5.7 Improving the Quality of Document Search Operations

The quality of a document search operation depends on the quality of the information produced by the extractor used to index the documents. If the information extracted is incomplete, you may want to add some annotations to a document.

You can use the SEM_RDFCTX.MAINTAIN_TRIPLES procedure to add annotations, in the form of RDF triples, to specific documents in order to improve the quality of search, as shown in the following example:

     index_name      => 'ArticleIndex',
     where_clause    => 'docid in (1,15,20)',  
     rdfxml_content => sys.xmltype(
      '<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" 
       <rdf:Description rdf:about=" http://newscorp.com/Org/ExampleCorp">

The index name and the WHERE clause specified in the preceding example identify specific instances of the document to be annotated, and the RDF/XML content passed in is used to add additional triples to the individual graphs corresponding to those documents. This allows domain experts and user communities to improve the quality of search by adding relevant triples to annotate some documents.