1.18 GeoRaster and Python

You can work with GeoRaster database using the python-oracledb Python extension module.

GeoRaster, by itself does not provide specific Python APIs. However, using the python-oracledb driver, the standard Python API for Oracle database, you can access and perform GeoRaster database operations in Python. Through python-oracledb, you can create, manage, query, and analyze GeoRaster data in the database directly. All the PL/SQL functions and procedures (over 200 functionalities) of GeoRaster can be called from Python without using other libraries except python-oracledb. Effectively, you can create, manage, and access GeoRaster databases completely in Python.

In addition, through GDAL with its GeoRaster driver and Python API, you can read, write, and process GeoRaster data in Python. The GDAL distribution with Oracle Spatial (see Using GDAL from the Spatial Installation or on a Client Machine) has both the GeoRaster driver and its Python API.

Through python-oracledb and GDAL Python API, you can integrate third-party products with GeoRaster and leverage any external Python libraries to enrich image processing and raster analytics on the data stored in Oracle Database.

Also, three sample notebooks are provided to demonstrate how to read, write, manipulate, and process raster and image data stored in the GeoRaster database using Python. See GeoRaster PL/SQL, Java, and Python Sample Files for more information.