3.3 About Redirecting Output on the Server

You can pass Java output to SQL statements to provide more extensive control over the destination of output from Oracle JVM. Use the following APIs available in the DBMS_JAVA PL/SQL package to achieve this:


set_output_to_sql defines a named output specification that constitutes an instruction for executing a SQL statement, whenever output to the default System.out and System.err streams occurs. The specification is defined either for the duration of the current session, or till the remove_output_to_sql function is called with its ID. The SQL actions prescribed by the specification occur whenever there is Java output. This can be stopped and started by calling the disable_output_to_sql and enable_output_to_sql functions respectively. The return value of this function is null on success, otherwise an error message.

FUNCTION set_output_to_sql (id VARCHAR2,
stmt VARCHAR2,
bindings VARCHAR2,
no_newline_stmt VARCHAR2 default null,
no_newline_bindings VARCHAR2 default null,
newline_only_stmt VARCHAR2 default null,
newline_only_bindings VARCHAR2 default null,
maximum_line_segment_length NUMBER default 0,
allow_replace NUMBER default 1,
from_stdout NUMBER default 1,
from_stderr NUMBER default 1,
include_newlines NUMBER default 0,
eager NUMBER default 0) return VARCHAR2;

Table 3-2 describes the arguments the set_output_to_sql function takes.

Table 3-2 set_output_to_sql Argument Summary

Argument Description


The name of the specification. Multiple specifications may exist in the same session, but each must have a distinct ID. The ID is used to identify the specification in the functions remove_output_to_sql, enable_output_to_sql, disable_output_to_sql, and query_output_to_sql.


The default SQL statement to execute when Java output occurs.


A string containing tokens from the set ID, TEXT, LENGTH, LINENO, SEGNO, NL, and ERROUT. This string defines how the SQL statement stmt is bound. The position of a token in the bindings string corresponds to the bind position in the SQL statement. The meanings of the tokens are:

  • ID is the ID of the specification. It is bound as a VARCHAR2.

  • TEXT is the text being output. It is bound as a VARCHAR2.

  • LENGTH is the length of the text. It is bound as a NUMBER.

  • LINENO is the line number since the beginning of session output. It is bound as a NUMBER.

  • SEGNO is the segment number within a line that is being output in more than one piece. It is bound as a NUMBER.

  • NL is a boolean indicating whether the text is to be regarded as newline terminated. It is bound as a NUMBER. The newline may or may not actually be included in the text, depending on the value of the include_newlines argument.

  • ERROUT is a boolean indicating whether the output came from System.out or System.err. It is bound as a NUMBER. The value is 0, if the output came from System.out.


An optional alternate SQL statement to execute, when the output is not newline terminated.


A string with the same syntax as for the bindings argument discussed previously, describing how the no_newline_stmt is bound.


An optional alternate SQL statement to execute when the output is a single newline.


A string with the same syntax as for the bindings argument discussed previously, describing how the newline_only_stmt is bound.


The maximum number of characters that is bound in a given execution of the SQL statement. Longer output sequences are broken up into separate calls with distinct SEGNO values. A value of 0 means no maximum.


Controls behavior when a previously defined specification with the same ID exists. A value of 1 means replacing the old specification. 0 means returning an error message without modifying the old specification.


Controls whether output from System.out causes execution of the SQL statement prescribed by the specification. A value of 0 means that if the output came from System.out, then the statement is not executed, even if the specification is otherwise enabled.


Controls whether output from System.err causes execution of the SQL statement prescribed by the specification. A value of 0 means that if the output came from System.err, then the statement is not executed, even if the specification is otherwise enabled.


Controls whether newline characters are left in the output when they are bound to text. A value of 0 means new lines are not included. But the presence of the newline is still indicated by the NL binding and the use of no_newline_stmt.


Controls whether output not terminated by a newline causes execution of the SQL statement every time it is received, or accumulates such output until a newline is received. A value of 0 means that unterminated output is accumulated.


remove_output_to_sql deletes a specification created by set_output_to_sql. If no such specification exists, an error message is returned.

FUNCTION remove_output_to_sql (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;


enable_output_to_sql reenables a specification created by set_output_to_sql and subsequently disabled by disable_output_to_sql. If no such specification exists, an error message is returned. If the specification is not currently disabled, there is no change.

FUNCTION enable_output_to_sql (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;


disable_output_to_sql disables a specification created by set_output_to_sql. You can enable the specification by calling enable_output_to_sql. While disabled, the SQL statement prescribed by the specification is not executed. If no such specification exists, an error message is returned. If the specification is already disabled, there is no change.

FUNCTION disable_output_to_sql (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;


query_output_to_sql returns a message describing a specification created by set_output_to_sql. If no such specification exists, then an error message is returned. Passing null to this function causes all existing specifications to be displayed.

FUNCTION query_output_to_sql (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;

Another way of achieving control over the destination of output from Oracle JVM is to pass your Java output to an autonomous Java session. This provides a very general mechanism for propagating the output to various kinds of targets, such as disk files, sockets, and URLS. But, you must keep in mind that the Java session that processes the output is logically distinct from the main session, so that there are no other, unwanted interactions between them. To do this, PL/SQL package DBMS_JAVA provides the following functions:


set_output_to_java defines a named output specification that gives an instruction for executing a Java method whenever output to the default System.out and System.err streams occurs. The Java method prescribed by the specification is executed in a separate VM context with separate Java session state from the rest of the session.

FUNCTION set_output_to_java (id VARCHAR2,
class_name VARCHAR2,
class_schema VARCHAR2,
method VARCHAR2,
bindings VARCHAR2,
no_newline_method VARCHAR2 default null,
no_newline_bindings VARCHAR2 default null,
newline_only_method VARCHAR2 default null,
newline_only_bindings VARCHAR2 default null,
maximum_line_segment_length NUMBER default 0,
allow_replace NUMBER default 1,
from_stdout NUMBER default 1,
from_stderr NUMBER default 1,
include_newlines NUMBER default 0,
eager NUMBER default 0,
initialization_statement VARCHAR2 default null,
finalization_statement VARCHAR2 default null)return VARCHAR2;

Table 3-3 describes the arguments the set_output_to_java method takes.

Table 3-3 set_output_to_java Argument Summary

Argument Description


The name of the class defining one or more methods.


The schema in which the class is defined. A null value means the class is defined in the current schema, or PUBLIC.


The name of the method.


A string that defines how the arguments to the method are bound. This is a string of tokens with the same syntax as set_output_to_sql. The position of a token in the string determines the position of the argument it describes. All arguments must be of type INT, except for those corresponding to the tokens ID or TEXT, which must be of type java.lang.String.


An optional alternate method to execute when the output is not newline terminated.


An optional alternate method to execute when the output is a single newline.


An optional SQL statement that is executed once per Java session prior to the first time the methods that receive output are executed. This statement is executed in same Java VM context as the output methods are executed. Typically such a statement is used to run a Java stored procedure that initializes conditions in the separate VM context so that the methods that receive output can function as intended. For example, such a procedure might open a stream that the output methods write to.


An optional SQL statement that is executed once when the output specification is about to be removed or the session is ending. Like the initialization_statement, this runs in the same JVM context as the methods that receive output. It runs only if the initialization method has run, or if there is no initialization method.


remove_output_to_java deletes a specification created by set_output_to_java. If no such specification exists, an error message is returned

FUNCTION remove_output_to_java (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;


enable_output_to_java reenables a specification created by set_output_to_java and subsequently disabled by disable_output_to_java. If no such specification exists, an error message is returned. If the specification is not currently disabled, there is no change.

FUNCTION enable_output_to_java (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;


disable_output_to_java disables a specification created by set_output_to_java. The specification may be re-enabled by enable_output_to_java. While disabled, the SQL statement prescribed by the specification is not executed. If no such specification exists, an error message is returned. If the specification is already disabled, there is no change.

FUNCTION disable_output_to_java (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;


query_output_to_java returns a message describing a specification created by set_output_to_java. If no such specification exists, an error message is returned. Passing null to this function causes all existing specifications to be displayed.

FUNCTION query_output_to_java (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;


set_output_to_file defines a named output specification that constitutes an instruction to capture any output sent to the default System.out and System.err streams and append it to a specified file. This is implemented using a special case of set_output_to_java. The argument file_path specifies the path to the file to which to append the output. The arguments allow_replace, from_stdout, and from_stderr are all analogous to the arguments having the same name as in set_output_to_sql.

FUNCTION set_output_to_file (id VARCHAR2,
file_path VARCHAR2,
allow_replace NUMBER default 1,
from_stdout NUMBER default 1,
from_stderr NUMBER default 1) return VARCHAR2;


This function is analogous to remove_output_to_java.

FUNCTION remove_output_to_file (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;


This function is analogous to enable_output_to_java.

FUNCTION enable_output_to_file (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;


This function is analogous to disable_output_to_java.

FUNCTION disable_output_to_file (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;


This function is analogous to query_output_to_java.

FUNCTION query_output_to_file (id VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;

The following DBMS_JAVA functions control whether Java output appears in the .trc file:

  • PROCEDURE enable_output_to_trc;

  • PROCEDURE disable_output_to_trc;

  • FUNCTION query_output_to_trc return VARCHAR2;

Redirecting the output to SQL*Plus Text Buffer

You can use the DBMS_JAVA package procedure SET_OUTPUT to redirect output to the SQL*Plus text buffer:

SQL> CALL dbms_java.set_output(2000);

The minimum and default buffer size is 2,000 bytes and the maximum size is 1,000,000 bytes. In the following example, the buffer size is increased to 5,000 bytes:

SQL> CALL dbms_java.set_output(5000);

The output is displayed at the end of the call.