Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Databases Simultaneously

This procedure patches Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Databases on the cluster to the latest patch level without cluster downtime.

Before You Begin

In this procedure, Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai is running on the destination cluster. Working copy GI_HOME_23ai_WCPY is the active Grid home on this cluster. Working copy DB_HOME_23ai_WCPY runs an Oracle RAC 23ai Database with running database instance db1. Working copy DB_HOME_23ai_WCPY runs an Oracle RAC 21c Database with running database instance db2

Ensure that you have images GI_HOME_23ai_PSU1, DB_HOME_23ai_PSU1, DB_HOME_21c_PSU5 with the required patches for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC Database on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

The groups configured in the source home must match with those in the destination home.


  1. Prepare Oracle FPP Client or rhpclient-less target Oracle homes as follows:
    1. Provision software-only Grid home on the cluster to be patched:
      $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GI_HOME_23ai_PATCHED_WCPY 
        -image GI_HOME_23ai_PSU1 –client CLUSTER_005 -softwareonly
    2. Provision each release Database home, without database instances, to be patched:
      $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy DB_HOME_23ai_PATCHED_WCPY 
        -image DB_HOME_23ai_PSU1
      $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy DB_HOME_21c_PATCHED_WCPY 
        -image DB_HOME_21c_PSU5
  2. Patch Oracle Grid Infrastructure and all Oracle RAC Databases on node1 as follows:
    $ rhpctl move gihome -sourcewc GI_HOME_23ai_WCPY -destwc GI_HOME_23ai_PATCHED_WCPY -auto
      -dbhomes DB_HOME_21c_WCPY=DB_HOME_21c_PATCHED_WCPY,DB_HOME_23ai_WCPY=DB_HOME_23ai_PATCHED_WCPY  -targetnode node1 {authentication_option}

    When you run the command, you move your active Oracle Grid Infrastructure from working copy GI_HOME_23ai_WCPY to GI_HOME_23ai_PATCHED_WCPY, Oracle RAC Database db1 from DB_HOME_23ai_WCPY to DB_HOME_23ai_PATCHED_WCPY, and Oracle RAC Database db2 from DB_HOME_21c_WCPY to DB_HOME_21c_PATCHED_WCPY.