Upgrading to Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai

This procedure uses Fleet Patching and Provisioning to upgrade your Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster from 21c to 23ai.

Before You Begin

To upgrade to Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai, your source must be Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 2 (, Oracle Grid Infrastructure 18c, Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c, or Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c.

Ensure that groups configured in the source home match those in the destination home.

Ensure that you have an image GI_HOME_23ai of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai software to provision your working copy.

GI_21c is the active Grid Infrastructure home on the cluster being upgraded. It is a working copy because in this example, Fleet Patching and Provisioning provisioned the cluster. Fleet Patching and Provisioning can also upgrade clusters whose Grid Infrastructure homes are unmanaged that is, homes that Fleet Patching and Provisioning did not provision.


  1. Provision a working copy of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai software:
    $ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GI23ai -image GI_HOME_23ai {authentication_option}

    GI23ai is the working copy based on the image GI_HOME_23ai.

  2. Upgrade your destination cluster to the GI23ai working copy:
    rhpctl upgrade gihome -sourcewc GI21c -destwc GI23ai
    Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning identifies the cluster to upgrade based on the name of the source working copy, and upgrades to the working copy GI23ai.