6 Supported Functionality

This chapter is intended for use by the programmers and provides information about the additional functionality that the Oracle Database ODBC driver supports.


6.1 API Conformance

The Oracle Database ODBC driver release, and higher, support all Core, Level 2, and Level 1 functions.

Also, the Oracle Database ODBC driver release, and higher, support translation DLLs.

The following topics describe the ODBC API functions implemented by the Oracle Database ODBC driver.

See Also:

6.2 Implementation of ODBC API Functions

The following table describes how the Oracle Database ODBC driver implements specific functions:

Table 6-1 How the Oracle Database ODBC Driver Implements Specific Functions

Function Description


SQLConnect requires only a DBQ, user ID, and password.


SQLDriverConnect uses the DSN, DBQ, UID, and PWD keywords.


Implements ODBC support for implicit results. This is a new API implemented for Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( See SQLMoreResults Function for more information.


If SQLSpecialColumns is called with the SQL_BEST_ROWID attribute, it returns the rowid column.

SQLProcedures andSQLProcedureColumns

See the information that follows.

All catalog functions

If the SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID statement attribute is SQL_TRUE, a string argument is treated as an identifier argument, and its case is not significant. In this case, the underscore ("_") and the percent sign ("%") are treated as the actual character, not as a search pattern character. On the other hand, if this attribute is SQL_FALSE, it is either an ordinary argument or a pattern value argument and is treated literally, and its case is significant.

6.3 Implementation of the ODBC SQL Syntax

If a comparison predicate has a parameter marker as the second expression in the comparison and the value of that parameter is SQL_NULL_DATA with SQLBindParameter, the comparison fails. This is consistent with the null predicate syntax in ODBC SQL.

6.4 Implementation of Data Types (Programming)

For programmers, the noteworthy part of the implementation of the data types concerns the CHAR, VARCHAR, and VARCHAR2 data types.

For an fSqlType value of SQL_VARCHAR, SQLGetTypeInfo returns the Oracle database data type VARCHAR2. For an fSqlType value of SQL_CHAR, SQLGetTypeInfo returns the Oracle database data type CHAR.