Changes in This Release for Oracle Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide

This preface contains:

Changes in Oracle Provider for OLE DB in 23ai

The following are changes in Oracle Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide for Oracle Database 23ai:

New Features

The following feature is new in this release:

  • Increased Database Password Length

    Starting with this release, Oracle Database and client drivers including Oracle Provider for OLE DB support passwords up to 1024 bytes in length.

  • SQL BOOLEAN Data Type

    Oracle client drivers now support fetching and binding the new BOOLEAN database column. Applications can use the native database BOOLEAN column data type with a native driver BOOLEAN datatype.

  • Oracle Database JSON Data Type

    Oracle Provider for OLE DB supports the native JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data type in Oracle Database. The JSON data type is optimized for query and DML processing, yielding database performance improvements processing JSON.

    JSON data can be bound as a parameter using the DBTYPE_STR or DBTYPE_WSTR data types.

  • JSON Relational Duality

    JSON Relational Duality Views are fully updatable JSON views over relational data introduced in Oracle Database 23ai. Data remains stored in relational tables in a highly efficient normalized format but can be accessed by applications in the form of JSON documents.

    Duality views provide game-changing flexibility and simplicity by overcoming the historical challenges developers have faced when building applications using relational or document models.