1 GeoRaster Overview and Concepts

GeoRaster is a feature of Oracle Spatial that lets you store, index, query, analyze, and deliver raster image and gridded data and its associated metadata.

GeoRaster provides Oracle Spatial data types and an object-relational schema. You can use these data types and schema objects to store multidimensional grid layers and digital images that can be referenced to positions on the Earth's surface or in a local coordinate system. If the data is georeferenced, you can find the location on Earth for a cell in an image; or given a location on Earth, you can find the cell in an image associated with that location.

GeoRaster can be used with data from any technology that captures or generates images, such as remote sensing, photogrammetry, and thematic mapping. It can be used in a wide variety of application areas, including location based services, geoimagery archiving, environmental monitoring and assessment, geological engineering and exploration, natural resource management, defense, emergency response, telecommunications, transportation, urban planning, and homeland security.


  • To use GeoRaster, you must understand the main concepts, data types, techniques, operators, procedures, and functions of Oracle Spatial, which are documented in Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.
  • You should also be familiar with raster and image concepts and terminology, techniques for capturing or creating raster data, and techniques for processing raster data.
  • By default, the GeoRaster feature is disabled after Oracle Spatial is initially installed, and it must be enabled for each schema that will use GeoRaster. In order to enable GeoRaster, the schema must have the CREATE TRIGGER privilege. See Enabling GeoRaster at the Schema Level for information and instructions.

This chapter describes the core concepts and features of GeoRaster, including the GeoRaster data model and storage schema, georeferencing models, metadata support, resampling algorithms, pyramids, compression, parallel processing, loading and exporting capabilities, and the Java API. It contains the following major sections.