
Symbols  Numerics  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  


  • _id field, document-identifier 5
  • _metadata field, for document handling 2.4, 4.4
  • _nameConflicts field, for flex-column conflicts 6.1
  • @delete annotation (GraphQL) 2.4.2
  • @flex annotation 6.1
  • @flex GraphQL directive 8.1
  • @insert annotation (GraphQL) 2.4.2
  • @link GraphQL directive 2.4.2, 8.1, 8.1.1
  • @nest GraphQL directive 8.1
  • @unnest GraphQL directive 2.4.2, 8.1
  • @update annotation (GraphQL) 2.4.2


  • 1:1 entity relationships 2.2
  • 1:N entity relationships 2.2


  • annotations
  • application migration to using duality views 7
  • AS FLEX annotation 6.1
  • asof field, system change number (SCN)
    • ensuring read consistency 4.5
  • asof field, vsystem change number (SCN) 2.4
  • associative table
    • See: mapping table
  • automatic generation of duality views 7


  • bracket, optional GraphQL syntax for duality view defintion 2.4.2
  • bridge table
    • See: mapping table


  • car-racing example 2
    • creating duality views with GraphQL 2.4.2
    • creating duality views with SQL 2.4.1
    • creating tables 2.3
    • duality views 2.4
    • entity relationships 2.2
  • case-sensitivity
    • JSON and SQL
  • CHECK annotation (ETAG calculation) 3.2
  • columns (hidden) for duality-view, ETAG and object ID 2.4
  • comment, GraphQL 2.4.2
  • comparing JSON schemas of input and duality-view document sets 7.2.1
    • student-teacher-course example 7.2.3
  • complex or simple underlying data 6
  • composite primary and foreign keys, definition 2.3
  • concurrency, controlling 4.4, 4.4.1
  • content-based ETAG concurrency control, definition 4.4
  • converged database, definition 1.4
  • converter, JSON-to-duality 7.2
    • default behavior 7.2.3
    • use with useFlexFields false 7.2.4
  • course, student, and teacher documents
    • input to JSON-to-duality migrator 7.1
    • output from JSON-to-duality migrator 7.3.1
  • course documents
    • input to JSON-to-duality migrator 7.1
    • output from JSON-to-duality migrator 7.3.1
  • create_error_log procedure, DBMS_ERRLOG PL/SQL package 7.3


  • DATA JSON-type column for duality-view documents 2.4
  • DATA payload JSON-type column supported/generated by a duality view 2.4, 4.6
  • DBMS_ERRLOG.create_error_log PL/SQL procedure 7.3
  • DBMS_JSON_DUALITY.import PL/SQL procedure 7.3
  • DBMS_JSON_DUALITY.infer_and_generate_schema PL/SQL function 7.2
  • DBMS_JSON_DUALITY.infer_schema PL/SQL function 7.2
  • DBMS_JSON_SCHEMA.describe PL/SQL function 1.1, 4.7
  • DELETE annotation 3.1
  • deleting documents 4.2
  • describe PL/SQL function, package DBMS_JSON_SCHEMA 1.1, 4.7
  • directives, GraphQL
    • See: GraphQL directives
  • document
    • deleting 4.2
    • inserting 4.1
    • optimizing operations 4.6
    • querying 4.6
    • updating 4.3
  • document/table duality, definition 1, 1.2
  • document-handling field, _metadata 2.4, 4.4
  • document-identifer field, _id 5
  • document-identifier field, car-racing example 2.1
  • document key
    • definition 2.4
  • document migration to duality views 7
  • document-relational mapping (DRM), definition 1.2
  • documents, car-racing example 2.1
  • documents supported by a duality view, definition 1
  • document-version identifier (ETAG)
    • controlling concurrency 4.4
  • document-version identifier (ETAG value) 2.4
  • driver_race_map table 2.3
  • driver and race mapping table 2.3
  • driver document 2.1
  • driver duality view 2.4
    • creating with GraphQL 2.4.2
    • creating with SQL 2.4.1
    • JSON schema 4.7
  • driver entity 2.2
  • driver table 2.3
  • d-r-map entity 2.3
  • duality, document/table 1.2
    • definition 1
  • duality view
    • definition 1, 1.1
    • JSON schema 4.7
    • motivation 1.1
    • overview 1
    • privileges needed for updating 3.3
    • rules for updating 3.4
  • duality view operations 4
  • duality views for car-racing example 2.4
    • creating with GraphQL 2.4.2
    • creating with SQL 2.4.1
  • dump file from a document database, loading documents from 7.2.1


  • entity relationships 2.2
  • error logs, importing 7.3.2
  • ETAG document-version identifier
    • controlling concurrency 4.4
    • not used for partial updates 4.3
  • etag field, version identifier 2.4
    • controlling concurrency 4.4
  • ETAG hash-value participation, defining 3.2
  • ETAG hidden duality-view column for ETAG value 2.4, 4.4.1
  • ETAG table-row value 4.4
  • ETAG value, document-version identifier 2.4
  • evolution, schema 6.1
  • exporting JSON document sets from a document database 7.2.1


  • fields
    • _id, document-identifier 5
    • _metadata, for document handling 2.4, 4.4
    • _nameConflicts for flex-column conflicts 6.1
    • asof, system change number (SCN) 2.4
      • ensuring read consistency 4.5
    • etag, version identifier 2.4
      • controlling concurrency 4.4
  • flex column
    • in student-teacher-course example 7.2.3
  • flex column, definition 6.1
  • flex-column, field-naming conflicts 6.1
  • flexibility, schema 6.1
  • foreign key, definition 2.3
  • Formula 1 example 2
  • frequencies of fields used in a document set 7.2.1
  • function SYS_ROW_ETAG, optimistic concurrency control 4.4


  • generation functions, SQL/JSON 2.4
  • GraphQL
    • comment 2.4.2
    • creating car-racing duality views 2.4.2
    • creating duality views 8
    • optional bracket syntax for duality view defintion 2.4.2
  • GraphQL directives


  • hidden duality-view columns for ETAG and object ID 2.4


  • importer, JSON-to-duality 7.3
  • importing JSON document sets from a document database into JSON-type columns 7.2.1
  • import procedure, DBMS_JSON_DUALITY PL/SQL package 7.3
  • infer_and_generate_schema function, DBMS_JSON_DUALITY PL/SQL package 7.2
  • infer_schema function, DBMS_JSON_DUALITY PL/SQL package 7.2
  • INSERT annotation 3.1
  • inserting documents 4.1
  • item methods, used to optimize operations 4.6


  • JSON_SCHEMA column, dictionary views for duality views 1.1, 4.7
  • json_transform SQL function 4.3
  • json_value RETURNING clause, used to optimize operations 4.6
  • JSON data guide for a document set 7.2.1
  • JSON data type columns in duality-view tables 1, 1.1, 6, 6.1
  • JSON documents, car-racing example 2.1
  • JSON-relational duality view
    • definition 1, 1.1
    • JSON schema 4.7
    • motivation 1.1
    • overview 1
  • JSON-relational duality views for car-racing example 2.4
    • creating with GraphQL 2.4.2
    • creating with SQL 2.4.1
  • JSON-relational mapping (JRM), definition 1.2
  • JSON schema
    • use to validate JSON-column data 1.1, 2.3, 6, 6.1
  • JSON Schema 1.1, 4.3, 6, 6.1
    • description of duality view 4.7
  • JSON schema, use to validate JSON-column data 4.3
  • JSON schemas for input and duality-view document sets 7.2.1
  • JSON-to-duality converter 7.2
    • default behavior 7.2.3
    • ora$ prefix for fields and colums 7.2, 7.2.2
    • use of transfer tables 7.2.1
    • use with useFlexFields false 7.2.4
  • JSON-to-duality importer 7.3
  • JSON-to-Duality Migrator 7
  • JSON-type column DATA, for duality-view documents 2.4
  • JSON-type payload column DATA, supported/generated by a duality view 2.4, 4.6


  • loading documents from a document-database dump file 7.2.1
  • lock-free (optimistic) concurrency control 4.4
    • definition and overview 3.2
    • duality-view transactions 4.4.1


  • many-to-many entity relationships 2.2
    • using mapping tables 2.3
  • many-to-one entity relationships 2.2
  • mapping objects/documents to relational 1.2
  • mapping table, definition 2.3
  • mapping table for tables driver and race 2.3
  • migration of document sets to duality views 7
  • MongoDB API, compatible document-identifier field _id 5
  • multitenant database, definition 1.4


  • N:N entity relationships 2.2
    • using mapping tables 2.3
  • naming conflicts, flex column 6.1
  • NEST SQL keyword 2.4.1
  • NOCHECK annotation (ETAG calculation) 3.2
  • NODELETE annotation 3.1
  • NOINSERT annotation 3.1
  • normalization, degree/granularity 6
  • normalized data, definition 1.1
  • normalized entity, definition 2.2
  • NOUPDATE annotation 3.1


  • object-document mapping (ODM) 1.2
  • object-relational mapping (ORM) 1.2
  • ODM (object-document mapping) 1.2
  • one-to-one entity relationships 2.2
  • operations on duality views 4
  • operations on tables underlying duality views 4
  • optimistic (lock-free) concurrency control 4.4
    • definition and overview 3.2
    • duality-view transactions 4.4.1
  • optimization of document operations 4.6
  • ora$ prefix for fields and colums, JSON-to-duality converter 7.2, 7.2.2
  • Oracle Database API for MongoDB, compatible document-identifier field _id 5
  • Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS)
    • deleting documents using REST 4.2
    • inserting documents using REST 4.1
    • updating documents using REST 4.3
  • Oracle SQL function json_transform 4.3
  • ORM (object-relational mapping) 1.2


  • payload JSON-type column DATA, supported/generated by a duality view 2.4, 4.6
  • payload of a JSON document, definition 2.1, 2.4, 4.4
  • PL/SQL subprograms
    • DBMS_ERRLOG.create_error_log 7.3
    • DBMS_JSON_DUALITY.generate_schema 7.2
    • DBMS_JSON_DUALITY.import 7.3
    • DBMS_JSON_DUALITY.infer_and_generate_schema 7.2
    • DBMS_JSON_DUALITY.infer_schema 7.2
  • polyglot database, definition 1.4
  • predefined fields for duality views
    • See: fields
  • pretty-printing
    • in book examples
  • primary key, definition 2.3
  • privileges needed for operations on duality-view data 3.3


  • querying a duality view 4.6


  • race and driver mapping table 2.3
  • race document 2.1
  • race duality view 2.4
    • creating with GraphQL 2.4.2
    • creating with SQL 2.4.1
    • JSON schema 4.7
  • race entity 2.2
  • race table 2.3
  • read consistency, ensuring 4.5
  • relational mapping from objects/documents 1.2
  • RESID hidden duality-view column for document identifier 2.4, 4.4.1
  • REST
    • deleting documents using 4.2
    • inserting documents using 4.1
    • updating documents using 4.3
  • rules for updating duality views 3.4


  • schema, JSON
    • description of duality view 4.7
    • use to validate JSON-column data 1.1, 2.3, 4.3, 6, 6.1
  • schema evolution 6.1
  • schema flexibility 6.1
  • school-administration documents
    • input to JSON-to-duality migrator 7.1
    • output from JSON-to-duality migrator 7.3.1
  • SCN
    • See: system change number
  • secondary key 2.3
  • security 1.3
  • sharing JSON data among documents 1.1, 6
    • foreign keys 2.3
  • SQL/JSON function json_value, RETURNING clause, used to optimize operations 4.6
  • SQL/JSON generation functions 2.4
  • SQL/JSON item methods, used to optimize operations 4.6
  • SQL function json_transform 4.3
  • static dictionary views for duality views 4.7
  • storing JSON data in underlying tables 6
  • student, teacher, and course documents
    • input to JSON-to-duality migrator 7.1
    • output from JSON-to-duality migrator 7.3.1
  • student documents
    • input to JSON-to-duality migrator 7.1
    • output from JSON-to-duality migrator 7.3.1
  • support of documents by a duality view, definition 1
  • SYS_ROW_ETAG function, optimistic concurrency control 4.4
  • system change number (SCN) field, asof 2.4
    • ensuring read consistency 4.5


  • table operations, effect on supported documents 4
  • tables
    • car-racing example 2.3
    • deleting data 4.2
    • inserting data 4.1
    • updating data 4.3
  • teacher, course, and student documents
    • input to JSON-to-duality migrator 7.1
    • output from JSON-to-duality migrator 7.3.1
  • teacher documents
    • input to JSON-to-duality migrator 7.1
    • output from JSON-to-duality migrator 7.3.1
  • team document 2.1
  • team duality view 2.4
    • creating with GraphQL 2.4.2
    • creating with SQL 2.4.1
    • JSON schema 4.7
  • team entity 2.2
  • team table 2.3
  • transactions for duality views 4.4.1
  • transfer tables, use with JSON-to-duality converter 7.2.1
  • triggers, guidelines 4.3.1
  • type-conversion item methods, used to optimize operations 4.6


  • unique key, definition 2.3
  • UNNEST SQL keyword 2.4.1
  • updatability, defining 3.1, 6
  • UPDATE annotation 3.1
  • updating documents 4.3
  • updating duality views
    • privileges needed 3.3
    • rules 3.4


  • value-based ETAG concurrency control, definition 4.4
  • version-identifier field, etag 2.4
    • controlling concurrency 4.4
  • view, duality
    • See: duality view
  • views, static dictionary 4.7


  • WHERE clauses, duality-view tables 2.4.3