2 Map Visualization Concepts

This chapter explains concepts that you should be familiar with before using the map visualization component.

Some fundamental concepts include style, theme, base map, mapping metadata, and map.

  • Styles define rendering properties for features that are associated with styles. For example, a text style determines how such a feature is labeled on a map, while a line style determines the rendition of a linear feature such as a road.

  • A theme is a collection of features (entities with spatial and nonspatial attributes) that are associated with styles through the use of styling rules.

  • A base map consists of one or more themes. (A base map should not have the same name as any theme.)

  • Mapping metadata consists of a repository of styles, themes, and base maps stored in a database.

  • A map is one of the components that the map visualization component creates in response to a map request. The map can be an image file, the object representation of an image file, or a URL referring to an image file.