All REST Endpoints

Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Manage Client Targets
You can query client details.
Gets all the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client clusters by Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/clients/getByServer
Gets all the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client clusters.
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/clients
Gets HTML cluster information for the cluster.
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/clients/{clientId}/displayHTML
Gets the details of a specific Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/clients/{clientId}
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Manage Exadata Systems
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server provides an efficient and secure platform for patching Oracle Exadata Infrastructure.
Patch Exadata system.
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/exadatas/actions/update
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Manage Gold Images
You can create gold images and series to manage your deployments.
Add a new image series
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/series/{seriesId}
Add image to series
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/series/{seriesId}/images/{imageId}
Delete image series
Method: delete
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/series/{seriesId}
Deletes the specified image name
Method: delete
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/images/{imageId}
Display the configuration of the specified image
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/images/{imageId}
Get all the series
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/series
Get image series
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/series/{seriesId}
Lists all the gold images
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/images
Lists all the gold images that matches the specified query parameters.
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/images/search
Propagate image to targets
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/images/{imageId}/actions/deploy
Remove image from series
Method: delete
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/series/{seriesId}/images/{imageId}
Schedules an import image operation
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/images
Schedules an register image operation
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/images/repository
Search series matching certain parameters
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/series/search
Subscribe a user to a series
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/series/{seriesId}/users/{userId}
Unsubscribe a user from a series
Method: delete
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/series/{seriesId}/users/{userId}
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Manage Operation Results
You can verify the status and retrieve the output messages of any operation that creates a job to handle its scheduled execution like imaging, provisioning, upgrade and patching operations of software homes.
Abort a job.
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/jobs/{jobId}/actions/abort
Delete a job.
Method: delete
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/jobs/{jobId}
Delete jobs.
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/jobs/actions/delete
Get all the jobs
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/jobs
Get job details
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/jobs/{jobId}
Get the job output and result
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/jobs/{jobId}/output
Modify the scheduled date for the job.
Method: put
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/jobs/{jobId}
Resume a job.
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/jobs/{jobId}/actions/resume
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Patch Software homes
You can move from one provisioned copy of a gold image to a provisioned copy of a gold image that is at a higher patch level.
Patch an Oracle Database Software home
Method: patch
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies/{workingCopyId}/databases
Patch Grid Infrastructure Software home
Method: patch
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies/{workingCopyId}/gihome/{destWcId}
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Patch Unmanaged Software Homes
You can move from one software home that is not a copy of a gold image to a provisioned copy of a gold image that is at a higher patch level than the first software home.
Patch an unmanaged Oracle Database Software home
Method: patch
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/databases
Patch unmanaged Grid Infrastructure Software home
Method: patch
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/gihome/{destWcId}
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Provisioning Software homes
You can provision a working copy of a gold image.
Create Oracle Database Software
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies/{workingCopyId}/databases
Create working copy
Method: post
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies
Delete a database that was created on a working copy
Method: delete
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies/{workingCopyId}/databases/{dbUniqueName}
Get all working copies
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies
Get working copies based on a certain image type
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies/imagetypes/{imageType}
Get working copy based in client and Oracle Home
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies/fetchWorkingcopy
Get working copy details
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies/{workingCopyId}
Search working copies
Method: get
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies/search
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Upgrade Software homes
You can move from one provisioned copy of a gold image to a provisioned copy of a gold image that is at a higher version.
Upgrade an Oracle Database Software home
Method: put
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies/{workingCopyId}/databases/{dbUniqueName}
Upgrade Grid Infrastructure Software home
Method: put
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/workingcopies/{workingCopyId}/gihome/{destWcId}
Fleet Patching and Provisioning/RHP - Upgrade Unmanaged Software Homes
You can move from one software home that is not a copy of a gold image to a provisioned copy of a gold image that is at a higher version level than the first software home.
Upgrade an unmanaged Oracle Database Software home
Method: put
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/databases/{dbUniqueName}
Upgrade unmanaged Grid Infrastructure Software home
Method: put
Path: /rhp-restapi/rhp/gihome/{destWcId}