11.4 OJDS APIs and Classes

11.4.1 oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsClientContext

This class implements the javax.naming.directory.DirContext interface. It establishes connection with the database and performs all functions required to support the OJDS. It supports all the methods described in [DirContext] except the following methods:

  • getSchema

  • getSchemaClassDefintion

  • modifyAttributes

  • search

This class is created automatically when an InitialDirContext is created on a JAVA JDK based client. It provides the communication and object transport between the client application and the OJDS.

You must set the following JNDI properties to specific values to complete a connection:

  • java.naming.factory.initial to oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsIntialContextFactory

  • java.naming.security.principal to the name of the connection schema

  • java.naming.security.credentials to the schema password

  • java.naming.provider.url to a valid OJDS URL

You can set these properties as shown in the following code snippet:

Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsInitialContextFactory");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "HR");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "<password>");

11.4.2 oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsServerContext

This class implements the javax.naming.directory.DirContext interface. It uses the internal database connection to communicate with the OJDS persistent store. It supports all the methods described in [DirContext] except for the following methods:

  • getSchema

  • getSchemaClassDefintion

  • modifyAttributes

  • search

This class is created automatically when an InitialDirContext is created in a database resident application. It uses the database internal JDBC driver to communicate with the OJDS persistent store.

The four environment properties for the OjdsClientContext are ignored for OjdsServerContext because the application runs as the login schema. The connection is made with the kprb [JDBC] internal driver. If the Java stored procedure requires access outside the server, then you must use the OJDS URLContext as the value of the java.naming.provider.url property.

11.4.3 oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsInitialContextFactory

This class implements the javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory interface. The JNDI InitialContext or InitialDriContext classes create either an OjdsClientContext or an OjdsServerContext depending on the execution environment.

11.4.4 oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsURLContextFactory

This class supports OJDS style URLs. Depending on the method provided to the URL, this method can return a DirContext or an instance of an object stored in the OJDS.

11.4.5 oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsURLContext

This class is an extension of the oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsClientContext. It supports extraction of connection information from an OJDS URL and making a connection to the OJDS. It supports the same interfaces as oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsClientContext class.

You must set the following parameters to use the OjdsURLContext class:

  • javax.naming.security.principal to the connection schema

  • javax.naming.security.credentials to the password of the connection schema

  • javax.naming.factory.initial to oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsInitialContextFactory

You can set these properties as shown in the following code snippet:

Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "oracle.aurora.jndi.ojds.OjdsInitialContextFactory");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "HR");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "<password>");
DirContext dir = 
(new InitialContext(env)).lookup(“ojds://thin:localhost:5521:j3/public./mydir");