1.15 GeoRaster PL/SQL API

GeoRaster provides the SDO_GEOR, SDO_GEOR_ADMIN, SDO_GEOR_AGGR, SDO_GEOR_RA, and SDO_GEOR_UTL PL/SQL packages, which contain subprograms (functions and procedures) to work with GeoRaster data and metadata.

Most of these subprograms fit into one of the following logical categories reflecting the purpose of the subprogram:

  • Create, load, and export GeoRaster data

  • Georeference and validate GeoRaster objects

  • Query and update GeoRaster metadata

  • Query and update GeoRaster cell data

  • Format, transform, process, and analyze GeoRaster objects

  • Perform GeoRaster administrative functions

GeoRaster automatically validates the GeoRaster object after any set or process procedure completes.

Reference chapters provide detailed information about the subprograms in the SDO_GEOR (SDO_GEOR Package Reference), SDO_GEOR_ADMIN (SDO_GEOR_ADMIN Package Reference), SDO_GEOR_AGGR (SDO_GEOR_AGGR Package Reference), SDO_GEOR_RA (SDO_GEOR_RA Package Reference), and SDO_GEOR_UTL (SDO_GEOR_UTL Package Reference) PL/SQL packages. The subprograms are presented in alphabetical order in those chapters. Basic GeoRaster Operations, Raster Algebra and Analytics, and Image Processing and Virtual Mosaic describe operations that involve the use of many of those subprograms, including the general steps for calling them.

GeoRaster uses spatial indexing capabilities and related operations, which are described in Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.