audit Commands

Use commands with the audit keyword to delete, modify, and query audit records.

rhpctl delete audit

Deletes the Fleet Patching and Provisioning audit records.


rhpctl delete audit [-to timestamp]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify a date up to which audit records will be deleted, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Otherwise, this command deletes all audit records.

rhpctl modify audit

Modifies the maximum number of audit records to store.


rhpctl modify audit -maxrecord number

Usage Notes

Specify the maximum number of audit records to store.

rhpctl query audit

Displays the Fleet Patching and Provisioning audit records.


rhpctl query audit [[[-operation {add | delete | modify | grant | revoke | move | verify | discover
  | upgrade | allow | disallow | deleteimage | insertimage | promote | addnode | deletenode | register | unregister | export | import | query
  | subscribe | unsubscribe}]
  [-entity {client | role | audit | image | imagetype | useraction | series | workingcopy | database | server | user | audit | imagetype | useraction}]
  | [-user user_name] [-client cluster_name] | [-from timestamp -to timestamp]
  | -before timestamp | -since timestamp | -first number | -last number]
  | -record record_id | -config]


Table A-4 rhpctl query audit Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-operation {add | delete | modify | grant | revoke | move | verify | discover | upgrade | allow | disallow | deleteimage | insertimage | promote | addnode | deletenode | register | unregister | export | import | query | subscribe | unsubscribe}

Specify the type of operation for which you want an audit query.

-entity {client | role | image | series | workingcopy | database | server | user | audit | imagetype | useraction}

Specify the entity for which you want an audit query.

-user user_name

Optionally, you can choose to run a query audit on a particular user who performed Fleet Patching and Provisioning operations.

-client cluster_name

Optionally, you can choose to run a query audit on a particular client cluster where Fleet Patching and Provisioning operations were performed.

-from timestamp -to timestamp

Optionally, you can specify a time interval for which to run an audit query. Timestamps must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

-before timestamp

Optionally, you can specify a time before which to run an audit query. Timestamp must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

-since timestamp

Optionally, you can specify a time after which to run an audit query. Timestamp must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

-first number

Optionally, you can specify a number of the first audit records for a given time.

-last number

Optionally, you can specify a number of the last audit records for a given time.

-record record_id

Optionally, you can specify a particular audit record ID.


You can choose this parameter to show the maximum record configuration.