanced Queuing applies the transformation to the message before propagating it to the queue/topic at the remote database.


TxEventQ queues do not support remote subscribers.

Example 6-69 Specifying Transformations for Remote Subscribers

A remote subscriber is created at the OE.OE_bookedorders_topic so that messages are automatically propagated to the WS.WS_bookedorders_topic. The transformation OE2WS is specified when creating the remote subscriber so that the messages reaching the WS_bookedorders_topic have the correct format.

Suppose that the WSOrder java class has been generated by Jpublisher to map to the Oracle object WS.WS_order

public void create_remote_sub(TopicSession jms_session)
   AQjmsAgent          subscriber;
   Topic               topic;

     /* get a handle to the OE_bookedorders_topic */
     topic = ((AQjmsSession)jms_session).getTopic("OE", "OE_bookedorders_topic");
     subscriber = new AQjmsAgent("WShip", "WS.WS_bookedorders_topic");

     ((AQjmsSession )jms_session).createRemoteSubscriber(
        topic, subscriber, null, WSOrder.getFactory(),"OE2WS");
   catch (JMSException ex)
     System.out.println("Exception :" ex);

Unsubscribing a Durable Subscription for a Local Subscriber

public void unsubscribe(javax.jms.Topic topic,
                        java.lang.String subs_name)
                 throws JMSException

This method unsubscribes a durable subscription for a local subscriber. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Non-temporary topic to unsubscribe


Name used to identify this subscription

Example 6-70 Unsubscribing a Durable Subscription for a Local Subscriber

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
TopicSubscriber           subscriber1;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
AQjmsAgent[]              recipList;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          "OE", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");
/* unsusbcribe "WesternShipping" from shipped_orders */
jms_sess.unsubscribe(shipped_orders, "WesternShipping");

Unsubscribing a Durable Subscription for a Remote Subscriber

public void unsubscribe(javax.jms.Topic topic,
                        oracle.jms.AQjmsAgent remote_subscriber)
                 throws JMSException

This method unsubscribes a durable subscription for a remote subscriber. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Non-temporary topic to unsubscribe


AQjmsAgent that refers to the remote subscriber. The address field of the AQjmsAgent cannot be null.


TEQ queues do not support remote subscribers.

Example 6-71 Unsubscribing a Durable Subscription for a Remote Subscriber

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              t_sess    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
AQjmsAgent                remoteAgent;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          "OE", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");
remoteAgent = new AQjmsAgent("WS", "WS.Shipped_Orders_Topic", null);
/* unsubscribe the remote agent from shipped_orders */
((AQjmsSession)jms_sess).unsubscribe(shipped_orders, remoteAgent);

Creating a TopicReceiver for a Topic of Standard JMS Type Messages

public oracle.jms.AQjmsTopicReceiver createTopicReceiver(
              javax.jms.Topic topic,
              java.lang.String receiver_name,
              java.lang.String messageSelector)
       throws JMSException

This method creates a TopicReceiver for a topic of standard JMS type messages. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Topic to access


Name of message receiver


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no messageSelector for the message consumer.

Oracle Database Advanced Queuing allows messages to be sent to specified recipients. These receivers may or may not be subscribers of the topic. If the receiver is not a subscriber to the topic, then it receives only those messages that are explicitly addressed to it. This method must be used order to create a TopicReceiver object for consumers that are not durable subscribers.

See Also:


Example 6-72 Creating a TopicReceiver for Standard JMS Type Messages

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              t_sess    = ull;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
TopicReceiver             receiver;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          "WS", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");
receiver = ((AQjmsSession)jms_sess).createTopicReceiver(
          shipped_orders, "WesternRegion", null); 

Creating a TopicReceiver for a Topic of Oracle Object Type Messages

public oracle.jms.AQjmsTopicReceiver createTopicReceiver(
              javax.jms.Topic topic,
              java.lang.String receiver_name,
              java.lang.String messageSelector,
              java.lang.Object payload_factory)
       throws JMSException

This method creates a TopicReceiver for a topic of Oracle object type messages with selector. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Topic to access


Name of message receiver


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no messageSelector for the message consumer.


CustomDatumFactory or ORADataFactory for the Java class that maps to the Oracle ADT


  • CustomDatum support will be deprecated in a future release. Use ORADataFactory payload factories instead.

  • TxEventQ queues do not support object type messages.

Oracle Database Advanced Queuing allows messages to be sent to all subscribers of a topic or to specified recipients. These receivers may or may not be subscribers of the topic. If the receiver is not a subscriber to the topic, then it receives only those messages that are explicitly addressed to it. This method must be used order to create a TopicReceiver object for consumers that are not durable subscribers.

See Also:


Example 6-73 Creating a TopicReceiver for Oracle Object Type Messages

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              t_sess    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
TopicReceiver             receiver;
/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
          "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
          "WS", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");
receiver = ((AQjmsSession)jms_sess).createTopicReceiver(
          shipped_orders, "WesternRegion", null);

Creating a TopicBrowser for Standard JMS Messages

public oracle.jms.TopicBrowser createBrowser(javax.jms.Topic topic,
                                             java.lang.String cons_name,
                                             java.lang.String messageSelector)
                                      throws JMSException

This method creates a TopicBrowser for topics with TextMessage, StreamMessage, ObjectMessage, BytesMessage, or MapMessage message bodies. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Topic to access


Name of the durable subscriber or consumer


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no messageSelector for the message consumer.


CustomDatumFactory or ORADataFactory for the Java class that maps to the Oracle ADT

See Also:


Example 6-74 Creating a TopicBrowser Without a Selector

/* Create a browser without a selector */
TopicSession    jms_session;
TopicBrowser    browser;
Topic           topic;
browser = ((AQjmsSession) jms_session).createBrowser(topic, "SUBS1");

Example 6-75 Creating a TopicBrowser With a Specified Selector

/* Create a browser for topics with a specified selector */
TopicSession    jms_session;
TopicBrowser    browser;
Topic           topic;
/* create a Browser to look at messages with correlationID = RUSH  */
browser = ((AQjmsSession) jms_session).createBrowser(
          topic, "SUBS1", "JMSCorrelationID = 'RUSH'");

Creating a TopicBrowser for Standard JMS Messages, Locking Messages

public oracle.jms.TopicBrowser createBrowser(javax.jms.Topic topic,
                                             java.lang.String cons_name,
                                             java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                             boolean locked)
                                      throws JMSException

This method creates a TopicBrowser for topics with text, stream, objects, bytes or map messages, locking messages while browsing. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Topic to access


Name of the durable subscriber or consumer


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no messageSelector for the message consumer.


If set to true, then messages are locked as they are browsed (similar to a SELECT for UPDATE)

Example 6-76 Creating a TopicBrowser Without a Selector, Locking Messages While Browsing

/* Create a browser without a selector */
TopicSession    jms_session;
TopicBrowser    browser;
Topic           topic;
browser = ((AQjmsSession) jms_session).createBrowser(
          topic, "SUBS1", true);

Example 6-77 Creating a TopicBrowser With a Specified Selector, Locking Messages

/* Create a browser for topics with a specified selector */
TopicSession    jms_session;
TopicBrowser    browser;
Topic           topic;
/* create a Browser to look at messages with correlationID = RUSH in
lock mode */
browser = ((AQjmsSession) jms_session).createBrowser(
          topic, "SUBS1", "JMSCorrelationID = 'RUSH'", true);

Creating a TopicBrowser for Oracle Object Type Messages

public oracle.jms.TopicBrowser createBrowser(javax.jms.Topic topic,
                                             java.lang.String cons_name,
                                             java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                             java.lang.Object payload_factory)
                                      throws JMSException

This method creates a TopicBrowser for topics of Oracle object type messages. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Topic to access


Name of the durable subscriber or consumer


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no messageSelector for the message consumer.


CustomDatumFactory or ORADataFactory for the Java class that maps to the Oracle ADT


  • CustomDatum support will be deprecated in a future release. Use ORADataFactory payload factories instead.

  • TxEventQ queues do not support object type messages.

The CustomDatumFactory for a particular Java class that maps to the SQL object type payload can be obtained using the getFactory static method. Assume the topic test_topic has payload of type SCOTT.EMPLOYEE and the Java class that is generated by Jpublisher for this Oracle object type is called Employee. The Employee class implements the CustomDatum interface. The CustomDatumFactory for this class can be obtained by using the Employee.getFactory() method.

See Also:


Example 6-78 Creating a TopicBrowser for AdtMessage Messages

/* Create a browser for a Topic with AdtMessage messages of type EMPLOYEE*/
TopicSession jms_session
TopicBrowser browser;
Topic        test_topic;
browser = ((AQjmsSession) jms_session).createBrowser(
          test_topic, "SUBS1", Employee.getFactory());

Creating a TopicBrowser for Oracle Object Type Messages, Locking Messages

public oracle.jms.TopicBrowser createBrowser(javax.jms.Topic topic,
                                             java.lang.String cons_name,
                                             java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                             java.lang.Object payload_factory,
                                             boolean locked)
                                      throws JMSException

This method creates a TopicBrowser for topics of Oracle object type messages, locking messages while browsing. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Topic to access


Name of the durable subscriber or consumer


Only messages with properties matching the messageSelector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no messageSelector for the message consumer.


CustomDatumFactory or ORADataFactory for the Java class that maps to the Oracle ADT


If set to true, then messages are locked as they are browsed (similar to a SELECT for UPDATE)


  • CustomDatum support will be deprecated in a future release. Use ORADataFactory payload factories instead.

  • TxEventQ queues do not support object type messages.

See Also:


Example 6-79 Creating a TopicBrowser for AdtMessage Messages, Locking Messages

/* Create a browser for a Topic with AdtMessage messages of type EMPLOYEE* in
lock mode/
TopicSession jms_session
TopicBrowser browser;
Topic        test_topic;
browser = ((AQjmsSession) jms_session).createBrowser(
          test_topic, "SUBS1", Employee.getFactory(), true);

Browsing Messages Using a TopicBrowser

public void purgeSeen()
               throws JMSException

This method browses messages using a TopicBrowser. Use methods in java.util.Enumeration to go through the list of messages. Use the method purgeSeen in TopicBrowser to purge messages that have been seen during the current browse.

Example 6-80 Creating a TopicBrowser with a Specified Selector

/* Create a browser for topics with a specified selector */
public void browse_rush_orders(TopicSession jms_session)
TopicBrowser    browser;
Topic           topic;
ObjectMessage   obj_message
BolOrder        new_order;
Enumeration     messages;
/* get a handle to the new_orders topic */
topic = ((AQjmsSession) jms_session).getTopic("OE", "OE_bookedorders_topic");
/* create a Browser to look at RUSH orders */
browser = ((AQjmsSession) jms_session).createBrowser(
          topic, "SUBS1", "JMSCorrelationID = 'RUSH'");
/* Browse through the messages */
for (messages = browser.elements() ; message.hasMoreElements() ;)
{obj_message = (ObjectMessage)message.nextElement();}
/* Purge messages seen during this browse */

Oracle Java Message Service Shared Interfaces

The following topics describe the Java Message Service (JMS) operational interface (shared interfaces) to Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ).

Oracle Database Advanced Queuing JMS Operational Interface: Shared Interfaces

The following topics discuss Oracle Database Advanced Queuing shared interfaces for JMS operations.

Starting a JMS Connection
public void start()
          throws JMSException

AQjmsConnection.start() starts a JMS connection for receiving messages.

Getting a JMS Connection
public oracle.jms.AQjmsConnection getJmsConnection()
                                            throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.getJmsConnection() gets a JMS connection from a session.

Committing All Operations in a Session
public void commit()
           throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.commit() commits all JMS and SQL operations performed in a session.

Rolling Back All Operations in a Session
public void rollback()
              throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.rollback() terminates all JMS and SQL operations performed in a session.

Getting the JDBC Connection from a Session
public java.sql.Connection getDBConnection()
                                    throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.getDBConnection() gets the underlying JDBC connection from a JMS session. The JDBC connection can be used to perform SQL operations as part of the same transaction in which the JMS operations are accomplished.

Example 6-81 Getting Underlying JDBC Connection from JMS Session

java.sql.Connection db_conn;
QueueSession     jms_sess;
db_conn = ((AQjmsSession)jms_sess).getDBConnection();
Getting the OracleOCIConnectionPool from a JMS Connection
public oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool getOCIConnectionPool()

AQjmsConnection.getOCIConnectionPool() gets the underlying OracleOCIConnectionPool from a JMS connection. The settings of the OracleOCIConnectionPool instance can be tuned by the user depending on the connection usage, for example, the number of sessions the user wants to create using the given connection. The user should not, however, close the OracleOCIConnectionPool instance being used by the JMS connection.

Example 6-82 Getting Underlying OracleOCIConnectionPool from JMS Connection

oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleOCIConnectionPool cpool;
QueueConnection jms_conn;
cpool = ((AQjmsConnection)jms_conn).getOCIConnectionPool();
Creating a BytesMessage
public javax.jms.BytesMessage createBytesMessage()
                                          throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.createBytesMessage() creates a bytes message. It can be used only if the queue table that contains the destination queue/topic was created with the SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE or AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE payload types.

Creating a MapMessage
public javax.jms.MapMessage createMapMessage()
                                      throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.createMapMessage() creates a map message. It can be used only if the queue table that contains the destination queue/topic was created with the SYS.AQ$_JMS_MAP_MESSAGE or AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE payload types.

Creating a StreamMessage
public javax.jms.StreamMessage createStreamMessage()
                                            throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.createStreamMessage() creates a stream message. It can be used only if the queue table that contains the destination queue/topic was created with the SYS.AQ$_JMS_STREAM_MESSAGE or AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE payload types.

Creating an ObjectMessage
public javax.jms.ObjectMessage createObjectMessage(java.io.Serializable object)
                                            throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.createObjectMessage() creates an object message. It can be used only if the queue table that contains the destination queue/topic was created with the SYS.AQ$_JMS_OBJECT_MESSAGE or AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE payload types.

Creating a TextMessage
public javax.jms.TextMessage createTextMessage()
                                        throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.createTextMessage() creates a text message. It can be used only if the queue table that contains the destination queue/topic was created with the SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE or AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE payload types.

Creating a JMS Message
public javax.jms.Message createMessage()
                                throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.createMessage() creates a JMS message. You can use the AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE construct message to construct messages of different types. The message type must be one of the following:






You can also use this ADT to create a header-only JMS message.

Creating an AdtMessage
public oracle.jms.AdtMessage createAdtMessage()
                                       throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.createAdtMessage() creates an AdtMessage. It can be used only if the queue table that contains the queue/topic was created with an Oracle ADT payload type. An AdtMessage must be populated with an object that implements the CustomDatum interface. This object must be the Java mapping of the SQL ADT defined as the payload for the queue/topic. Java classes corresponding to SQL ADT types can be generated using the Jpublisher tool.

Setting a JMS Correlation Identifier
public void setJMSCorrelationID(java.lang.String correlationID)
                         throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.setJMSCorrelationID() specifies the message correlation identifier.

Specifying JMS Message Properties

Property names starting with JMS are provider-specific. User-defined properties cannot start with JMS.

The following provider properties can be set by clients using text, stream, object, bytes or map messages:

  • JMSXAppID (string)

  • JMSXGroupID (string)

  • JMSXGroupSeq (int)

  • JMS_OracleExcpQ (string)

    This message property specifies the exception queue.

  • JMS_OracleDelay (int)

    This message property specifies the message delay in seconds.

The following properties can be set on AdtMessage

  • JMS_OracleExcpQ (String)

    This message property specifies the exception queue as "schema.queue_name"

  • JMS_OracleDelay (int)

    This message property specifies the message delay in seconds.

This section contains these topics:

Setting a Boolean Message Property
public void setBooleanProperty(java.lang.String name,
                               boolean value)
                        throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.setBooleanProperty() specifies a message property as Boolean. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the Boolean property


Boolean property value to set in the message

Setting a String Message Property
public void setStringProperty(java.lang.String name,
                              java.lang.String value)
                       throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.setStringProperty() specifies a message property as string. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the string property


String property value to set in the message

Setting an Integer Message Property
public void setIntProperty(java.lang.String name,
                           int value)
                    throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.setIntProperty() specifies a message property as integer. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the integer property


Integer property value to set in the message

Setting a Double Message Property
public void setDoubleProperty(java.lang.String name,
                              double value)
                       throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.setDoubleProperty() specifies a message property as double. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the double property


Double property value to set in the message

Setting a Float Message Property
public void setFloatProperty(java.lang.String name,
                             float value)
                      throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.setFloatProperty() specifies a message property as float. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the float property


Float property value to set in the message

Setting a Byte Message Property
public void setByteProperty(java.lang.String name,
                            byte value)
                     throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.setByteProperty() specifies a message property as byte. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the byte property


Byte property value to set in the message

Setting a Long Message Property
public void setLongProperty(java.lang.String name,
                            long value)
                     throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.setLongProperty() specifies a message property as long. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the long property


Long property value to set in the message

Setting a Short Message Property
public void setShortProperty(java.lang.String name,
                             short value)
                      throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.setShortProperty() specifies a message property as short. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the short property


Short property value to set in the message

Setting an Object Message Property
public void setObjectProperty(java.lang.String name,
                              java.lang.Object value)
                       throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.setObjectProperty() specifies a message property as object. Only objectified primitive values are supported: Boolean, byte, short, integer, long, float, double and string. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the Java object property


Java object property value to set in the message

Setting Default TimeToLive for All Messages Sent by a MessageProducer

public void setTimeToLive(long timeToLive)
                   throws JMSException

This method sets the default TimeToLive for all messages sent by a MessageProducer. It is calculated after message delay has taken effect. This method has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Message time to live in milliseconds (zero is unlimited)

Example 6-83 Setting Default TimeToLive for All Messages Sent by a MessageProducer

/* Set default timeToLive value to 100000 milliseconds for all messages sent by the QueueSender*/
QueueSender sender;

Setting Default Priority for All Messages Sent by a MessageProducer

public void setPriority(int priority)
                 throws JMSException

This method sets the default Priority for all messages sent by a MessageProducer. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Message priority for this message producer. The default is 4.

Priority values can be any integer. A smaller number indicates higher priority. If a priority value is explicitly specified during a send() operation, then it overrides the default value set by this method.

Example 6-84 Setting Default Priority Value for All Messages Sent by QueueSender

/* Set default priority value to 2 for all messages sent by the QueueSender*/
QueueSender sender;

Example 6-85 Setting Default Priority Value for All Messages Sent by TopicPublisher

/* Set default priority value to 2 for all messages sent by the TopicPublisher*/
TopicPublisher publisher;

Creating an AQjms Agent

public void createAQAgent(java.lang.String agent_name,
                          boolean enable_http,
                   throws JMSException

This method creates an AQjmsAgent. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Description


Name of the AQ agent


If set to true, then this agent is allowed to access AQ through HTTP

Receiving a Message Synchronously

You can receive a message synchronously by specifying Timeout or without waiting. You can also receive a message using a transformation:

Using a Message Consumer by Specifying Timeout
public javax.jms.Message receive(long timeout)
                          throws JMSException

This method receives a message using a message consumer by specifying timeout.

Parameter Description


Timeout value in milliseconds

Example 6-86 Using a Message Consumer by Specifying Timeout

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              t_sess    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;

/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
   "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
   "WS", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");

/* create a subscriber, specifying the correct CustomDatumFactory  and
selector */
subscriber1 = jms_sess.createDurableSubscriber(
   shipped_orders, 'WesternShipping', 
   " priority > 1 and tab.user_data.region like 'WESTERN %'",
   false, AQjmsAgent.getFactory());
/* receive, blocking for 30 seconds if there were no messages */
Message = subscriber.receive(30000);

Example 6-87 JMS: Blocking Until a Message Arrives

public BolOrder get_new_order1(QueueSession jms_session)
   Queue            queue;
   QueueReceiver    qrec;
   ObjectMessage    obj_message;
   BolCustomer      customer;
   BolOrder         new_order = null;
   String           state;

   /* get a handle to the new_orders queue */
    queue = ((AQjmsSession) jms_session).getQueue("OE", "OE_neworders_que");
    qrec = jms_session.createReceiver(queue);

    /* wait for a message to show up in the queue */
    obj_message = (ObjectMessage)qrec.receive();
    new_order = (BolOrder)obj_message.getObject();
    customer = new_order.getCustomer();
    state    = customer.getState();
    System.out.println("Order:  for customer " + customer.getName()); 
  catch (JMSException ex)
     System.out.println("Exception: " + ex);
   return new_order;
Using a Message Consumer Without Waiting
public javax.jms.Message receiveNoWait()
                                throws JMSException

This method receives a message using a message consumer without waiting.

Example 6-88 JMS: Nonblocking Messages

public BolOrder poll_new_order3(QueueSession jms_session)
   Queue            queue;
   QueueReceiver    qrec;
   ObjectMessage    obj_message;
   BolCustomer      customer;
   BolOrder         new_order = null;
   String           state;

    /* get a handle to the new_orders queue */
    queue = ((AQjmsSession) jms_session).getQueue("OE", "OE_neworders_que");
    qrec = jms_session.createReceiver(queue);

    /* check for a message to show in the queue */
    obj_message = (ObjectMessage)qrec.receiveNoWait();
    new_order = (BolOrder)obj_message.getObject();
    customer = new_order.getCustomer();
    state    = customer.getState();

    System.out.println("Order:  for customer " + customer.getName()); 
   catch (JMSException ex)
     System.out.println("Exception: " + ex);
   return new_order;
Receiving Messages from a Destination Using a Transformation

A transformation can be applied when receiving a message from a queue or topic. The transformation is applied to the message before returning it to JMS application.

The transformation can be specified using the setTransformation() interface of the AQjmsQueueReceiver, AQjmsTopicSubscriber or AQjmsTopicReceiver.

Example 6-89 JMS: Receiving Messages from a Destination Using a Transformation

Assume that the Western Shipping application retrieves messages from the OE_bookedorders_topic. It specifies the transformation OE2WS to retrieve the message as the Oracle object type WS_order. Assume that the WSOrder Java class has been generated by Jpublisher to map to the Oracle object WS.WS_order:

public AQjmsAdtMessage retrieve_bookedorders(TopicSession jms_session)
  AQjmsTopicReceiver  receiver;
  Topic               topic;
  Message             msg = null;

    /* get a handle to the OE_bookedorders_topic */
    topic = ((AQjmsSession)jms_session).getTopic("OE", "OE_bookedorders_topic");

    /* Create a receiver for WShip */
    receiver = ((AQjmsSession)jms_session).createTopicReceiver(
       topic, "WShip, null, WSOrder.getFactory());

    /* set the transformation in the publisher */
    msg = receiver.receive(10);
  catch (JMSException ex)
     System.out.println("Exception :", ex);
       return (AQjmsAdtMessage)msg;

Specifying the Navigation Mode for Receiving Messages

public void setNavigationMode(int mode)
                       throws JMSException

This method specifies the navigation mode for receiving messages. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


New value of the navigation mode

Example 6-90 Specifying Navigation Mode for Receiving Messages

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              t_sess    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;

/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
   "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic("WS", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");

/* create a subscriber, specifying the correct CustomDatumFactory and selector */
subscriber1 = jms_sess.createDurableSubscriber(
   shipped_orders, 'WesternShipping', 
   "priority > 1 and tab.user_data.region like 'WESTERN %'", false,

/* get message for the subscriber, returning immediately if there was nomessage */
Message = subscriber.receive();

Receiving a Message Asynchronously

You can receive a message asynchronously two ways:

Specifying a Message Listener at the Message Consumer
public void setMessageListener(javax.jms.MessageListener myListener)
                        throws JMSException

This method specifies a message listener at the message consumer. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Sets the consumer message listener

Example 6-91 Specifying Message Listener at Message Consumer

TopicConnectionFactory    tc_fact   = null;
TopicConnection           t_conn    = null;
TopicSession              t_sess    = null;
TopicSession              jms_sess;
Topic                     shipped_orders;
int                       myport = 5521;
MessageListener           mLis = null;

/* create connection and session */
tc_fact = AQjmsFactory.getTopicConnectionFactory(
   "MYHOSTNAME", "MYSID", myport, "oci8");
t_conn = tc_fact.createTopicConnection("jmstopic", "jmstopic");
jms_sess = t_conn.createTopicSession(true, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
shipped_orders = ((AQjmsSession )jms_sess).getTopic(
    "WS", "Shipped_Orders_Topic");

/* create a subscriber, specifying the correct CustomDatumFactory and selector */
subscriber1 = jms_sess.createDurableSubscriber(
   shipped_orders, 'WesternShipping',
   "priority > 1 and tab.user_data.region like 'WESTERN %'",
   false, AQjmsAgent.getFactory());
mLis = new myListener(jms_sess, "foo");

/* get message for the subscriber, returning immediately if there was nomessage */
The definition of the myListener class
import oracle.AQ.*;
import oracle.jms.*;
import javax.jms.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
public class myListener implements MessageListener
   TopicSession   mySess;
   String         myName;
   /* constructor */
   myListener(TopicSession t_sess, String t_name)
      mySess = t_sess;
      myName = t_name;
   public onMessage(Message m)
      System.out.println("Retrieved message with correlation: " ||
        /* commit the dequeue */
      } catch (java.sql.SQLException e)
      {System.out.println("SQL Exception on commit"); }
Specifying a Message Listener at the Session
public void setMessageListener(javax.jms.MessageListener listener)
                        throws JMSException

This method specifies a message listener at the session.

Parameter Description


Message listener to associate with this session

Getting Message ID

This section contains these topics:

Getting the Correlation Identifier
public java.lang.String getJMSCorrelationID()
          throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.getJMSCorrelationID() gets the correlation identifier of a message.

Getting the Message Identifier
public byte[] getJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes()
          throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.getJMSMessageID() gets the message identifier of a message as bytes or a string.

Getting JMS Message Properties

This section contains these topics:

Getting a Boolean Message Property
public boolean getBooleanProperty(java.lang.String name)
          throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.getBooleanProperty() gets a message property as Boolean. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Name of the Boolean property

Getting a String Message Property
public java.lang.String getStringProperty(java.lang.String name)
          throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.getStringProperty() gets a message property as string. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Name of the string property

Getting an Integer Message Property
public int getIntProperty(java.lang.String name)
          throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.getIntProperty() gets a message property as integer. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Name of the integer property

Getting a Double Message Property
public double getDoubleProperty(java.lang.String name)
                         throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.getDoubleProperty() gets a message property as double. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Name of the double property

Getting a Float Message Property
public float getFloatProperty(java.lang.String name)
          throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.getFloatProperty() gets a message property as float. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Name of the float property

Getting a Byte Message Property
public byte getByteProperty(java.lang.String name)
          throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.getByteProperty() gets a message property as byte. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Name of the byte property

Getting a Long Message Property
public long getLongProperty(java.lang.String name)
          throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.getLongProperty() gets a message property as long. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Name of the long property

Getting a Short Message Property
public short getShortProperty(java.lang.String name)
                       throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.getShortProperty() gets a message property as short. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Name of the short property

Getting an Object Message Property
public java.lang.Object getObjectProperty(java.lang.String name)
                                   throws JMSException

AQjmsMessage.getObjectProperty() gets a message property as object. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Name of the object property

Example 6-92 Getting Message Property as an Object

TextMessage message;
message.getObjectProperty("empid", new Integer(1000);

Closing and Shutting Down

This section contains these topics:

Closing a MessageProducer
public void close()
           throws JMSException

AQjmsProducer.close() closes a MessageProducer.

Closing a Message Consumer
public void close()
           throws JMSException

AQjmsConsumer.close() closes a message consumer.

Stopping a JMS Connection
public void stop()
          throws JMSException

AQjmsConnection.stop() stops a JMS connection.

Closing a JMS Session
public void close()
           throws JMSException

AQjmsSession.close() closes a JMS session.

Closing a JMS Connection
public void close()
          throws JMSException

AQjmsConnection.close() closes a JMS connection and releases all resources allocated on behalf of the connection. Because the JMS provider typically allocates significant resources outside the JVM on behalf of a connection, clients should close them when they are not needed. Relying on garbage collection to eventually reclaim these resources may not be timely enough.


This section contains these topics:

Getting a JMS Error Code
public java.lang.String getErrorCode()

AQjmsException.getErrorCode() gets the error code for a JMS exception.

Getting a JMS Error Number
public int getErrorNumber()

AQjmsException.getErrorNumber() gets the error number for a JMS exception.


This method will be deprecated in a future release. Use getErrorCode() instead.

Getting an Exception Linked to a JMS Exception
public java.lang.String getLinkString()

AQjmsException.getLinkString() gets the exception linked to a JMS exception. In general, this contains the SQL exception raised by the database.

Printing the Stack Trace for a JMS Exception
public void printStackTrace(java.io.PrintStream s)

AQjmsException.printStackTrace() prints the stack trace for a JMS exception.

Setting an Exception Listener
public void setExceptionListener(javax.jms.ExceptionListener listener)
                          throws JMSException

AQjmsConnection.setExceptionListener() specifies an exception listener for a connection. It has the following parameter:

Parameter Description


Exception listener

If an exception listener has been registered, then it is informed of any serious problem detected for a connection. This is accomplished by calling the listener onException() method, passing it a JMS exception describing the problem. This allows a JMS client to be notified of a problem asynchronously. Some connections only consume messages, so they have no other way to learn the connection has failed.

Example 6-93 Specifying Exception Listener for Connection

//register an exception listener
Connection jms_connection;
    new ExceptionListener() {
        public void onException (JMSException jmsException) {
            System.out.println("JMS-EXCEPTION: " + jmsException.toString());
Getting an Exception Listener
public javax.jms.ExceptionListener getExceptionListener()
                                                 throws JMSException

AQjmsConnection.getExceptionListener() gets the exception listener for the connection.

Example 6-94 demonstrates how to use ExceptionListener with MessageListener. Ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • The user jmsuser with password jmsuser is created in the database, with appropriate privileges.

  • The queue demoQueue is created and started.

This example demonstrates how to make the MessageListener asynchronously receive the messages, where the exception listener recreates the JMS objects in case there is a connection restart.

Example 6-94 Using ExceptionListener with MessageListener

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
import javax.jms.Queue;
import javax.jms.QueueBrowser;
import javax.jms.Session;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;
import oracle.jms.AQjmsConnectionFactory;
import oracle.jms.AQjmsFactory;
import oracle.jms.AQjmsSession;
public class JMSDemo {
  static String queueName = "demoQueue";
  static String queueOwner = "jmsuser";
  static String queueOwnerPassword = "jmsuser";
  static Connection connection = null;
  static int numberOfMessages = 25000;
  static int messageCount = 0;
  static String jdbcURL = "";
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    try {
      jdbcURL = System.getProperty("JDBC_URL");
      if (jdbcURL == null)
            .println("The system property JDBC_URL has not been set, " +
            		"usage:java -DJDBC_URL=xxx filename ");
      else {
        JMSDemo demo = new JMSDemo();
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      System.out.println("Exception : " + exception);
    } finally {
      try {
        if (connection != null)
      } catch (Exception exc) {
    System.out.println("\nEnd of Demo aqjmsdemo11.");
  public void performJmsOperations() {
    try {
      connection = getConnection(jdbcURL);
      Session session = connection.createSession(false,
      Queue queue = session.createQueue(queueName);
      // remove the messages from the Queue
      drainQueue(queueName, queueOwner, jdbcURL, true);
      // set the exception listener on the Connection
      connection.setExceptionListener(new DemoExceptionListener());
      MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(queue);
      TextMessage textMessage = null;
      System.out.println("Sending " + numberOfMessages + " messages to queue "
          + queueName);
      for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMessages; i++) {
        textMessage = session.createTextMessage();
        textMessage.setText("Sample message text");
      MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
      System.out.println("Setting the message listener ...");
      consumer.setMessageListener(new DemoMessageListener());
      // Introduce a long wait to allow the listener to receive all the messages
      while (messageCount < numberOfMessages) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException interruptedException) {
    } catch (JMSException jmsException) {
  // Sample message listener
  static class DemoMessageListener implements javax.jms.MessageListener {
    public void onMessage(Message message) {
      try {
        System.out.println("Message listener received message with JMSMessageID "
                + message.getJMSMessageID());
      } catch (JMSException jmsException) {
        System.out.println("JMSException " + jmsException.getMessage());
  // sample exception listener
  static class DemoExceptionListener implements javax.jms.ExceptionListener {
    public void onException(JMSException jmsException) {      
      try {
        // As a first step close the connection
        if (connection != null)
      } catch (JMSException exception) {}
      try {
        System.out.println("Re-create the necessary JMS objects ...");
        connection = getConnection(jdbcURL);
        Session session = connection.createSession(false,
        Queue queue = session.createQueue(queueName);
        MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
        consumer.setMessageListener(new DemoMessageListener());
      } catch (JMSException newJmsException) {
  // Utility method to get a connection
  static Connection getConnection(String jdbcUrl) throws JMSException {
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    prop.put("user", queueOwner);
    prop.put("password", queueOwnerPassword);
    AQjmsConnectionFactory fact = (AQjmsConnectionFactory) AQjmsFactory
        .getConnectionFactory(jdbcUrl, prop);
    Connection conn = fact.createConnection();
    return conn;
  // Utility method to remove the messages from the queue
  static void drainQueue(String queueName, String queueOwner, String jdbcUrl,
      boolean debugInfo) {
    Connection connection = null;
    Session session = null;
    long timeout = 10000;
    int count = 0;
    Message message = null;
    try {
      connection = getConnection(jdbcUrl);
      session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
      Queue queue = ((AQjmsSession) session).getQueue(queueOwner, queueName);
      MessageConsumer messageConsumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
      QueueBrowser browser = session.createBrowser(queue);
      Enumeration enumeration = browser.getEnumeration();
      if (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
        while ((message = messageConsumer.receive(timeout)) != null) {
          if (debugInfo) {
      if (debugInfo) {
        System.out.println("Removed " + count + " messages from the queue : "
            + queueName);
    } catch (JMSException jmsException) {
    } finally {
      try {
        if (session != null)
        if (connection != null)
      } catch (Exception exception) {

Example 6-95 Getting the Exception Listener for the Connection

//Get the exception listener
Connection jms_connection;
ExceptionListener el = jms_connection.getExceptionListener();

Oracle Java Message Service Types Examples

The following examples illustrate how to use Oracle JMS Types to dequeue and enqueue Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ) messages.

How to Set Up the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing JMS Type Examples

To run Example 6-98 through Example 6-103 follow these steps:

  1. Copy and save Example 6-96 as setup.sql.
  2. Run setup.sql as follows:
    sqlplus /NOLOG @setup.sql
  3. Log in to SQL*Plus as jmsuser/jmsuser.
  4. Run the corresponding pair of SQL scripts for each type of message.

    For JMS BytesMessage, for example, run Example 6-98 and Example 6-99.

  5. Ensure that your database parameter java_pool-size is large enough. For example, you can use java_pool_size=20M.

Example 6-96 Setting Up Environment for Running JMS Types Examples

connect sys;
enter password: password

Rem Create the JMS user: jmsuser


set echo offset verify offconnect sysDROP USER jmsuser CASCADE;ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDECREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password;GRANT DBA, AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE, AQ_USER_ROLE to jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQ TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOB TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_JMS_PLSQL TO jmsuser;connect jmsuser/&password

Rem Creating five AQ queue tables and five queues for five payloads: 

EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_text', 
    Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE', compatible => '8.1.0');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_bytes', 
    Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE', compatible => '8.1.0');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_stream', 
    Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_STREAM_MESSAGE', compatible => '8.1.0');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_map', 
    Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_MAP_MESSAGE', compatible => '8.1.0');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_general', 
    Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE', compatible => '8.1.0');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_text_que', 
    Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_text');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_bytes_que', 
    Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_bytes');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_stream_que', 
    Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_stream');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_map_que', 
    Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_map');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_general_que', 
    Queue_table => 'jmsuser.jms_qtt_general');

Rem Starting the queues and enable both enqueue and dequeue 
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_text_que');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_bytes_que');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_stream_que');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_map_que');
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (Queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_general_que');

Rem The supporting utility used in the example to help display results in SQLPLUS enviroment

Rem Display a RAW data in SQLPLUS
create or replace procedure display_raw(rdata raw)
    pos                 pls_integer;
    length              pls_integer;
    pos := 1;
    length := UTL_RAW.LENGTH(rdata);

    WHILE pos <= length LOOP
      IF pos+20 > length+1 THEN
        dbms_output.put_line(UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(rdata, pos, length-pos+1));
        dbms_output.put_line(UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(rdata, pos, 20));
      END IF;
      pos := pos+20;

END display_raw;

show errors;

Rem Display a BLOB data in SQLPLUS
create or replace procedure display_blob(bdata blob)
    pos                 pls_integer;
    length              pls_integer;
    length :=  dbms_lob.getlength(bdata);
    pos := 1;
    WHILE pos <= length LOOP
      display_raw(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(bdata, 2000, pos));
      pos := pos+2000;
END display_blob;

show errors;

Rem Display a VARCHAR data in SQLPLUS
create or replace procedure display_varchar(vdata varchar)
    pos                 pls_integer;
    text_len            pls_integer;
    text_len :=  length(vdata);
    pos := 1;

    WHILE pos <= text_len LOOP
      IF pos+20 > text_len+1 THEN
        dbms_output.put_line(SUBSTR(vdata, pos, text_len-pos+1));
        dbms_output.put_line(SUBSTR(vdata, pos, 20));
      END IF;
      pos := pos+20;

END display_varchar;

show errors;

Rem Display a CLOB data in SQLPLUS
create or replace procedure display_clob(cdata clob)
    pos                 pls_integer;
    length              pls_integer;
    length :=  dbms_lob.getlength(cdata);
    pos := 1;
    WHILE pos <= length LOOP
      display_varchar(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(cdata, 2000, pos));
      pos := pos+2000;
END display_clob;

show errors;

Rem When application receives an ORA-24197 error, It means the JAVA stored
Rem procedures has thrown some exceptions that could not be catergorized. The
Rem user can use GET_EXCEPTION procedure of SYS.AQ$_JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE, 
Rem to retrieve a SYS.AQ$_JMS_EXCEPTION object which contains more detailed
Rem information on this JAVA exception including the exception name, JAVA error
Rem message and stack trace.
Rem This utility function is to help display the SYS.AQ$_JMS_EXCEPTION object in
create or replace procedure display_exp(exp SYS.AQ$_JMS_EXCEPTION)
    pos1                pls_integer;
    pos2                pls_integer;
    text_data           varchar(2000);
    pos1 := 1;
      pos2 := INSTR(exp.stack, chr(10), pos1);
      IF pos2 = 0 THEN
        pos2 := length(exp.stack)+1;
      END IF;

      dbms_output.put_line(SUBSTR(exp.stack, pos1, pos2-pos1));

      IF pos2 > length(exp.stack) THEN
      END IF;

      pos1 := pos2+1;

END display_exp;

show errors;


Example 6-97 Setting Up the Examples

Example 6-96 performs the necessary setup for the JMS types examples. Copy and save it as setup.sql.

JMS BytesMessage Examples

This section includes examples that illustrate enqueuing and dequeuing of a JMS BytesMessage.

Example 6-98 shows how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ functions to populate and enqueue a JMS BytesMessage represented as sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message type in the database. This message later can be dequeued by a JAVA Oracle Java Message Service (Oracle JMS) client.

Example 6-99 illustrates how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ functions to dequeue and retrieve data from a JMS BytesMessage represented as sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message type in the database. This message might be enqueued by an Oracle JMS client.

Example 6-98 Populating and Enqueuing a BytesMessage

set echo offset verify offconnect sysDROP USER jmsuser CASCADE;ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDECREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password;GRANT DBA, AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE, AQ_USER_ROLE to jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQ TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOB TO jmsuser;GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_JMS_PLSQL TO jmsuser;connect jmsuser/&password

set serveroutput on


    id                 pls_integer;
    agent              sys.aq$_agent := sys.aq$_agent(' ', null, 0);
    message            sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message;
    enqueue_options    dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t;
    message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t;
    msgid raw(16);

    java_exp           exception;
    pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197);

    -- Consturct a empty BytesMessage object
    message := sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message.construct;

    -- Shows how to set the JMS header 

    -- Shows how to set JMS user properties
    message.set_string_property('color', 'RED');
    message.set_int_property('year', 1999);
    message.set_float_property('price', 16999.99);
    message.set_long_property('mileage', 300000);
    message.set_boolean_property('import', True);
    message.set_byte_property('password', -127);

    -- Shows how to populate the message payload of aq$_jms_bytes_message 

    -- Passing -1 reserve a new slot within the message store of sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message.
    -- The maximum number of sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message type of messges to be operated at
    -- the same time within a session is 20. Calling clean_body function with parameter -1 
    -- might result a ORA-24199 error if the messages currently operated is already 20. 
    -- The user is responsible to call clean or clean_all function to clean up message store.
    id := message.clear_body(-1);

    -- Write data into the BytesMessage paylaod. These functions are analogy of JMS JAVA api's.
    -- See the document for detail.

    -- Write a byte to the BytesMessage payload
    message.write_byte(id, 10);

    -- Write a RAW data as byte array to the BytesMessage payload
    message.write_bytes(id, UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF')));

    -- Write a portion of the RAW data as byte array to BytesMessage payload
    -- Note the offset follows JAVA convention, starting from 0
    message.write_bytes(id, UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF')), 0, 16);

    -- Write a char to the BytesMessage payload
    message.write_char(id, 'A');

    -- Write a double to the BytesMessage payload
    message.write_double(id, 9999.99);

    -- Write a float to the BytesMessage payload
    message.write_float(id, 99.99);

    -- Write a int to the BytesMessage payload
    message.write_int(id, 12345);

    -- Write a long to the BytesMessage payload
    message.write_long(id, 1234567);

    -- Write a short to the BytesMessage payload
    message.write_short(id, 123);

    -- Write a String to the BytesMessage payload, 
    -- the String is encoded in UTF8 in the message payload
    message.write_utf(id, 'Hello World!');

    -- Flush the data from JAVA stored procedure (JServ) to PL/SQL side 
    -- Without doing this, the PL/SQL message is still empty. 

    -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user 
    -- do not plan to do paylaod population on this message anymore

    -- Enqueue this message into AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package
    dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_bytes_que',
                    enqueue_options => enqueue_options,
                    message_properties => message_properties,
                    payload => message,
                    msgid => msgid);

    WHEN java_exp THEN
      dbms_output.put_line('exception information:');



Example 6-99 Dequeuing and Retrieving JMS BytesMessage Data

set echo off
set verify off
ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDE
CREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password;
connect jmsuser/&password
set echo on
set serveroutput on size 20000


    id                 pls_integer;
    blob_data          blob;
    clob_data          clob;
    blob_len           pls_integer;
    message            sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message;
    agent              sys.aq$_agent;
    dequeue_options    dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t;
    message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t;
    msgid raw(16);
    gdata              sys.aq$_jms_value;

    java_exp           exception;
    pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197);

    -- Dequeue this message from AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package
    dbms_aq.dequeue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_bytes_que',
                    dequeue_options => dequeue_options,
                    message_properties => message_properties,
                    payload => message,
                    msgid => msgid);

    -- Retrieve the header 
    agent := message.get_replyto;

    dbms_output.put_line('Type: ' || message.get_type || 
                         ' UserId: ' || message.get_userid || 
                         ' AppId: ' || message.get_appid || 
                         ' GroupId: ' || message.get_groupid || 
                         ' GroupSeq: ' || message.get_groupseq);

    -- Retrieve the user properties
    dbms_output.put_line('price: ' || message.get_float_property('price'));
    dbms_output.put_line('color: ' || message.get_string_property('color'));
    IF message.get_boolean_property('import') = TRUE THEN
       dbms_output.put_line('import: Yes' );
    ELSIF message.get_boolean_property('import') = FALSE THEN
       dbms_output.put_line('import: No' );
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('year: ' || message.get_int_property('year'));
    dbms_output.put_line('mileage: ' || message.get_long_property('mileage'));
    dbms_output.put_line('password: ' || message.get_byte_property('password'));

-- Shows how to retrieve the message payload of aq$_jms_bytes_message

-- Prepare call, send the content in the PL/SQL aq$_jms_bytes_message object to 
   -- Java stored procedure(Jserv) in the form of a byte array. 
   -- Passing -1 reserves a new slot in msg store of sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message.
   -- Max number of sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message type of messges to be operated at
   -- the same time in a session is 20. Call clean_body fn. with parameter -1 
   -- might result in ORA-24199 error if messages operated on are already 20. 
   -- You must call clean or clean_all function to clean up message store.
    id := message.prepare(-1);

-- Read data from BytesMessage paylaod. These fns. are analogy of JMS Java
-- API's. See the JMS Types chapter for detail.

    -- read a byte from the BytesMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_byte:' || message.read_byte(id));

    -- read a byte array into a blob object from the BytesMessage payload
    blob_len := message.read_bytes(id, blob_data, 272);

    -- read a char from the BytesMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_char:'|| message.read_char(id));

    -- read a double from the BytesMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_double:'|| message.read_double(id));

    -- read a float from the BytesMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_float:'|| message.read_float(id));

    -- read a int from the BytesMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_int:'|| message.read_int(id));

    -- read a long from the BytesMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_long:'|| message.read_long(id));

    -- read a short from the BytesMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_short:'|| message.read_short(id));

    -- read a String from the BytesMessage payload. 
    -- the String is in UTF8 encoding in the message payload
    message.read_utf(id, clob_data);

    -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user 
    -- do not plan to do paylaod retrieving on this message anymore
    -- sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message.clean_all();

    WHEN java_exp THEN
      dbms_output.put_line('exception information:');



JMS StreamMessage Examples

This section includes examples that illustrate enqueuing and dequeuing of a JMS StreamMessage.

Example 6-100 shows how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ functions to populate and enqueue a JMS StreamMessage represented as sys.aq$_jms_stream_message type in the database. This message later can be dequeued by an Oracle JMS client.

Example 6-101 shows how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ functions to dequeue and retrieve data from a JMS StreamMessage represented as sys.aq$_jms_stream_message type in the database. This message might be enqueued by an Oracle JMS client.

Example 6-100 Populating and Enqueuing a JMS StreamMessage

set echo off
set verify off
ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDE
CREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password;
connect jmsuser/&password
set serveroutput on


    id                 pls_integer;
    agent              sys.aq$_agent := sys.aq$_agent(' ', null, 0);
    message            sys.aq$_jms_stream_message;
    enqueue_options    dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t;
    message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t;
    msgid raw(16);

    java_exp           exception;
    pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197);

    -- Consturct a empty StreamMessage object
    message := sys.aq$_jms_stream_message.construct;

    -- Shows how to set the JMS header 

    -- Shows how to set JMS user properties
    message.set_string_property('color', 'RED');
    message.set_int_property('year', 1999);
    message.set_float_property('price', 16999.99);
    message.set_long_property('mileage', 300000);
    message.set_boolean_property('import', True);
    message.set_byte_property('password', -127);

    -- Shows how to populate the message payload of aq$_jms_stream_message 

    -- Passing -1 reserve a new slot within the message store of sys.aq$_jms_stream_message.
    -- The maximum number of sys.aq$_jms_stream_message type of messges to be operated at
    -- the same time within a session is 20. Calling clean_body function with parameter -1 
    -- might result a ORA-24199 error if the messages currently operated is already 20. 
    -- The user is responsible to call clean or clean_all function to clean up message store. 
    id := message.clear_body(-1);

    -- Write data into the message paylaod. These functions are analogy of JMS JAVA api's.
    -- See the document for detail.

    -- Write a byte to the StreamMessage payload
    message.write_byte(id, 10);

    -- Write a RAW data as byte array to the StreamMessage payload
    message.write_bytes(id, UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF')));

    -- Write a portion of the RAW data as byte array to the StreamMessage payload
    -- Note the offset follows JAVA convention, starting from 0
    message.write_bytes(id, UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF')), 0, 16);

    -- Write a char to the StreamMessage payload
    message.write_char(id, 'A');

    -- Write a double to the StreamMessage payload
    message.write_double(id, 9999.99);

    -- Write a float to the StreamMessage payload
    message.write_float(id, 99.99);

    -- Write a int to the StreamMessage payload
    message.write_int(id, 12345);

    -- Write a long to the StreamMessage payload
    message.write_long(id, 1234567);

    -- Write a short to the StreamMessage payload
    message.write_short(id, 123);

    -- Write a String to the StreamMessage payload
    message.write_string(id, 'Hello World!');

    -- Flush the data from JAVA stored procedure (JServ) to PL/SQL side 
    -- Without doing this, the PL/SQL message is still empty. 

    -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user 
    -- do not plan to do paylaod population on this message anymore

    -- Enqueue this message into AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package
    dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_stream_que',
                    enqueue_options => enqueue_options,
                    message_properties => message_properties,
                    payload => message,
                    msgid => msgid);

    WHEN java_exp THEN
      dbms_output.put_line('exception information:');



Example 6-101 Dequeuing and Retrieving Data From a JMS StreamMessage

set echo off
set verify off
ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDE
CREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password;
connect jmsuser/&password
set echo on
set serveroutput on 


    id                 pls_integer;
    blob_data          blob;
    clob_data          clob;
    message            sys.aq$_jms_stream_message;
    agent              sys.aq$_agent;
    dequeue_options    dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t;
    message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t;
    msgid raw(16);
    gdata              sys.aq$_jms_value;

    java_exp           exception;
    pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197);

    -- Dequeue this message from AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package
    dbms_aq.dequeue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_stream_que',
                    dequeue_options => dequeue_options,
                    message_properties => message_properties,
                    payload => message,
                    msgid => msgid);

    -- Retrieve the header 
    agent := message.get_replyto;

    dbms_output.put_line('Type: ' || message.get_type || 
                         ' UserId: ' || message.get_userid || 
                         ' AppId: ' || message.get_appid || 
                         ' GroupId: ' || message.get_groupid || 
                         ' GroupSeq: ' || message.get_groupseq);

    -- Retrieve the user properties
    dbms_output.put_line('price: ' || message.get_float_property('price'));
    dbms_output.put_line('color: ' || message.get_string_property('color'));
    IF message.get_boolean_property('import') = TRUE THEN
       dbms_output.put_line('import: Yes' );
    ELSIF message.get_boolean_property('import') = FALSE THEN
       dbms_output.put_line('import: No' );
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('year: ' || message.get_int_property('year'));
    dbms_output.put_line('mileage: ' || message.get_long_property('mileage'));
    dbms_output.put_line('password: ' || message.get_byte_property('password'));

    -- Shows how to retrieve the message payload of aq$_jms_stream_message

    -- The prepare call send the content in the PL/SQL aq$_jms_stream_message object to 
    -- JAVA stored procedure(Jserv) in the form of byte array. 
    -- Passing -1 reserve a new slot within the message store of sys.aq$_jms_stream_message.
    -- The maximum number of sys.aq$_jms_stream_message type of messges to be operated at
    -- the same time within a session is 20. Calling clean_body function with parameter -1 
    -- might result a ORA-24199 error if the messages currently operated is already 20. 
    -- The user is responsible to call clean or clean_all function to clean up message store.
    id := message.prepare(-1);

    -- Assume the users know the types of data in the StreamMessage payload. 
    -- The user can use the specific read function corresponding with the data type.
    -- These functions are analogy of JMS JAVA api's. See the document for detail.
    dbms_output.put_line('Retrieve payload by Type:');

    -- Read a byte from the StreamMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_byte:' || message.read_byte(id));

    -- Read a byte array into a blob object from the StreamMessage payload
    message.read_bytes(id, blob_data);

    -- Read another byte array into a blob object from the StreamMessage payload
    message.read_bytes(id, blob_data);

    -- Read a char from the StreamMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_char:'|| message.read_char(id));

    -- Read a double from the StreamMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_double:'|| message.read_double(id));

    -- Read a float from the StreamMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_float:'|| message.read_float(id));

    -- Read a int from the StreamMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_int:'|| message.read_int(id));

    -- Read a long from the StreamMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_long:'|| message.read_long(id));

    -- Read a short from the StreamMessage payload
    dbms_output.put_line('read_short:'|| message.read_short(id));

    -- Read a String into a clob data from the StreamMessage payload
    message.read_string(id, clob_data);

    -- Assume the users do not know the types of data in the StreamMessage payload. 
    -- The user can use read_object method to read the data into a sys.aq$_jms_value object
    -- These functions are analogy of JMS JAVA api's. See the document for detail.

    -- Reset the stream pointer to the begining of the message so that we can read throught 
    -- the message payload again. 

      message.read_object(id, gdata);
      IF gdata IS NULL THEN
      END IF;

      CASE gdata.type
        WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BYTE      THEN 
                 dbms_output.put_line('read_object/byte:' || gdata.num_val);
        WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_SHORT     THEN 
                 dbms_output.put_line('read_object/short:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_INTEGER   THEN 
                 dbms_output.put_line('read_object/int:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_LONG      THEN 
                 dbms_output.put_line('read_object/long:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_FLOAT     THEN 
                 dbms_output.put_line('read_object/float:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE    THEN 
                 dbms_output.put_line('read_object/double:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN   THEN 
                 dbms_output.put_line('read_object/boolean:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_CHARACTER THEN 
                 dbms_output.put_line('read_object/char:' || gdata.char_val);
        WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_STRING    THEN 
        WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BYTES     THEN 
        ELSE dbms_output.put_line('No such data type');
      END CASE;

    -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user 
    -- do not plan to do paylaod retrieving on this message anymore
    -- sys.aq$_jms_stream_message.clean_all();

    WHEN java_exp THEN
      dbms_output.put_line('exception information:');



JMS MapMessage Examples

This section includes examples that illustrate enqueuing and dequeuing of a JMS MapMessage.

Example 6-102 shows how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ functions to populate and enqueue a JMS MapMessage represented as sys.aq$_jms_map_message type in the database. This message later can be dequeued by an Oracle JMS client.

Example 6-103 illustrates how to use JMS type member functions with DBMS_AQ functions to dequeue and retrieve data from a JMS MapMessage represented as sys.aq$_jms_map_message type in the database. This message can be enqueued by an Oracle JMS client.

Example 6-102 Populating and Enqueuing a JMS MapMessage

set echo off
set verify off
ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDE
CREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password;
connect jmsuser/&password

set serveroutput on


    id                 pls_integer;
    agent              sys.aq$_agent := sys.aq$_agent(' ', null, 0);
    message            sys.aq$_jms_map_message;
    enqueue_options    dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t;
    message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t;
    msgid raw(16);

    java_exp           exception;
    pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197);

    -- Consturct a empty map message object
    message := sys.aq$_jms_map_message.construct;

    -- Shows how to set the JMS header 

    -- Shows how to set JMS user properties
    message.set_string_property('color', 'RED');
    message.set_int_property('year', 1999);
    message.set_float_property('price', 16999.99);
    message.set_long_property('mileage', 300000);
    message.set_boolean_property('import', True);
    message.set_byte_property('password', -127);
    -- Shows how to populate the message payload of aq$_jms_map_message 

    -- Passing -1 reserve a new slot within the message store of sys.aq$_jms_map_message.
    -- The maximum number of sys.aq$_jms_map_message type of messges to be operated at
    -- the same time within a session is 20. Calling clean_body function with parameter -1 
    -- might result a ORA-24199 error if the messages currently operated is already 20. 
    -- The user is responsible to call clean or clean_all function to clean up message store.
    id := message.clear_body(-1);

    -- Write data into the message paylaod. These functions are analogy of JMS JAVA api's.
    -- See the document for detail.

    -- Set a byte entry in map message payload
    message.set_byte(id, 'BYTE', 10);

    -- Set a byte array entry using RAW data in map message payload
    message.set_bytes(id, 'BYTES', UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF')));

    -- Set a byte array entry using only a portion of the RAW data in map message payload
    -- Note the offset follows JAVA convention, starting from 0
    message.set_bytes(id, 'BYTES_PART', UTL_RAW.XRANGE(HEXTORAW('00'), HEXTORAW('FF')), 0, 16);

    -- Set a char entry in map message payload
    message.set_char(id, 'CHAR', 'A');

    -- Set a double entry in map message payload
    message.set_double(id, 'DOUBLE', 9999.99);

    -- Set a float entry in map message payload
    message.set_float(id, 'FLOAT', 99.99);

    -- Set a int entry in map message payload
    message.set_int(id, 'INT', 12345);

    -- Set a long entry in map message payload
    message.set_long(id, 'LONG', 1234567);

    -- Set a short entry in map message payload
    message.set_short(id, 'SHORT', 123);

    -- Set a String entry in map message payload
    message.set_string(id, 'STRING', 'Hello World!');

    -- Flush the data from JAVA stored procedure (JServ) to PL/SQL side 
    -- Without doing this, the PL/SQL message is still empty.

    -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user 
    -- do not plan to do paylaod population on this message anymore

    -- Enqueue this message into AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package
    dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_map_que',
                    enqueue_options => enqueue_options,
                    message_properties => message_properties,
                    payload => message,
                    msgid => msgid);



Example 6-103 Dequeuing and Retrieving Data From a JMS MapMessage

set echo off
set verify off

ACCEPT password CHAR PROMPT 'Enter the password for JMSUSER: ' HIDE
CREATE USER jmsuser IDENTIFIED BY &password;
connect jmsuser/&password

set echo on
set serveroutput on


    id                 pls_integer;
    blob_data          blob;
    clob_data          clob;
    message            sys.aq$_jms_map_message;
    agent              sys.aq$_agent;
    dequeue_options    dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t;
    message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t;
    msgid              raw(16);
    name_arr           sys.aq$_jms_namearray;
    gdata              sys.aq$_jms_value;

    java_exp           exception;
    pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(java_exp, -24197);

    -- Dequeue this message from AQ queue using DBMS_AQ package
    dbms_aq.dequeue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_map_que',
                    dequeue_options => dequeue_options,
                    message_properties => message_properties,
                    payload => message,
                    msgid => msgid);

    -- Retrieve the header 
    agent := message.get_replyto;

    dbms_output.put_line('Type: ' || message.get_type || 
                         ' UserId: ' || message.get_userid || 
                         ' AppId: ' || message.get_appid || 
                         ' GroupId: ' || message.get_groupid || 
                         ' GroupSeq: ' || message.get_groupseq);

    -- Retrieve the user properties
    dbms_output.put_line('price: ' || message.get_float_property('price'));
    dbms_output.put_line('color: ' || message.get_string_property('color'));
    IF message.get_boolean_property('import') = TRUE THEN
       dbms_output.put_line('import: Yes' );
    ELSIF message.get_boolean_property('import') = FALSE THEN
       dbms_output.put_line('import: No' );
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('year: ' || message.get_int_property('year'));
    dbms_output.put_line('mileage: ' || message.get_long_property('mileage'));
    dbms_output.put_line('password: ' || message.get_byte_property('password'));

    -- Shows how to retrieve the message payload of aq$_jms_map_message

    -- 'Prepare' sends the content in the PL/SQL aq$_jms_map_message object to 
    -- Java stored procedure(Jserv) in the form of byte array. 
    -- Passing -1 reserve a new slot within the message store of 
    -- sys.aq$_jms_map_message. The maximum number of sys.aq$_jms_map_message
    -- type of messges to be operated at the same time within a session is 20.
    -- Calling clean_body function with parameter -1 
    -- might result a ORA-24199 error if the messages currently operated is
    -- already 20. The user is responsible to call clean or clean_all function
    -- to clean up message store.
    id := message.prepare(-1);

    -- Assume the users know the names and types in the map message payload. 
    -- The user can use names to get the corresponsing values.
    -- These functions are analogous to JMS Java API's. See JMS Types chapter
    -- for detail.
    dbms_output.put_line('Retrieve payload by Name:');

    -- Get a byte entry from the map message payload
    dbms_output.put_line('get_byte:' || message.get_byte(id, 'BYTE'));

    -- Get a byte array entry from the map message payload
    message.get_bytes(id, 'BYTES', blob_data);

    -- Get another byte array entry from the map message payload
    message.get_bytes(id, 'BYTES_PART', blob_data);

    -- Get a char entry from the map message payload
    dbms_output.put_line('get_char:'|| message.get_char(id, 'CHAR'));

    -- get a double entry from the map message payload
    dbms_output.put_line('get_double:'|| message.get_double(id, 'DOUBLE'));

    -- Get a float entry from the map message payload
    dbms_output.put_line('get_float:'|| message.get_float(id, 'FLOAT'));

    -- Get a int entry from the map message payload
    dbms_output.put_line('get_int:'|| message.get_int(id, 'INT'));

    -- Get a long entry from the map message payload
    dbms_output.put_line('get_long:'|| message.get_long(id, 'LONG'));

    -- Get a short entry from the map message payload
    dbms_output.put_line('get_short:'|| message.get_short(id, 'SHORT'));

    -- Get a String entry from the map message payload
    message.get_string(id, 'STRING', clob_data);

    -- Assume users do not know names and types in map message payload. 
    -- User can first retrieve the name array containing all names in the
    -- payload and iterate through the name list and get the corresponding
    -- value. These functions are analogous to JMS Java API's. 
    -- See JMS Type chapter for detail.
    dbms_output.put_line('Retrieve payload by iteration:');

    -- Get the name array from the map message payload
    name_arr := message.get_names(id);

    -- Iterate through the name array to retrieve the value for each of the name.
    FOR i IN name_arr.FIRST..name_arr.LAST LOOP

    -- Test if a name exist in the map message payload
    -- (It is not necessary in this case, just a demostration on how to use it)
      IF message.item_exists(id, name_arr(i)) THEN
        dbms_output.put_line('item exists:'||name_arr(i));

    -- Because we do not know the type of entry, we must use sys.aq$_jms_value 
    -- type object for the data returned 
       message.get_object(id, name_arr(i), gdata);
       IF gdata IS NOT NULL THEN
        CASE gdata.type
        WHEN   sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BYTE
          THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/byte:' || gdata.num_val);
        WHEN   sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_SHORT
          THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/short:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN   sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_INTEGER
          THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/int:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN   sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_LONG
          THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/long:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN   sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_FLOAT
          THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/float:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN   sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE
          THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/double:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN   sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN
          THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/boolean:' || gdata.num_val); 
        WHEN   sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_CHARACTER 
          THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/char:' || gdata.char_val);
        WHEN   sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_STRING
          THEN dbms_output.put_line('get_object/string:'); 
        WHEN sys.dbms_jms_plsql.DATA_TYPE_BYTES
          ELSE dbms_output.put_line('No such data type');
          END CASE;
        END IF;
        dbms_output.put_line('item not exists:'||name_arr(i));
      END IF;

    -- Use either clean_all or clean to clean up the message store when the user 
    -- do not plan to do paylaod population on this message anymore
    -- sys.aq$_jms_map_message.clean_all();

    WHEN java_exp THEN
      dbms_output.put_line('exception information:');



More Oracle Database Advanced Queuing JMS Examples

The sample program in Example 6-104 enqueues a large TextMessage (along with JMS user properties) in an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue created through the Oracle JMS administrative interfaces to hold JMS TEXT messages. Both the TextMessage and BytesMessage enqueued in this example can be dequeued using Oracle JMS clients.

The sample program in Example 6-105 enqueues a large BytesMessage.

Example 6-104 Enqueuing a Large TextMessage


    text        varchar2(32767); 
    agent       sys.aq$_agent   := sys.aq$_agent(' ', null, 0); 
    message     sys.aq$_jms_text_message; 

    enqueue_options    dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; 
    message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; 
    msgid               raw(16); 


    message := sys.aq$_jms_text_message.construct; 


    message.set_boolean_property('import', True); 
    message.set_string_property('color', 'RED'); 
    message.set_short_property('year', 1999); 
    message.set_long_property('mileage', 300000); 
    message.set_double_property('price', 16999.99); 
    message.set_byte_property('password', 127); 

    FOR i IN 1..500 LOOP 
        text := CONCAT (text, '1234567890'); 
    END LOOP; 


    dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_text_t1', 
                       enqueue_options => enqueue_options, 
                       message_properties => message_properties, 
                       payload => message, 
                       msgid => msgid); 


Example 6-105 Enqueuing a Large BytesMessage


    text        VARCHAR2(32767); 
    bytes       RAW(32767); 
    agent       sys.aq$_agent   := sys.aq$_agent(' ', null, 0); 
    message     sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message; 
    body        BLOB; 
    position    INT; 

    enqueue_options    dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t; 
    message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; 
    msgid raw(16); 


    message := sys.aq$_jms_bytes_message.construct; 


    message.set_boolean_property('import', True); 
    message.set_string_property('color', 'RED'); 
    message.set_short_property('year', 1999); 
    message.set_long_property('mileage', 300000); 
    message.set_double_property('price', 16999.99); 

--  prepare a huge payload into a blob 

    FOR i IN 1..1000 LOOP 
        text := CONCAT (text, '0123456789ABCDEF'); 
    END LOOP; 

    bytes := HEXTORAW(text); 

    dbms_lob.createtemporary(lob_loc => body, cache => TRUE); 
    dbms_lob.open (body, DBMS_LOB.LOB_READWRITE); 
    position := 1 ; 
    FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP 
        dbms_lob.write ( lob_loc => body, 
                amount => FLOOR((LENGTH(bytes)+1)/2), 
                offset => position, 
                buffer => bytes); 
        position := position + FLOOR((LENGTH(bytes)+1)/2) ; 
    END LOOP; 

-- end of the preparation 

    dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name => 'jmsuser.jms_bytes_t1', 
                       enqueue_options => enqueue_options, 
                       message_properties => message_properties, 
                       payload => message, 
                       msgid => msgid); 

    dbms_lob.freetemporary(lob_loc => body);