5.6 Bindings for SPARQL Variables in Matching Subgraphs in a Document (SEM_CONTAINS_SELECT Ancillary Operator)

You can use the SEM_CONTAINS_SELECT ancillary operator to return additional information about each document matched using the SEM_CONTAINS operator.

Specifically, the bindings for the variables used in SPARQL-based document search criteria can be returned using this operator. This operator is ancillary to the SEM_CONTAINS operator, and a literal number is used as an argument to this operator to associate it with a specific instance of SEM_CONTAINS operator, as in the following example:

FROM   Newsfeed
  '{ ?org   rdf:type          class:Organization  . 
     ?org   pred:hasCategory  cat:BusinessFinance }', .., 
   1)= 1;

The SEM_CONTAINS_SELECT ancillary operator returns the bindings for the variables in SPARQL Query Results XML format, as CLOB data. The variables may be bound to multiple data instances from a single document, in which case all bindings for the variables are returned. The following example is an excerpt from the output of the preceding query: a value returned by the SEM_CONTAINS_SELECT ancillary operator for a document matching the specified search criteria.

     <binding name="ORG">
     <binding name="ORG">

You can rank the search results by creating an instance of XMLType for the CLOB value returned by the SEM_CONTAINS_SELECT ancillary operator and applying an XPath expression to sort the results on some attribute values.

By default, the SEM_CONTAINS_SELECT ancillary operator returns bindings for all variables used in the SPARQL-based document search criteria. However, when the values for only a subset of the variables are relevant for a search, the SPARQL pattern can include a SELECT clause with space-separated list of variables for which the values should be returned, as in the following example:

FROM   Newsfeed
        'SELECT ?org  ?city 
         WHERE { ?org     rdf:type          class:Organization  . 
                 ?org     pred:hasLocation  ?city . 
                 ?city    geo:hasState      state:NewHampshire }', .., 
         1) = 1;