1.16 GeoRaster Java API

The Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Java API consists of interfaces and classes that support features available with the GeoRaster feature of Oracle Spatial.


Effective with Oracle Database Release 23ai, the Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Java APIs are compiled with JDK 11 as the OJVM in the database supports JDK11. However, the APIs will continue to be supported on JDK8 for backwards compatibility. When using the API, ensure that all the related JAR files are consistent with the JDK version (JDK 8 or JDK 11) that is being used. See RDBMS and JDK Version Compatibility for Oracle JDBC Drivers for more information on the JDBC drivers that are supported for the different JDK versions.

This API provides a complete mapping of the SDO_GEORASTER object type and its metadata to Java objects, and it offers Java methods to manipulate GeoRaster objects.

This API includes the following major packages:

  • The oracle.spatial.georaster package is the core of this API. It provides a complete mapping of the SDO_GEORASTER object type and its metadata to Java objects, and it offers Java methods to manipulate GeoRaster objects. It also provides a virtual mosaic class to support advanced visualization applications. It is in pure Java and does not depend upon JAI.

  • The oracle.spatial.georaster.sql package provides support for wrapping some of the GeoRaster PL/SQL subprograms that do not have support included in the oracle.spatial.georaster package.

  • The oracle.spatial.georaster.image package provides support for generating Java images from a GeoRaster object, a subset of a GeoRaster object, or a virtual mosaic, and for processing the images. This package depends upon and leverages JAI.

For detailed information about these packages, see Oracle Spatial Java API Reference (Javadoc).

The Spatial Java class libraries are in .jar files under the <ORACLE_HOME>/md/jlib/ directory. The GeoRaster Java API .jar file is $ORACLE_HOME/md/jlib/georasterapi.jar.