
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Z  



  • Abstract Data Type (ADT), 15.6
  • accent-insensitive comparison
  • ACCESS_INTO_NULL exception 12.4
  • ACCESSIBLE BY clause 14.1
    • in CREATE FUNCTION statement 15.7
    • in CREATE PACKAGE statement 15.9
    • in CREATE PROCEDURE statement 15.11
    • in CREATE TYPE BODY statement 15.14
    • in CREATE TYPE statement 15.13
    • in package specification 11.1
    • in subprogram 9.2
  • accessor 14.1
  • accessor list 14.1
  • ADT
    • See: Abstract Data Type (ADT)
  • aggregate 6.6
  • AGGREGATE clause 14.2
    • in CREATE FUNCTION statement 15.7
  • aggregate function 15.7
    • in PL/SQL expression 3.7.8
    • pipelined table function as 13.5.6
    • SQL%NOTFOUND attribute and
  • alias
    • column
    • table
      • for avoiding inner capture B.6
      • for row expression B.6.2
      • for table element attribute or method B.6.1
  • aliasing (problem)
    • SELECT BULK COLLECT INTO statement and
    • subprogram parameter 9.7.4
  • ALTER FUNCTION statement 15.1
  • ALTER LIBRARY statement 15.2
  • ALTER PACKAGE statement 15.3
  • ALTER PROCEDURE statement 15.4
  • ALTER TRIGGER statement 15.5
  • ALTER TYPE statement 15.6
  • AND operator 3.7.3
  • anonymous block 2.2.2
    • AUTHID property and 9.14
  • ANYDATA data type 13.5.2
  • ANYDATASET data type 13.5.2
  • ANYTYPE data type 13.5.2
  • application common object
  • architecture of PL/SQL 2.3
  • array
    • associative
      • See associative array 6.1
    • non-PL/SQL 6.1
  • assignment of value
    • to composite variable
    • to scalar variable 3.6
  • assignment statement 3.6.1
    • syntax diagram 14.3
  • associative array 6.2
    • See also: collection
    • characteristics of 6.1
    • comparisons 6.9
    • declaring constant 6.2.1
    • FIRST and LAST methods for
    • in FORALL statement 14.34
    • NLS parameters and 6.2.2
  • atomic (lexical) unit 3.2
  • atomically null collection
    • See: null collection
  • attribute
    • %ROWTYPE
      • See %ROWTYPE attribute 6.12.4
    • %TYPE
      • See %TYPE attribute 3.3.5
    • cursor
      • See cursor attribute 7.2
  • AUTHID property 9.14
    • for pipelined table function 13.5.2
    • syntax diagram 14.4
  • autonomous routine 7.7
  • autonomous transaction 7.7
    • controlling 7.7.5
    • pipelined table function in 14.49
  • autonomous trigger 7.7.6


  • bag data structure 6.1
  • base type 4
  • basic LOOP statement 5.2.1
    • syntax diagram 14.5
  • BETWEEN operator
  • BINARY_DOUBLE data type
  • BINARY_FLOAT data type
  • BINARY_INTEGER data type
    • See: PLS_INTEGER data type
  • bind variable
    • avoiding SQL injection with
    • placeholder for
      • See placeholder for bind variable 8.2.1
  • blank-padding
  • block 2.2.2
    • syntax diagram 14.6
  • BOOLEAN data type 4.1.4
  • BOOLEAN expression 3.7.6
  • BOOLEAN static expression
  • BOOLEAN variable 3.6.4
  • built-in function
    • See: SQL function
  • bulk binding 13.4
  • BULK COLLECT clause 13.4.2,
  • bulk SQL 13.4


  • cache, function result 9.12
  • calculated column
    • See: virtual column
  • call specification 9.15
    • in CREATE FUNCTION statement 15.7
    • in CREATE PROCEDURE statement 15.11
    • in CREATE TYPE statement 15.13
    • in package 11.1
    • syntax diagram 14.7
  • call stack, AUTHID property and 9.14
  • capture B.5
  • cascading triggers 10.11
  • CASE_NOT_FOUND exception 12.4
  • CASE expression
  • case-insensitive comparison
  • case sensitivity
    • character comparison and
    • character literal and 3.2.3
    • identifier and 3.2.2
    • keyword and D
    • LIKE operator and
    • reserved word and D
  • CASE statement 5.1
  • C declaration 14.7
  • character code 3.1
  • character literal 3.2.3
    • See also: string
  • character set 3.1
  • CHAR data type 4.1.7
  • CHAR data type family E
  • CLOB data type and comparison operator 3.7.5
  • CLOB data type family E
  • CLOSE statement 14.9
  • collating sequence
  • collation 14.20
  • collection 6
    • as public package item 6.11
    • assigning one to another 6.7
    • comparing one to another 6.9
    • cursor variable and 14.18
    • declaration syntax 14.11
    • empty 6.1
      • creating with constructor 6.5
    • index
    • internal size of
    • multidimensional 6.8
    • null 6.1
      • assigning to collection variable 6.7.2
    • pipelined table function and 13.5.1
    • querying
    • retrieving query results into 13.4.2
    • types of 6.1
  • COLLECTION_IS_NULL exception 12.4
  • collection constructor 6.5
  • collection method 6.10
    • as subprogram parameter 6.10
    • invocation syntax 14.10
    • null collection and 6.10
  • column alias
  • COLUMNS pseudo-operator
  • comment 3.2.5
  • COMMIT statement 7.6.1
  • comparison operator 3.7.5
    • cursor variable and 14.18
  • compatible data type
    • for collection variables 6.7.1
    • for scalar variables 3.6
  • compilation
  • compilation parameter 2.3.2
  • compile_clause
    • in ALTER FUNCTION statement 15.1
  • compile_clause syntax diagram 14.13
  • compile clause 14.13
  • compiler directive
    • See: pragma
  • compile-time warning 12.1
  • composite data type 6
  • composite variable 6
  • compound trigger 10.3.3
  • computation-intensive code 13.3.5
  • concatenation operator (||) 3.7.1
  • concurrent transactions
  • condition, SQL multiset 6.9.3
  • conditional compilation 3.9
  • conditional compilation directive 3.9.1
  • conditional predicate 10.3.1
  • conditional selection statement 5.1
  • conditional trigger 10.1
  • constant
  • constrained subtype 4.3.2
  • constraint
    • cursor parameter and 14.30
    • NOT NULL
      • See NOT NULL constraint 3.3.1
    • trigger compared to 10.2
  • constructor
    • See: collection constructor
  • context of transaction 7.7.2
  • CONTINUE statement
  • CONTINUE WHEN statement
  • control statement 5
  • control token
  • correlated subquery 7.3.4
  • correlation name 10.4
    • See also: pseudorecord
    • with LONG or LONG RAW column 10.10.2
  • COUNT collection method 6.10.6
  • COVERAGE pragma 14.16
  • C procedure, invoking 9.15
  • CREATE_WRAPPED procedure A.4
  • CREATE FUNCTION statement 15.7
  • CREATE LIBRARY statement 15.8
  • CREATE PACKAGE statement 15.9
  • CREATE TRIGGER statement 15.12
  • CREATE TYPE BODY statement 15.14
  • CREATE TYPE statement 15.13
  • crossedition trigger 10.1
  • CURRENT OF clause
  • CURRVAL pseudocolumn
  • cursor 7.2
    • explicit
      • See explicit cursor 7.2.2
    • implicit
      • See implicit cursor 7.2.1
    • in SERIALLY_REUSABLE package 11.7.2
    • named 7.2.2
      • pipelined table function and 13.5.5
      • See also explicit cursor and cursor variable 7.2.2
    • nested 7.5
  • CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN exception 12.4
  • cursor_control
  • cursor attribute
  • CURSOR expression 7.5
    • passing to pipelined table function 13.5.6
  • cursor FOR LOOP statement
    • query result set processing with 7.3.2
    • recursive invocation in 9.10
    • syntax diagram 14.17
  • cursor number
    • converting cursor variable to 8.3.4
    • converting to cursor variable 8.3.3
    • DBMS_SQL.GET_NEXT_RESULT procedure and 8.3.2
    • DBMS_SQL.RETURN_RESULT procedure and 8.3.1
  • cursor parameter
  • cursor specification 14.30
  • cursor variable 7.4
    • converting cursor number to 8.3.3
    • converting to cursor number 8.3.4
    • DBMS_SQL.GET_NEXT_RESULT procedure and 8.3.2
    • DBMS_SQL.RETURN_RESULT procedure and 8.3.1
    • declaration syntax diagram 14.18


  • data abstraction 2.2.8
  • database character set 3.1.1
  • database links
  • DATABASE trigger 10.5.2
  • Data-bound collation 14.20
  • data definition language statement
    • See: DDL statement
  • Data Pump Import and triggers 10.14
  • datatype
    • in CREATE TYPE statement 15.13
  • Datatype 14.19
  • data type 4
    • See also: subtype
    • collection
      • See collection 6
    • compatible
      • for collection variables 6.7.1
      • for scalar variables 3.6
    • composite 6
    • JSON 4.1.5
    • object
      • See Abstract Data Type (ADT)
    • of expression 3.7
    • predefined E
    • RECORD
      • See record 6
    • scalar 4
    • SQL 4.1
    • user-defined
      • See Abstract Data Type (ADT)
    • what it determines 4
  • data type conversion 4.1
    • implicit
      • See implicit data type conversion
    • SQL injection and
  • data type family 4
    • overloaded subprogram and 9.9
    • predefined data types grouped by E
    • subtypes with base types in same 4.3.3
  • DATE data type family E
  • DBMS_ASSERT package
  • DBMS_DB_VERSION package
  • DBMS_DDL package A.4
  • DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE package 13.7
  • DBMS_PREPROCESSOR package 3.9.3
  • DBMS_SQL.GET_NEXT_RESULT procedure 8.3.2
  • DBMS_SQL.RETURN_RESULT procedure 8.3.1
  • DBMS_SQL.TO_NUMBER function 8.3.4
  • DBMS_SQL.TO_REFCURSOR function 8.3.3
  • DBMS_SQL package 8.3
    • switching to native dynamic SQL from 8.3
  • DBMS_STANDARD package 3.4
  • DBMS_WARNING package 12.1.1
  • dbmsupgin.sql script 13.10.5
  • dbmsupgnv.sql script 13.10.5
  • DDL statement
    • dynamic SQL for 8
    • in trigger 7.7.6
    • subprogram side effects and 9.13
  • deadlock
    • autonomous transaction and
    • implicit rollback and 7.6.4
  • declaration 3.3
  • DEFAULT COLLATION clause 14.20
    • in CREATE FUNCTION statement 15.7
    • in CREATE PACKAGE statement 15.9
    • in CREATE PROCEDURE statement 15.11
    • in CREATE TRIGGER statement 15.12
    • in CREATE TYPE statement 15.13
  • default value 9.7.5
    • See also: initial value
    • binding category 13.4
  • definer’s rights clause 14.41
  • definer’s rights unit
    • See: DR unit
  • DELETE collection method 6.10.1
  • DELETE statement 14.21
    • See also: DML statement
    • BEFORE statement trigger and 10.9
    • PL/SQL extension to 14.21
  • DELETING conditional predicate 10.3.1
  • delimiter 3.2.1
  • dense collection 6.1
  • DEPRECATE pragma 14.22
  • Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada (DIANA) C
    • in CREATE FUNCTION statement 15.7
  • DETERMINISTIC clause 14.23
  • DETERMINISTIC option 14.36
    • for pipelined table function 13.5.2
  • DIAGNOSTIC_DEST initialization parameter 12
  • directive 3.9.1
    • See also: conditional compilation directive
  • direct-key partitioning 15.7, 15.14
  • DML statement
    • avoiding inner capture in B.6
    • in FORALL statement 13.4.1
    • inside pipelined table function 13.5.2
    • on pipelined table function result 13.5.7
    • PL/SQL syntax of 7.1.1
    • repeating efficiently 13.4.1
  • DML trigger 10.3
  • dot notation
    • for collection method 6.10
    • for identifier in named PL/SQL unit 3.4
    • for pseudocolumn
    • for record field 6
    • name resolution and B.1
  • double quotation mark (") 3.1.1
  • DROP FUNCTION statement 15.15
  • DROP LIBRARY statement 15.16
  • DROP PACKAGE statement 15.17
  • DROP PROCEDURE statement 15.18
  • DROP TRIGGER statement 15.19
  • DROP TYPE BODY statement 15.21
  • DR unit 9.14
    • See also: AUTHID property
    • call stack and 9.14
    • database links 9.14.3
    • dynamic SQL and 9.14
    • INHERIT REMOTE PRIVILEGES privilege 9.14.3
    • name resolution and 9.14
    • privilege checking and 9.14
    • SCHEMA trigger and 10.5.1
    • static SQL and 9.14
  • DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX exception 12.4
  • dynamic SQL 8
    • AUTHID property and 9.14
    • native 8.2
      • switching to DBMS_SQL package from 8.3
    • placeholder for bind variable in
      • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement and 8.2.1
      • repeated 8.2.3
    • tuning 13.2


  • editioned 15.6
  • editioned Abstract Data Type (ADT) 15.6
  • element of collection 6
  • element specification
    • in CREATE TYPE statement 15.13
    • syntax diagram 14.24
  • embedded SQL
    • See: static SQL
  • empty collection 6.1
    • creating with constructor 6.5
  • error directive
  • error handling 12
  • error-reporting function
  • escape character
  • escaped identifier B.4
  • evaluation order 3.7.2
  • events publication 10.15
  • evolution of type 15.6
  • exception
    • handling 12.2
    • internally defined
      • See internally defined exception 12.3
    • predefined
      • See predefined exception 12.4
    • raised in cursor FOR LOOP statement 7.3.2
    • raised in declaration 12.8.1
    • raised in exception handler 12.8.2
    • raising explicitly 12.7
    • reraising
    • unhandled 12.9
    • user-defined
      • See user-defined exception 12.5
  • EXCEPTION_INIT pragma 14.25
    • for giving error code to user-defined exception 12.7.2
    • for giving name to internally defined exception 12.3
  • exception handler 12.2
    • continuing execution after 12.11
    • exception raised in 12.8.2
    • for NO_DATA_NEEDED 13.5.8
    • GOTO statement and 14.37
    • locator variables for 12.2.2
    • retrieving error code and message in 12.10
    • retrying transaction after 12.12
    • syntax diagram 14.27
  • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement 8.2.1
  • EXISTS collection method 6.10.4
  • exiting a loop 5.2
  • EXIT statement
  • EXIT WHEN statement
  • explicit cursor 7.2.2
    • declaration syntax diagram 14.30
    • in package
    • query result processing with
      • in FOR LOOP statement 7.3.2
      • with OPEN, FETCH, and CLOSE statements 7.3.3
  • explicit format model
  • expression 3.7
  • EXTEND collection method 6.10.3
  • external subprogram 9.15
    • call specification 14.7



  • generated column
    • See: virtual column
  • GET_NEXT_RESULT procedure 8.3.2
  • global identifier 3.5
  • GOTO statement 5.3.1
  • granting roles to PL/SQL units 9.14.1


  • hardware arithmetic
  • hash table 6.1
  • hiding PL/SQL source text
    • See: wrapping PL/SQL source text
  • host variable


  • identifier 3.2.2, 3.4
    • See also: name
    • ambiguous reference to B
    • escaped B.4
    • global 3.5
    • in static SQL 7.1.1
    • local 3.5
    • reference to 3.4
    • scope of 3.5
    • user-defined
      • collecting data about 13.8
    • visibility of 3.5
  • IDL C
  • IF statement 5.1
    • IF THEN ELSE form 5.1.2
    • IF THEN ELSIF form 5.1.3
      • nested IF THEN ELSE statement and 5.1.3
      • simple CASE statement and 5.1.3
    • IF THEN form 5.1.1
    • nested 5.1.2
    • syntax diagram 14.38
  • immutable iterand
  • imp and triggers 10.14
  • implicit cursor 7.2.1
    • CURSOR expression with 7.5
    • declaration syntax 14.39
    • dynamic SQL and 8.3
    • query result processing with
      • with cursor FOR LOOP statement 7.3.2
      • with SELECT INTO statement 7.3.1
  • implicit data type conversion
    • minimizing
    • of subprogram parameter 9.7.2
      • causing overload error 9.9.3
    • of subtypes
      • constrained 4.3.2
      • unconstrained 4.3.1
      • with base types in same family 4.3.3
  • implicitly returning query results 8.3.1
  • implicit ROLLBACK statement 7.6.4
  • Import and triggers 10.14
  • in-bind 13.4
  • independent transaction
    • See: autonomous transaction
  • index-by table
    • See: associative array
  • index collection
  • index iterator choice 6.6
  • index of collection 6
  • indices_of_control
  • infinite loop 5.2.1
  • INFORMATIONAL compile-time warning 12.1
  • INHERIT ANY PRIVILEGES privilege 9.14
  • INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege 9.14
  • INHERIT REMOTE PRIVILEGES privilege 9.14.3
  • initialization parameter 2.3.2
  • initial value 9.7.5
    • See also: default value
  • INLINE pragma 13.1.1
  • inner capture B.5.3
  • IN operator
  • IN OUT parameter mode 9.7.3
  • IN parameter mode 9.7.3
  • input 2.2.7
  • inquiry directive
  • INSERTING conditional predicate 10.3.1
  • INSERT statement 14.42
    • See also: DML statement
    • inserting record with 6.15
      • restrictions on 6.17
    • PL/SQL extension to 14.42
  • INSTEAD OF trigger 10.1
  • Interface Definition Language (IDL) C
  • internally defined exception 12.3
  • interpreted compilation 13.10.5
  • INVALID_CURSOR exception 12.4
  • INVALID_NUMBER exception 12.4
  • invisible column
  • invoker’s rights clause 14.41
  • invoker’s rights unit
    • See: IR unit
  • IR unit 9.14
    • See also: AUTHID property
  • IS [NOT] NULL operator
  • isolation level of transaction 7.7.3
  • iterand 14.43
  • iterand declaration 14.43
  • iterand mutability property
  • iteration control 14.43
  • iterator 14.43


  • Java class method invocation 9.15
  • Java method declaration 14.7
  • JavaScript declaration 14.7
  • JavaScript function, invoking 9.15
  • JSON data type family E


  • key-value pair
    • See: associative array
  • keywords
    • list of D



  • MALFORMED_WRAP_INPUT exception A.4
  • manageability 2.1.6
  • MapReduce workloads 15.7, 15.14
  • materialized view, trigger and 15.12
  • membership test
  • method, collection
    • See: collection method
  • Method 4 8.3
  • mixed parameter notation 9.7.6
  • mode
  • multibyte character set
    • as database character set 3.1.1
    • variables for values from
  • multidimensional collection 6.8
  • multiline comment
  • multiple data transformations 13.5
  • multiset condition 6.9.3
  • mutable iterand
  • mutating table 10.10.3
  • mutating-table error


  • name 3.4
    • See also: identifier
    • qualified
      • See dot notation 3.4
    • qualified remote 3.4
    • remote 3.4
    • simple 3.4
  • named choice list 6.6
  • named cursor 7.2.2
    • See also: explicit cursor and cursor variable
    • pipelined table function and 13.5.5
  • named parameter notation 9.7.6
  • name resolution B
    • AUTHID property and 9.14
    • in static SQL B.4
    • PL/SQL and SQL differences B.3
  • national character set 3.1.2
  • native dynamic SQL 8.2
    • switching to DBMS_SQL package from 8.3
  • native execution, compilation for 13.10
  • NATURALN subtype 4.2.2
  • NATURAL subtype 4.2.2
  • nested comment
  • nested cursor 7.5
  • nested IF statement 5.1.2
    • IF THEN ELSIF form and 5.1.3
  • nested record
  • nested subprogram 9.2
    • declaration and definition of 9.2
    • forward declaration for 9.6
  • nested table 6.4
    • See also: collection
    • assigning null value to 6.7.2
    • assigning set operation result to 6.7.3
    • characteristics of 6.1
    • column in view, trigger on 10.3.2
    • comparing to NULL 6.9.1
    • comparing two 6.9.2
    • correlation names and 10.4
    • COUNT method for
    • FIRST and LAST methods for
    • returned by function 13.5.1
    • SQL multiset conditions and 6.9.3
  • nested transaction 7.7
  • NEW correlation name 10.4
    • with LONG or LONG RAW column 10.10.2
  • NEXT collection method 6.10.8
  • NEXTVAL pseudocolumn
  • NLS parameters
  • NO_DATA_FOUND exception 12.4
  • NO_DATA_NEEDED exception 13.5.8
  • NOCOPY hint 14.35
    • subprogram parameter aliasing and
    • tuning subprogram invocation with 13.3.3
  • nonpadded comparison semantics
  • no-op (no operation) statement 5.3.2
  • NOT_LOGGED_ON exception 12.4
  • NOT NULL constraint 3.3.1
  • NOT operator 3.7.3
  • null collection 6.1
    • assigning to collection variable 6.7.2
    • collection method and 6.10
  • NULL statement
  • null string 3.2.3
  • NULL value
    • assigning to record variable 6.13.4
    • comparing to collection
    • comparison operator and 3.7.5
    • concatenation operator and 3.7.1
    • for $$PLSQL_UNIT_OWNER inquiry directive
    • for $$PLSQL_UNIT inquiry directive
    • for collection variable 6.7.2
    • for subprogram parameter 9.7.5
    • for unresolvable inquiry directive
    • in control statement 3.7.3
    • IN operator and
    • in set
    • in USING clause 8.2.1
    • simple CASE expression and
    • simple CASE statement and 5.1.4
  • NUMBER data type family


  • obfuscating PL/SQL source text
    • See: wrapping PL/SQL source text
  • OBJECT_VALUE pseudocolumn 10.4.1
  • object type
    • See: Abstract Data Type (ADT)
  • OCI
    • associative array and 6.2.3
    • cursor variable and 7.4.9
  • of RETURNING INTO clause
  • OLD correlation name 10.4
  • OPEN FOR statement 14.47
    • recursive invocation and 9.10
  • OPEN statement 14.46
    • recursive invocation and 9.10
  • operation 3.7.2
  • operator
  • operator precedence 3.7.2
  • optimizer
  • Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
    • associative array and 6.2.3
    • cursor variable and 7.4.9
  • Oracle RAC environment, result caches in
  • ORA-n error
    • See: internally defined exception
  • ordinary user-defined identifier
  • Original Import and triggers 10.14
  • OR operator 3.7.3
  • others choice 6.6
  • out-bind 13.4
  • outer capture B.5.1
  • OUT parameter mode 9.7.3
  • output 2.2.7
  • overloaded subprogram 9.9


  • package 11.1
    • body of
      • See package body 11.4
    • explicitly recompiling 15.3
    • features of 11.2
    • granting roles to 9.14.1
    • guidelines for writing 11.8
    • initialization of 11.5
    • of static constants
    • private items in 11.4
    • product-specific 11
    • public items in
      • See public package item 11.3
    • reasons to use 11.2
    • specification of
      • See package specification 11.3
      • See STANDARD package 11.10
    • state of 11.6
    • supplied by Oracle 11
    • wrapping A
      • guideline for A.2
  • package body 11.1
  • package specification 11.1, 11.3
    • See also: public package item
  • package subprogram 9.2
  • pairs_of_control
  • PARALLEL_ENABLE clause 14.48
    • in CREATE FUNCTION statement 15.7
  • PARALLEL_ENABLE option 14.36
    • for pipelined table function 13.5.2
    • for table function 13.5.1
  • parallel DML
    • bulk binding and 13.4
    • for large table 13.7
  • parameter
    • compilation
      • See compilation parameter 2.3.2
    • explicit cursor
    • initialization 2.3.2
    • subprogram
      • See subprogram parameter 9.7
  • parameter mode 9.7.3
  • PARENT correlation name 10.4
    • with LONG or LONG RAW column 10.10.2
  • parentheses
    • nested 3.7.2
    • to control evaluation order 3.7.2
    • to improve readability 3.7.2
  • pattern matching
  • percent sign (%) wildcard character
  • PERFORMANCE compile-time warning 12.1
  • PIPELINED Function
  • PIPELINED option 13.5.1
  • pipelined table function 13.5, 13.5.1
    • See also: table function
    • as aggregate function 13.5.6
    • in autonomous transaction 14.49
  • PIPE ROW statement 13.5.2
  • PL/Scope tool 13.8
  • PL/SQL architecture 2.3
  • PL/SQL block
    • See: block
  • PL/SQL engine 2.3.1
  • PL/SQL function result cache 9.12
  • PL/SQL language
    • advantages of 2.1
    • high performance of 2.1.2
    • high productivity with 2.1.3
    • lexical units of 3.2
    • limits of C
    • main features of 2.2
    • manageability and 2.1.6
    • portability of 2.1.4
    • program limits of C
    • scalability of 2.1.5
    • SQL integration in 2.1.1
    • syntax and semantics 14
  • PL/SQL optimizer 13.1
  • PL/SQL table
    • See: associative array
  • PL/SQL unit 2.3.2
    • stored
      • See stored PL/SQL unit 2.3.2
  • PL/SQL Wrapper utility A.3
  • placeholder for bind variable
    • in conditional compilation directive 3.9.4
    • in dynamic SQL
      • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement and 8.2.1
      • repeated 8.2.3
    • in static SQL 7.1.1
      • OPEN FOR statement and 7.4.2
    • in trigger body 10.4
  • PLS_INTEGER data type 4.2
  • PLS_INTEGER static expression
  • PLSQL_CCFLAGS compilation parameter
  • PLSQL_IMPLICIT_CONVERSION_BOOL initialization parameter 4.1.4
  • PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL compilation parameter 13.1
  • PLSQL_WARNINGS compilation parameter
    • displaying value of
      • with ALL_PLSQL_OBJECT_SETTINGS view 12.1
      • with DBMS_WARNING subprogram 12.1.1
    • setting value of
      • with ALTER statements 12.1
      • with PLSQL_WARNINGS subprogram 12.1.1
  • polymorphic table function 13.6
  • portability 2.1.4
  • positional choice list 6.6
  • positional parameter notation 9.7.6
  • POSITIVEN subtype 4.2.2
  • POSITIVE subtype 4.2.2
  • post-processed source text 3.9.3
  • pragma 3.2.4
  • precedence, operator 3.7.2
  • predefined constant 4.1.2
  • predefined data type E
  • predefined exception 12.4
  • predefined inquiry directive
  • predefined subtype E
  • preprocessor control token
  • PRIOR collection method 6.10.8
  • privilege checking and AUTHID property 9.14
  • procedure 9
    • See also: subprogram
  • procedure specification 14.51
  • product-specific package 11
  • profiling and tracing programs 13.9
  • PROGRAM_ERROR exception 12.4
  • program limits C
  • pseudocolumn 7.1.2
  • pseudoinstruction
    • See: pragma
  • pseudorecord 10.4
    • See also: correlation name
  • public package item
  • publishing events 10.15
  • purity rules for subprograms 9.13


  • qualified expression 6.6
  • qualified name
    • See: dot notation
  • qualified remote name 3.4
  • query 7.1.1
    • See also: SELECT INTO statement
    • implicitly returning results of 8.3.1
    • invoking function in 13.3.2
    • processing result set of 7.3
      • multiple-row dynamic query 8.2.2
  • quotation mark, single or double 3.1.1
  • quoted user-defined identifier


  • RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure 12.7.2
  • RAISE statement 12.7.1
  • raising exception explicitly 12.7
  • range test
  • read-only transaction 7.6.5
  • read-write transaction 7.6.5
  • recompiling stored PL/SQL unit 15
  • record 6
  • record type variables 6.13.1
  • recursive subprogram 9.10
  • recursive trigger 10.9
    • See: cursor variable
  • REF CURSOR type 7.4.1
  • relational operator
    • collection and 6.9
  • RELEASE constant
  • remote exception handling
    • subprograms and 12.8
    • triggers and 10.8
  • remote name 3.4
  • remote public package variable 11.3.1
  • remote subprogram
    • exceptions in 12.8
    • invoked by trigger 10.6
    • with composite parameter 6
  • REPEAT UNTIL structure 5.2.3
  • replacing stored PL/SQL unit 15
  • reraising exception
  • reserved preprocessor control token
  • reserved words
  • RESTRICT_REFERENCES pragma 14.55
  • RESULT_CACHE clause 9.12.1, 14.58
  • RESULT_CACHE option for function 14.36, 15.7
  • result cache 9.12
  • RETURN_RESULT procedure 8.3.1
  • RETURN clause of function 9.5.1
  • RETURNING INTO clause 14.57
  • returning query results implicitly 8.3.1
  • RETURN INTO clause
    • See: RETURNING INTO clause
  • RETURN statement 9.5.2
  • REUSE SETTINGS clause 2.3.2
  • ROLLBACK statement 7.6.2
  • rowid 4.1.9
  • ROWID data type 4.1.9
  • ROWID pseudocolumn 7.1.2
    • instead of CURRENT OF clause
  • row-level trigger 10.3
  • ROWNUM pseudocolumn
  • ROWTYPE_MISMATCH exception
  • runtime error
    • See: exception


  • same-scope capture B.5.2
  • SAMPLE clause
  • SAVEPOINT statement 7.6.3
    • in autonomous transaction
  • scalability
    • SERIALLY_REUSABLE packages and 11.7
    • subprograms and 2.1.5
  • scalar data type 4
  • scalar variable
  • schema object
    • See: stored PL/SQL unit
  • SCHEMA trigger 10.5.1
  • scope of identifier 3.5
  • searched CASE expression
  • searched CASE statement 5.1.5
    • syntax diagram 14.8
  • security mechanism
    • against SQL injection 8.4
    • PL/SQL source text wrapping
      • benefit of A
      • limitations of A.1
    • trigger as 10.2
  • SELECT FOR UPDATE statement
  • SELECT INTO statement 7.1.1
    • See also: query
    • assigning values with
    • avoiding inner capture in B.6
    • query result set processing with 7.3.1
    • SQL%NOTFOUND attribute and
    • SQL%ROWCOUNT attribute and
    • syntax diagram 14.61
    • with BULK COLLECT clause
  • selection directive
  • selector
    • in simple CASE expression
    • in simple CASE statement 5.1.4
  • SELF_IS_NULL exception 12.4
  • sequence
  • sequence iterator choice 6.6
  • sequential control statement 5.3
  • SERIALLY_REUSABLE package 11.7
  • SERIALLY_REUSABLE pragma 14.62
  • SESSION_EXIT_ON_PACKAGE_STATE_ERROR initialization parameter 11.6
  • session cursor 7.2
  • set data structure 6.1
  • set membership test
  • SET TRANSACTION statement 7.6.5
  • SEVERE compile-time warning 12.1
  • SHARD_ENABLE clause 14.63
    • in CREATE FUNCTION statement 15.7
  • SHARING clause
    • in CREATE FUNCTION statement 15.7
    • in CREATE LIBRARY statement 15.8
    • in CREATE PACKAGE statement 15.9
    • in CREATE PROCEDURE statement 15.11
    • in CREATE TRIGGER statement 15.12
    • in CREATE TYPE statement 15.13
    • sharing_clause syntax diagram 14.64
  • short-circuit evaluation
  • side effects of subprogram 9.11
  • SIGNTYPE subtype 4.2.2
  • SIMPLE_DOUBLE subtype 4.1.3
  • SIMPLE_FLOAT subtype 4.1.3
  • SIMPLE_INTEGER subtype 4.2.3
  • simple CASE expression
  • simple CASE statement 5.1.4
    • IF THEN ELSIF statement and 5.1.3
    • syntax diagram 14.8
  • simple DML trigger 10.3
  • simple name 3.4
  • single-line comment
  • single quotation mark (’) 3.1.1
  • sort ordering 14.20
  • sparse collection 6.1
  • specification
  • SQL
    • bulk 13.4
    • dynamic
      • See dynamic SQL 8
    • static
      • See static SQL 7
  • SQL_MACRO clause 14.65
    • in CREATE FUNCTION statement 15.7
  • SQL*Loader and triggers 10.14
  • SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS cursor attribute
  • SQL%BULK_ROWCOUNT cursor attribute
  • SQL%FOUND cursor attribute
  • SQL%NOTFOUND cursor attribute
  • SQL%ROWCOUNT cursor attribute
  • SQLCODE function 14.66
  • SQL cursor
    • See: implicit cursor
  • SQL data type 4.1
  • SQLERRM function 14.67
  • SQL function
  • SQL injection 8.4
  • SQL integration in PL/SQL 2.1.1
  • SQL multiset condition 6.9.3
  • SQL MULTISET operator 6.7.3
  • SQL optimizer 13.5.5
  • SQL statement 2.2.2
    • See also: anonymous block
    • for stored PL/SQL unit 15
    • in trigger 10.1
    • invoking collection method in 6.10
    • invoking PL/SQL function in 9.13
    • tuning 13.3.1
  • standalone subprogram 9.2
  • STANDARD package
    • data type defined in
      • See predefined data type E
    • exception defined in
      • See predefined exception 12.4
    • how it defines PL/SQL environment 11.10
    • listing identifiers defined in
    • referencing item defined in 3.4
  • statement injection
  • statement-level trigger 10.3
  • statement modification
  • static constant
    • in DBMS_DB_VERSION package
  • static expression 3.7.9
  • static SQL 7
    • AUTHID property and 9.14
    • name resolution in B.4
    • PL/SQL identifier in 7.1.1
    • placeholder for bind variable in 7.1.1
      • OPEN FOR statement and 7.4.2
  • STORAGE_ERROR exception 12.4
    • recursive invocation and 9.10
  • stored PL/SQL unit 2.3.2
    • creating 15
    • recompiling 15
    • replacing 15
    • wrapping A
  • stored subprogram 9.2
    • unhandled exception in 12.9
    • wrapping A
  • store table 6.4.2
  • string 3.2.3
    • See also: character literal
  • STRING subtype
  • strong REF CURSOR type
  • subprogram 9
    • inlining 13.1.1
    • invoked by trigger 10.6
    • remote
      • See remote subprogram 6
    • unhandled exception in 12.9
  • subprogram invocation
  • subprogram parameter 9.7
    • collection as 6.10
    • composite variable as 6
    • CURSOR expression as actual 7.5
    • cursor variable as 7.4.8
    • optional 9.7.5
    • query result as 7.4.8
    • required 9.7.5
  • subprogram property 9.4
  • subquery
    • correlated 7.3.4
    • result set processing with 7.3.4
  • SUBSCRIPT_BEYOND_COUNT exception 12.4
  • SUBSCRIPT_OUTSIDE_LIMIT exception 12.4
  • subtype 4
    • See also: data type
    • constrained 4.3.2
    • of BINARY_DOUBLE data type 4.1.3
    • of BINARY_FLOAT data type 4.1.3
    • of PLS_INTEGER data type 4.2.2
    • predefined E
    • unconstrained 4.3.1
    • user-defined 4.3
  • SUPPRESSES_WARNING_6009 pragma 14.68
  • synonym 3.4
  • SYS_INVALID_ROWID exception 12.4
  • SYS_REFCURSOR type 7.4.1
  • system trigger 10.5


  • table
    • hash 6.1
    • index-by
      • See associative array 6.2
    • mutating 10.10.3
    • nested 6.4
      • characteristics of 6.1
    • parallel DML for large 13.7
    • PL/SQL
      • See associative array 6.2
    • store 6.4.2
    • unordered 6.1
    • updating large in parallel 13.7
  • table alias
    • for avoiding inner capture B.6
    • for row expression B.6.2
    • for table element attribute or method B.6.1
  • table function 13.5.1
    • pipelined
      • See pipelined table function 13.5
    • weak cursor variable argument to 7.4.1
  • TABLE operator 7.4.6
  • TCL statement 7.1.1
    • in subprogram invoked by trigger 10.6
    • in trigger 7.7.6
  • template object 9.14.2
  • TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE exception 12.4
  • timing point
  • TO_NUMBER function 8.3.4
  • TO_REFCURSOR function 8.3.3
  • TOO_MANY_ROWS exception 12.4
  • trace file 12
  • tracing and profiling programs 13.9
  • transaction
    • autonomous 7.7
      • pipelined table function in 14.49
    • context of 7.7.2
    • ending
      • with COMMIT statement 7.6.1
      • with ROLLBACK statement 7.6.2
    • isolation level of 7.7.3
    • nested 7.7
    • read-only 7.6.5
    • read-write 7.6.5
    • retrying after handling exception 12.12
    • SQL%ROWCOUNT cursor attribute and
    • visibility of 7.7.3
  • Transaction Control Language
    • See: TCL statement
  • TRANSACTIONS initialization parameter
  • trigger 10
    • as security mechanism 10.2
    • AUTHID property and 9.14
    • autonomous 7.7.6
    • cascading 10.11
    • DDL statement in 7.7.6
    • hiding implementation details of A.1
    • materialized view and 15.12
    • recursive 10.9
    • TCL statement in 7.7.6
  • TRIM collection method 6.10.2
  • tri-state logic 3.7.3
  • tuning PL/SQL code 13
  • type
    • See: data type
  • type-compatible data type
    • for collection variables 6.7.1
    • for scalar variables 3.6
  • typemark 6.6


  • UDF pragma 14.70
  • unconstrained subtype 4.3.1
  • underscore (_) wildcard character
  • unhandled exception 12.9
  • unordered table 6.1
  • UPDATE statement 14.71
    • See also: DML statement
    • BEFORE statement trigger and 10.9
    • PL/SQL extensions to 14.71
    • with values in record 6.16
      • restrictions on 6.17
  • UPDATING conditional predicate 10.3.1
  • UROWID data type 4.1.9
  • user-defined exception 12.5
    • giving error code to 12.7.2
    • raising
      • with RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure 12.7.2
      • with RAISE statement
  • user-defined identifier
    • collecting data about 13.8
  • user-defined subtype 4.3
  • user-defined type
    • See: Abstract Data Type (ADT)
  • USING_NLS_COMP 14.20
  • utlrp.sql script 13.10.5


  • validation check for avoiding SQL injection
  • VALUE_ERROR exception 12.4
  • values_of_control
  • VARCHAR2 data type 4.1.7
  • VARCHAR2 static expression
  • VARCHAR subtype
  • variable
    • binding of 13.4
    • BOOLEAN 3.6.4
    • collection
      • See collection 6
    • composite 6
    • cursor
      • See cursor variable 7.4
    • host
    • in cursor variable query 7.4.5
    • in explicit cursor query
    • locator 12.2.2
    • record
      • See record 6
    • remote public package 11.3.1
    • scalar
      • See scalar variable 3.3.2
    • with undefined value 7.1.1
  • variable-size array
    • See: varray
  • variadic pseudo-operator
  • varray 6.3
    • See also: collection
  • VECTOR data type 4.1.6
  • VERSION constant
  • view
    • AUTHID property and 9.14
    • INSTEAD OF trigger and 15.12
    • materialized, trigger and 15.12
  • virtual column
  • visibility
    • of identifier 3.5
    • of transaction 7.7.3


  • warning, compile-time 12.1
  • weak REF CURSOR type
  • WHILE LOOP statement 5.2.3
  • white list
    • See: ACCESSIBLE BY clause
  • whitespace character
    • between lexical units 3.2.6
    • in character literal 3.2.3
    • in database character set 3.1.1
  • wildcard character
  • WRAP function A.4
  • wrapping PL/SQL source text A
  • wrap utility
    • See: PL/SQL Wrapper utility


  • ZERO_DIVIDE exception 12.4
  • zero-length string 3.2.3