2.7 Workspace Manager Support in the Map Visualization Component

Workspace Manager is an Oracle Database feature that lets you version-enable one or more tables in the database.

After a table is version-enabled, users in a workspace automatically see the correct version of database rows in which they are interested. For detailed information about Workspace Manager, see Oracle Database Workspace Manager Developer's Guide.

You can request a map from a specific workspace, at a specific savepoint in a workspace, or at a point close to a specific date in a workspace. The following attributes of the <theme> element are related to support for Workspace Manager:

  • workspace_name attribute: specifies the name of the workspace from which to get the map data.

  • workspace_savepoint attribute: specifies the name of the savepoint to go to in the specified workspace.

  • workspace_date attribute: specifies the date to go to (that is, a point at or near the specified date) in the specified workspace.

  • workspace_date_format attribute: specifies the date format. The default is mmddyyyyhh24miss. This attribute applies only if you specified the workspace_date attribute.

  • workspace_date_nlsparam attribute: specifies globalization support options. The options and default are the same as for the nlsparam argument to the TO_CHAR function for date conversion, which is described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.

  • workspace_date_tswtz attribute: specifies a Boolean value. TRUE means that the input date is in timestamp with time zone format; FALSE (the default) means that the input date is a date string.

The workspace_name attribute is required for the use of Workspace Manager support in the map visualization component.

If you specify neither the workspace_savepoint nor workspace_date attribute, the map visualization component goes to the latest version of the workspace defined. If you specify both the workspace_savepoint and workspace_date attributes, the map visualization component uses the specified date instead of the savepoint name.

Example 2-57 shows the definition of a dynamic theme that uses attributes (shown in bold) related to Workspace Manager support. In this example, the map visualization component will render the data related to workspace wsp_1 at the savepoint sp1.

The following considerations apply to the map visualization component caching of predefined themes (explained in Caching of Predefined Themes) and the use of Workspace Manager-related map visualization component attributes:

  • The Workspace Manager-related attributes are ignored for predefined themes if the caching attribute is set to ALL in the <styling_rules> element for the theme.

  • No caching data is considered if you specify the workspace_name attribute.

Example 2-57 Workspace Manager-Related Attributes in a Map Request

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
 . . .
    <theme name="wmtheme" user_clickable="false"
       workspace_name="wsp_1" workspace_savepoint="sp1" >
         asis="false"> select GEOM,ATTR from GEOM_TABLE
 . . .