OracleBoolean Static Operators

The OracleBoolean static operators are listed in Table 14-24.

Table 14-24 OracleBoolean Static Operators

Field Description

operator >

Determines whether or not the first of two OracleBoolean values is greater than the second

operator >=

Determines whether or not the first of two OracleBoolean values is greater than or equal to the second

operator <

Determines whether or not the first of two OracleBoolean values is less than the second

operator <=

Dtermines whether or not the first of two OracleBoolean values is less than or equal to the second

operator ==

Indicates whether or not the two OracleBoolean instances are equal

operator !=

Determines whether or not two OracleBoolean values are not equal

operator !

Determines the result of a NOT operation on a OracleBoolean

operator ~

Returns the result of a one's complement operation on the specified OracleBoolean value

operator false

Determines whether or not the specified OracleBoolean value is false

operator true

Determines whether or not the specified OracleBoolean value is true

operator &

Returns the result of bitwise AND operation of two OracleBoolean instances

operator |

Returns the result of bitwise OR operation of two OracleBoolean instances

operator ^

Returns the result of bitwise exclusive OR operation of two OracleBoolean instances