CO Sample Schema Scripts and Objects

The following tables list the names of the scripts that create the customer orders (co) schema and describe the objects in the schema.

Table 4-10 lists the co scripts in alphabetical order, while Table 4-11 lists the co objects.

Table 4-10 CO Sample Schema Scripts

Script Name Description
co_create.sql Creates the co objects
co_install.sql Main script for schema co; calls other scripts
co_populate.sql Populates the objects
co_uninstall.sql Uninstalls the schema

Table 4-11 CO Sample Schema Objects

Object Type Objects
Index customers_name_i, orders_customer_id_i, orders_store_id_i, products_pk, stores_pk, store_name_u, customers_pk, customers_email_u, orders_pk, order_items_pk, order_items_product_u, inventory_product_id_i, inventory_pk, inventory_store_product_u, shipments_store_id_i, shipments_customer_id_i, shipments_pk
Table customers, stores, products, orders, order_items, shipments, inventory
View customer_order_products, store_orders, product_reviews, product_orders