6.10 Image Pyramiding: Parallel Generation and Partial Update

Image pyramiding is one of the most commonly used processes in building large-scale image databases.

This topic discusses some related techniques: pyramid generation in parallel, partial updating of pyramids, and batch and concurrent processing.

For working more efficiently with pyramids, you can generate pyramids in parallel and perform a partial update of a pyramid. (This section assumes you understand the concepts explained in Pyramids.)

Example 6-12 Parallel Generation of Pyramids

For faster pyramid generation, you can specify the parallelParam parameter with the SDO_GEOR.generatePyramid procedure. In Example 6-12, the degree of parallelism is set to 4. (The actual performance improvement for pyramid generation depends on the number of CPUs available to Oracle Database.)

  gr sdo_georaster;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr 
    FROM georaster_table WHERE georid = 6 FOR UPDATE;
  -- Generate pyramids.
  sdo_geor.generatePyramid(gr, 'rLevel=5, resampling=NN', null, 'parallel=4');
  -- Update the original GeoRaster object.
  UPDATE georaster_table SET georaster = gr WHERE georid = 6;

To enable parallel processing of the pyramid generation, SDO_GEOR.generatePyramid performs an implicit commit operation. If an error during the call, the GeoRaster object may in an invalid state. If this occurs, use SDO_GEOR.deletePyramid to remove the newly generated and upper pyramid levels of the GeoRaster object.

Example 6-13 Partial Updating of Pyramids

You can partially update pyramids by using the SDO_GEOR.updateRaster procedure. In Example 6-13, the target GeoRaster object at a specified area (targetArea is specified as area) is updated by another GeoRaster object. The updateUpperPyramids parameter is set to true, so the upper pyramids of the target GeoRaster object are only partially updated at the specified area. In other words, the upper pyramid levels are not regenerated in full, but only the cells in that targetArea are regenerated, and thus performance is improved.

  gr1 sdo_georaster;
  gr2 sdo_georaster;
  area sdo_number_array := sdo_number_array(-200,-50,201,162);
  SELECT georaster INTO gr2 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=0 FOR UPDATE;
  SELECT georaster INTO gr1 FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=1;
  SDO_GEOR.updateRaster(gr2, 0, null, area, gr1, 0, null, 'true');
  UPDATE GEORASTER_TABLE SET georaster=gr2 WHERE georid=0;

Other techniques to speed up and automate the pyramiding process include batch processing and concurrent processing can be used. To batch pyramid many images in a certain area, see the example in Querying and Searching GeoRaster Objects. To process many batches concurrently, you can start different database sessions