gihome Commands

Use commands with the gihome keyword to add or delete nodes to Oracle Grid Infrastructure home and, move and upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

rhpctl addnode gihome

Adds one or more nodes to an Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation.


rhpctl addnode gihome {-workingcopy workingcopy_name | -client cluster_name}
  -newnodes node_name:node_vip[,node_name:node_vip...]
  {-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_user_name
    -sudopath sudo_binary_location | 
    -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1 [-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]}
  [-targetnode node_name] [-force] [-setupssh] [-useractiondata user_action_data]
  [-eval] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW | PAUSE}] [-jobtag tag_name]


Table A-29 rhpctl addnode gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy workingcopy_name

Specify the name of the working copy of the active Oracle Grid Infrastructure home that you want to install and configure on the specified node.

-client cluster_name

Alternatively, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which to add cluster nodes.

-newnodes node_name:node_vip

Specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which Oracle Clusterware will be provisioned in the following format: node_name:node_vip

-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_location | -auth plugin_name plugin_args

You must choose either root, a credential name, sudo, or an authentication plugin to access the remote node.

Choose -root to perform super user operations as root. Alternatively, you can choose either to specify a credential name to associate the user name and password credentials to access a remote node, to perform super user operations as a sudo user by specifying a sudo user name and the path to the sudo binary, or to use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.

-targetnode node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of an rhpclient-less target.


Optionally, you can use this parameter to forcibly add nodes ignoring any previously failed add-node operation.


Sets up passwordless SSH user equivalence on the remote nodes for the provisioning user.

-useractiondata user_action_data

Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of the user action script.


Optionally, you can use this parameter to evaluate the impact of this command on the system without actually running the command.

-schedule {timer_value | NOW | PAUSE}
Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:

If NOW is specified or the option is omitted, then the job is scheduled immediately.

If PAUSE is specified, then the job starts in the paused state and you need to resume the job using the rhpctl resume job -jobid job_id command.

-jobtag tag_name

Optionally, you can associate a user-defined tag with the scheduled jobs.

Usage Notes

  • You can specify the rhpclient-less target for the operation using the working copy name or, if the destination cluster is a Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, then using the client cluster name.

  • You must provide either root credentials, a credential name, a sudo user, or an authentication plugin.

  • A destination node is required if the destination cluster is an Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2 (11.2) or 12c release 1 (12.1) cluster and must be the node name of an existing cluster node.

rhpctl deletenode gihome

Removes one or more nodes from an Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation.


rhpctl deletenode gihome {-workingcopy workingcopy_name | -client cluster_name}
  -node node_list {-root | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath sudo_binary_path
    -cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]}
 [-targetnode node_name] [-useractiondata user_action_data]
 [-eval] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW | PAUSE}] [-jobtag tag_name]


Table A-30 rhpctl deletenode gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy workingcopy_name

Specify the name of a working copy of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home that you want to remove from the specified node.

-client cluster_name

Alternatively, you can specify the name of the client cluster from which to remove cluster nodes.

–node node_list

Specify a comma-delimited list of node names from which to delete Oracle Grid Infrastructure.

-root | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath sudo_binary_path | -cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]

You must choose either sudo or root to access the remote nodes.

If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run super-user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo binary.

Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to associate the user and password credentials to access a remote node.

Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.

-targetnode node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of an rhpclient-less target.

-useractiondata user_action_data

Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of the user action script.


Optionally, you can use this parameter to evaluate the impact of this command on the system without actually running the command.

-schedule {timer_value | NOW | PAUSE}
Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:

If NOW is specified or the option is omitted, then the job is scheduled immediately.

If PAUSE is specified, then the job starts in the paused state and you need to resume the job using the rhpctl resume job -jobid job_id command.

-jobtag tag_name

Optionally, you can associate a user-defined tag with the scheduled jobs.

Usage Notes

  • You can specify the rhpclient-less target for the operation using the working copy name or, if the destination cluster is an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, then using the client cluster name.

  • You must provide either root credentials or a sudo user.

  • A destination node is required if the destination cluster is an Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2 (11.2) or 12c release 1 (12.1) cluster and must be the node name of an existing cluster node.

rhpctl move gihome

Moves the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software stack from one home to another.


rhpctl move gihome -destwc destination_workingcopy_name
   {-sourcewc source_workingcopy_name | -sourcehome oracle_home_path} 
   [-targetnode target_node_name] [-ignorewcpatches] [-nonrolling] [-keepplacement]
   [-auto -dbhomes mapping_of_Oracle_homes] [-dblist db_name_list
   | -excludedblist db_name_list] [-nodatapatch] [-skipdatapatchcheck] [-disconnect]
   [-stopoption stop_option] [-drain_timeout timeout] 
   [-dbsinparallel number_of_instances] [-raconetimeout timeout]] 
   [-batches list_of_batches [-chainbatches] [-noparallel {YES | NO}] | -smartmove [-saf availability] [-stopbetweenbatches]] [-eval]
   [-schedule {timer_value | NOW | PAUSE}] [-jobtag tag_name] [-pausebetweenbatches] [-tags tags_criteria]
   [[-tgip [-nodriverupdate]]] [-ignoremissingpatches patch_name1[,patch_name2...]]
   | -continue | -revert |-abort | -forcecomplete} [-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath path_to_sudo_binary
   | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1 [-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]]
   [-cleanpids] [-useractiondata user_action_data] [-image image_name] [-smtpfrom "address"]
   [-smtpto "addresse1 addresse2 ..."] [-iso_repo iso_image] [-patchmgrloc patch_mgr_loc]
   [-patchmgrargs patch_mgr_arguments] [-usepatchedhome] [-ignoredbstarterror] [-excludedbs] [-ignorecvuprecheck | -skipcvuprecheck]
   [-ignorecvupostcheck | -skipcvupostcheck] [-obfuscate] [-checkdbpatching] [-tgip -nodriverupdate]


Table A-31 rhpctl move gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-destwc destination_workingcopy_name

Specify the name of the destination working copy to which you want to move Oracle Grid Infrastructure.

-sourcewc working_copy_name

If you want to move Oracle Grid Infrastructure from a working copy, then specify the name of the source working copy from which you want to move the Grid home.

-sourcehome oracle_home_path

If you are moving Oracle Grid Infrastructure from an unmanaged (not provisioned by Fleet Patching and Provisioning) Oracle home, then specify the path to the Oracle home from which you want to move Oracle Grid Infrastructure.

-targetnode target_node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of an rhpclient-less target.


Use this parameter to ignore if the patched working copy is missing some patches which are present in the source path or working copy.


Use this parameter to move the Oracle home in a non-rolling fashion.


Specify this parameter to ensure that services of administrator-managed Oracle RAC or Oracle RAC One Node databases are running on the same instances before and after the move operation.

-auto -dbhomes mapping_of_Oracle_homes

Specify this parameter to automatically patch databases when you patch Oracle Grid Infrastructure.

-dblist db_name_list

Specify the unique names of the databases (DB_UNIQUE_NAME without DB_DOMAIN) that you want to move to the patched working copy.

Note: If you are moving a non-clustered (single-instance) database, then, for the value of the -dbname parameter, you must specify the SID of the database instead of the database name.

-excludedblist db_name_list

Alternative to using the -dbname parameter, you can use the -excludedblist parameter to patch all databases except specific databases.


Optionally, you can use this parameter to indicate not to run datapatch for databases being moved.


Use this parameter to skip executing datapatch sanity checks.


Optionally, you can use this parameter to disconnect all sessions before stopping or relocating services.

-stopoption stop_option

Optionally, you can choose one of the following stop options for the database: ABORT, IMMEDIATE, NORMAL, TRANSACTIONAL, or TRANSACTIONAL_LOCAL.

-drain_timeout session_drain_time

Optionally, you can use this parameter to specify a service drain timeout, in seconds.

-dbsinparallel number_of_instances

Specifies the number of database instances that can be started in parallel on a given node.

-raconetimeout timeout

Specify the Oracle RAC One Node database relocation timeout in minutes.

-batches list_of_batches

Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of batches of nodes (where each batch is a comma-delimited list of node names enclosed in parentheses) enclosed in double quotation marks ("") in the format: "(nA,nB,...),(...,nY,nZ)".


Use this parameter to run the command on all batches without pausing after each batch. When this parameter is used, you do not have to use the -continue parameter after the operation is completed on each batch.

-noparallel {YES | NO} Process the nodes in the input batch serially and exit after all nodes in the batch are patched.
-smartmove [-saf availability] [–stopbetweenbatches]

Alternatively, you can use the -smartmove parameter to auto-generate a list of batches of nodes and move databases by restarting instances after each batch.

Optionally, you can use the -saf parameter to specify the service availability factor, which is the minimum percentage of instances on which a service must remain running during the move.

Use the -stopbetweenbatches parameter to process batches separately. Smart move operation pauses for user intervention before continuing with the next batch.


Use this parameter to evaluate the rhpctl move gihome command and print automatically generated batches of nodes and the sequence of moves without actually running the command.

-schedule {timer_value | NOW | PAUSE}
Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:

If NOW is specified or the option is omitted, then the job is scheduled immediately.

If PAUSE is specified, then the job starts in the paused state and you need to resume the job using the rhpctl resume job -jobid job_id command.


If the -schedule parameter is used with the -batches parameter, then the command stops after the first batch and you have to use the -continue parameter to run the next batch. A new job ID is generated for every batch operation.
-tags tags_criteria

Optionally, specify tags criteria to create child jobs internally in the PAUSED state. Use the rhpctl resume job command to continue the operations of all the child jobs.

-jobtag tag_name

Optionally, you can associate a user-defined tag with the scheduled jobs.


Use this parameter to pause between two batches, which you can rerun using the rhpctl resume -job command. If this parameter is used, the all the batches are run using the same job ID.

-tgip [-nodriverupdate]

Performs a transparent move of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

The optional -nodriverupdate option skips the patching of the drivers if the patch contains a driver patch.

-ignoremissingpatches patch_name1[,patch_name2...]

Proceed with the move and/or upgrade although the specified patches, which are present in the source path or working copy, may be missing from the destination path or working copy.


Use this parameter to continue restarting the Oracle Clusterware stack on the next batch of nodes.


Use this parameter to revert back to before the move operation.


Use this parameter to stop an ongoing move operation.


Use this parameter to mark the move operation as complete after completing it manually.

-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_location

If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must choose either root, a credential name, sudo, or an authentication plugin to access the remote node.

Choose -root to perform super user operations as root. Alternatively, you can choose either to specify a credential name to associate the user name and password credentials to access a remote node, to perform super user operations as a sudo user by specifying a sudo user name and the path to the sudo binary, or you can use –auth to use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.

-auth plugin-name [-arg1 name1:value1 [-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]

Use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.

Optionally provide a list of arguments to the plugin.


When using a persistent home path for both the source and destination working copies, specify -cleanpids to ensure processes are stopped completely on the source home.

-useractiondata user_action_data

Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of the user action script.

-image image_name

Specifies the name of the image. For Oracle Exadata, this is the Exadata image name.

-smtpfrom "address"

Optionally, you can specify an email address enclosed in double quotation marks ("") from which Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning sends patch manager notifications.

-smtpto "addresse1 addresse2 ..."

Optionally, you can specify several email address enclosed in double quotation marks ("") to which Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning sends patch manager notifications.

-iso_repo iso_image

Specifies the image in the ISO repository.

-patchmgrloc patch_mgr_loc

Specifies the patch manager location.


Specifies the patch manager arguments.


Specify this parameter to use patched home to run Oracle Fleet Patching Provisioning Server and Client for Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching.


Use this parameter to ignore the database startup errors during Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching.

-excludedbs file_path

Use this parameter to start all patched databases except for the database names specified in the input file. This parameter accepts path of a file that contains comma-separated list of database names, which is DB_UNIQUE_NAME.


Ignore errors during CVU pre-requisites Oracle Grid Infrastructure upgrade check.


Skip checks during CVU pre-requisites Oracle Grid Infrastructure upgrade check.


Ignore errors during post Oracle Grid Infrastructure upgrade CVU check.


Skip checks during post Oracle Grid Infrastructure upgrade CVU check.


Obfuscate patch storage contents.


Ensure that there is no ongoing Oracle Database patching operation in the target cluster.


Performs transparent move of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.


This parameter is available only for Oracle FPP Lite.

Skips patching the drivers if the patch contains a driver patch.


This parameter is available only for Oracle FPP Lite.

Usage Notes

If you choose to use the -schedule parameter, then you must run this command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


Assume there is an rhpclient-less target running Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c from a working copy named grid23aiwcpy, and one of the nodes in the cluster is named bposvr141. After provisioning the patched working copy, called grid23aiPSU (using the -softwareonly parameter with the rhpctl add workingcopy command), move the Grid home to the patched working copy, as follows:

$ rhpctl move gihome -sourcewc grid23aiwcpy -destwc grid23aiPSU -root -targetnode bposvr141

rhpctl upgrade gihome

Upgrades the Oracle Grid Infrastructure from a source working copy or source home path to a destination working copy.


rhpctl upgrade gihome {-sourcewc source_workingcopy_name | 
     -sourcehome oracle_home_path -targetnode target_node_name} 
   -destwc destination_workingcopy_name
  [-revert {-root | -sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_location]
      -cred cred_name | 
      -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]  [-arg2 name2:value2 …]]}
  [-ignoreprereq] [-useractiondata user_action_data]
  [-eval] [-batches list_of_batches] [-abort | -continue]
  [-schedule {timer_value | NOW | PAUSE}] [-jobtag tag_name]
  [-ignoremissingpatches patch_name1[,patch_name2...]]
  [-wallet wallet_file | -dbuser db_user]


Table A-32 rhpctl upgrade gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-sourcewc source_workingcopy_name

Specify the name of the source working copy from which the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home needs to be upgraded.

-sourcehome oracle_home_path

Alternative to specifying the name of the source working copy, you can specify the path to the unmanaged Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

-targetnode target_node_name

In addition to specifying the source Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, you must also specify an rhpclient-less target.

-destwc destination_workingcopy_name

Specify the name of the destination working copy to which the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home is to be upgraded.


Specify this option to downgrade after a failed upgrade of Oracle Grid Infrastructure.

-root | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath sudo_binary_path | -cred cred_name

If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must choose either sudo or root to access the remote node.

If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run super-user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo binary.

Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to associate the user and password credentials to access a remote node.

Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.

-auth plugin-name [-arg1 name1:value1 [-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]

Use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.

Optionally provide a list of arguments to the plugin.


Use this parameter to ignore the CVU prerequisite checks.

-schedule {timer_value | NOW | PAUSE}
Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:

If NOW is specified or the option is omitted, then the job is scheduled immediately.

If PAUSE is specified, then the job starts in the paused state and you need to resume the job using the rhpctl resume job -jobid job_id command.


If the -schedule parameter is used with the -batches parameter, then the command stops after the first batch and you have to use the -continue parameter to run the next batch. A new job ID is generated for every batch operation.
-jobtag tag_name

Optionally, you can associate a user-defined tag with the scheduled jobs.

-useractiondata user_action_data

Value to be passed to useractiondata parameter of the useraction script.


Evaluate without running the command.

-batches list_of_batches

List of batches of nodes in the format: "(Ba),...,(Bz)".

-abort | -continue

Abort the ongoing move operation or continue the aborted move operation and continue restarting the CRS stack on the next batch of nodes.

-ignoremissingpatches patch_name1[,patch_name2...]

Proceed with the move and/or upgrade although the specified patches, which are present in the source path or working copy, may be missing from the destination path or working copy.

-wallet wallet_file

Specify the wallet file to get credentials for the DB user. If this option is not specified, then you are prompted for a password every time you connect to the external metadata repository.

-dbuser db_user

Specify a database user with DBA privileges on the external metadata repository. The default user is SYS. This parameter is not required if wallet is specified.


Ignore errors during post Oracle Grid Infrastructure upgrade CVU check .


For self upgrade of FPPS to 23ai, you must use the script from the Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai home.